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Ronald Weinland (nothing yet...)

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posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 02:27 PM
reply to post by doctorex

Oh we will!!! We have....
We don't mock you my firend just RW. Of course nothing was going to happen today. Maybe in 2009?? Does he have any new predictions for then or are they vague enough to be anything major than he can tag to it.

Oh and how come you keep replying like daggyz says when you say you have had enough?

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 09:20 AM
The 1290th day countdown is TODAY.


I do not see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, or any sacrifice that has been halted.

Nothing has happened yet today, nothing will happen today.

Ronald Weinland is like a fish, flip flopping back and forth.

The world will be in "shock and horror" on that day, the world will NOT be in "shock and horror" on that day. For a prophet of God, you would hope he could make up his own mind.

30 days and counting to the most PEACEFUL GREAT TRIBULATION EVER.

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 03:25 PM
"One of the most astonishing events and loudest thunders since 9-11 is the conflict between Georgia and Russia. Once again, the world is blind! There are those who fear what they see, but most people are insensitive and in deep ignorance to these sweeping conditions that will directly affect the Fifth and Sixth Trumpets that are to come. All that is happening in this great event is more firmly shaping the alliances that will emerge as a direct result. This is far greater than 9-11 was in shaping alliances, and this will lead into a horrendously terrifying World War III." .......................................From RW's 'sermon' of August.

And what of the conflict RW? An astonishing event? A loud thunder? The outcome of the struggle was supposed to determine the course of Russia’s relations with its neighbours, and it was supposed to shape Dmitri Medvedev’s presidency, and it was said that it could alter the relationship between the Kremlin and the West and crucially could decide the fate of Caspian basin energy supplies.

But it didn't!!!

RW wrong again and again and again and again and again and again and again .....

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 12:19 PM
My guess is that when Dec. 14 rolls around, RW will yet again say the Great Tribulation is all spiritual. He will eventually be forced to do so. None of the physical signs the bible talks about is here yet.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 03:35 AM
reply to post by SirPaulMuaddib

Agreed. Even Doctorex is quiet and has realized his mistake as per his last post. Pity RW couldn't be as honest!

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 03:39 AM
Ronald Weinland is just one of those wannabie christians who thinks that he/she/they know what is what. I read one of his comic books about: Ronald Weinland 2008 Witness. First half of his comic book was full of rubbish, the othe half is just quotes from the bible(s).

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 07:32 AM
reply to post by daggyz

I couldn’t disagree more Daggyz… Doctorex will surely be licking his spiritual wounds, but I suspect he’ll be looking into that mirror we talked of and saying to himself “there there, everything will be alright. Everything will be just the way RW says it will be .. it has to, because I believe in him”.
Or else, he’s just faking it and doesn’t really give a toss .. and will wait around for the next prophet to follow. Because Doc, “you’re all talk, and you don’t say nothin’ to me”!

Doctorexs’ last post said nothing about his mistaking RW as a prophet. It was merely a grasp at a LAST MINUTE stay of execution (the day before) for his false prophet.

Doctorex 13-11-2008
“Actually, this was my mistake :-) I just heard a sermon from months ago that says nothing drastic will happen on this day, so go ahead and mock away.”

You need no help in that matter Doc, you mock yourself, and you still seem to be making no kind of “INDIVIDUAL ASSESMENT” on why RWs prophesies that continually have not come to pass, permit YOU to believe that he is who he claims to be. You need to wake up.
Let me just make this plain.
You did not hear a sermon at all, you heard a pompous man making false prophecy. Abusing the authority of a ministry to manipulate and deceive the vulnerable and at the same time elevate his own personal standing within that circle. This sad, yet ultimately successful performance in self delusion, and righteousness will soon come to an end. May God will see this end come swiftly.

posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 07:47 AM
Guys, go back and have a good read of your own posts. Do you guys even see how much you reek of self-pride?

Proverbs 16:18 Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.

Oh how true, and there is a mighty big fall coming. Watch that step.

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 01:42 AM
reply to post by doctorex

You're still all talk .. Yet you don't say nothing to me Doc.

clearly, your mind has been set in stone onto which truth you wish to percieve. I have not once seen you write anything which would declare you have kept an open mind on seeking what is the truth in regards to RW, only maintaining and (weakly) arguing in favour for what you undoubtably believe is right for you. Your mediocar replies filled with limited communication skills, one liners and self righteous comments do nothing to lend credibility to RWs claims.
Do keep in mind that this thread is entirely based on the legitimacy of RW prophetic claims. And through deduction and determination as to whether those prophesises have come to pass. This thread is NOT about YOU. Get over yourself, and get back on topic. Or better still, get off this topic altogether if you cannot DEBATE with an open mind. I get it that you have bought the best seats in the house. I get that you don't want to make a case to substantiate RWs babblings, so just what the hell are you doing participating on this thread? Is the truth not that you are simply spouting out your very own personal spiritual poison?

The End Time is not an event for your self righteous gratification on the demise of a corrupt world. Or that you should begin to judge and take stock and make flippant remarks to total strangers.
You're all talk Doc .. and you don't say nothing to me!

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 02:09 AM

Originally posted by Scotsmist
reply to post by doctorex

You're still all talk .. Yet you don't say nothing to me Doc.

What makes you think I am trying to?

clearly, your mind has been set in stone onto which truth you wish to percieve. I have not once seen you write anything which would declare you have kept an open mind on seeking what is the truth in regards to RW, only maintaining and (weakly) arguing in favour for what you undoubtably believe is right for you. Your mediocar replies filled with limited communication skills, one liners and self righteous comments do nothing to lend credibility to RWs claims.

If you spent as much time examining yourself as you did trying to find fault with me, you might not like what you see.

This thread is NOT about YOU. Get over yourself, and get back on topic.

Then why not stop attacking me and get on topic yourself.

Or better still, get off this topic altogether if you cannot DEBATE with an open mind. I get it that you have bought the best seats in the house. I get that you don't want to make a case to substantiate RWs babblings, so just what the hell are you doing participating on this thread?

I have no intention of debating, been there done that, and I have said that over and over again. What are you doing here, and what would you all do if I wasn't, all sit around and pat each other on the back and tell each other how right you all are? If you are all convinced RW is wrong, why do you bother? It's so you can tear down and find fault, for no other reason but to puff yourself up. Pure and simple.

Is the truth not that you are simply spouting out your very own personal spiritual poison?

Take a look in the mirror at the venom you are spitting.

The End Time is not an event for your self righteous gratification on the demise of a corrupt world. Or that you should begin to judge and take stock and make flippant remarks to total strangers.
You're all talk Doc .. and you don't say nothing to me!

Hypocrisy at it's best. God bless.

[edit on 27/11/08 by doctorex]

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 12:11 PM
Elijah mocked the false prophets. Jesus lambasted the pharisees and basically called them corpses.

I hardly think pointing about very valid errors, and the lack of any kind of specific prophecy and its fulfillment (or in this case lack thereof) as hypocrisy.

Ronald Weinland was clearly wrong when he made specific proclamations of trumpets being blown, by his own admission.

While prophets are sinners, no prophet in the OT or NT, who prophesied under God's authority had their (God's really of course) prophecy fail.

Ronald Weinland pronounced some prophecies, they failed, by God's definition he is a false prophet. God does not allow "mistakes" in regards to accurate prophecy. Can you imagine a host of people standing before God? And God asking him why they didn't believe his "witness"? And them replying, well, according to your own word, he is a false prophet! And God saying "Oops!". Do you thing God works this way? No he does not.

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 10:49 PM
link not going to argue no more because i know what is right and who is wrong. Im starting to think doctorex is ron himself. oh well. hope everyone had a good holiday those who celebrate it. night all.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 06:31 AM
He's already covering his tracks. He's said (I don't listen to his sermons, but spot checked his recent one), that probably nothing will happen Dec. 14.
He literally said, he didn't know, and does not know what will happen.

What kind of prophet is that???? He's the worst prophet in history.

Look, nothing will happen, nothing will happen not because I say so, because none of the biblical signs signifying the Great Tribulation is upon us, is here.

(ie sacrifices in Jerusalem, armies surrounding Jerusalem, any kind of idol set up in Jerusalem by Beast + False Prophet)

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 05:48 PM
reply to post by Scotsmist

You're still all talk .. Yet you don't say nothing to me Doc.

I like a lot of what you've written, Scotsmist.

I, also, have been studying Ronald Weinland for a number of months. I've listened to his sermons (very boring) and I read (rather browsed) his online book. It takes him to, what, Chapter 8 or something to declare he is one of the 2 witnesses? His book is BORING. His sermons are BORING.

The reason why I "continue" to read about him is I believe what Jesus said:
Matt 24:11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.

Jesus warns us to watch out for "false prophets".

There is an interesting statement that Ronald Weinland made earlier this year. He claimed if certain things didn't happen as he said they were going to...he was a false prophet

Now this is curious to me.

Ronald Weinland said that if something DIDN'T happen like he said it would...he was a false prophet. He SAID this while speaking AS a prophet.

Ronald Weinland (to me) isn't so much operating in an "I am a prophet" capacity any longer, but rather in a "I am a FALSE prophet" role.

...and he told the world this...PLAINLY.

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 05:57 PM

Ronald Weinland said that if something DIDN'T happen like he said it would...he was a false prophet. He SAID this while speaking AS a prophet.

Ronald Weinland (to me) isn't so much operating in an "I am a prophet" capacity any longer, but rather in a "I am a FALSE prophet" role.

...and he told the world this...PLAINLY.

Well put, sadly his followers do not have ears to hear or eyes to see.

If they can not recognize such an obvious false prophet (and astonishingly this is by the mouth of the false prophet himself), they will fall into line when one comes and can call down fire from the sky, the demon possessed and Satan possessed final pope, who will work miracles in the sight of all.

[edit on 3-12-2008 by SirPaulMuaddib]

posted on Dec, 3 2008 @ 06:07 PM
reply to post by SirPaulMuaddib

If they can not recognize such an obvious false prophet (and astonishingly this is by the mouth of the false prophet himself),


This was hard to explain to people I've talked with, so I am thankful that you understood what I meant.

Thankfully RW was pretty easy to spot...and quite early.

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 02:44 AM
“they cannot recognize such an obvious false prophet”

Well, I put that down to something I’d written about long ago. To some degree, these people are simply TOO CLOSE to God to believe that they cannot distinguish between that which is miss-leading and subtly different, to what is Gods true message in scripture. When I say TOO CLOSE, I mean in the respect that they may feel that they are complete in their understanding (fully) as to what Gods final movements will be, before the beginning of Christs rule on Earth.
Complete understanding from either within or without (self discovery or instruction).
It is effectively like the phrase “to close to home” whereby the closer we are to something the less likely it is we would be willing to see fault or make correction when advised by others.
This false understanding is most commonly associated with those countless individuals who generally have no affiliation with any spiritual Church, but rather make it their own (unique) understanding of Gods “possible” plan. Keeping the word “possible” always in their mind, for they understand fully that they have absolutely no Authority to profess what is their belief. But they usualy indulge in giving their oppinion none the less.
The other is a more serious kind of false understanding. We must not be forgetting for a moment that Satan plays a major part (over a lifetime in many cases) in manipulating the thoughs and understandings of people who ultimately may be elevated or even seek positions within a Ministry for their self assured understanding and “Authority”. “Those who wish to gain the best seats in the temple”

It is not uncommon to be wrong. our individual assessment of most things in life are usualy uncovered to be in error, and our ability to be deceived is just as common.
But having a strong if even basic foundation of scriptural truth in place, I don’t think it can be so easily excused away however, the inability for those to see what is literally right in front of their eyes. It is truly sad that these people are unwilling to open their minds. “Their eyes can see, but they are blind”. Christ himself made many declarations to what initially would have appeared to be physical disabilities, but in-fact he was stating another.
There are simply so many ways and means for us to be blind to the obvious, that it does not surprise me that many millions would be deceived. And therefore it should also come as no surprise to anyone else who studies the bible, that it is indeed prophesied to be the case.
But, my warning has always been to those who would follow one who professes and believes themselves to be learned in all things hidden. Those men or women who would look down on others with contempt for disbelief in their own words. RW is such a man in his words, works and manner that being unable to see this is simply being unwilling and uncompromising to the true word of God.
“2008 Gods final Witness” is an attempt to be an epilogue of the book of Revelation, nothing more. God has nothing more to add to the bible in this age, nor will there be any future prophet come among us to instruct us further in understanding God. Gods work has been done in this regard.
The two prophets of the book of revelation will be severely scorned just as John the Baptist was in his day. They will be truly compelling in their testimony there is no doubt, and multitudes will be spiritually awakened by their presence alone. But to the remaining mindless masses they will appear like roaring lions, as the truth coming from them will be the cause behind the anger they will both be shown. They will have no interest in glorifying themselves or require to make their sermons on the www. These two will have power of speech and deed that the media of the world will be upon them like bees to honey. RWs timid claim in both his words and deeds are of such insignificance in comparison that his unfulfilled prophecies are not the only thing that, to the observant mind

[edit on 5-12-2008 by Scotsmist]

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 03:31 AM
(ending) ...

, condemn his claim. Those around him have been blinded by their pride with their close proximity in nature to this mans presence and written word.

My interest in this thread and others has been to get involved in assisting people to think twice about RW with an open heart and mind before committing themselves to his deceptions.

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 05:17 AM
reply to post by PreTribGuy

I have also followed this thread somewhat. People have to understand that we have been given the bible. When someone claims addition knowledge or special communication with God then red flags should go up! God doesn't operate like that. Think about it..if he did then there would be thousands of lawyers at the judgement claiming if only they had got that special knowledge they would have believed Christ was the savior.

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 05:39 AM

Originally posted by BlackProjects
reply to post by PreTribGuy

I have also followed this thread somewhat. People have to understand that we have been given the bible. When someone claims addition knowledge or special communication with God then red flags should go up! God doesn't operate like that. Think about it..if he did then there would be thousands of lawyers at the judgement claiming if only they had got that special knowledge they would have believed Christ was the savior.

Hi BlackProjects...

You are 100% correct, and highlight a very good point. Unfortunately it is a point that is totaly lost on the unsuspecting, and easily manipulated away with the likes of RW.

[edit on 5-12-2008 by Scotsmist]

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