posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 02:42 PM
Well, in response to a few political statements on here...
I am a business owner, with two black employees. One is the manager, whom the other black employee calls HNIC (head 'n-word' in charge). Funny, but
they have taught me how to be racist lol!
They both share the same view on Obama. "A Brother" coming up. I wish they could see that Obama is not a "brother". He is just a man, that went
to the best schools, is rich beyond rich, and he is a politician, which translates to "Paid Talking Head", just like all politicians.
But, here is the hard reality. If Obama gets in office, and trys to "redistribute" the wealth as he has stated, I will have to fire employees.
Once upon a time small business was supported in America. Today, it is getting harder and harder to stay alive.
So, I don't care who you vote for, but realize this. If taxes for small businesses go up, people will lose jobs. If Obama wants to give hand outs
to those who don't get off their butts and work, where will that money come from? I'll tell you, it will come from people that DO work, and it will
come out of their checks.
It really doesn't worry me that much, because I can just layoff people as needed and do the work myself. But I do feel for people that will loase
their jobs. We need to support SMALL business in America, vs. giving Corporate Giants an unlimited supply of perks. Look around you. How many
people do you know that work for a small business, vs. a large corporation? Then, ask how many people you know right now that have been laid off by a
large corporation. You should see that the people that work for small businesses, on the whole, tend to still have a job right?
Think about that for awhile.