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Sea Sheppard Captain shot by Japanese Whalers

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posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 03:29 PM

Originally posted by Beachcoma
I was under the impression that it was both. The sale of the meat funds the scientific expedition.

And creates a demand.
As well as the 'quality' of the research being carried out. such science, such good results.

[edit on 7-3-2008 by AotearoaSon]

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 03:36 PM
Do you know enough about the research to make a judgement on it's quality? I don't.

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by Beachcoma

for 'balance' (but interesting to read through some of the arguments...tenuous?...maybe, especially the bit about whale meat not coming from their research, but from pre-moratorium days.

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 05:45 PM
This is the way i see it, and it is probably a very narrow and biased view.

They are a threatened species, and in most civilized countries such animals would be protected rather than hunted for food. If they want a delicacy have a surf'n'turf, you don't need to hunt whales.

It is Japan holding onto it's past. Let it go. Move on. Concede that the world is changing and you can't just go around hunting whales anymore.

Yes, the Sea Sheppard's tactics are overboard, but i believe in what they are trying to achieve and if no one keeps tabs on those ships out in the southern oceans, they will keep on whaling.

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 05:57 PM
It is generally a bad idea to harrass a ship at sea regardless of what it is doing. If what they are doing is "legal" in the waters they are in be it international or not, harrassment could easily be contrued as a viable threat. Viable threats can and are dealt with whatever force is neccesary to neutralize them. Basically, change the laws that apply....then go out and watch for the "illegal" activity and report it. The reason he was wearing a vest is because he knew what he was doing could provoke a response as above. Lucky guy if true. And no...I dont support what they are doing.

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by Beachcoma

AN official scientific review of Japan's bizarre experiments with test-tube minke babies and attempts at cross-breeding cows with whales has exploded the claim whale slaughter is "research".

Scientists have analysed the 43 research papers produced by Japan after 18 years of killing whales and concluded they are useless, strange and esoteric.

Some of the experiments involved injecting dead minke sperm into cow eggs, others attempt to produce test-tube whale babies and thawing frozen whale sperm to see if it remained fertile.

Japan's Institute of Cetacean Research also injected cow and pig egg cells with minke cells as part of its whaling program.

Australian delegates to this weekend's London meeting of the International Whaling Commission (IWC) will argue the "scientific research" loophole in the world-wide ban on commercial whaling that allows Japan to hunt the sea giants should be closed.

The head of Australia's scientific delegation to the IWC, Dr Nick Gales, said the research not only lacks credibility - it is downright strange.

"(The research involves) really bizarre and very strange experiments with sheep and pigs and eggs. It's totally esoteric, very strange research," he said from London.

Dr Gales also said the number of papers the lethal "research" produced - a mere 43 over 18 years - was incredibly small for a government-funded organisation.

"It was an incredibly low publication rate," he said.

More than half of the papers were dedicated to establishing whale mortality rates, but failed to do so.

"The amount of variability on these estimates means that the mortality rate remains unknown," Dr Gales said.

The findings of Australia's review show research objectives for the second phase of Japan's scientific whaling program, known as JARPA II, were unachievable, he said.

"They haven't changed any of the methodologies, Dr Gales said.

Environment Minister Peter Garrett said the scrutiny of Japan's research proved its whale hunt was about money.

"I challenge anyone to look at this sort of research and say it's necessary, to say it requires killing over 7000 whales," he said.

"This is why we say what is happening is not science, it's not necessary - it's commercial whaling."

This will form part of Australia's argument at the main IWC meeting in Chile later this year that killing whales is not generating any useful science.

Japan has slaughtered more than 7000 whales over the life of 18-year "research" program.



posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 06:58 PM
You do realize the reason for the Japanese whale hunt is that the meat and "certain other body parts" are said to possess "aphrodesiac" qualities. Google it. Cull of 1000 whales... for "research".


posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 07:50 PM
A few points i would like to make

Whale as been eaten in japan for 100 of years and its part of there way of life so there's a lot of jobs in the whaling industry and is the main income for lots of people in the waling industry and for it to stop would leave a lot people/families with out there main income.

now for seashepard no wonder this type of incident happens when there harassing the whalers by throwing all kinds at them and ramming ships i think it would be a lot more safer and make a bigger impact on the world if they put the money they spend into keeping there ships afloat into advertising in magazines, news papers and TV commercials pushing people to complain to there governments and put pressure on them to do something about what the Japanese are doing to the whale population.

i don't want to see whale's becoming extinct but i also don't want to see people being killed or injured and causing political problems that could lead to much more worse things happening.

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 07:52 PM

Originally posted by V Kaminski
You do realize the reason for the Japanese whale hunt is that the meat and "certain other body parts" are said to possess "aphrodesiac" qualities. Google it. Cull of 1000 whales... for "research".


Aphrodesiac qualities?


I refer you to my previous post, regarding thinly veiled racism, and blind acceptance of spurious arguments.

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 08:01 PM
reply to post by vox2442

OK. You didn't even look did you Mr. "Japanese Culture"? It's spelled "whaling", FYI. vox2442 eh? Caveat lector, caveat emptor. You are a joke.

Have a cheery future, bring fact vox2442. I'm around regularly.

Cheerio, wail-person, Hahahahaha.


[edit on 7-3-2008 by V Kaminski]

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 08:48 PM
kill all the whales and we won't have any argument anymore. period. sure by them going extinct it won't hurt the cycle of nature much.
also i agree if the radicals want to act radical they should expect a radical response and not complain when they get one.
maybe what they threw wasn't harmful to humans but how did the vicxtims know that?
throw that # at my house maliciciously and you will got shot at.
and the captain is lucky the japs were bad shots- remember a bullet proof vest doesn't protect your head lol

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 08:53 PM
reply to post by bigfoot1212

You are a vandal as bad as those Japanese sailors. None so blind as those who will not see or even look. Hey let's go bigfoot hunting and cut off it's feet and hands and... same thing.

Cheers "bigfoot"... LOL.


posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 09:21 PM
reply to post by V Kaminski

hey sure as long as all it's body parts and flesh get used i have np with that- i'm in!!

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 09:23 PM
reply to post by bigfoot1212

How pleasant. Good I'm glad we agree. "Bigfoot" hunting for me and you forever. I'll hunt you.



posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by V Kaminski

cool good be a good game. want my address?
and i'm not a vandal btw

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 09:47 PM
reply to post by bigfoot1212

I contend you are a vandal just as the Japanese who shot captain Watson (he dug the slug out of his bulletproof vest) are criminals and vandals of the planet.

I have ZERO problem if the Japanese ship and her crew have any and all Maritime difficulties imaginable while they continue this particular form of eco-vandalism.

It's quite simple really; by supporting the Japanese whalers who are BTW hunting Minke whale who at this time of year in Anaritica are with calves then bigfoot1212 you help vandalize and deface the value of the biological diversity that our fair Planet has to offer. Go ahead. Fine. Don't expect me to help you. In fact, expect challenge at every single post with which I feel valid disagreement is warranted.

I will enjoy it bigfoot1212.

The Japanese practice of harvesting is simply unsustainable and as such immoral. There's a really good reason why most of the enlightened international community simply doesn't harvest whale in this manner if at all; it's smart.

Oh maintain your anonymity bigfoot1212, so will I.

I look forward to everything you have offer as entertainment in your posts within the ATS community. Don't forget please enjoy yourself.


[edit on 7-3-2008 by V Kaminski]

posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 11:23 PM
I support the anti-whaling boats and their actions, the whales cant protect themselves and I personally don't think its right to kill them just my opinion. I've seen videos of their dolphin slaughters as well and it wans't a good sight at all, certain animals just should not be killed and whales dolphins fit in that group. Plus the pain and torment they put these creatures through before they die is horrific especially when they kill dolphins they just slice and let em bleed and seizure. I dont understand why they were hunting them and why they didnt just chop the whole head off causing instant death?

posted on Mar, 8 2008 @ 02:38 AM

Originally posted by V Kaminski
reply to post by vox2442

OK. You didn't even look did you Mr. "Japanese Culture"? It's spelled "whaling", FYI. vox2442 eh? Caveat lector, caveat emptor. You are a joke.

Have a cheery future, bring fact vox2442. I'm around regularly.

Cheerio, wail-person, Hahahahaha.


[edit on 7-3-2008 by V Kaminski]

The only solid reference I`ve been able to find to whale-related goods being used as an aphrodesiac is on this page - and it refers to the use of ambergris by the Chinese in such a fashion.

I`ve also run a search on both and - which turned up absolutely no reference to the Japanese using any part of the whale as an aphrodisiac - now or in antiquity.

I did find a lot of comments nested on message boards from the anti-whaling crew, making statements like yours, though. A lie repeated often enough...

Here you go: put up or shut up. Find me a single Japanese website offering whale meat for sale as an aphrodisiac, or promoting it as an aphrodisiac. Just one website. One shop selling whale meat as an aphrodisiac. One doctor touting it. One website, from Japan, where a Japanese person is seriously and without prompting, advocating the use of any part of a whale as an aphrodisiac. Anything to show me that this is something that Japanese people actually DO.

Until then, from where I sit, you`ve got nothing but urban legend.

posted on Mar, 8 2008 @ 02:55 AM

Originally posted by V Kaminski

the meat and "certain other body parts" are said to possess "aphrodesiac" qualities. Google it.

I just Googled "Sea Sheppard + Satan" and I got 24,200 hits. Does that prove anything?

posted on Mar, 8 2008 @ 06:52 AM
They hunt few hundred whales in year from population of almost a million (700.000) and people here cry that they're endangered. True that some whales like blue whale has a very low population but you dont see them being hunted anymore in the scale they used to be by western countries. Japanese whalers dont even put a dent on the whale population of the world.

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