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Georgia congressman warns of Obama dictatorship

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posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 01:01 AM
I have been researching this for a long time and one day played a hunch and discovered the following. JP Morgan took control of 25 of the most important newspapers of his day and in 1915 timeframe. He passed this control to Rockefellers and finally the CFR took control of the design for movies due to this project........

Fall 1937 – The Rockefeller Foundation funded the project in the fall of 1937 for “War of The Worlds.” Meant to be a broadcast used as a psychological warfare experiment and was conducted by The Princeton Radio Project. (Reference details date October 1938). Rockfeller foundation funded it.

The Frankfurt School began its 'Radio Research Project' in 1937 with funding from the Rockefeller Foundation. The purpose of the project was to test the hypothesis that radio could be used to "atomize" and manipulate the thinking of the population. Frankfurt School ideologue Theodore Adorno had observed that people "listen atomistically and dissociate what they hear… They are not childlike… but they are childish; their primitivism is not that of the undeveloped, but that of the forcibly retarded." Among the findings of the Radio Research Project were
1) People tend to become addicted to the radio based on a "what happens next?" format.

2) Listeners react to format, not content, as in the famous Orson Welles, War of the Worlds broadcast which many believed was describing an actual invasion, in spite of the fact that there were repeated clear warnings that the show was fictional, and
3) Repetition is the key to popularity. That is, if you play it enough, people will think it's good, even if it's awful, and, most importantly, they will believe it, even if it’s a lie. Any lie can become popular opinion if it is repeated enough times on the radio.
30 October 1938 - The plan to create an artificial extraterrestrial threat to the Earth was first mentioned by the Marxist, John Dewey.
"Some one remarked that the best way to unite all the nations on this globe would be an attack from some other planet. In the face of such an alien enemy, people would respond with a sense of their unity of interest and purpose." John Dewey, New York 1917.

The premise was tested for credibility with the CBS presentation of War Of The Worlds on the CBS Radio Network by Orson Welles and the Mercury Theatre. At 8:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, on the evening of October 30, 1938, the night before All Saints Day, now generally celebrated as Halloween, an estimated six million Americans listened to the famous Orson Welles broadcast, War Of The Worlds. The broadcast described an extraterrestrial invasion from Mars. An estimated one million sheople responded with sustained credulity and fear. Thousands responded with sheer panic. The broadcast was a psychological warfare experiment conducted by The Princeton Radio Project. The Rockefeller Foundation funded the project in the fall of 1937. An Office of Radio Research was set up with Paul F. Lazarsfeld as director. Frank Stanton and Hadley Cantril were named associate directors. Cantril used a special grant from the General Education Board to study the effects of the broadcast. Cantril published the study as a book titled The Invasion From Mars - A Study In The Psychology Of Panic. It contains a complete script of the broadcast. The book is one of a series of studies sponsored by the Federal Radio Education Committee.

In 1933 was a planned military coup of the US government that in fact FDR was part of it. It was turned into congress by Maj General Smedley Butler but nothing was done. Without saying a word Hollywood made a movie called "Seven days in May" was a movie about it right under our noses back then. They hijacked movies and funded movies, radio and TV to literally influence a nation of independent thinkers to get used to the idea of the events to come. They design many movies that reflects the coming New World Order and change of life that they envision by their plans. In other words we get literally brainwashed and pay them to do it.

reply to post by Chronogoblin

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 03:45 AM

Originally posted by Irish M1ck
reply to post by MikeboydUS

What do you mean? How do things really operate?

Well for one the office of the President is not absolute. Anyone who is President has to learn how to work with the massive bureaucracy made up of the various departments and agencies of the Executive branch. If they don't they can get burnt politically. This is especially true of the Defense Department and the defense industries that support it. Presidents learn to compromise, quid pro quo, and basically how Realpolitik functions.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 04:09 AM
reply to post by MikeboydUS

No because he'll do what the British government did and disarm the nation so that we can't rise up in opposition / civil war.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 05:33 AM

You really give me more credit than I deserve.

No, sir, I do not. It is but your ego continually misconstruing criticism levelled at it. I'll give you credit when you state something relevant and's an 'earned' thing.
As I stated, yours is condemnation by association, and you have no factual basis to be that disrespectful, to be spreading a inuendo of worry and fear simply because your shattered perceptions do not allow you to see reality. The fault and knee-jerkiness is entirely yours. I'll disregard the banality of your advice, and remain vigilant on your posting to which I will respond accordingly and in measure.

It is really sad how people will blindly follow. It is not wrong to question, just follow blindly and everything will be ok. How sad.

And what are you being...if not wholly myopic? You say it is not wrong to question...with this I agree, but until the question is answered, there is no requirement to respond to one's own question with inuendo that slates the one on whom you question. That is being somewhat previous, and declares a error-filled preconception. if I do not reply it is not because I am hiding from any of you...

There is no reason to hide, we all have to work, and I doubt any would believe you are hiding, so why mention it...? I'll tell you, because once again you display an already made-up preconception on people...and that is where you error...that is where you continually misconstrue.

Have a good day at work!

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 05:54 AM

Originally posted by -zeropoint-
Stop spamming your own damn thread, desperate child. There's no threat to be warning and fear-mongering about, stop such non-sense. I really thought Americans were more realistic and mature in their conduct, it just seems that it's the neocons who can't accept what is, we've found our problem. The minute I saw it was coming from a rightest Republican, I knew it was meaningless. Stop producing fear-mongering negative energy, the man isn't inaugurated yet for Pete's living sake.

Did you actually note the times he posted his spamming? its like 2 mins between each post... Think he was hoping for people to jump up straight away to answer , Obviously didn't realise that people need time to read the post first...

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 06:33 AM
reply to post by The Revealer

It started with Bush 41. He outlawed a few guns and passed a few "harmless" laws. Clinton either expanded those laws in small ways or pass other "harmless" laws that in the whole, pushed us closer to dictatorship. Bush 43 picked up where Clinton left off. Now it's Obama's turn.

Yet more proof that partisanship in America is the smoke screen that they hide behind. Both sides are truly in it together.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 06:35 AM
It's not exactly as if Bush hasn't created all sorts of quasi military forces or bought in so many anti democracy laws that you Septics don't already realise that you have already lost any real democracy.

Imagine the scandal if an American serviceperson was captured in one country, sent to another to be tortured and then tried in a third country and given a hefty prison sentence.............. as to others as you would done to yourself.

We are all reaping the whirlwind that Dubya started 8 years ago. Oil, money and power obsessed, imperialistic idiot that he is.

How can Obama be worse ?

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 09:01 AM

Originally posted by MikeboydUS
Well for one the office of the President is not absolute. Anyone who is President has to learn how to work with the massive bureaucracy made up of the various departments and agencies of the Executive branch. If they don't they can get burnt politically. This is especially true of the Defense Department and the defense industries that support it. Presidents learn to compromise, quid pro quo, and basically how Realpolitik functions.

Which, I'd like to remind everyone, is not a conspiracy, nor is it evidence of a conspiracy. It is rather an intersection of all areas and sources of power in this country, forming what C. Wright Mills referred to as "The Power Elite."

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by Mean Red Spider

Either that, or maybe both sides can see that "Joe Six Pack" doesn't need to own an M16 and grenades.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by MrWendal
I will ask you the same 2 questions I asked you so many pages back that you have blatantly ignored....

Why would we have to create something that already exist?

Why would something Community Service related need to be funded and trained as well as the US Military?

I agree that the comment was drastrically taken out of context and did in fact refer to community service since that is what he was speaking of and referred to and the entire speech was about etc..

As far as answering your two questions..First he might not create anything new but rather expand civilian corps programs created by Kennedy, Roosevelt, Clinto and Bush.

Why does it need to be equal to or greater than our military...well in my opinion...becuase giving a sh*& about and helping your fellow Americans is as important and I would argue more important than fighting wars.

From a prior post of mine that seems to be ignored in the continous scramble to claim Obama is Hitler...the Anti-Christ etc..

In the actual full CONTEXT of his remarks he is refering to expanding current Corps programs established under Roosevelt, Kennedy and Clinton etc.

It is clear by his remarks that he was referring to everything he just listed before the statement...

Context is important. And if you watch the youtube video, you see that Obama ad-libbed that line, it wasn't in the "prepared remarks" and wasn't in the original distributed speech.

Actual Remarks....

We'll send more college graduates to teach and mentor our young people.
We'll call on Americans to join an Energy Corps to conduct renewable energy and environmental cleanup projects in their neighborhoods. We'll enlist veterans to help other vets find jobs and support, and to be there for our military families. And we'll also grow our Foreign Service, open consulates that have been shuttered, and double the size of the Peace Corps by 2011 to renew our diplomacy. We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.

Watch the youtube video of the speech here and start at the 15 minute mark and ask yourself what you think he was talking about.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by Mean Red Spider

Now in all fairness, Bush supported and guaranteed US citizens the right to bare arms. With Semi automatic weapons legal you can't really say otherwise. There are a plethora of unregistered illegal weapons on the streets of America, that to me is the real issue at hand.

Stiff gun laws aren't the enemy. If the govt really is going to fund "civilian militias" then the threat isn't them taking our guns from us, it is more than likely irresponsible gun owners who are unhappy with the established order in which our government operates. (sometimes rightfully so, other times not so much.)

Gun laws here in the states really aren't that stiff when you compare it to Australia or other countries.

I think a more reasonable solution to a civilian militia would be to first clean our streets of the illegal weapons and ensure responsible gun ownership. If that were done then I could honestly say that there would be no domestic threat big enough for us to have a civilian militia.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 11:48 AM
reply to post by The Revealer
wHY WOULD you be speechless from something that has been transpiring for the past 8 years with the help of Bush and Cheney?????

Give me a break.

If this is real, it comes as NO surprise. The baton was simply passed to Obama, thats all.


posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 01:24 PM

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by drwizardphd

Great points, but who ever decreed that congressmen, senators, presidents, vice-presidents, or even dog catchers have to be bright?

After the grand showing of money being showered on the election spectacle this time, it would seem to someone like me, who maintains a spirited disinterest in hate mongering, that all one needs to be elected is smart support, slick press, and lots of money.

BTW... starred and flagged! Thanks!

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by NobodiesClone63
reply to post by Mean Red Spider

Now in all fairness, Bush supported and guaranteed US citizens the right to bare arms. With Semi automatic weapons legal you can't really say otherwise. There are a plethora of unregistered illegal weapons on the streets of America, that to me is the real issue at hand.

Stiff gun laws aren't the enemy. If the govt really is going to fund "civilian militias" then the threat isn't them taking our guns from us, it is more than likely irresponsible gun owners who are unhappy with the established order in which our government operates. (sometimes rightfully so, other times not so much.)

Gun laws here in the states really aren't that stiff when you compare it to Australia or other countries.

I think a more reasonable solution to a civilian militia would be to first clean our streets of the illegal weapons and ensure responsible gun ownership. If that were done then I could honestly say that there would be no domestic threat big enough for us to have a civilian militia.

I'll take a hit for a one liner, but I'm curious as to how many guns you own, legal or illegal.


posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 01:37 PM
Then what is the National Guard for. Maybe we shouldn't send the National Guard to Iraq/Afghan/ and have them here for protection. And just add more to the National Guard. Maybe we should wait and see exactly what Obama means by this.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 01:37 PM
this thread is weird.

You guys had Mc Carthy 50 years ago, and now you're complaining about "Marxism" showing up because of a few suggestions that he MAY create a citizen force ?

ATS has become way more neo-con than before...

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 01:44 PM
reply to post by Matth3w

You don't know the half of it man.

They are coming up with some wild stuff lately.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 02:43 PM
Irrefutable evidence says that the plan actually started on 1 May 1776 and has continued since via the Scottish rite Masons 33 rd degree, Vatican with the Black Pope and the Zionist Jews not to be confused with Jews not in line with the Elite Zionist, ie Rothschilds, etc.......leading to a one world government that is almost there...........soon.

reply to post by Matth3w

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by Sahabi
Great post and great find. It is true that a private security force is what Hitler used to gain absolute power... for crying out loud Saddam did it too!

Too all of you guys calling everyone a fear monger, and saying this type of thing could never happen... I guess the American Civil War never happened, and Hitler's rise to power must be a propaganda by the Jews?

If Obama was doing such a great call for a reduction of military spending, why would he want to make a Civilian Security Force as equally strong as the U.S. Military? Please answer this question in a logical way, and without the insults.

Originally posted by Doomsday 2029
Well, if this does infact happen... try convincing the uneducated balck person on the street about what Obama has done to the country.

I'll make an estimate... Ask any 100 black Americans on the street if they know anything about Facsism.

Think About it... Obama even wants a 'civilian military force'. Who do you think these people will be? Obviously anyone who needs a job.

Blacks will line up to get a 'police' job... and they will love it. They will do anything to support Obama. Even if it means destroying the country... They will always remember the fact that slavery took place. So they will feel impowered by Obama and feel as if they have finally changed the Country.

Get ready for something... that's all I know... I don't believe what I just wrote, but I can see the fact that most black people will pledge their allegience to Obama no matter what he decides. (Jst because he's black)

[edit on 10-11-2008 by Doomsday 2029]

All I have to say to this is wow. This is the type of thinking that dooms us all.
Because we all know that youth brigades were the cause of ww2, and that damn Obama has been causing all kinda hell the last 8 years... And btw.. does ANYONE know what "Facsism" is? Doomsday you should enlighten us.. This site is becoming increasingly more racist and hate mongering. I dread to think about the next 4 years here.

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