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Night Vision UFO's Clear footage

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posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 06:59 PM
Thats very nice Im sure, but your missing the point. So they use night vision friendly panels for guys with NVG, but turn off their anti collision lights for everyone else?? *Screw em!* whilst flying over a population area..uhm..NO.

Second, the shape of the lights doesn't conform to any current aircraft shape, I know your gonna say the Stealth F117, so here's a quote for ya..

"The Air Force retired the F-117 on 22 April 2008,[2] primarily due to the acquisition and eventual deployment of the more effective F-22 Raptor[5][6] and F-35 Lightning II."

Its on Wiki, but its common knowledge so don't have a fit I quoted from there.

Enough with the Oxley B.S.

Originally posted by Phage

Originally posted by interested-one

Aircraft flying in formation while using NV technology are hampered by conventional anti-collision lighting. Therefore there are options.

One of the most significant hazards identified in the ever increasing peacetime and training deployment of Night Vision Goggles and NVG compatible cockpits is the use of standard visible external aircraft lights. In particular, if the visible lighting, required by regulatory bodies such as the FAA and JAA for aircraft identification, is unmodified, the reduction in goggle gain and the associated goggle blooming created by the lights can lead to a loss of spatial awareness when operating in close formation. Some operators are simply switching off all external lights when flying multi-ship NVG training missions; clearly a safety hazard for other military and civil aircraft. The solution is to make the navigation lights NVG Friendly. This can be achieved using various technologies, and Oxley offers two as follows:

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 07:03 PM
The first video looks like a bunch of balloons that are just moving in the same direction as the wind.
The second one though...very interesting..
I also have a N/V Scope and have seen some really neat stuff.
One time I saw an object just swirling around and around then all of a sudden it entered the athmosphere and burned up like a meteor(i guess meteors can do that)
Another time I saw a flock of Canadian Goose flying in formation. You can hear them but not see them with the nake eye at night. A night vision scope brings them out well!
The only other time that was quite interesting was after 9/11 and all commercial flights were grounded. I observed what appeared to be two fighter jets escorting an AWAC around the City. The interesting part was that there were no visible lights on the planes- but who needs to use marker lights these days!

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 07:04 PM
Having trained regularly for six years with military spec nightvision, I would be ASTOUNDED if someone claiming these are birds could reproduce the video. (Nightvision is Bad-to-the-Bone, by the way! The stuff we used was good enough that you could identify a fellow soldier, by his facial features, from a few hundred feet away with very little light available.) Point is, things don't just GLOW without some light being shone on them. I could be wrong, but I'd like to see it, not just hear it!

Aside from that, the third video is actually my favorite. It seemed to me that this was a military type maneuver, actually. Craft breaking ranks as if taking up post.

Also, it IS remarkable that they fly in a "V" pattern like migratory birds... They must be conserving energy that way.

S&F for Zorgon. Good stuff.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 07:13 PM
reply to post by Jay-in-AR

The third video looks just like birds flying, but I never saw any of them drop out of fomation and break away like that!
Maybe one of them had a heart attack!
Maybe they were disrupted by some sort of air distrubance.
Still real neat any way you look at it.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 07:23 PM
reply to post by atsbeliever

I think you're missing the point. The "NV friendly lights" are not the panel lights they are the navigation lights (on the outside of the plane). Rather than turning anti-collision lights off, special lights (or filters) are used that reduce "blooming" in NV gear.

Actually (as I said earlier) I think the second video looks like a high altitude formation (perhaps even a refueling exercise). In a situation like this it would make sense to use NV gear and reduced lighting. I'm pretty sure I can see stars between the formation.

Perhaps from the 940th ARW, at Beale AFB, 100 miles north of Fremont.

I know the Nighthawk was retired.

[edit on 12/19/2008 by Phage]

[edit on 12/19/2008 by Phage]

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 07:35 PM
definately flagged the thread for the second vid! The moving from the civilian plane to the commercial to the object that seemed to be further up but moved very quickly. I found myself saying 'woah' lol

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 07:38 PM

Originally posted by cluckerspud
Whatever it is, it is flying at night in the hopes that it won't be detected.
That you don't really know, unless you have some connection with it/them.


As most people, I find the second video the one we should keep our attention on, the first and third look more "natural".

And for those that say that birds would not appear on the video, just look at the video from the same person that ziggystar60 and IAttackPeople posted, it shows two birds very bright.

And having seen seagulls flying over my town, I know how bright they can look, even without night vision and at an altitude of more than one hundred metres.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 07:55 PM
Man I wan one of these camera's so bad...Cool find Z very clear and imo very unmistakable I love the triangle footage, about 6 or 7 months ago I went to jt3 site and somehow followed a link to some program that makes thees sort of triangle balloon things I can't find it now to save my life does anyone recall or even know what I'm talking about if so please help I think that the object in the video is one of these, I tried to find what I'm talking about but have been unable the site I was at was some kind of research/test project and had video of this huge black triangle shaped craft that resembled an inflated cilindrical triangle anyways I'll keep looking again good find S and F!

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 08:00 PM
Yes I believe that there could possibly be objects entering our atmosphere that are not visible to the un-aided eye. Which could explain some mid air Plane Failures in the past, i.e. ruptures of plane fusalage etc...

That could be some form of Cloaking technology rendering craft invisible to "human" or most living beings that can only see in a limited spectrum.

This might explain radar signatures but no visible verification.

One simple experiment you can do is take your standard T.V. or DVD remote and point it at a web cam or any camera, and press any of the buttons to transmit a signal from the device. You should see the "invisible" infra-red signal being transmited from the device.
You should "pick it up" with your camera. Which might also explain why objects show up on a picture but no one witnessed any objects.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 08:01 PM
Wow, alright, it appears that someone can pick up birds with NV at night. Pretty cool vid. Anyhow, the argument still lacks, in my opinion.

If the NV is picking up the birds, they MUST be low enough to the ground to be reflecting ground-based luminosity. To say that, "well, he can't see them in this video because they are too high up" would mean that they are losing the luminosity on their "underbellies" as they ascend upwards. They wouldn't appear as bright as the ones that are obviously low enough to see the beating of their wings. (not to mention the fact that he emedded text of the video used as "evidence" of birds saying as much. on the video in question all he could say was "not visible to the naked eye")

The video, while compelling, wasn't an accurate replication.

It is not enough to simply say nay.

Edit: I watched the videos again and the birds video was equally as bright, if not a little brighter itself.
Eh, I'm starting to think it could be birds afterall. Disregard my argument.

[edit on 19-12-2008 by Jay-in-AR]

[edit on 19-12-2008 by Jay-in-AR]

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 08:13 PM
And to see the "birds" break formation, first watch at 49-50 seconds in. Then, at 54 seconds (this one is interesting because they do some sort of a staggered pull off while keeping speed, only to break into three distinct patterns flying in DIFFERENT directions! very cool)

Again at 1:18 in you see a single "bird" break rank of the largest formation. The odd thing about this one is that, if you watch closely, it breaks rank and speeds up to catch up with the middle formation. THEN it immediately moves back toward the largest formation. (all the while moving much more quickly than the other "birds", plus at the tail end I think I'm catching a glimpse of something moving in from behind at a VERY high rate of speed. Maybe that "bird" that broke off at 49 seconds)

And by the end of the video you have all three formations moving in a parallel direction, but they are no longer in any "V" formation at all. Nay, in a straight line.

Edit: Could in fact be birds. My mind isn't made up yet, but my argument isn't valid.

[edit on 19-12-2008 by Jay-in-AR]

[edit on 19-12-2008 by Jay-in-AR]

[edit on 19-12-2008 by Jay-in-AR]

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 08:18 PM
I want YOU to answer me this personally..look at this video:

At around 30 seconds in, tell me that tight fast moving triangle formation of lights is a bird. I dare you...

Originally posted by Jay-in-AR

[edit on 19-12-2008 by atsbeliever]

[edit on 19-12-2008 by atsbeliever]

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by atsbeliever

Are you asking me to tell you those are birds? Or someone else?

I'm not sure.

If you are asking me to tell you that those are birds, I can't. That is a craft.
I don't know who's craft it is, but it is a craft.

On a side note, man wouldn't it be nice if we could get some sort of estimated altitude? I mean, that thing appears to be moving very quickly, but I can't do any calculations with that info. I could compare it with the Satelite video, but even though it appears to be moving more quickly, chances are it is much lower in altitude (which would be a reasonable explaination for why it is moving more quickly relative to the viewer)... In any event, I think that if it is a military craft, it is pretty bad. It appears to be quite quick and quite large.

[edit on 19-12-2008 by Jay-in-AR]

[edit on 19-12-2008 by Jay-in-AR]

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 08:25 PM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by atsbeliever

I think you're missing the point. The "NV friendly lights" are not the panel lights they are the navigation lights (on the outside of the plane). Rather than turning anti-collision lights off, special lights (or filters) are used that reduce "blooming" in NV gear.

Actually (as I said earlier) I think the second video looks like a high altitude formation (perhaps even a refueling exercise). In a situation like this it would make sense to use NV gear and reduced lighting. I'm pretty sure I can see stars between the formation.

Perhaps from the 940th ARW, at Beale AFB, 100 miles north of Fremont.

I know the Nighthawk was retired.

[edit on 12/19/2008 by Phage]

[edit on 12/19/2008 by Phage]

I agree that we are looking at military here more then likely. What this points to though is that these "low light" ops are much more common AND occuring over populated areas. In retrospect this of course makes sense if night ops are becoming the norm. While the F-22 etc. are the public face of the Air force you can bet all those black budget billions are supporting some interesting "Vehicles" a generation or two beyond what we know.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by Komodo

Originally posted by Chadwickus
I wonder what the ISS would look like through a night vision camera?

Would it be a possibility that the solar panel are reflecting more light than the rest of the station, therefore being picked up on camera?

Can't be the ISS......check the 3rd video again. Why would solar panels just 'drop off' a formation ..


I was mainly talking about the first video being the ISS.
I still feel it it could be a possibility.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by atsbeliever
Yea Military Technology..does it not bother you they would fly highly classified advanced technology over population centers, without FAA approved lights..even the military can collide with general aviation craft if they are flying over civilian airspace!?! Secondly, they have some kind of craft that produces no noise whatsoever, at a relatively lowish alt (altho its hard to tell how low it is but from the cant be that high..unless its VERY big..)

They have THOUSANDS of miles of test space in the desert..why risk sightings of it over high population logic there man. They dont want people to know about their high energy ships they should fly them where no one will see them eh?

I find this bothersome.

The MIL has the right to do whatever it finds necessary in order to:

A. Protect its assets, including Equipment and Personnel.


B. Successfully Accomplish Any and All Missions.

If flying in Blackout Conditions helps to achieve either one of the aforementioned objectives, then I see absolutely NO problem with it whatsoever. What, would you rather have a B-2 Overfly Baghdad Airspace with Port and Starboard Navigation Lights, Strobes, Anti-Collision Beacons, Landing Lights, Taxi Lights, etc. all fully engaged? It would be the equivalent to flying a Christmas Tree, and somehow believing no enemy forces will visually "acknowledge" you despite such.

Also, this craft is flying at High ALT. MIL Aircraft can casually fly at levels which commercial craft cannot attain.

Another point, MIL Craft have superior RAD to Commercial craft (Think about being able to Acquire Air-to-Air targets at 100+ Miles out, as opposed to Aircraft Recognition at 10-12 Miles out), and they are assigned a more efficient ratio of Combat Air Controllers to Aircraft in the CIC, as opposed to Commercial Aircraft and Civilian ATC.

The MIL does not have the same regulatory constrictions placed upon them, by the FAA, as Civilians do.

On another note, if this Aircraft is not even of a Terrestrial origin, what are you going to do, knock on the door of the Inter-Galactic Combat Center, and tell them they need to obey "Earth Laws"? I am most certain that the long arm of the FAA is well known throughout the Milky Way, Andromeda, and complete Universe for that Matter.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 08:51 PM
"Secondly, they have some kind of craft that produces no noise whatsoever, at a relatively lowish alt (altho its hard to tell how low it is but from the cant be that high..unless its VERY big..)"

In regards to the above, I would feel pretty confident in saying that the craft is flying higher than the commercial plane that can be seen in the same frames of part of the video. Obviously the reason I say this is because the commercial plane is MUCH brighter than the craft in question...
That would make this craft, if it is indeed a single craft (all I can make out is three, and on a few occasions four, lights) much, much larger than the plane.
It also moves much more quickly.

I wonder if it could be a satellite cluster.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 08:56 PM

Have y'all seen this night vision shot? looks pretty good!

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by Pappie54


Do a search and see for yourself.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 09:00 PM
reply to post by Pappie54

That thing is obviously Computer Generated.
Not much to say other than that. Notice that the only thing in the shot that isn't of a grainy quality is the "craft."

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