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C-130 video confirms 84th RADES Data

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posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by ThroatYogurt
reply to post by SPreston


Please supply us with proof that these cameras have their own dedicated monitor.

Then get back to the OP that you have run away from.

Oh, poor little Reheat is throwing a temper tantrum since he is being proven wrong. He might have to actually wake up and face reallity.

Now back to the OP now that Reheat has fled in shame:

There is a new (to me) video of the Pentagon which shows the C-130. It appears to confirm the 84th RADES data. It is not a perfectly clear video, but that aircraft is quite obviously a C-130.

Utter nonsense. Those two videos prove nothing of the sort. All they prove is that the C-130 aircraft was following the decoy aircraft about 2 to 3 minutes behind just like O'Brien stated. That completely agrees with the testimony of the Arlington Cemetary eyewitnesses who stated the C-130 was minutes behind and flew in from North of the Naval Annex and then circled short of the Pentagon and flew north. Is that all you do is make up ridiculous 'strawman arguments' Reheat? Do you ever come up with anything that is actually truthful?

According to the faked RADES, the C-130 had not only flown 15 miles to the southwest, but was also returning from the southwest allegedly hot on the trail of Flight 77 and only about 1 minute behind. That Flight 77 loop southwest of the Pentagon was also faked on the RADES because the real aircraft flew east of the Potomac and never flew that fake loop southwest of the Pentagon. That Flight 77 FDR loop southwest of the Pentagon was NOT witnessed by one single person in the entire state of Virginia. Perhaps it was witnessed by some shill living in Texas or some JREFer trying out his magic in the middle of the Sahara. But we need real witnesses here; not some sugar-coated mainstream media postulated frauds. Is that not correct? What? You 'government loyalists' want to make up the rules on witnesses as you go? No way.

The FDR was faked also because it never shows the actual aircraft east of the Potomac and over DC. Were those pieces of poorly faked garbage your doing Reheat? You should feel shame. No wonder you refuse to admit your mistakes.

C-130 RADES Data flight path 15 miles to the southwest apparently headed for Arkansas instead of Minnesota (shown with blue stick pins) The yellow line is the actual C-130 path west. The red stick pins are the faked RADES data representing the faked Flight 77 FDR flight path loop southwest of the Pentagon. The little smudges are Reheat tears.

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by ThroatYogurt

I will repeat for you, since you are the same.

No proof then.

Thank you have a nice day.

[edit on 22-8-2008 by ULTIMA1]

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 06:16 PM

Originally posted by SPreston

Originally posted by ThroatYogurt
reply to post by SPreston


Please supply us with proof that these cameras have their own dedicated monitor.

Then get back to the OP that you have run away from.

Oh, poor little Reheat is throwing a temper tantrum since he is being proven wrong. He might have to actually wake up and face reallity.

Now back to the OP now that Reheat has fled in shame:

There is a new (to me) video of the Pentagon which shows the C-130. It appears to confirm the 84th RADES data. It is not a perfectly clear video, but that aircraft is quite obviously a C-130.

C-130 RADES Data flight path 15 miles to the southwest apparently headed for Arkansas instead of Minnesota (shown with blue stick pins) The yellow line is the actual C-130 path west. The red stick pins are the faked RADES data representing the faked Flight 77 FDR flight path loop southwest of the Pentagon. The little smudges are Reheat tears.
The flight path of the C-130 in the area was 270 degrees, not southwest, the C-130 is headed exactly 270 degrees, that is west, you need to get the facts right.

The Mall in DC is 2 miles long, on the departure the C-130 was on the aircrew, all with good vision, can see the Mall, it stands out like they said, and yes pilots can see for miles. So your failure to understand flying is making you lie and make up the story the RADES data is fake. RADES data is not fake your lie is fake and you can't prove the RADES data is fake. You have no evidence. You also do not understand the testimony of the C-130 crew, you screwed it up.

See the departure the C-130 WAS REQUIRED TO FLY! It matches the RADES data. Wow, evidence you are making up lies about the RADES data. Plus if the RADES data was fake, many ATC and military would be all over it.

Proof your ideas on RADES are wrong. See the 270 degrees, that is call west. You may not understand the difference between true north and magnetic north, but you should try to understand what pilots really mean instead of making up stuff on your own.

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 08:50 PM

Originally posted by beachnut

Originally posted by SPreston
reply to post by SPreston

Oh, poor little Reheat is throwing a temper tantrum since he is being proven wrong. He might have to actually wake up and face reallity.

Now back to the OP now that Reheat has fled in shame:

C-130 RADES Data flight path 15 miles to the southwest apparently headed for Arkansas instead of Minnesota (shown with blue stick pins) The yellow line is the actual C-130 path west. The red stick pins are the faked RADES data representing the faked Flight 77 FDR flight path loop southwest of the Pentagon. The little smudges are Reheat tears.

The flight path of the C-130 in the area was 270 degrees, not southwest, the C-130 is headed exactly 270 degrees, that is west, you need to get the facts right.

Yes I know. That is what I have been trying to tell you dingbats. That yellow line is exactly 270 degrees; due west. The blue stick pin line is southwest and the red FDR line is a pile of stinky cow manure.

See the departure the C-130 WAS REQUIRED TO FLY! It matches the RADES data. Wow, evidence you are making up lies about the RADES data. Plus if the RADES data was fake, many ATC and military would be all over it.

Why would Andrews ATC send the C-130 that way? Colonel O'Brien was headed up to Minnesota; not down to Arkansas. Besides that would send the C-130 right across the Reagan National approach path during a national emergency landing of all aircraft. Reagan ATC would not allow that. Instead O'Brien departed Morningside One Departure which vectored him north and then west just below the Washington Mall. Just like the yellow line on the map above. When will you pseudoskeptics start using a little common sense?

Why would many active duty ATC and military be all over the fake RADES? They have to follow orders without question. In the military you keep your mouths shut. Actually, over at P4T and Patriots Question 9/11, many former ATC and military are all over the fake RADES data.

Patriots Question 9/11

[edit on 8/22/08 by SPreston]

posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 01:35 PM


posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by jimmyjackblack

Bwhahahaha. You need to post that in the Humor section. You are OFF TOPIC AGAIN.

[edit on 23-8-2008 by Reheat]

posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by Reheat
Bwhahahaha. You need to post that in the Humor section.

You need to post your claims in the fantasy section.

Specailly since you cannot come up with any evidence to support your claims.

posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by jimmyjackblack

You guys have posted enough logical proof for me to believe that a decoy plane used.

Since you're so easily convinced IN THE WRONG THREAD with no evidence posted, perhaps you'd be so kind as to draw the flight path that it flew over in the appropriate thread. Just make sure you make that path adhere to what the witnesses said.

Should be pretty easy since you're so easily convinced. But, do it in the appropriate thread.

posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by Reheat

The flight path was already discussed here and when you were proven wrong you ran away with your tail between your legs.

Don't try and spin me, I and everyone else don't fall for that stuff you disinfo agents spread.

Here's what you guys do:

And if all else fails, Personal Attacks.

I know you're going to claim that that's what I'm doing, but before I didn't, so now that this issue of your obfuscation/misinterpretation of the RADES Data has been shown as a pitiful lie, the issue is setteled.

You have nt been able to do anything on here since then to defend what you claim other than Personal Attacks.

Give up and admit defeat.


[edit on 23-8-2008 by jimmyjackblack]

posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 04:06 PM
Bogus 84th RADES data screen capture

Notice that the alleged C-130 is about 10+ miles behind the alleged Flight 77 (blue trace) in the faked 84th RADES data. Notice also that the alleged Flight 77 goes nowhere near the Potomac, let alone flying east of the Potomac; ABSOLUTE PROOF that the RADES is a fake.

FACT: No aircraft ever did smash into the Pentagon.

Bogus 84th RADES data screen capture by Ashoka

Note: To interested persons; the related videos at the end of
this video can be viewed by clicking on them

It appears the FDR loop southwest of the Pentagon was just made up out of thin air, because early media accounts showed a downriver loop (attributed to Steve Koeppel) just across the Potomac and around Reagan National. Then the FDR was manufactured to match that fraudulent loop southwest of the Pentagon which not one person in all of Virginia actually witnessed. Six years after 9-11, the RADES was faked to support the failing FDR.
The Pentagon Flight Path Misinformation, Stand-Down, War Games, and the Three Mysterious Planes

Early Steve Koeppel alleged Flight 77 loop displayed by mainstream media

Actual decoy aircraft flight path witnessed by Steve Chaconas
and multiple eyewitnesses in DC and captured partially by the
NORAD radars, and banking around Reagan National

Official Flight 77 loop southwest of the Pentagon which never happened
and which nobody witnessed which the idiots are now stuck with

[edit on 8/23/08 by SPreston]

posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 04:49 PM
This piece of 'Newtonian Physics' garbage by propagandist Mike Wilson is relevent to the level of disinformation which these pseudoskeptics and shills and government loyalists are capable of.

Notice how gently the light poles lay down in this simulation, although several of them were allegedly broken in two by the alleged force of impact, allegedly officially struck by a 535 mph 100 ton 757 aircraft HAMMER diving down a hill, and subsequently pulling up at the bottom of the hill with an impossibly high G rate, and then allegedly flying level just inches above the lawn into the wall. How do these clowns believe anybody with a brain will buy this nonsense?

What a comical fantasy tale with this real live video to prove it.

Notice that Mike Wilson did not show you a photo of this little piece from the Defense Department official Pentagon 9/11 book, allegedly with a serial number, because this little gem was not invented until 6 years later.

[edit on 8/23/08 by SPreston]

posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 05:36 PM
reply to post by SPreston

Judging from the video you posted, problems with the original story from a 3D CG experts point of view.

Problem 1
Notice that the thing that hit the pentagon was blue in the security camera footage, but the actual plane is silver (from the images of the plane pieces), would could say that it's because the plane is reflecting the sky color, but being an expert in CG I can ay that this is not true, judging from the pictures of the debri the plane does not have the right index of refraction to do such a thing.

Problem 2
Consider the minimal amount of damage to the lawn and surounding area, if the plane had been going at such a fast pace and at such a low speed then it would have been on the ground literally and caused a huge gash leading all the way from the over pass, but we don't see that.

Problem 3
According to newtonian physics (which is not what's displayed here, what we are seeing is keyed animation, not physics) the light poles don't make a bit of sense. At the speed and level that the plane was traveling the lightpoles would have been thrown very, very far, not just fall over, plus I don't remember seeing the poles bent, just broken off, they would have defenintly been bent at least 30 degrees in the middle.


posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 05:43 PM

Originally posted by jimmyjackblack
reply to post by Reheat

The flight path was already discussed here and when you were proven wrong you ran away with your tail between your legs.

You must be a comedian in disguise as a DJ. You're pretty good at spinning a yarn.

Now, if you don't mind, summarize the points that prove the RADES Data is not proven as I stated in the OP. No statements of propaganda, just the facts that prove the OP wrong.

posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 05:46 PM
reply to post by SPreston

Off Topic Propaganda.

posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 05:47 PM
reply to post by jimmyjackblack

Off Topic. You are so confused you don't know which thread to post in.

posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 05:50 PM
reply to post by Reheat

Listen ReRe, they've already been listed by another poster, but you know that already.

Give your rebuttle to what has already been posted, none of this personal attack bs, an actual tic for tac rebuttle.

Plus you can't even point out where you think I'm wrong, all you do is insult me.

SPreston showed you up, I don't need to do anymore than what he has.

Your points have already been proven wrong, now prove mine (which of course you can't you don't have the expertise that I do in the field).


posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 05:54 PM
reply to post by jimmyjackblack

I see, so you can't list the "facts" that refute the OP. I understand because there are none.

You've posted no facts on the topic of the thread, so there is nothing to refute.

posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by beachnut
The flight path of the C-130 in the area was 270 degrees, not southwest, the C-130 is headed exactly 270 degrees, that is west, you need to get the facts right.

The Mall in DC is 2 miles long, on the departure the C-130 was on the aircrew, all with good vision, can see the Mall, it stands out like they said, and yes pilots can see for miles. So your failure to understand flying is making you lie and make up the story the RADES data is fake. RADES data is not fake your lie is fake and you can't prove the RADES data is fake. You have no evidence. You also do not understand the testimony of the C-130 crew, you screwed it up.

See the departure the C-130 WAS REQUIRED TO FLY! It matches the RADES data. Wow, evidence you are making up lies about the RADES data. Plus if the RADES data was fake, many ATC and military would be all over it.

RADES confirms C-130 path. 270 degrees, that is call west. You may not understand the difference between true north and magnetic north, but you should try to understand what pilots really mean instead of making up stuff on your own. (google earth, N is true north, not magnetic)

The yellow line SPreston says is 270 degrees is not 270 degree magnetic.
The C-130 flew 270 degrees magnetic, it matches the RADES data and they flew the departure I posted, not SPrestons made up yellow line, backed up with fantasy ideas based on hearsay and lies.

Yellow line is fake information made up by SPreston without evidence. He has never presented evidence to back his yellow line, he just says the RADES data was faked. The MALL is 2 miles long, and the C-130 can see the Mall when they are on the Departure I posted, which matches the RADES data is is South of the MALL as the C-130 pilots said. Plus, if you ask my fellow Air Force pilot of the C-130 what departure he flew, it was the one I posted, not the one SPreston said he flew.

Until SPreston presents data to support his idea RADES data was faked by the Government, his idea is just hearsay and opinion, not based on facts or evidence.

No evidence ever presented to prove the RADES data is fake, but there is evidence to support the RADES data by witnesses and video. The yellow line is a fantasy, backed with hearsay.

SPreston's yellow line is 280 degrees, not WEST, the RADES data shows west as does the REQUIRED DEPARTURE for WEST bound flights. The yellow line is not allowed for planes even on 9/11. The yellow line is too close to the White House, not allowed. The heading required by the C-130 was magnetic, 270 degrees.

Remember, Google earth N, is true north, not magnetic north.

OP is correct.

[edit on 23-8-2008 by beachnut]

posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 06:06 PM

Originally posted by beachnut

OP is correct.

Correct on all counts with FACTS, not propaganda.

The problem is that SPreston and his protege can not refute the topic of the thread "C-130 video confirms 84th RADES Data" so in typical troofer fashion they derail the thread by changing the subject.

[edit on 23-8-2008 by Reheat]

posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 06:19 PM

Originally posted by jimmyjackblack
reply to post by Reheat

The flight path was already discussed here and when you were proven wrong you ran away with your tail between your legs.

The flight path under discussion is the C-130 flight path, not AA77 and not some delusional "decoy aircraft" flight path supposedly witnessed by the fisherman.

The delusional C-130 flight path that has been posted dozens of times can not be supported with facts just made up crap by ignorant agenda driven zealots.

If that flight path is anywhere close to being correct then it should be no problem showing how the C-130 flew it and ended up where it is shown in the the video and photographs. That has not been done and it is indeed quite evident that those who don't are "running away with their tail between their legs".


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