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Making inmates pay for food

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posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 09:03 AM
I thought this was interesting hope it shows up full size if it doesn't I'll correct it.This is ment to be informative and not used to prove or dis prove any claims.
Ok not working so well if interested in this graph of inmate cost annually just click on it...sorry.
[edit on 19-12-2008 by alyosha1981]

[edit on 19-12-2008 by alyosha1981]

Most (58.4%) of the daily cost to incarcerate an inmate in a major prison is spent on security, followed by 22.4% for medical services. The remaining 20% is spent on feeding, clothing and educating inmates, and some administrative issues, as you can see from the pie chart. Cost of Imprisonment: $52.90 Per Day/ $19,308 Per Year Security (58.4%); Food Services (5.1%); Physical Plant (6.5%); Medical (22.4%); Insurance (0.2%); Education (1.9%); Clothing/laundry(0.9%); Institutional Admin. (2.6%); Inmate Services (2.0%) A total of 7.9% of the state general revenue budget goes to corrections in Florida, which has a budget of more than two billion dollars. $1.36 billion of that goes directly toward security and institutional operations, and another $373.2 million toward health services for inmates, including dental. The cost of each prison varies, depending on the types of inmates who are housed there. For example, it costs $94.87 a day to house an inmate at a reception center, because the inmates residing there are being evaluated and tested medically, psychologically, academically, vocationally, etc. In contrast, a typical adult male facility costs just $43.11 per day to house an inmate. Most (80%) inmates work to help offset the cost of their incarceration. They work on farms and gardens producing their own food, construct new correctional facilities, and perform repairs and renovations to prisons. Inmates also prepare and serve all meals, maintain prison grounds, participate in sanitation and recycling processes, and work in PRIDE (Prison Rehabilitative Industries and Diversified Enterprises) programs. Additionally, inmates are assigned to Community Work Squads under agreements with the Department of Transportation, other state agencies such as the Division of Forestry, counties, cities, municipalities, and non-profit organizations. In FY0708, the DC’s Community Work Squad Program saved Florida taxpayers more than $57.2 million through inmate labor. In addition to their every day duties, correctional officers at 36 of our institutions serve as K-9 officers and are available to local law enforcement to aid in searches for fleeing felons, wandering elderly patients, and missing children, in addition to escapees from county jails.

[edit on 19-12-2008 by alyosha1981]

PHOENIX — Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio says jail inmates will start paying for their own meals next month in a move that could save taxpayers more than $900,000 annually in food costs. The policy would charge inmates $1.25 per day for their meals. It would apply only to those inmates who have money in personal accounts or "on their books." Arpaio estimated that about 2,000 of the nearly 10,000 inmates in the system will end up paying for food each day.

[edit on 19-12-2008 by alyosha1981]

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 09:05 AM
reply to post by devildogUSMC

You should be entitled to VA benefits. Has the VA awarded a service connection and evaluated a level of a disability. Its a lengthy process but worth the effort to get it done.

In addition to that you should be eligible to Social Security Disability benefits that are separate from the VA. I would look into that if you havn't already.

There is help out there. Its just a pain trying to find it.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 09:11 AM
reply to post by MikeboydUS

I went to the V.A. and they pretty much told me that I was a p@##@. I told them I thought I had P.T.S.D. and they asked me if I was implying that the Marine Corp. did not properly teach me to deal with stress. I don't want any charity, especially from the government, I just want a shot to make my own way and mark on the world.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 09:32 AM

The policy would charge inmates $1.25 per day for their meals. It would apply only to those inmates who have money in personal accounts or "on their books." Arpaio estimated that about 2,000 of the nearly 10,000 inmates in the system will end up paying for food each day.

[edit on 19-12-2008 by alyosha1981]

They don't even make that much per day. This is just going to suck people dry. Every person with money on their books will eventually become indigent if they are there long enough. I can't imagine a sane person to think this is fair treatment for innocent persons. The majority of people in a county jail have not been convicted yet. They are innocent. They have not been proven guilty. Nobody, especially them, deserves this awful treatment and extortion.

[edit on 19-12-2008 by devildogUSMC]

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 11:49 AM
First of all to the statistics posted, it said AT LEAST 20% molested and 7% raped, it had no "at most" limit on there, so that means at least 1 out of every 5 molested and this is put forward as ok?? Rape is one of the worst tortures you can subject most people to today.

And finally, for all those saying the "well they made the choice, they need to suffer the consequences" and the "military put up with it, they can too" well, it depends upon what you are trying to achieve. If you are just trying to inflict pain because they did wrong and deserve to be punished....well, then you usurping gods judgement and vengeance, and with no obvious purpose or good to come from it. If, however, your goal is to benefit society, decrease crime and violence, and help those having difficulty getting along for the good of all, well, then obviously the current system if failing miserably, as violence and abuse only begets more violence and abuse.

Stop holding onto your (failing) judgement and criticism, and realize that to move all of us forward we need to release our criticism and anger and work WITH other people rather than against them. Be solution oriented, stop trying to batter the world into submission, and rather help to nurture it so it can grow to be its best.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by devildogUSMC
reply to post by MikeboydUS

I went to the V.A. and they pretty much told me that I was a p@##@. I told them I thought I had P.T.S.D. and they asked me if I was implying that the Marine Corp. did not properly teach me to deal with stress. I don't want any charity, especially from the government, I just want a shot to make my own way and mark on the world.


Not sure who you talked to at the VA but they were dead wrong. VA is not charity BTW, you earned it and it is part of being in the military. You really need to go back and see them (see a different person).

VA is not just about disability handouts, with a disability raiting, doors to many services open up to you. Like free education, medical, rehab, job networking etc.

What you do is call the VFW and ask for the phone number to their disability assistants. (there are others too) These people are professionals who work (free) for you to process your case. They are not with the VA and you can sign a power of attorney for them to represent you. They know all the ins and outs of what to do…

You say you just want a chance to get your feet back under you again, so this is your chance…

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by devildogUSMC

They don't even make that much per day. This is just going to suck people dry. Every person with money on their books will eventually become indigent if they are there long enough. I can't imagine a sane person to think this is fair treatment for innocent persons. The majority of people in a county jail have not been convicted yet. They are innocent. They have not been proven guilty. Nobody, especially them, deserves this awful treatment and extortion.
[edit on 19-12-2008 by devildogUSMC]

Well, since we are talking jail here and not prison I agree that anyone waiting trial should not pay for their food, but for those who are convicted and doing their time I have no problem with it. This would be about $45 per month, and of course for those who do not have the means to pay would still eat like everyone else, but I bet (as example) that guy who convicted on a DWI spent $100 to get drunk and he can pay.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by Xtrozero

I think I might give it a shot. I never thought of it like that. I've been paying a psychiatrist 100 dollars per visit twice a month and another 200 dollars a month for my medications because I have no insurance, and there is no generic equivilant to what I am taking. If I didn't have just those expenses it would help alot, I just feel like they won't help with anything. I am going to call the VFW though. Thanks. And even when convicted I don't think they should pay for food. That guy who drank $100 worth of liquor and then drove is more than likely an alchoholic that needs help. Help him...don't charge him for crappy food, right?

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by Xtrozero

Most people getting caught for DUI tend to be drinking due to financial issues. "Dammit, I'm three grand in debt... pour me another one"

The problem brings us back to the debtors' prison idea. Where if you're incarcerated, you owe, and if you can't pay it all by a certain date, you remain incarcerated and keep racking up the debt that you can't pay. It quickly becomes a slave system where being tossed in the clink for not wearing your seatbelt means you spend decades trying to work off your bill.

Tricky part? Prisons are for-profit institutions and the profit is coming out of your tax dollars. The more people in prison, the bigger the profit. So let's put debt slavery into this mix. What do you think the result of this situation will be?

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 03:24 PM
Most people getting caught for DUI tend to be drinking due to financial issues. "Dammit, I'm three grand in debt... pour me another one"

We talking $45 dollar here hehe... Your example is just one small one of millions of reasons. They can buy the drink...well now pay the fine.

The problem brings us back to the debtors' prison idea.

This is not part of it, but I can see your point.

Tricky part? Prisons are for-profit institutions and the profit is coming out of your tax dollars. The more people in prison, the bigger the profit. So let's put debt slavery into this mix. What do you think the result of this situation will be?

Once again I don't think anyone is suggesting debtor's prison based on not being able to pay for their food. This would be an extreme side to it all.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 03:45 PM
reply to post by xstealth

Right on!! possession of an illegal substance is a consensual crime. The individuals that pass judgment on me are far more corrupt than i could ever aspire to be.l I have been abducted 4 times by the "authorities" for the same no insurance ticket. My county charges $22 a day to vacation in their resort. Please understand that the law was meant to protect the public, but the only people we need protection from is our ordained authorities. Educate yourselves, revenue collection is not law enforcement.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 04:19 PM
I I have lived in the phoenix area for 10 yrs. and have not noticed a decline in people breaking the law since joe has been slowly making the jails more disgusting and breaking health code violations(slaughtering roosters from cock fights and feeding them to inmates,rotten food ect.) Infact my neighbors and i have seen a rise in crime.

People here know the ridiculous conditons in his jails and i think it actually makes people more violent when the police try to arrest them because they know what they are in for so they will goto any means to get away and not goto jail here in az.

My brother was picked up on an unpaid speeding ticket and was held in jail for 18 hours. While he was in the "horseshoe" waiting to be booked and released he witnessed 2 stabbings, a man who had overdosed on heroin and multiple fights between the inmates as well as the officers.

I am all for criminals paying their own way and saving the tax payers from footing the bill. I do not think making conditions so vile that it causes people to become animals and leave jail more violent and dangerous than when they went into the jail.

There has also been talk over the fact that joe for whatever reason cannot obtain a valid drivers licence? Also he has never commented on the fiasco in florida where he was to be brought to trial on cocain distributions charges when he was in office there. (these were brought to our attention by a writer for the new times here in phoenix)

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 04:45 PM
if its a way to connect them with the real world where you have to work if you want to eat then I´ll have to agree with the method...

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by Xtrozero

Once again I don't think anyone is suggesting debtor's prison based on not being able to pay for their food. This would be an extreme side to it all.

It isn't extreme...YET. Isn't it better to recognize the beginning of something that could end up horrible and put a stop to it then. If we give them an inch they'll take us for all we're worth. Where will it stop?Someone goes to jail, they can't pay, debt get's passed on to the inmate's family and if they can't pay they go to jail. That's not to far off. Property taxes, income taxes, taking a crap taxes, they will take whatever they can get, and whatever they can get is what we get fooled into willingly giving them. They aren't going to one day stop and say "ok, we have enough money", they are just going to push farther and farther until we wake up and push back.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 05:46 PM
Although this idea would be great for prisons it doesnt seem to fit for a county jail. the people brought in on simple traffic tickets or non violent crimes. It also poses the question of the innocent who are awaiting their day in court. I have seen first hand what goes on in the jails here in maricopa county, and it isnt detouring crime at all. Its making criminals more violent. reply to post by Marked One

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 06:25 PM
Don't you realize that when you go to jail, you are awaiting trial. You haven't been convicted of a crime yet. So do you think it is fair to have innocent people pay for their food? No, it is ridiculous. Making people pay for there food will not lower the crime rate one bit. Do you think a guy is not going to rob a house because he might get caught and have to pay for his food?

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 09:04 PM
The war on drugs is such a joke. Its a war that CANNOT be won. Besides, ANY so-called authority figure that claims he can prohibit the possession of a plant should be reevaluated. IMHO, ALL drugs should be legalized across the board. If some retarded junkie puts a needle in his arm and dies, GOOD, SCREW 'EM! One less retard junkie. Its natural selection/passive eugenics.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 09:28 PM
What I see for where this could lead is truly frightening. What are all those fema camps doing there? Why so many troops? Why checkpoints? What is going down, and why are they getting prepared? If its going to suddenly, or over the next few years, become what many think its going to become, those fema camps are for us, or many of us at that rate, and these new laws of working for your forced imprisonment, oh and by the way, probably to pay off foreign debt as well as make the interest payment on the thieves who set up the federal reserve. Get it? This is actually for us! And we're not only to work in this, and yet still pay, but they will have money owed at the end, so your term will never end.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 09:36 PM

Originally posted by alyosha1981

While you are not altogether wrong, there exists many other reasons for private prisons to be, one is the overcrowding of state and federal prisons another involves temporary holding of inmates in transfer, or even temporary holding of inmates deemed to be management problems so as to separate them from others that may have been involved in an incident with.

Bah! What reasons besides profit? Having spent 8 years in federal prison, I can tell you that the gov is quite capable of handling those behavioral problems that are expected. Private prisons are nothing but another way for politicians to sell their wares to the big money PTB.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 10:01 PM
Ask a lot of people in Arizona what they think about Joe Arpaio. Many of the citizens that live in the county are not fond of him. For one he cost taxpayers more in civil lawsuits then what he supposedly saves the county and sets up eye sores like tent cities. Also he requires stuff to be bought from the commissary in jail at around a 900% inflated rate (stuff like socks, soap, etc), of which one of his relatives runs. He practices cronyism just like all other crooked politicians, and will end up in one of his own jails eventually.

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