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Ronald Weinland (nothing yet...)

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posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 05:08 PM
In 2007, ron promised that if his prophecies failed, he would come to the interviews in 2008 to explain on why his prophecies failed or he would claim himself that he is a false prophet.

Last year, December 2007, he was interviewed by Dan Ott from the "Edge Radio." I don't know if anyone remembers this. Dan asked him if he would like an interview and defend on why his prophecies failed. Weinland refused to be interviewed. Dan publicly denounced Ron as fraud. Listen to the radio show here:

Ronald Weinland Reprisal

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by ZeroDignityDan publicly denounced Ron as fraud. Listen to the radio show here:

Ronald Weinland Reprisal

funny stuff, he really laid it into him.

Sadly many followers are still blind, will continue to follow, what's even more tragic is that RW admits to the prophecies not being fulfilled and they STILL will follow him.

posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 05:23 PM
ya so true. now hes blaming the war with russia and georgia being a sign. i mean come on its a war not a nuclear Im sure he will be saying all the flooding in illiosios and indiana right now will be a wait theres a woman president maybe shes an antichrist. no wait obama is muslim so hes going to blow up america. what else can i think of that he may or may not come up with.

Remember that he said there will be NO president in the white house this election. once i see that america proves him wrong then. this post should be dead by then.

posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 05:48 PM
(anyway...since somebody bumped this...)

How many will be FOOLED TWICE??

Yes Ronald Weinland The False Prophet has strung along his followers, up to this Sept.

His revised timetable has Sept 30, as the start of the TRUE (rolls eyes) 1335 countdown.

While it is true (see Deut 13:1-4) that God may actually "send" (allow) a prophet to prophesy, and have his (the prophet's) prophecy fail, to TEST the people, it is ALWAYS A FALSE PROPHET that is sent to perform this test. He (God) never sends a true prophet in and have his prophecy fail. Only false prophets are sent to this task (1 Samuel 3:19).

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 12:28 AM
Nothing will stop Ron. Not the election going ahead and Obama being elected. He'll say he was mistaken... which will be correct. Not the failed war in Georgia, not the failed European Union (we can't even get two nations now to agree on much let alone 15), not the ... not the ...

He will never give up. Some will always believe him. Just another John Jones without suicide...(yet)

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 04:05 AM
I am a contributor from Scotland. Many if not most reading this post will have heard of my name, but I’m afraid it is my wish to remain anonymous for personal reasons.

I have been watching this thread and others related, on and off for a few months now and have remained silent throughout, not really wishing to participate in adding any more stress than was plainly obvious for certain people who truly needed to see through to conclusion their own prophets words. Although quietly hoping that for some, an inner light would possibly be switched on somewhere within, without the requirement to endure that journey.
Conjecture as to whether Mr Weinland is/was indeed a prophet or not seemed to me a pointless exercise from almost the word go. As unfortunately the thread very quickly progressed into individual self sermons/mockery or from those frantically grasping at straws with anger in their hearts, to justify their beliefs in their RW. Despite the fact that others were attempting to rationally assist in explanation, because none had the required authority to convince, it soon (as I suspected) transformed into a confrontation of hearts rather than careful discussion. Like all of mankind I too have been continually reading scripture and searching for the truth over many years and in my own mind I believe that we all suffer from the baggage of Sin passed down to us, whether that Sin be of the flesh or of the mind. It is totally inescapable for man to be without Sin in the absence of obedience to Gods guidance. This, I believe has been the lesson that we have had to endure since the expulsion of Adam and Eve from Eden.
Like many in this age looking for answers and “Watching” for signs foretold in the book of revelation, my travels had also taken me to the pages of Mr Weinland. And though the content (like some Hollywood Movie) would at first hand appear exciting, compelling and altogether acceptable because of the mindset beliefs we (humanity) already accept the inevitable prospect of mans self-destruction because of his own actions, or in-action.
From a very early stage in his (RW) writings my whole being screamed out to me the warning “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheeps clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves” [Mt. 7:15]. Paul warned the Corinthians of such men when he wrote: “For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And do not marvel for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light” (2 Cor. 11:13-14).
When he (RW) proclaimed that his Wife was the second witness I thought “surely now there will be mass a diss-association from his teachings. Surely now!” but no! The willing, miss-informed minds who possibly could have seen their error in this mans teachings, may have more likely had their attachment to him re-enforced further still by means of mockery from ringside observers, who had not completely thought through the effect their words may have on individuals. This spiritual mockery which is portrait in scripture only lends credence to false prophets and assists their work.
Yes it is important to give warning and aid in awakening or help convince the minds of those who are trapped in false teachings. But it is NOT helpful if those who wish to correct others who are miss-led, are themselves not in a position of intellectual Authority to rebuke or contest interpretation of scripture themselves. However, more importantly is the manner in which we do this that can either assist or destroy all attempts and efforts of a spiritual awakening. Remember at all times that these people firmly believe that they have already experienced an awakening!

We’re now living in a time of great declension for many Presbyterian and reformed churches, a time of toleration for error and syncretism with our surrounding cultures. Therefore, we must carefully note and heed the many warnings and imperatives regarding purity of doctrine and false teachers in Scripture (e.g., “note those who cause divisions and offenses, contrary to the doctrine which you learned and avoid them” [Rom. 16:17]; “charge some that they teach no other doctrine” [1 Tim. 1:3]; “guard what was committed to your trust” [1 Tim. 6:20]; “hold fast the pattern of sound words” [2 Tim. 1:13]; “shun idle and profane babblings” [2 Tim. 2:16]; “exhort and convince those who contradict” [Tit. 1:9]; “beware of false prophets” [Mt. 7:15], etc). This point is especially important because there are neo-legalists walking the world who occupy positions of great influence, who whether intentionally or otherwise serve to subvert whole households and churches with carefully crafted heretical doctrines, with simultaneous affirmations of reformed truth and dangerous heresies. Mixing scriptural truths with personal perceived understandings thrown in can easily seduce unlearned followers. All peoples who would blindly follow and place their faith in these false teachers are themselves in mortal danger, for it requires a greater strength to overcome self pride to correct and re-adjust those “scriptural” beliefs that may become the cornerstone of ones faith structure. It is imperative that each individual should ask this question inwardly and in complete honesty. “Are my scriptural beliefs based on my own interpretation of scriptural study?” .. Take care how you truly answer that question. We can easily fall into the trap of studying or searching for confirmation of what we have been inspired to look for from others, and then profess to call it our own studied beliefs.
If like most you have jumped on the bandwagon of the scriptural interpretation of others, be on your guard at all times. The spirit within you through God, does tell you constantly what is false and what is the truth, but we need to listen carefully for that voice and require the strength to jump off the bandwagon when we here the warnings.
Sadly, the more frequent inability to do the right things is now a constant in the world. Which is why it is easier to fit into the crowd and stay silent than to stand tall and profess injustice or what is in error when you see it. It is important to remember at all times that Satan is the true ruler of our world at present, and that God has permitted this and that he be loosed upon mankind to help fulfill prophecy.
In understanding why it is difficult to swim against the tide. The bully culture is the simplest explanation for negative and submissive human behaviour towards one another, we all know why it happens, we know how to stop it, but still it continues in all its various manifestations all the same. If this very simple example is fully understood by the smallest children at early school, how much greater in degree are adults skilled in both understanding and application?
Even when we do attempt to muster the courage and jump off the bandwagon, the trappings in attempting this are also evident. Take great care that your heart is not hardened with your pride so as to prevent you to flee from that false spiritual bondage.

The fact that Christ our Lord directly admonished the apostles against false teachings, tells us that no one should consider himself to be immune to the influence of false doctrine. There is never a time in our walk with Christ when we can let down our guard. There is not one person in the world who can claim a level of knowledge, sanctification or theological maturity that protects him from the doctrinal assaults of Satan. Remember also that the Devil himself tempted Christ, and he would not have done so if he believed it was an impossible task for him to succeed. Even the most godly and knowledgeable believers are able to err in doctrine. In fact, the more we understand about God, Christ, faith and life, the more we realize how feeble our knowledge really is. Therefore, regarding doctrinal matters we must be very humble. We must be very prayerful and careful regarding the doctrinal achievements on which we stand. “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall” [Pr. 16:18]. Mr Weinland is as fallible as the rest of humanity, as it is often pride and arrogance regarding ones own knowledge, abilities and genius that has caused many a theologian and pastor to be seduced by Satan. Just as many would be unable or even unwilling to search for an excuse for the teachings of such false prophets when they are revealed. There can also be no excuse for those who proclaim that their own search for truth has gained them the knowledge they now profess to have. When in reality they are in truth blindly repeating the words and following the doctrines of “a convincing man or written text”. Placing the word of man, before the word of God.

It is with a heavy heart that I know that we have not yet heard the last of Mr RW and his like.. Nor of his followers. But guard yourself against mocking these people directly, for you must understand that you surely are doing the reverse of what you suspect to be a good deed.
Why would the followers of RW troll the net and even engage in discussion or argument? They strongly feel the need to try to defend (in earnest) the words and Authority of their prophet, for their own hearts continually attempt to contradict what their mind is so easily submitting to. This is already anticipated and spoken of by the prophet himself to help justify and strengthen there beliefs in His doctrine. “Many are called, but few are chosen” is a powerful tool used to ensnare the vulnerable. The encouragement that they are individually unique and if they truly understand his words they are somehow gifted or called to before others, from others who contest His words.
This enticement is particularly strong and is similar in explanation to understanding “The Emperors new clothes” story, whereby not wishing to appear foolish or unwise in the presence of others, all the weak of mind including the Emperor himself, were convinced to the contrary of what they eyes perceived to declare that they indeed could see the Emperors clothes. Only with innocent and uncorrupted eyes did the child speak out the truth, and it is as a child that scripture tells us that we perceive.
“Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive The Kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it” [Luk 18:17].
Full acceptance of any false doctrine cannot be completed soley by just reading the doctrine (words) itself, but also requires the acceptance of the personal convictions of the prophet himself . If interpreted scriptural doctrine does not give both peace of heart and mind and instead causes you to bitterly contest it with others in heated exchange (on either side of that argumentative fence), be sure that you may not both be in error and are not speaking on behalf of your God, but of the self.

When the word of God is spoken, it is not required for you to be convinced. The work therein is can you accept it. When the words of that which is not from God meet your ears, have understanding of how quickly you will accept what you hear, and how convinced you were from the person you heard it from.
To those who feel thoroughly at home in the words of man before the words of God beware. For Satan has a subtle gift. The ability to confuse, shut fast the door, or even set to sleep the unprotected spiritual mind …. Awaken!

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 07:47 AM
I love Daniel Ott, and

You can tell that he isn't a "professional" broadcaster, and that is what makes him great. He asks questions that other interviewers don't.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 07:54 AM
Greetings Scotmist.....I must say your case against false teachers/prophets,is a good one and I might add somewhat factual.
The curious nature of man with respect to knowing the future has always been in search of date and times..(eg.The Myan calander)Even the apostles sought to know the future and asked Jesus what will be the signs of the time of the end.
The scriptures outline for all, the signs of the end times and indeed they are present today....Organized religion has failed misirably simply because, it has abandoned the apostolic rootes of christianty.
The turmoil involved with the unification of the christian church is centered around the assimilation of catholic dogma into protestant doctrine,however the differences between the sects is neglagable simply because they all follow the sunday sabbath,christmas,and easter and ignor Gods scriptual holydays set forth in Lev.23.
We were told in Leviticus that these statutes were to stand from now until forever....

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 10:36 AM
....and things progress, and people are still blinded. What if there is a total collapse of the financial system in mid November, will that open some eyes?

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 02:16 PM
And events will continue to progress Doc. That is a certainty my friend, and yes more and more events will reveal themselves as we continue further towards the appointed time. But I ask you in all humility, have you determined by your own means that the specific current event you bring to light is part of a prophesised chain of events foretold in scripture which you yourself have determined? Or are you echoing the opinion and voice of another?
If I were to tell you that my outlook for the financial markets were bleak, and that it is my opinion that the world is in for a financial Earthquake sometime in the very near future, would that make me a prophet? Or could I simply be someone who is observant to what the world economic highbrows have been saying for many months now, that financial greed had led us to the point at which meltdown was almost unavoidable? The present global banking crisis is no surprise and had come upon us with MANY very clear warnings from within the system itself. It has been public knowledge for a very very long time, that we were headed for a fall. But greed has a way of blinding the eyes and closing the ears. And NOTHING affects the masses, until it affects the masses!

“What if there is a total collapse of the financial system in mid November, will that open some eyes?”
Well “What if” there is not? Have you truly asked yourself that question? And would that possibility have cause to make a pause in your thoughts, or open your eyes to new possibilities in your teacher? If you have already discerned that you would still be tied to your present belief. I would urge you to pray for guidance and listen closely to your heart with a clear mind.

I have determined now, not to quote any scripture but rather to just speak plainly. It is my belief that it would be more receptive and not feel that I am being aggressive or intentionally confrontational towards anyone, which is in truth the furthest thing from my mind.
I’d like you to follow me on this, and imagine I’m talking to the third person.
Do you believe in false prophets? Of course you do, scripture tells us that they are a part of our world. Do you believe that some worshipers have been deceived by false ministers? Of course you do, it is well documented with hundreds of examples. Do you believe that you are immune to deception?

The expression of spiritual clarity is akin and like unto the matters of the heart. Neither can be fully explained by words. They transcend verbal expression and all attempts to describe them perfectly are left with a feeling of total injustice. This is the reality of communication as we know it. We attempt to bridge that gap with the use of a careful selection of powerful words that hit the buttons, so to speak.
Among the best of orators, Christ our Lord was a Master in the use of this particular ability. He had the power to immediately transfix the minds of all around him simply by the spoken word.
But this by no means is an ability that is restricted only to the righteous! Confidence men (Con-men) have been applying this trade since before the Bible was written. And although we have always been aware of their presence, this has not diminished their success in preying on the countless numbers of victims who are vulnerable to this power of persuasion. Deceptions can extend from very long periods, even lifelong, to only momentary ones. But finally when their victims become aware of being deceived, the most common response is usually to completely distance themselves from the reality. Go as far as even attempt to psychologically forget the event from their minds altogether. The process of analysing their inability to perceive the con and conceding to the fact that they have permitted themselves to be deceived, is quite simply too painful for many to endure for any length of time. This is primarily why con-men are so successful! Very few of their victims would even pursue justice because it would prolong the awareness of shame or personal embarrassment that the individual would have to endure throughout the process.

Having now taken a very small glimpse into possibilities of our natural response to deception. Do you believe that you are immune to deception?
How much more difficult, if you could gauge a number between 1 and 100, would you think it would be if a con-man was through his own words and actions, exposed among a very close circle of fellow worshipers? Not just someone who is a fellow member of the congregation, nor merely the tithe collector, not even the minister! But someone, whom you undoubtedly believe to be, and have permitted to believe through no other fault than your own, is in-fact, that self professed prophet of God!
Put the kettle on .. Have a seat .. And ponder on how you think you would truly proceed.

Now ask yourself, are you immune to deception? Is it entirely impossible that you may be mistaken? Is it possible you have deceived yourself even in the questioning?

Among all the followers of false teachers that have been exposed in the past, how many would you guess, would have believed it to be true until the confession came?
Yes Doc .. “people are still blinded” however, it can sometimes be the one looking in the mirror.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 03:19 PM

Yes Doc .. “people are still blinded” however, it can sometimes be the one looking in the mirror.

And mirrors go both ways....

Sorry, don't mean to be short, but I'm done debating this topic, it's completely pointless. Time will do the talking. 2008.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 04:34 PM
"And mirrors go both ways" .. Is that it? is that a worthy response?
Does not your teacher tell you to "exhort and convince those who contradict" [Tit. 1:9] In fact, does not your teacher do this himself?
Well on your behalf I would contradict, and be pleased to here your contradictions on my assesments also. You have no idea who I am, but I am your Brother Doc, we are of the same line .. and I need you to convince me that maybe I am not mistaken. So, convince me!
Or do your beliefs hold such little water that they fail to convince even yourself and therefore seek to end discussion?

If you find yourself unable to have the skills necessary to explain to me why I am so mistaken, perhaps your teacher could address this thread.
Although, self expression in your beliefs thus far seem not to have been an issue.
However, Inform him that there is a lost sheep who needs a shephard. As a prophet, I'm sure he would be more than happy to leave the ninety nine to save the one.
And if he were a prophet, I would perceive immedately that he is what he proclaims to be, simply by his words. Because you see Doc, a prophets words do not come from the prophet himself .. they are inspired directly from God and no error can be found in those words. So I am sure to be utterly convinced, just as you must be every time he utters a sound, right?
So, convince me.

If this were the case .. I would pronounce that RW is a true prophet of God in my own heart and hearken to his words.

Convince me.

[edit on 7-10-2008 by Scotsmist]

[edit on 7-10-2008 by Scotsmist]

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 04:34 AM
Greeting Theodorej..

I agree with your assessment in mans curiosity in respect to wishing to know what lies ahead in the future, since a very large portion of scripture is indeed prophecy based. But further, it does not surprise me at all that millions around the world who are driven by their limited doctrinal beliefs are counting down the days ‘till all things be revealed. So focussed are they on this prophesied event and trying to make heads or tails of current events that they are blinded to all other things around them. It becomes transformed into their one and only concern, almost an addictive compulsion to see through to conclusion .. with a ring-side seat.
A compulsion to wish to know what lies ahead is something that is human of course, but even this subtle curiosity can lead us down a dangerous path.
We have already been told that “[Mark 13:32 KJV] But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.” This is as clear a message as can be given. Although we are informed and warned to remain ever vigilant and not let our guard falter, we are in no measure encouraged to seek a precise time ahead of the eventsdescribed in revelation.
Like a rabid animal in wild pursuit of what it does not know, there is a selfish foaming at the mouth in persistence to know when this (at present) concealed time will actually be. Even though God as told us that before specific events must be fulfilled, this information is not known to anyone, not even the prophets!
To help explain a little further, the prophets will be fulfilling Gods plan like a quarterback fulfils his roll on a football field, but they are not privy to the overall master plan that only the coach himself knows.
And in the same manner, the curiosity and desire to know our future has seen mankind dabble in all manner of ways to get what he wants. From Runes to Witchcraft, Mediums to Astrology, we have an almost inexhaustible ability to “take our eye off the ball”. And these distractions are something that Satan himself welcomes, and regularly participates in.

When certain events have begun we are given the time! It is there, there is no mystery about this at all. A chain of events will take place and the timing for this has already been written in scripture.
Yes there has been a miserable failure in mainstream Christian religion, millions have been deceived throughout the world through scriptural miss-interpretation, as is also warned and foretold in revelation. So MUST the followers of many false prophets be deceived to fulfil prophecy. But is it written anywhere that the two final witnesses (specifically) would be at the figurehead of any religious group or be part of a movement that would actively seek to "Reveal" the end time foretold in the prophecy of revelation before the events took place? This would actually be contrary to what God has already told us! Is it written anywhere that before their eventual mission in Jerusalem is completed, they would seek to gather together anyone other than themselves to fulfil Gods work? We are told that they will .. appear! Curious!

[edit on 7-10-2008 by Scotsmist]

[edit on 7-10-2008 by Scotsmist]

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 07:31 AM
reply to post by Scotsmist

Been there done that, it's make no difference. Only God can open our minds to the truth....

John 6:44 No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.

Mankind is blind, the whole world is deceived (Rev 12:9), even the vast majority of those who think they are following Christ, yet follow a false Christ through a false Pagan Sabbath (sunday, instead of God's Sabbath, the Sabbath Jesus and the Apostles observed), false Pagan Holy days (Christmas, Easter etc instead of the days laid out by God in the Bible, which Christ and the Apostles followed, even after the death of Christ), which all come from a false church, Rome. It's pointless getting into debates about it, because if God wants someone to see the truth, he is quite capable of drawing and revealing that truth to them.

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 08:52 AM

Originally posted by doctorex

Yes Doc .. “people are still blinded” however, it can sometimes be the one looking in the mirror.

And mirrors go both ways....

Sorry, don't mean to be short, but I'm done debating this topic, it's completely pointless. Time will do the talking. 2008.

Greetings Doctorex......Time will indeed do the talking and I will be
watching and talking at the same time....My message will be one of hope based on some very strong requisites and not a posture of an all knowing entity.
If people would heed the signs and bend their knees and bow their heads in repentance God will heal their land...We can agree that a conclusion to this world as we know it is eminent...God is not speaking to my heart and giving me dates and times and those who will be blessed with that task do not appear to be of yet.
This is not to say that Gods prophet is not here yet...Iam in need of direction ...

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by doctorex

Yes, only God can open our minds to the truth .. but the only stipulation (catch) is .. We have to be willing to receive (accept) it.

I do not contest or have one issue with the contents in its entirety of what you have just written.
However, staying on topic .. I would only ask, how does this address the question of RW? (for arguments sake, 'm not directly saying RW is one) But being a false prophet does not automatically imply that there will NOT be many elements of correct interpretation of doctrine in his ministering.
Statements such as "and lo' Joggy Bear will rise up against God, and Donald Duck too will slay the children of Disney Land".. would immediately alert anyone with more that one brain cell to the obvious.
False does not mean stupid! It means a cunning deception that may easily be accepted by receptive ears.

Following the teachings of false prophets is not an act of stupidity, or even one of foolishness. It is merely a subtle insertion of false doctrine made upon a vulnerable persons incomplete understanding of scriptural interpretation, designed to convice the unsuspecting that their missing understanding has been completed on their behalf.
In other words .. They help fill in all the blank spaces .. in all the right places! Pressing the right buttons!

Those followers are to my mind, in desperate need of assistance from anyone who is capable on stirring the spirit. I do not mock or have any ill will towards anyone trapped in such a deceitful web.

Note... I'm going to have to check my spelling before posting !

[edit on 7-10-2008 by Scotsmist]

[edit on 7-10-2008 by Scotsmist]

[edit on 7-10-2008 by Scotsmist]

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 08:32 PM
Perhaps you could tell me then what exactly that RW teaches is false doctrine? You seem to think it is my job to convince you that what I believe is true. What I believe is between me and God. There was a time when I thought people might be willing to hear it, but I was wrong. People do not like truth.

Romans 8:7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.

This is what grace is, not what the world teaches, I would be just like everyone else, if it were not for the grace of God. When you know in your heart what you have come to see is true, and nobody through scripture can show you any contradictions, and through following it, you begin to receive the countless spiritual blessings, and I really do mean blessings, nobody on this planet could convince me that what I have come to see is false, but if you think I am wrong, then perhaps you would like to waste some of your time trying to convince me, but believe me, you will be wasting your time. The only way you could begin to convince me is through any contradictions in scripture, and there are none.

[edit on 7/10/08 by doctorex]

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 12:14 PM
[Quote]“You seem to think it is my job to convince you that what I believe is true.” & “Perhaps you could tell me then what exactly that RW teaches is false doctrine?”[Unquote]

You are mistaken or have mistaken my intent. I am specifically asking you to consider whether that which RW believes and proclaims, that he AND his wife are the two final end time prophets as described in scripture is a truth, nothing more. And as of your belief in that, I ask you to convince me of your reasoning for this. And for that matter, if the possibility could exist that he is who he professes to be, would I not be in serious error if I did not enquire further and try to discover this myself? And would you not be doing a greater disservice to me by not attempting to convince me if he were? Do you feel that you are not the right person I should be asking? I believe you are as much qualified as any other, as you appear to be most convinced in your beliefs in regard to RW authenticity.
If you do wish to engage in discussion, Please do not reply with a “because I feel a tingle in my big toe” or “my wind-chime played music when I said his name”. kind of response. (Joking)
I am specifically asking you Doc because by your own choice, you have come forward on this thread and professed your belief in RW. Which is of course your right. As is now my right to reply in all humility and engage in discussion with you on the subject. If when joining this thread your words were meant to be a statement of opinion only, sent out into the ether of the internet, and not an invitation to converse. Why would you have repeatedly returned to this thread and continued to communicate with its correspondents? So, my guess is you would be willing to engage in discussion.
You maybe wanted to “Enlighten” us with your beliefs, given to you by your prophet, RW. That much I understand, accept and wholeheartedly encourage you to do given the subject matter. But what must be understood is that surely you would not expect complete strangers to miraculously see the light and ask “where do I sign up?” without making enquiry, or having some form of pre-determined opinion of their own. Would you?
So you see, you yourself have invited this questioning, it will indeed feel like public ridicule from some in their replies (Christ tells us to expect this does he not?), and that is to be expected. However, you do have the ability and choice to simply place those people on “ignore” if you wished.
Just as you have now had your point heard and opened dialog. Because of the seriousness that this subject demands, I believe it is also my right and duty as a concerned Christian to humbly ask you to convince me whether or not you have any doubt “at all” to his claim. And if not, why not? I’ll explain this particular question now.
Being a follower of Christ and in understanding the correct belief that a prophets words are without flaw and inspired by God. Is not RW specifically exposed as teaching false interpretation of doctrine from the stance of his self correction.
Contradiction and inaccuracy in prophesised calculations from the mouth of a true prophet? Doc, a prophet does not get things wrong! ..
Before you search and scramble for the words to support the corrective claim that has been made by RW. Remember ..
The timing and content of a prophets words (specifically) of prophecy are inspired and proclaimed at a precise moment of Gods choosing. Not before, nor after. Prophecy is revealed to mankind through Gods will, not as a “let them know when you feel the time is right”, and give them a nibble of what you are about to prophecies so that they buy a ticket for the real show. “And soon it shall be revealed to me…”?
With prophecy, God does not make errors whatsoever in this task. And common sense would dictate that End Time prophecies would leave no margin for error given that the whole world is now watching and listening for them. Would you agree?
If this is so, if RWs previous announcement of prophecy in both its time of telling and content were found to be in ERROR for whatever reason, and not fulfilled at the appointed time, even if there be self message of correction by the prophet himself, What does this tell us? But most importantly, and this is the only question that I ask you to truthfully consider.
What has Christ himself precisely instructed us to deduce from this action?
Don’t let you heart be hardened Doc, I am not attacking you or you beliefs. I am asking you to search your heart and answer that question honestly.

[Quote]“What I believe is between me and God.”[Unquote]
I completely understand your view Doc, But those beliefs do change do they not? May l presume that your beliefs in God and his plan differ greatly now, to those when you were a child? And have changed again since the time you left adolescence? And they most certainly changed when you were introduced to RW! In-fact they will continually change throughout your life, and you will continue to self correct some small part or other that you will find were in error of your base root beliefs until the day you die, or until Christ returns. Of that I am certain. Because our existence is in the present only. Our past furnishes us with wisdom that is gleaned from our experiences. We have absolutely no concept of what our future holds with any certainty. And how our beliefs in ALL things may be altered.
If you are not already aware, what I am bringing to the forefront is that our thought process may be greatly changed at any time, through either self discovery or outside influence. Even the very smallest change in our perceptions of present belief can be prophetic!
To coin a phrase and not meaning to sound rude, but in the subject of God and his plan, and what his message is, do you really believe that you “know it all”?
Do you really believe that there is now nothing left for you to learn? And that as of this moment you are fully accomplished in acquired knowledge In all understanding of Gods message to the world? Of course you are not. Realisation and self admission of this is the engine behind the driving force that encourages us to “Seek” the truth constantly.
And this is why I ask you to look again, in your belief of RWs proclamation. For it is still not too late in the day even now, for you may discover the smallest crack in what you now perceive in his crystal clear message.
[Quote]“The only way you could begin to convince me is through any contradictions in scripture, and there are none.”
That is exactly what RW is guilty of Doc ![Unquote]

If you are still tied to RW after self investigation. Heaven help you Doc, if RW should say something in the future that contradicts your present beliefs! But my real fear is that RW is the fountain of inspiration for your PRESENT beliefs, not necessarily spinning doctrine, but its interpretation. So in that sense, is it truly YOUR belief that he is a prophet? But more to the point, RW does not TEACH you that he is a prophet! He is using false interpretation of scripture, prophecy and individual vulnerability to CONVINCE many that he is a prophet. It has become far easier to seduce the masses in false prophesy for end time events. Simply because we are fast approaching that time. Of that there is no dispute.

[Quote]“There was a time when I thought people might be willing to hear it”[Unquote]..
If you are suggesting people not being willing to hear “it” from the word according to .. Doc (yourself). If you are not a preacher/minister/shepherd of God then you are mistaken right there and then. And the mistake is that you hold no Authority in preaching. Preaching the word of God and in the footsteps of Christ is not for the layman! This is a path to destruction .. and is to be avoided at all costs. It takes a lifetime of continual scriptural study, and … Frankly the list is endless. Suffice to say, never play with matches.

I do hope you were not suggesting that “I” have a carnal mind?

RW .. In conclusion .. By his own words does he condemn himself!

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 06:47 PM

RW .. In conclusion .. By his own words does he condemn himself!

Yes, this is what I find, quite frankly astounding.

We do not have to look "elsewhere" for the proof that he is a false prophet, the admission has come out of his own mouth.

As I've mentioned already....

In Revelation the text is gender less (despite some English translations) in regards to the Two Witnesses

But here it is not...
(YLT) Zec 4:14 And he saith, `These are the two sons of the oil, who are standing by the Lord of the whole earth.'

The argument that "sons" is translated sometimes as "children" is not a convincing argument.

The Two Witnesses will be TWO MEN. BOTH WILL TESTIFY, one will not be a silent witness, a silent witness is useless, witnesses testify.

I can find simply no biblical basis for a true Prophet's prophecy failing, I am not speaking about human perfection, all of God's True Prophets have sinned.

Also Ronald Weinland, has forgotten a very critical doctrine. God has a heirarchy of government.

For example, here, in America, we have the President, the Vice-President...etc....Governors, Mayors...etc...
Even in a carnal government there is heirarchy, and no one would allow the Vice President to make Presidential decisions.

In God's government (in human realm), you have Apostles (highest rank)...then Prophets.....then Evangelists....Pastors....Elders...and that order.

Quite simply, you can not have a prophet without a living apostle for that prophet to report to.

[edit on 8-10-2008 by SirPaulMuaddib]

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 08:00 AM

Originally posted by Scotsmist
[Quote]“You seem to think it is my job to convince you that what I believe is true.” & “Perhaps you could tell me then what exactly that RW teaches is false doctrine?”[Unquote]

You are mistaken or have mistaken my intent. I am specifically asking you to consider whether that which RW believes and proclaims, that he AND his wife are the two final end time prophets as described in scripture is a truth, nothing more. And as of your belief in that, I ask you to convince me of your reasoning for this. And for that matter, if the possibility could exist that he is who he professes to be, would I not be in serious error if I did not enquire further and try to discover this myself? And would you not be doing a greater disservice to me by not attempting to convince me if he were? Do you feel that you are not the right person I should be asking? I believe you are as much qualified as any other, as you appear to be most convinced in your beliefs in regard to RW authenticity.

If you truly wished to inquire for yourself, he has put more than enough information and documentation on the church website for you to make up your mind. You don't need me to break it down for you. Do your own study, I did. It's not my place to convince you of anything, besides, it's quite clear you have already made up your mind.

If you do wish to engage in discussion, Please do not reply with a “because I feel a tingle in my big toe” or “my wind-chime played music when I said his name”. kind of response. (Joking)

I've made it clear I do not wish to engage in discussion. It's pointless. I could type until my fingers fall off, but if God is not opening your mind, I would only be wasting both our time.

I think the above answers the rest of your questions. If you want to know, the information is available to you, you don't need me.

The rest of your post was nothing but assumptions about me thinking I am a preacher, about how my beliefs have changed through my life and at what steps, and I can tell you your assumptions were completely wrong and I really do not have the intention of going through them all, but I will say that in simply making your assumptions you are looking down on me in pride.

I do hope you were not suggesting that “I” have a carnal mind?

Every single one of us until we are changed at the resurrection have carnal minds, and if you think you don't then you think you are free from sin, and in doing so are completely deceived. It is only through God's spirit that we see just how weak and wretched we are.....

God bless.

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