posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 04:05 AM
I am a contributor from Scotland. Many if not most reading this post will have heard of my name, but I’m afraid it is my wish to remain anonymous
for personal reasons.
I have been watching this thread and others related, on and off for a few months now and have remained silent throughout, not really wishing to
participate in adding any more stress than was plainly obvious for certain people who truly needed to see through to conclusion their own prophets
words. Although quietly hoping that for some, an inner light would possibly be switched on somewhere within, without the requirement to endure that
Conjecture as to whether Mr Weinland is/was indeed a prophet or not seemed to me a pointless exercise from almost the word go. As unfortunately the
thread very quickly progressed into individual self sermons/mockery or from those frantically grasping at straws with anger in their hearts, to
justify their beliefs in their RW. Despite the fact that others were attempting to rationally assist in explanation, because none had the required
authority to convince, it soon (as I suspected) transformed into a confrontation of hearts rather than careful discussion. Like all of mankind I too
have been continually reading scripture and searching for the truth over many years and in my own mind I believe that we all suffer from the baggage
of Sin passed down to us, whether that Sin be of the flesh or of the mind. It is totally inescapable for man to be without Sin in the absence of
obedience to Gods guidance. This, I believe has been the lesson that we have had to endure since the expulsion of Adam and Eve from Eden.
Like many in this age looking for answers and “Watching” for signs foretold in the book of revelation, my travels had also taken me to the pages
of Mr Weinland. And though the content (like some Hollywood Movie) would at first hand appear exciting, compelling and altogether acceptable because
of the mindset beliefs we (humanity) already accept the inevitable prospect of mans self-destruction because of his own actions, or in-action.
From a very early stage in his (RW) writings my whole being screamed out to me the warning “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheeps
clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves” [Mt. 7:15]. Paul warned the Corinthians of such men when he wrote: “For such are false apostles,
deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And do not marvel for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light”
(2 Cor. 11:13-14).
When he (RW) proclaimed that his Wife was the second witness I thought “surely now there will be mass a diss-association from his teachings. Surely
now!” but no! The willing, miss-informed minds who possibly could have seen their error in this mans teachings, may have more likely had their
attachment to him re-enforced further still by means of mockery from ringside observers, who had not completely thought through the effect their words
may have on individuals. This spiritual mockery which is portrait in scripture only lends credence to false prophets and assists their work.
Yes it is important to give warning and aid in awakening or help convince the minds of those who are trapped in false teachings. But it is NOT helpful
if those who wish to correct others who are miss-led, are themselves not in a position of intellectual Authority to rebuke or contest interpretation
of scripture themselves. However, more importantly is the manner in which we do this that can either assist or destroy all attempts and efforts of a
spiritual awakening. Remember at all times that these people firmly believe that they have already experienced an awakening!
We’re now living in a time of great declension for many Presbyterian and reformed churches, a time of toleration for error and syncretism with our
surrounding cultures. Therefore, we must carefully note and heed the many warnings and imperatives regarding purity of doctrine and false teachers in
Scripture (e.g., “note those who cause divisions and offenses, contrary to the doctrine which you learned and avoid them” [Rom. 16:17]; “charge
some that they teach no other doctrine” [1 Tim. 1:3]; “guard what was committed to your trust” [1 Tim. 6:20]; “hold fast the pattern of sound
words” [2 Tim. 1:13]; “shun idle and profane babblings” [2 Tim. 2:16]; “exhort and convince those who contradict” [Tit. 1:9]; “beware of
false prophets” [Mt. 7:15], etc). This point is especially important because there are neo-legalists walking the world who occupy positions of great
influence, who whether intentionally or otherwise serve to subvert whole households and churches with carefully crafted heretical doctrines, with
simultaneous affirmations of reformed truth and dangerous heresies. Mixing scriptural truths with personal perceived understandings thrown in can
easily seduce unlearned followers. All peoples who would blindly follow and place their faith in these false teachers are themselves in mortal danger,
for it requires a greater strength to overcome self pride to correct and re-adjust those “scriptural” beliefs that may become the cornerstone of
ones faith structure. It is imperative that each individual should ask this question inwardly and in complete honesty. “Are my scriptural beliefs
based on my own interpretation of scriptural study?” .. Take care how you truly answer that question. We can easily fall into the trap of studying
or searching for confirmation of what we have been inspired to look for from others, and then profess to call it our own studied beliefs.
If like most you have jumped on the bandwagon of the scriptural interpretation of others, be on your guard at all times. The spirit within you through
God, does tell you constantly what is false and what is the truth, but we need to listen carefully for that voice and require the strength to jump off
the bandwagon when we here the warnings.
Sadly, the more frequent inability to do the right things is now a constant in the world. Which is why it is easier to fit into the crowd and stay
silent than to stand tall and profess injustice or what is in error when you see it. It is important to remember at all times that Satan is the true
ruler of our world at present, and that God has permitted this and that he be loosed upon mankind to help fulfill prophecy.
In understanding why it is difficult to swim against the tide. The bully culture is the simplest explanation for negative and submissive human
behaviour towards one another, we all know why it happens, we know how to stop it, but still it continues in all its various manifestations all the
same. If this very simple example is fully understood by the smallest children at early school, how much greater in degree are adults skilled in both
understanding and application?
Even when we do attempt to muster the courage and jump off the bandwagon, the trappings in attempting this are also evident. Take great care that your
heart is not hardened with your pride so as to prevent you to flee from that false spiritual bondage.
The fact that Christ our Lord directly admonished the apostles against false teachings, tells us that no one should consider himself to be immune to
the influence of false doctrine. There is never a time in our walk with Christ when we can let down our guard. There is not one person in the world
who can claim a level of knowledge, sanctification or theological maturity that protects him from the doctrinal assaults of Satan. Remember also that
the Devil himself tempted Christ, and he would not have done so if he believed it was an impossible task for him to succeed. Even the most godly and
knowledgeable believers are able to err in doctrine. In fact, the more we understand about God, Christ, faith and life, the more we realize how feeble
our knowledge really is. Therefore, regarding doctrinal matters we must be very humble. We must be very prayerful and careful regarding the doctrinal
achievements on which we stand. “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall” [Pr. 16:18]. Mr Weinland is as fallible as the
rest of humanity, as it is often pride and arrogance regarding ones own knowledge, abilities and genius that has caused many a theologian and pastor
to be seduced by Satan. Just as many would be unable or even unwilling to search for an excuse for the teachings of such false prophets when they are
revealed. There can also be no excuse for those who proclaim that their own search for truth has gained them the knowledge they now profess to have.
When in reality they are in truth blindly repeating the words and following the doctrines of “a convincing man or written text”. Placing the word
of man, before the word of God.
It is with a heavy heart that I know that we have not yet heard the last of Mr RW and his like.. Nor of his followers. But guard yourself against
mocking these people directly, for you must understand that you surely are doing the reverse of what you suspect to be a good deed.
Why would the followers of RW troll the net and even engage in discussion or argument? They strongly feel the need to try to defend (in earnest) the
words and Authority of their prophet, for their own hearts continually attempt to contradict what their mind is so easily submitting to. This is
already anticipated and spoken of by the prophet himself to help justify and strengthen there beliefs in His doctrine. “Many are called, but few are
chosen” is a powerful tool used to ensnare the vulnerable. The encouragement that they are individually unique and if they truly understand his
words they are somehow gifted or called to before others, from others who contest His words.
This enticement is particularly strong and is similar in explanation to understanding “The Emperors new clothes” story, whereby not wishing to
appear foolish or unwise in the presence of others, all the weak of mind including the Emperor himself, were convinced to the contrary of what they
eyes perceived to declare that they indeed could see the Emperors clothes. Only with innocent and uncorrupted eyes did the child speak out the truth,
and it is as a child that scripture tells us that we perceive.
“Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive The Kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it” [Luk 18:17].
Full acceptance of any false doctrine cannot be completed soley by just reading the doctrine (words) itself, but also requires the acceptance of the
personal convictions of the prophet himself . If interpreted scriptural doctrine does not give both peace of heart and mind and instead causes you to
bitterly contest it with others in heated exchange (on either side of that argumentative fence), be sure that you may not both be in error and are
not speaking on behalf of your God, but of the self.
When the word of God is spoken, it is not required for you to be convinced. The work therein is can you accept it. When the words of that which is not
from God meet your ears, have understanding of how quickly you will accept what you hear, and how convinced you were from the person you heard it
To those who feel thoroughly at home in the words of man before the words of God beware. For Satan has a subtle gift. The ability to confuse, shut
fast the door, or even set to sleep the unprotected spiritual mind …. Awaken!