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Ronald Weinland (nothing yet...)

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posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 09:01 AM

Originally posted by doctorex
Perhaps you could tell me then what exactly that RW teaches is false doctrine? You seem to think it is my job to convince you that what I believe is true. What I believe is between me and God. There was a time when I thought people might be willing to hear it, but I was wrong. People do not like truth.

Romans 8:7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.

This is what grace is, not what the world teaches, I would be just like everyone else, if it were not for the grace of God. When you know in your heart what you have come to see is true, and nobody through scripture can show you any contradictions, and through following it, you begin to receive the countless spiritual blessings, and I really do mean blessings, nobody on this planet could convince me that what I have come to see is false, but if you think I am wrong, then perhaps you would like to waste some of your time trying to convince me, but believe me, you will be wasting your time. The only way you could begin to convince me is through any contradictions in scripture, and there are none.

[edit on 7/10/08 by doctorex]

Greetings Doc.....RW is indeed an inspirational speaker and somehow I get the feeling,that not withstanding,his claim to be one of the two witnesses and his wife the other,God could be working with him for a purpose that far surpasses my understanding....
These are exciting times yet perilious and ministers like RW have a monumental task,for the harvest will be upon us soon,but in the meanwhile the task of watching and warning should be in the forfront.
Having said that...The prophesy in booth RWs books are scriptually accurate,however his interpretation of same was seriously flawed and resulted in a further falling away...As 2008 comes to a close there is one prophesy that has a good chance of occuring and that would be the absense of an occupant in the white house....This could occur as a result of litigation over the electoral college.....Doc we agree on a lot of points and must say that the Trumprets Sermon was uplifting and thought provoking...

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 09:42 AM
“I do hope you were not suggesting that “I” have a carnal mind?”

It was an attempt to be humorous Doc .. obviously went straight over your head.
But, by the response of your last post so did almost the entirety of what I’d written. So as you have suggested I will refrain from trying to convince you of anything. I will respect that you no longer wish to discuss this topic any longer.
But it does somewhat feel like the “Ostrich effect”.

I have a feeling that you may be approaching a period of personal pain, and doing an awful lot of soul searching in the near future. I fear that you may not know which way to turn to .. but that mirror we spoke of.

And just before closure...

In my first post, I explained that I had been observing for many month. That was not an idle comment.. I have focused more recently on your comments doc, because recently many fellow RW followers (on other sites also) have given me greater cause for concern. And that is why I introduced myself when I did.

“Besides Ron has said all along the events following the first trumpet will be quite visible, and will happen over a period of seven weeks, so don't expect him to spiritualize them away. He has even said if nothing physical happens by Pentecost he will admit he was a false prophet.”

19th April 08.
Written by .. doctorex (all except the three spelling corrections, your welcome)

Just in-case you missed it .. my main concern from this. Again…

“He has even said if nothing physical happens by Pentecost he will admit he was a false prophet.”

These are YOUR words Doc. From your closing sentence in your first post in this thread. Pentecost fell on Sunday, 11th May this year.

Again, What does scripture tell you to deduce from this?
Do NOT harden your heart.

God bless you also Doc.

(Damn Spelling .. I need to get spellchecker!!)

[edit on 9-10-2008 by Scotsmist]

[edit on 9-10-2008 by Scotsmist]

[edit on 9-10-2008 by Scotsmist]

[edit on 9-10-2008 by Scotsmist]

[edit on 9-10-2008 by Scotsmist]

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 02:48 PM
I would like to know if anybody knows, if Ronald Weinland, has or ever will (I somewhat doubt he will do it, he already has been burnt by it), prophesy any specific prophecy ever again (to be fair his initial prophecy regarding the trumpet plagues was too generic in timing as it was).

As per the old prophets
1) specific times
2) specific places
3) specific plagues

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by Scotsmist

If you look into it, you would know why this happened, and if you know why this happened you would know why I don't have a problem with it, because if you understand what happened, the change of date actually confirms Ron as a prophet, for those with eyes to see anyway.

Don't worry about me, I am and will be doing fine, things are progressing just as Ron said. I suspect it will be you who will soon be doing the soul searching.

[edit on 9/10/08 by doctorex]

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 04:42 AM
reply to post by doctorex

There's just no other way of saying this....

But can't you hear yourself Doc? You have been convinced by a MAN! ..

A CORRECTION made to what HAS been professed as being DIVINE phrophecy! From the very same man who declares that he HAS been informed BY GOD that he is a prophet!

YOU are NOT FOLLOWING scripture by what your own eyes and mind should discern for themselves.

YOU make your self guilty of NOT ACTING upon scripture to that which RW himself has even declared!

By his actions I am convinced that this man does surely know that he is in err of his ways, but his Pride and self assuredness does not permit him to acknowlede the truth.

You should flee from this man Doc .. to the sanctuary of BASIC SCRIPTURE! He is clouding your mind to even that which you have learned long ago.

God Bless

[edit on 10-10-2008 by Scotsmist]

[edit on 10-10-2008 by Scotsmist]

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 06:40 AM
RW's explanation : failed prophecy is / was a test

God's explanation: failed prophecy means the person is a false prophet

But do go ahead and take Ronald Weinland's word over God's word.

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 06:53 AM

Originally posted by SirPaulMuaddib_2
I would like to know if anybody knows, if Ronald Weinland, has or ever will (I somewhat doubt he will do it, he already has been burnt by it), prophesy any specific prophecy ever again (to be fair his initial prophecy regarding the trumpet plagues was too generic in timing as it was).

As per the old prophets
1) specific times
2) specific places
3) specific plagues

Greetings Sir Paul.....Am I to assume you are a knighted member of the English aristocracy or you are just using the title for the sake of posting....Nothwithstanding RW has announced that 144 thousand have been sealed effective 9/30/08 and the 1335 days have been counting as of trumprets9/30/08.....I would think that 12/15 according to RW will be a day to watch....And we should reference Dan...for further instruction...

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 07:15 AM

Originally posted by doctorex
....and things progress, and people are still blinded. What if there is a total collapse of the financial system in mid November, will that open some eyes?

Greetings Doctorex.....The liklyhood of a financial collapse is real and this event would indeed support prophesy,however ,exactly where on the prophetic calander it would fit has me confused....Iam looking towards Israel and Angela Merkels 3/18/08 pledge of support before the Israeli Knesset inconjunction with her apology for the Holacaust....As a key event which could result in the placing of the Abomonation of Desolation in Jerusalem (This very well could be the placing of a multinational force in the region) of course this event would be physical in nature....A spiritual fullfillment of this prophesy would probably go unnoticed...Having said that I would think,based on scripture that this event is intended to be noticed by all...What are your feelings on this ??

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 09:25 AM

Originally posted by theodorej

Nothwithstanding RW has announced that 144 thousand have been sealed effective 9/30/08 and the 1335 days have been counting as of trumprets9/30/08.....I would think that 12/15 according to RW will be a day to watch....And we should reference Dan...for further instruction...

You are aware this is the second time he's claimed this? (really a third)

On what basis should anybody accept it as valid this time around?

Do you expect armies to surround Jerusalem at the 1290 mark?

Do you expect an actual physical Great Tribulation to start at the 1260 mark?

NONE of his pronouncements that have any specificity of any kind (well he really hasn't been too specific of anything), have occurred.

None of the preachers he pronounced death upon have died (that I know of).

I went through the 7 thunders earlier in this thread….none have occurred in any pronounced way.

In Daniel, the prophecies were sealed TILL THE END. That is, they would be unlocked and known then.

Nowhere does the bible say the 7 Thunders would be known of, in this age.

"Nothwithstanding RW has announced that 144 thousand have been sealed" - On what basis should anybody accept this?
The book of Revelation shows plainly the 144,000 are sealed at the beginning of the last year of 3 1/2 years, the year just before Jesus Christ returns.
And this is prefaced by
1) Sun turning black
2) Moon turning blood red
3) World wide earthquake
4) Terrible meteor storm

Have you seen this happen? Read it. Believe your bible, don't believe RW.

[edit on 10-10-2008 by SirPaulMuaddib_2]

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 09:36 AM

Originally posted by SirPaulMuaddib_2
I went through the 7 thunders earlier in this thread….none have occurred in any pronounced way.

Oh you've got to be kidding me, we have one of the blaring all over the news as we speak. Financial crisis anyone?

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by doctorex

Originally posted by SirPaulMuaddib_2
I went through the 7 thunders earlier in this thread….none have occurred in any pronounced way.

Oh you've got to be kidding me, we have one of the blaring all over the news as we speak. Financial crisis anyone?

A little after April…a dollar bill won’t be worth anything…We’re going to be brought down the tubes, VERY QUICKLY, starting in April…If we come to the point in time where what I’ve said doesn’t come to pass, the reality is that I’m just a false prophet”.
Ronald Weinland the False Prophet

This simply has NOT happened.

Do we have a financial crisis? Yes.

Has it occurred as RW has stated?
"Dollar not worth anything" : NO

Also, since you believe RW is one of the Two Witnesses, why do you not hold him to the words of his prophecy??

You seem to give RW a free ticket, whether any prophecy comes true or not, whether they come true as he stated or not.

Surely, if Moses said a plague of hail would come on Monday, you would hold him to his word, would you not? If IT DID COME, but came on Tuesday, surely this would be unacceptable would it not?

[edit on 10-10-2008 by SirPaulMuaddib_2]

[edit on 10-10-2008 by SirPaulMuaddib_2]

[edit on 10-10-2008 by SirPaulMuaddib_2]

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 10:39 AM
reply to post by doctorex

There has not been a single year since Television became available to the masses that a multitude of particular event could not be weaved into a "This is a Thunder" event for the greater audience.

9/11 anyone?

Boxing Day Tsunami anyone?

Collapse of Soviet Union anyone?

World Market crash (as is 30-40 year norm) in the 80's anyone?
(This is how the big boys (and there are lots) in the markets make their money! .. only this time, their greed has placed their hands far deeper into the cookie jar than before, and Governements around the world (who once used this method too) cannot hide it from the people this time .. and the world is wakeing up .. Finally. But I do agree that this will facilitate a new system of things that will directly help End Time events.

Israeli v Syria/Egypt war anyone?

World War I .. II .. Korean .. Vietnam .. Kuwait .. Iraq .. Afghanistan .. Iraq anyone?

The list goes on and on and on...

Doc, it does not lend creadance by any degree .. that you should indescriminately point to newsworthy events in the world (AS THEY HAPPEN .. and shout out "Look" .. "SEE") as any kind of indication of accuracy for anything remotely connected to RW as being a fulfilment of his prophecy, without there being a SPECIFIC date or event comming to light that he has SPECIFICALY prophesised.
This totaly wishy washy kind of prophesy probably, sometime, maybe, being fulfilled as and when they happen or .. "oh, I meant to say that" or "I miss-interpreted before and this event is actually what I meant","I didnt' see it clearly because I was being test"

It just does not wash i'm affraid.

IF you tell me that RW has prophesised that the world banking sytem (or any other system WILL collapse "on queue" .. at his prophisised time! That will raise my eyebrowse, I promise! But that .. he WILL NOT DO. For he CANNOT.

And i'm really dissapointed too in the 2nd Witness. Dont you think it a bit odd also? .. that RWs wife Laura, the 2nd prophet, has yet not made any prophetic claims?.. Or does she just let RW know over a slice of toast at the breakfast table, and then he takes care of the proclamation? Oh yes, i'm sorry .. RW is the "spokesman", I had forgotten.
That will make her the only Prophet in history who would actualy not directly make any prophecy whatsoever! So, how exactly are we to guage that she is? Well, what a waste of a Prophet, she could have covered double the distance and doubled the area of influence.
I find it hard to believe that the 2nd Prophet would be nothing more than a companion to the 1st? Wake up!

God Bless

[edit on 10-10-2008 by Scotsmist]

[edit on 10-10-2008 by Scotsmist]

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 11:31 AM
Let's for the sake of argument say the sealing did occur...

noticeably missing
12 I watched as he opened the sixth seal.

(...the rest of verses....)
(A) There was a great earthquake.
(B) The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair,
(C) the whole moon turned blood red,
(D) and the stars in the sky fell to earth,
as late figs drop from a fig tree when shaken by a strong wind.

These occur IMMEDIATELY before the sealing..

These simply have not happened yet.

Either RW is right and the bible is wrong.

Or the bible is right and RW is wrong.

Just to emphasize and prove the timing....
Chap. 7 (the Sealing chapter)
states that "AFTER this" - that is AFTER the aforementioned sign (sun + moon + meteor + earthquake) , THEN the sealing occurs.

[edit on 10-10-2008 by SirPaulMuaddib_2]

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 09:22 PM

Originally posted by Scotsmist

IF you tell me that RW has prophesised that the world banking sytem (or any other system WILL collapse "on queue" .. at his prophisised time! That will raise my eyebrowse, I promise! But that .. he WILL NOT DO. For he CANNOT.

RW has said that on the day of the opening the 7th seal, the whole world will be in shock and horror (pg 25 of 2008 - God's Final Witness). That date is November 14th. If something on that date does put the world in shock and horror, will that raise eyebrows as promised, or will it be you making excuses? We'll see.

posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 02:06 AM
(Sigh) November 14th .. the Whole world in Shock and Horror.

(For you, I will even extend that period to be during November 14th in any part of the work, effectively some period of Nov 13th in some or 15th in any other due to time zone differences, just to be sure)

Very Well, Although it is my opinion that his predictions have been seen to be in err already, and therefore his authority in prophetic words is incorrect. The fact that this extension in belief in his words should be an insult to intelligent people. Although I actually believe that God will see this man falter, I fear his stutterings and babbeling excuses to his unfulfilled prophecy will STILL be accepted by his followers.
On your behalf I would see this through to fulfillment (once again, for one final time)

I would conceed that I be in error in RW. And would be more likely to be dilligent in listening to RW as a possible Prophet of God. IF on November 14th an event that casuses Worldwide "Shock and Horror" should occur.
Now we need to clarify a few things, despite the fact that NOTHING specific in event has been prophesised. That does actually give RW a lot of latitude for countless of differing events that could take place. All manner of meteorological events, political, terrorist, murders. The possibilities are endless. Such as the Dunblane Massacre. So I would presume that Worldwide Shock and Horror does not include Anything that we will have already witnesses in magnitude already does it? Because if i'm not mistaken there has been nothing other than the outbreak of world war that has caused "Worldwide shock and horror" in the past.
So, Yes it would surely have to be some momentus event that the world would not be mistaken to deduce to be fulfilled prophecy.

So Doc, (Although YOU have been here before in statement, such as the points I made above) i've put my cards on the table and declared what I would be willing to conceed. If nothing happens that causes "Worldwide" Shock and Horror on the magnitude that we are talking about, Specificaly on November 14th 2008 .. what will you conceed to deduce from this?

God Bless

[edit on 11-10-2008 by Scotsmist]

[edit on 11-10-2008 by Scotsmist]

[edit on 11-10-2008 by Scotsmist]

[edit on 11-10-2008 by Scotsmist]

posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 10:25 AM
reply to post by Scotsmist

Greeting Scotsmist.....With reference to the number of posts regarding RW the conclusions are always the same....and I might add acusatory in nature...What we have here is a man whose conviction is genuine and whose authority is seriously challenged....
God has promised he would never pass judgement without first warning us through HIS prophets.....
As you know there are many who will say that Jesus is the Christ and they shall decieve many...So be carefull to prove all things...With this process in the forfront RW has repeatedly missed the mark on dates and time,however,the foundation for his prophesies is solid.....As we know God works in strange ways and his ways and understanding is higher than ours...RW may very well be a vessel used of God,however in a way that niether he or us understand....For now !

posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by theodorej

Hello again Theodorej.

Well, I would have thought the number of posts regarding RW in any thread, anywhere either for/against/on the fence would not be of any surprise, considering the nature of this topic. But this thread has interestingly progressed with some more “developing” views as well. My own included.
I am not sure if you are suggesting in general or dealing directly with myself in stating having an “accusatory” manner in regards to RW. Accusatory is a word used to denounce guilt without justification or afterwards bringing forth justified evidence to support the accusation of guilt. I think if you look more closely, the discussion has more or less progressed to precisely onto this account. Whereby the discussion has moved onto the OPINION of evidence to determine either it be justified or unjustified to state as a matter of FACT (attempting to stick to scriptural interpretation), whether RW may or may not be declared as yet, a false prophet.

In regards to RW, we all have a right to voice opinion whether in favour or against RWs CLAIM THAT HE IS A PROPHET, I too have a right and have opinion and beliefs that there has “already been” proven justification for rejecting RWs claim that he is one of the final two witnesses.
Yes God does move in mysterious ways, but this by no means should suggest that we should remain “lukewarm” in regard to seeking the truth in the identity and unveiling of self professed prophets.
As we understand it, false prophets actually take their followers FURTHER from God in their false teachings. This task should be countered when identified. For if mankind were not to be watchful for these “Prophesised” deceivers, this I believe would be a great error. So in this regard, I would with great zeal try to attempt to assist other to see why my opinion is justified through deducing actual events, or the lack of them.
The foundation on which a false prophets beliefs are bases, are of no relevance, zero. None whatsoever. If a false prophet is testifying falsely .. He is directly counter to, and literally enticing others away from the truth, no matter what guise he wears. Christ himself is returning to finally make an end of this kind of deception.

I will be refraining somewhat from posting till after November 14th .. by then the question of RW should be concluded.

God Bless

[edit on 12-10-2008 by Scotsmist]

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 01:09 AM
[edit on 12-10-2008 by Scotsmist]

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 08:21 AM
reply to post by Scotsmist

Greetings Sir......My statement with respect to the accusatory nature of the criticism leveled at RW are by no means directed at any individual,if anything each individual post I have read has been based on and referenced by scripture....
My position on RW is one of cautious interest,I have read both his books and on an interlectual plain I find him seductive...His following is growing again inspite of his error,to me this is a curious event.
Perhaps he has a role to play in the end time scenerio...exactly what Iam not sure...In closing it is only fair to say that Iam not in disagreement with your observations,however Iam a victim of my own curiousity....

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by theodorej

Greetings again Theodorej

Yes, indeed. Whether it be RW or any other false prophet, unfortunately the subject matter alone is very seductive in nature, but especially to those vulnerable individuals who have very little knowledge of written scripture, and are quite willing to accept the interpretations of others to “tell them how it is”.
We only need our intellect to tell us that the warning of where the “MANY” will be deceived by false prophets, will surely spring from previously reputable religion based groups. There are many who have a mistaken belief that these false prophets will be some kind of obvious psychotic like a “David Koresh”, or raving, ranting, angry ministers who will be easy to spot. WRONG!

If false prophetic interpretation is professed with sufficient conviction, professionalism, seeming authority, careful propaganda and distribution of doctrine, but most importantly inter-twined with a majority of accurate scriptural interpretation also, (again, bits that hit the right buttons to carefully lower the natural resistances of the reader/listener) the additional babble speak and consequent corrections thereafter are not only totally lost on the un-weary, but are fully accepted and no argument is even brought to mind because these people very soon become so personally convinced, giving so much of themselves to the belief that they become TOTALLY COMMITTED!
As I have said before it is my sad belief that his followers will continue to increase in number. We have arrived at a point in our history when the many end time events will begin to be seen more prominently indeed, and I think many are now being made aware of the “signs of the times” and are beginning to search both inwardly and outwardly for “Something” to make it feel better.

I believe that RW most certainly has a role to play in our countdown towards end time, and he is living that role RIGHT NOW! Walking proof that prophecy in revelation is 100% accurate. Only he and his followers have deluded themselves in their (pride) own certainty of RWs self declaration (and failure) of being one of the end time prophets.
How many more victims will there be I wonder? Brought to RWs way of thinking by nothing more than .. Simple curiosity?

God Bless

[edit on 12-10-2008 by Scotsmist]

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