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Ronald Weinland (nothing yet...)

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posted on May, 27 2008 @ 05:35 AM

Originally posted by daggyz
If mid July (what 14th or 17th?) rolls around and you simply do not visit this site we cannot challenge you, and will not answer to us... post your address if your so confident!

Since I didn't even bother reading your entire post, I just happened to glance at this at the bottom, and I couldn't help but ask myself, why would you want to challenge me? What will you get out of it? Saying "HA! YOU'RE WRONG!" Am I the one making prophecies, simply because I have the patience to wait to see if he is correct? I thought you claimed to follow Christ? If I was deceived, wouldn't Christ prefer you to pray for me? If Ron turns out to be wrong, then I'll come back to this site, just so you can scold me, and say "HA! I told you so!", if that makes you feel better inside. That above statement says more about your attitude and mindset than I could say in a thousand words, and is exactly why I have no intention of having a conversation with you.

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 05:42 AM
Well. Now thats out of the way we can get back to having fun showing those that would listen that RW (whilst there is a small chance he might be right on a major event yet!!!???) has had nothing happen at all yet that matches his predictions to place (a very specfic point he made !!!).
Also now doctorex is offline and wont be back, I will point out to the rest of you his words on the 3rd February that he posted. They are thus...

"Besides Ron has said all along the events follwoing the first trumpet will be quite visible, and will happen over a period of seven weeks, so don't expect him to spiritualize them away. He has even said if nothing physical hapens by Pentecost he will admit he was a fals prophet."

So Ron actually has only a few days left before the 8th June. It is interesting that doctorex now believes the 'new truth' that it's now changed to July before we can prove him wrong. Probably get to August yet!
Well sorry mate but by your own words, formed by RW teaching, there is now only 11 days left for many and increasing events to occur in the USA/Canada/UK Australia and NZ..... and I am becoming bored at pointing out this so many times. Thats two events in each country, each worse than the first, and of major proportion to occur within 11 days. If my man of God was this far off I'd have to question him.

On the 8th of June, RW will be wrong, you will be wrong and all by the words you have typed....unless we have an event in each country every day from now until the 8th and it ain't going to happen.

Here's another quote by our champion on 3rd Feb toSirPaul......

"Revelation 8:7 The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up.

If this happens physically within the next 45-90 day, will you admit that you are wrong? I doubt it."

So what doctorex meant was that he was so certain it would happen because RW said it would. There is only a short time left for hail, fire and blood (and I'll be honest.. I believe it will happen one day but I still can't get my head around the horror of that) and for a third part of trees and grass to be burnt up. That event is in scripture and I believe it. RW however said there would be increasing and continuous events, and there has been even one not one yet! To be right, at the very least 1/3 of everything needs to be burnt up by 8th June. Hang, if he lives in ther states doctorex wont be around to reply to this post anyway.

How deluded are those that espouse someone as the 'sent one' and then not have the guts to front up if they are wrong. If I'm wrong I'll be on this site admitting it (if the destructions allows me to) which is more than he said he would do. Like I said, who's man enough to admit when they are wrong. Not RW and not his followers that I can see.

But he aint completely wrong yet. He is incredibly faithful and amazingly loyal to words that have so far been unfulfilled. One major event would still not stack up as RW being right. One major event could happen anytime. Even I could predict one major event will happen somewhere, sometime before now and mid July, but unless I said it would happen on Reunion Island, it would just be a guess aye!

Hey if it does, who's joining my church. I'll even follow the wordly churches and let you give only what's in your hearts (usually about 2%). OOps now I've opened a can of worms.

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 05:57 AM
reply to post by doctorex

Greetings Doctorex......With reference to the time line that was set forth by RW over the past several years...I am having difficulty with the level of timidity being demonstrated...I would think his purpose would be to warn this world of the impending judgement....Not launching a defence campaign consisting of verbal attacks on those seeking guidance and answers to questions ....My purpose is not to malighn and there is no malice I have stated before The worst that could come out of this is that RW is just wrong.....After all we are just human...

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 06:28 AM

Originally posted by daggyz

Also now doctorex is offline and wont be back, I will point out to the rest of you his words on the 3rd February that he posted. They are thus...

"Besides Ron has said all along the events follwoing the first trumpet will be quite visible, and will happen over a period of seven weeks, so don't expect him to spiritualize them away. He has even said if nothing physical hapens by Pentecost he will admit he was a fals prophet."

So Ron actually has only a few days left before the 8th June. It is interesting that doctorex now believes the 'new truth' that it's now changed to July before we can prove him wrong. Probably get to August yet!
Well sorry mate but by your own words, formed by RW teaching, there is now only 11 days left for many and increasing events to occur in the USA/Canada/UK Australia and NZ..... and I am becoming bored at pointing out this so many times.

Firstly I never said I was going anywhere. Secondly, whose words are you using there? They are mine, not Ron's, and I never claimed to be infallible. It was me who was wrong, not Ron, I mistinterpreted what Ron said, what he was talking about was a spike in the thunders within seven weeks, I thought he said trumpets. If you want to show that Ron is wrong, quote him, not me, I am wrong at least once a day so you're not going to get anywhere with that tactic or bring any shock to me, unlike some though, I admit it. All you want to do is attack, and why is that? What do you get out of attacking people? What sort of spirit are you displaying? Not exactly displaying a humble and contrite spirit there are you?

Isaiah 57:15 For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place , with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.

Proverbs 16:19 Better it is to be of a humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with the proud.

Proverbs 29:23 A man's pride shall bring him low: but honor shall uphold the humble in spirit.

Proverbs 18:12 Before destruction the heart of man is haughty, and before honor is humility.

I suggest before you embark on your next rant and round of attack, you have a long, slow read of those words above, and by the way, 45-90 days doesn't mean 45 days, just in case you were unclear of that.

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 06:45 AM

Originally posted by theodorej
reply to post by doctorex

Greetings Doctorex......With reference to the time line that was set forth by RW over the past several years...I am having difficulty with the level of timidity being demonstrated...

As you said, we're all human TJ, and God did say the two witnesses would be cothed in sackcloth (humilty), so I'm not suprised in the least he would be timid at times.

Originally posted by theodorej
I would think his purpose would be to warn this world of the impending judgement....Not launching a defence campaign consisting of verbal attacks on those seeking guidance and answers to questions

From what I can see RW has been warning for years now of Judgement, and never stopped, after all that is the very reason why people here are attacking him, because of what he says is coming. As for verbally attacking someone seeking answers, I've never heard him verbally attack someone who was genuinely seeking answers. I've heard him get heated with those who he felt were mocking God, Jesus himself used some pretty strong language at times to the people he was amongst, calling them vipers, a wicked generation etc. Again, this is how like to how God said the witnesses would act, breathing fire etc.

God bless.

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 10:09 AM
reply to post by doctorex

You still haven't commented about the 7 thunders and why the leaders of the separated church are still alive. The only thing that has happened is the massacre at the Living Church of God and the guy was crazy anyways. That's called the spirit of the devil dwelling inside and takeing over someone. RW would cause plagues.... not human posessions.

posted on May, 28 2008 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by Locoman8

What needs to be said? Has anyone said the thunders have stopped and have finished now?

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 03:58 AM
10 days to go.............. or 48 if we want to give everyone some grace and give them the July date as a well needed buffer (another 38 days), but it will only be extended before then anyway...

The dams bursting in China wont count as its almost certain after the next rain, and they are not even in the right country for anyone to claim them.
USA/Canada/UK/Australia & NZ...Yawn!!!!

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 04:16 AM

Originally posted by doctorex
reply to post by Locoman8

What needs to be said? Has anyone said the thunders have stopped and have finished now?

Correct. It has been stated that the thunders will happen thru out the 3 1/2yrs.


posted on May, 29 2008 @ 11:46 AM
I have followed (not accepted) RW since mid Jan. At first I admit I was a tad more intrigued and thought there might be something there. Having had no prior experience with his teachings. As an options trader I have plenty of time on my hands to research whatever I like. In this case I drilled down his interview of 4-10-08. You can find it on his site. He says "IF BY MID JUNE, VERY CLEARLY, SO I WILL MAKE IT VERY CLEAR I WAS A FALSE PROPHET AND I WILL NEVER PREACH AGAIN". That is about as solid as it gets. His followers should abandon his cult after mid June, he should retire and seek mental care. Personally, I would bail now if I were them. There is absolutely no chance the world can escalate into nuclear war between now and June 15th. He might get lucky and have a natural event by then, but he was clear about the nukes, clear about events leading to the nukes. It was not some random event he was predicting.
Ron, I know you read the net, call it a day man and let the people in your cult go!

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by doctorex

Have the thunders really intensified like he said they would? When was the last terror attack on the US? The supposed first thunder on 9-11-01 and there hasn't been one in the US since. The crazy thunder-like catastrophies are happening in places other than the ones RW told us they would occur at.

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 10:04 PM

Originally posted by Locoman8
reply to post by doctorex

Have the thunders really intensified like he said they would? When was the last terror attack on the US? The supposed first thunder on 9-11-01 and there hasn't been one in the US since. The crazy thunder-like catastrophies are happening in places other than the ones RW told us they would occur at.

The thunders were said to be more than just terorist attacks (natural disasters etc), and the thunders were to happen all over the world, not just certain countries, you're thinking of the trumpets. It's a mistake I've made more than once.

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 04:55 AM
Hello theodorej

Being that your one of the more 'neutral players' on this thread would you say that the following observations are correct?

Most of RW's predictions have been somewhat... general. In past sermons and interviews, he says thunders will begin to increase and follow the pattern of labor pains. The first trumpet happened April 17 but one may not recognize the process that was started, and that it has a duality (spiritual & physical fulfillment) that will span across the next several trumpet blasts.

All this time his followers thank God for being given 'eyes to see and ears to hear' (confounding[?] the skeptical by their continued belief in what he has said).

Meanwhile those that disagree with RW may acknowledge some of the natural disaster (tragedies), but for the most part say RW is spiritualizing things away or that he is not specific (event, time, place).

And finally, the prediction that he has said to be a physical event (nuclear explosion in port cities such as New York, Houston and some others that escape me at the moment) will happen 45 to 90 days from April 17. Whether the count was started at sundown the 17th or the previous evening I don't remember (for those not familiar, the bible references a 24 hour day from sunset to sunset).

Have I surveyed the situation correctly?


posted on May, 30 2008 @ 09:31 AM
reply to post by doctorex

What I'm getting at is where are the signs? Isn't he suppose to be witnessing to the world right now? 1260 days nonstop and I have yet to see mass media over him. I personally don't see the man as a prophet, though he speaks knowledgeably in his books about the problems with religion and anyone with a Church of God background would know the same information. I think he'd be a great preacher if only he'd stop with this "Prophet" nonsense. Maybe I'm wrong about him but I've read and own both of his books and started wondering that maybe he's the real deal... that is until April 17 happened. My eyes are still peeled but RW needs to speak up or shut up.

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 12:31 PM
In a nutshell the 7 thunders *according to RW* are.....
(this is a brief overview, if anybody wants to "tag" specifics in each category then that is fine, I felt that aside from the 5th trumpet, the rest were too ambiguous)

#1: The First Thunder is the beginning terror of war for the
end-time. This is war that is prophetic for the end-time.

#2: The Second Thunder is the increasing destruction
generated by earthquakes. Over a period of only two
years, there have been over 400,000 deaths from
earthquakes with several million additional people being

#3 The Third Thunder is the growing destructiveness
from weather.

#4 The Fourth Thunder is global economic upheaval.

#5 The Fifth Thunder is death.

(1) This first phase of this Fifth Thunder has already begun in
a very small way upon the Church of God that was scattered,
after the prophesied apostasy (2 Thes. 2).

The sound of this thunder will be intensified by
the early deaths of the leaders of the Philadelphia Church of God, the Restored Church of God and the Church of the Great God.

(2) The second phase of death will be upon notable people in
the world.

(3) The third phase of death will come from epidemics and
pandemics in the world.

#6 The Sixth Thunder is the growing revelation of God’s
end-time witnesses. That revelation is that I am the
spokesman of God’s two end-time prophets—the
spokesman of His two end-time witnesses.

#7 The Seventh Thunder is the accelerated revelation of
God to man.

Now first of all, RW knows (he mentions it) that the 7 thunders were not written down. John was forbidden to write them. There is no scripture in the bible, ever stating that these would ever be known IN THIS AGE. The only thing we have to rely on is RW's word that it is true (not a good source, even if he were one of the Two Witnesses). The book of Daniel was sealed, but we know it was to be unsealed at the end of the age. This is not stated for the 7 thunders.

Now again, NONE OF THESE are remotely explicit except maybe the 5th Thunder. None of these could not have been said by anybody else who reads the bible. Why would it be a NECESSITY for this to come from one of the Two Witnesses? RW claims this revelation would confirm his status as one of the Two Witnesses. The problem is they are all so GENERIC that they can not provide any "proving power".

It should be noted that in RW's own words, the 5th thunder has begun (in a small way). Neither phase 1, phase 2, nor phase 3, has occurred in any "notable" way.

(phases 2 and 3 are too generic)

Certainly phase 1 has not occurred yet, these in RW's own words were to happen early on.

If we look at the OT examples of how prophets prophesy. We can note 3 things.
They are...
1) Exact in terms of WHO and WHAT NATION
2) Exact in terms of PLAGUES
3) Exact in terms of TIME

Now WHEN IT IS NOT SPECIFIC TO will get very, very specific with reference to the other two points (1 and 2). Or it will get very specific to ordering (ie Mattew 24).

God does this for a purpose. He does it this way, because FALSE PROPHETS ARE CONSTRAINED TO AMBIGUITY. They can not be specific in the way that God is, for obvious reasons.

So far the 1st Trumpet has not even remotely begun.

The 5th thunder HAS NOT HAPPENED.

RW credentials have not even remotely been confirmed in any way.

[edit on 30-5-2008 by SirPaulMuaddib_2]

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 12:34 PM



posted on May, 30 2008 @ 02:39 PM
I really hope the gy apologizes and just realizes he was wrong

god is not wrong, but mr RW is

I want to hear his speech day after pentecost

i wonder what date his pentecost falls on, lol

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 11:00 PM
There has been some things said about who said what, and that the words meanings were misinterpreted etc.

However, this thread is about Ron Weinland - Nothing yet!

Ron, on March 29, 2008: said the following..."If by Pentecost I’m just going to make this real clear to everyone. If by Pentecost it is not powerfully and abundantly clear that there has been a great deal of destruction that will clearly encompass a third of all plant life in the US and at least the clear results of this mingled with blood the death of very much animal life and the beginning of large numbers of human life then I will stop preaching."

He has 9 days left before he had to stop preaching, or some massive destruction occurs (which still doesn't match hisearlier indications of frequency and intensity).

The fact that he has already changed his mind on the events happening before Pentecost (remember the quote is his not mine...), and this being the case he is in error already (therefore is not hearing clearly from God = non prophet or is delutional = basketcase) and worse there are people that follow him that think a Prophet of God who is to 'usher in the end times' is fallible and able to change his mind at will after events and times prove him wrong.

9 more days for you guys to be shown he's a fraud or 9 days in which God will wreak havoc upon the USA/Canada/UK/Australia and NZ.

I am STILL waiting for some of his supporters to explain this rather than go all googly and whimper they are being attacked. Just be men and explain your prophet has not got it right. The July date (90days extention) is a convenient ruse to hold you longer than you need to be.

Doctorex, did RW say or not say "By pentecost massive destruction will encompass a third of all plant life in the USA..."? If you confirm he said that, we have 9 days left - period! Oh I forgot, your not talking to me, but if your man enough to take a few hits (if your so confident the man is right), then confirm the above or not please...or any of RW supporters watching this..... just to make it clear RW actually stated those words on 29th March.

posted on May, 30 2008 @ 11:15 PM
Isaiah 57:15 For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place , with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.

Proverbs 16:19 Better it is to be of a humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with the proud.

Proverbs 29:23 A man's pride shall bring him low: but honor shall uphold the humble in spirit.

Proverbs 18:12 Before destruction the heart of man is haughty, and before honor is humility.

Actually doctorex, those same scriptures would apply to RW and yourself as well. If you can answer the above post humbly enough you might fit the scriptures yourself. As for me, I'm not being humble - I have nothing to be humble for - I am pointedly challenging a man (and his supporters) who says he's right, yet has been wrong on every count so far, and has already changed dates quoted previously to counter his error. Its called holding peoiple accountable! I wont quote scriptures to you because I'm not using the word of God to prove you wroing, I'm using RW's words to prove him wrong.
Doctorex, I hold to certain views, and I enjoy fierce debate and can hold my own. Why? because I don't have defend any error. I have said it won't happen, you say I'm wrong, but I'm not losing the plot or crying foul or anything else because I am secure in my judgement. If I'm wrong I have till 8th June to be proven so - according to RW's own words. But that's 9 days of increasing activity in specific countries. Now at least on event a day in each country. It ain't going to happen!

posted on May, 31 2008 @ 03:44 AM

Originally posted by daggyz
Doctorex, I hold to certain views, and I enjoy fierce debate and can hold my own. Why? because I don't have defend any error.

There's that spirit of humility again. You simply choose not to see your error, so debating anything with you is pointless. Even if I were to show you your error, you would simply make another excuse, for example.....

When does the spike in the graph occur?

And before your head swells to the point of explosion, your attacks do not harm me, I was simply asking what enjoyment you get from it, and what sort of spirit it displays. When I say I have no intention to debate you, it is not because I have any fear of what you have to say. If I move away from somewhere where I have flies buzzing aroud my head, is it because I fear flies, is it because I am crying because they are attacking me, or is it because to stay where I was and endlessly swat flies would only waste my time, and of no benifit to me, but hey, whatever blows your hair back.

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