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Georgia congressman warns of Obama dictatorship

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posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by MrWendal

Okay so just so I understand your position:

You are saying he is indeed saying he wants to create a new and separate force to which he will name Civilian National Security Force. And it will be militaristic in nature?

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 08:12 PM
reply to post by Lucid Lunacy

My position is simple...

Obama came right out and said there will be a "Civilian Security Force" (his words not mine) and the public is being sold on the idea under the guise of "Community Service".

Will it be militaristic in nature?? That I couldn't say, but it would seem natural to question it since it would be as well trained and funded as the US Military (again his words not mine)

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 08:23 PM

Originally posted by HunkaHunka
One simple reason.

Because our communities are falling apart. Younger and younger people are perpetrating more and more heinous crimes.

We need something which instills a sense of civic pride and which teaches civics. Remember, they don't teach civics in school.

Ahh but that doesn't quite answer any of my questions. I won't repeat them here, but I would like to hear your opinions for each question I asked.

And I agree our communities need something to help keep kids from turning into criminals. But, if you want my honest opinion, if the parents of these children were actually paying attention to what they are doing and actually handing out punishments when the kids do something stupid perhaps we wouldn't have a generation of thug/gangster/Lyndsay Lohan wannabe's. These kids going out and committing crimes is a direct result of more relaxed parenting.

If I had thought for two seconds growing up that I was going to leave the house with my butt crack showing and my shirt barely covering my chest, my mom would have knocked me into yesterday. If my brother thought for two seconds that he was going to wear pants sagged to his knees and go knock over a pharmacy, my mom would have knocked him into last week. Kids today are not being taught anything by their parents by being sent to time out and told that everyone is a winner when in fact sometimes you have to lose. They aren't being taught anything by being allowed to go and do as they please with no consequences. Until they get picked up by the cops of course. But then everyone cries about it being the cops fault.

Maybe parents of these crime committing kids should start putting their foot down and actually set some limits and perhaps we won't have so many teenagers running rampant.

Perhaps teaching civics in school would teach the kids about civics. Much better than a Civilian Security Force at any rate.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 08:25 PM

Originally posted by Doomsday 2029
I'll make an estimate... Ask any 100 black Americans on the street if they know anything about Facsism.

So are you making a political statement here or a racial one??

Blacks will line up to get a 'police' job... and they will love it. They will do anything to support Obama. Even if it means destroying the country... They will always remember the fact that slavery took place. So they will feel impowered by Obama and feel as if they have finally changed the Country.

This has to be the most asinine statement I have ever heard.

Get ready for something... that's all I know... I don't believe what I just wrote, but I can see the fact that most black people will pledge their allegience to Obama no matter what he decides. (Jst because he's black)

Your inciting racial divide in your statement. You must live in the south!

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by MrWendal

Exactly. So, Obama hasn't given us the details, and you don't know the details; therefore, you shouldn't sit here and wildly speculate. Most importantly, you shouldn't be sitting here telling people they need to be worried.

We're all a bit tired of being told to be afraid.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 08:34 PM

Originally posted by MrWendal
My position is simple...

Will it be militaristic in nature?? That I couldn't say, but it would seem natural to question it since it would be as well trained and funded as the US Military (again his words not mine)

Still not certain what you are getting at then. That reply was rather ambiguous..

In your opinion then... what would this CNSF actually be

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 08:39 PM
Maybe it would look like this:

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 08:41 PM
First off, I want to commend Lucid Lunacy for his unyielding resistance against the incredible opposition generated by the Tin Foil Brigade.

Second, I want to confess that I made a mistake. My presence on ATS is due to the fact this forum covered topics never covered by the mainstream media. What I should've known, instead, that the "conspiracy" element of ATS is for real - this forum is made for conspiracy theorists and is about conspiracy theories, everyone and everything else is secondary. The utter relentlessness of these conspiracy theorists, their refusal to face the truth, and the fact they truly believe all this garbage is a surprise, but it should not be. That is my mistake, my miscalculation. Now I see what I am really in for.

For the record (and please write this down, because I know one of you will forget and call me and Obama-lover later), I am NOT an Obama-lover, follower, supporter, whatever. I did not vote for the man and I do not see him as providing any sort of relief or solutions. I feel he will inadvertedly exacerbate our problems.

I also believe, as many of you do, that the U.S. is in for a fascist, totalitarian dictatorship in the near future. I believe that such a dictatorship will be initiated by the Republicans as they take power in 2017 in the wake of two failed Obama administrations, much the way Nazi Germany emerged from the failed Weimar Republic (I see the Weimar Republic as an Obama-led America). Having said that, I also believe, different from many of you, that the foundations for this fascist dictatorship will be laid during Obama's time in office. The challenges that we will face during Obama's years will force him, as a liberal Democrat, combined with pressures from all around the power elite, to take measures that will create enough of a starting point for the following administration to exert more control and influence over the American people's lives. In a way, our descent into a dictatorship will be Obama's fault. I'm sure a lot of you are happy to hear that.

Now, you should have gleaned this from my last paragraph, but the difference between me and you conspiracy theorists, is that I recognize the reality of our challenges. I know that they are not fabrications or orchestrations by some shadowy behind-the-scenes groups and individuals who yield out-of-this world power and wealth (these groups and individuals do not exist, BTW). I also know that the example you all bring up about Hitler was not some New World Order conspiracy, these were individuals and groups simply exercising their power to achieve their own disparate goals. Its basic social dynamics at work, not some "good vs. evil" battle. Anybody who studies history and sociology will see that dark, deadly conspiracy lurking in the background slowly fade away. Why? Because its not there. America's descent into totalitarianism will be due to historical events and circumstance, social action/behavior, and decision-making. Not evil men (who do not exist) who are members of exclusive secret societies, the Illuminati, the Council on Foreign Relations, etc.

So keep believing your lies. Keep believing your theories will no evidence to back any of it up. Continue to bark about your rights and not contribute anything to society. Continue to criticize us for choosing to be educated and understand the world we live in. When its all said and done, you will be the enemy of both the state and the people who sought to protect all Americans and all their rights.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 08:44 PM
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

What's your point?

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 08:48 PM
reply to post by MrWendal

I would have to agree with another poster and say that you're getting a bit wrapped up in semantics. While his wording was "civilian security force," to say that it literally implies a unified civilian military organization as a whole is reaching...very...very...high.

As you know the target audience of the speech were veterans. The funny thing about language is that you can suit it to your audience. I think he could have said any number of things to get his message across whether it be:

civilian security force - civilian assistance force - civilian's for america force - civilian for america's security force ... you get the idea.

He chose civilian security force (imo. and I think its a good name actually) in lieu of his audiences affinity to national security, being veterans and all, to refer to a force (more than one group of people / agencies) which acts to help secure america in a time of disaster as well as ensuring america is secure through non militaristic means (ie Peace corps Americorps)

As mentioned in '___'eviants post, Bush proposed the same thing. A well trained group of civilians of different professions (doctors, engineers, construction workers, teachers etc etc) that can be called upon during a time of disaster to help secure America in addition to the Peace Corps et al.

This is obviously my take on it. You're free to assume that Obama literally plans to create a civilian military...

[edit on 11-11-2008 by xEphon]

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 08:54 PM
reply to post by Irish M1ck

Please show me one single statement I have made that tells anyone to be worried or afraid.

What I have done is explain my concerns and what it all reminds me of. It is my opinion that there is a larger agenda here. It is my opinion that what you are being told is meant to sell you to an idea. What I would like to see here is people open their minds to the possibility that it can happen here. Just as I said in a much earlier post and I continue to repeat, we are being sold onto an idea. Sure it sounds great, but do you really believe for one second it will not be abused or misused?

Earlier I used Bush as my example, when introducing the idea of Domestic Wiretapping we were told that this would only be used when monitoring calls made to or from the US to KNOWN Terrorist.

That is how the idea was sold, and "crazies" like me were right here saying, "Bush will use this to spy on American Citizens". He hadn't done it yet so we couldn't prove it, but we knew that if allowed this power would be abused. It is no longer a secret that "crazies" like myself were correct. The wiretapping program is very well documented and reported that spying has occurred on the Average Joe Citizen even though they were not making or receiving calls from any known Terrorist.

What we are seeing here is Obama selling an idea. We are being told it is for Community Service. Again I am here, just like I did when Bush sold his idea, saying this power will be abused.

In this thread we have seen people openly say that they believe the words of Obama, because he said so. Just think about that for a minute. How is that any different fro me saying I believe the words of Blossom Goodchild (or whatever her name was), just because she said it?

And yet these same people who believe his words have blatantly disregarded his choice of words when he said, "Civilian Security Force". Instead those 3 words suddenly mean "Community Service" "Diplomat" and all the other terms we have heard, yet these are not the words he chose to use.

Now let's get back to a point made by Lucid Lunacy, which was a good point, look at the context of the speech which he posted on page 3 or 4 if I remember correctly. Obama's speech is all about Community Service and giving back. It is a message of hope and a very inspirational speech. That IS the context of his speech, then he uses the words, "Civilian Security Force"

Now, please correct me if I am wrong. "Security" has nothing to do with "Community Service" does it?

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 08:54 PM
WOW.. a southren Republican congressman from Georgia worried about Obama.. I can't believe that. YOU PEOPLE ARE THE SHEEP!!!!!!!

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 08:55 PM
Let's be real. Obama does not know what real work is.
I'll give him 60 days on the job before he implodes

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 08:55 PM

Originally posted by Lucid Lunacy

Originally posted by MrWendal
My position is simple...

Will it be militaristic in nature?? That I couldn't say, but it would seem natural to question it since it would be as well trained and funded as the US Military (again his words not mine)

Still not certain what you are getting at then. That reply was rather ambiguous..

In your opinion then... what would this CNSF actually be

Ask Obama! It's his idea not mine. Only time will truly tell, but it is my opinion that it should raise some red flags.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by mxshodog

He's telling the truth!
Have you ever lived in the Ghetto ?

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 09:00 PM
reply to post by Irish M1ck

I think the Obama youth video speaks for itself.

Compare it to this youth group:

Notice anything? Both videos show blind obedience. Both groups only have members of the same race. Both march in military style.
I can see how that Congressman is concerned.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by xEphon

Show me one post I have made that says "Obama will create a civilian military". Just one.

Fact is you won't find it because it is not what I said.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 09:03 PM
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

I really hope it does not come to what I fear it could.

Point blank, the people pushing this need to realize what they will do to this nation. If they push with militancy, the military-industrial complex will push back hard. This is not Liberia where you can drum up some civilian support and with militant youths take over a country.

The military-industrial complex simply will not allow it. What are these militants going to do when the dogs of war are unleashed on them? Not even taking into the account of the US military, they couldn't even face down Private military contractors from Blackwater. What are they going to do against US Marines and Special Forces? This is not the Weimar Republic and you cant just go around assembling paramilitary political forces.

They push this and they will end up in GITMO style camps in the continental US. There will be military tribunals and insurgents will charged with sedition and high treason. Justice will be swift.

[edit on 11/11/08 by MikeboydUS]

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 09:03 PM

Am I wrong? My claim was the gun control was not an issue in this thread.

Yes, you are. Just as you assume, and then claim you don't assume (which is a declaration of a desparate rationale). Gun control, which he has discussed in the past, and which has oft' be remarked upon on the ATS forum, is a definite issue on which attacks against him are being made. It is not the issue, but one of many issues. Your entire argument is simply an attempt to convince people that wisps of clouds have a is that vague and nonsensical.

If you go back over all the posts you have made in this thread, remove from them all their contradictions, I will then continue the debate with you. Until then, I see no point in continuing to rebut your hopeless tirade. You come across as being a legend in your own mind, and unfortunately, such egos do not allow room for error, misjudgement, and the critique that falls upon them. Your last response to me was wholly incomprehensible and juvenile.

You admit to not knowing in any direction the effects of Obama's future plans, but maintain the misrepresentation through assumption - inuendo through ignorance - that he should be feared. There is nothing of Obama's history upon which you can draw the conclusion you do...your's is merely trial and condemnation by relative association. It speaks volumes of your character that you seek to assassinate that of Obama's. Your mind is in a whirl of its own self-glorified revolution. I'll await for it to stop spinning.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 09:04 PM
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

You are making a lot of references but you aren't saying anything. Get to the point. What are you saying?

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