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Ronald Weinland (nothing yet...)

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posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by Locoman8

as much as i believe this guy is a fasle prophet

i find him and his thinking interesting that i keep up on on it a few times a week

im so anxious for pentecost or atleast his sabbath sermon tomorrow

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by MurderCityDevil

I feel as you do though I have called BS on the guy. I ordered both his books and marveled at what was written but his timing is off by maybe a year or so.... in my humble opinion. I feel like the European Union is the revived Roman Empire and that the soon-to-be elected president may be the true beast of revelation and that the Catholic church in Rome is the Harlot Woman of revelation led by the Pope. That's just me and what I see going on around the world.

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by Locoman8

How long were you a "follower" of RW?

What was the turning point where you started to understand something was wrong?

I ask, because at this point (yes I realize the 90 days are not up, but the track record of RW is abysmal), I find it hard to believe any of his followers are still supporting him.

I do not expect perfection, but as a previous post here mentioned, it's as if Christ himself is doing the exact opposite of what RW claims, just to invalidate him. (an opinion I also believe in)

posted on Jun, 6 2008 @ 04:09 PM
Guys, Laura is his wife. Audra is his daughter!

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 09:08 PM
Depending on how you count it....Pentecost will be either tomorrow (Sunday) or as most Jews calculate it, it will be on this Monday.

RW keeps the Sunday date for Pentecost, which is Sunday tomorrow (June 8th).

I assume RW will be giving a sermon tomorrow.

I doubt it will include anything about his dereliction of duties...

How he hasn't pronounced any plagues (you know, in any absolutely specific way, with time and place and curse).

Nor will it include any reference to how the 1st Trumpet sign STILL HASN'T HAPPENED.

(I forgot, I think he's decided to skip over this sign, you know, the one that would confirm his status as one of the Two Witnesses)

[edit on 7-6-2008 by SirPaulMuaddib]

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 02:12 AM
Its Pentecost

and nothing


What is he gonna say now hummmmm?!

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 03:21 AM
“If by Pentecost I’m just going to make this real clear to everyone. If by Pentecost it is not powerfully and abundantly clear that there has been a great deal of destruction that will clearly encompass a third of all plant life in the US and at least the clear results of this mingled with blood the death of very much animal life and the beginning of large numbers of human life then I will stop preaching. Just so all the critics and everyone out there will understand. I am true to my word in these things. OK? And for all the critics if by the end of July and for most likely around Pentecost if nothing has clearly caused great destruction and death I will make it very clear that I was a false prophet. I will do exactly what I said I would do on aaaaall those interviews that I have held. To do less. Well. Would be quite insane.”

I never understood this statement, it back tracks making no sense at all

if by end of July, and MOST LIKELY around Pentecost?

Today is Pentecost, so end of July means nothing in that statement.

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 09:58 AM
Will any of RW's followers still support his claim as one of the Two Witnesses?


RW will tell them that the 1st Trumpet sign was not given, or that it will be delayed.

Can you imagine if Moses did this?

If Moses told the Pharaoh on Monday that a plague of boils would come on Tuesday, and the plague never came, and then have Moses meekly proclaim, that there would be a delay??????????

Do you think this would go over well with God of for God????

Or if Elijah told all the false prophets, that a fire would come down to consume them but it didn't? Can you imagine Elijah getting away with saying..."wait for it, it's coming"?

Yet, many of his followers after skipping over the 1st Trumpet sign WILL NOW WAIT FOR THE 2ND TRUMPET SIGN.

I wonder now, if any of his followers here will anoint their eyes, and see the truth?

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by SirPaulMuaddib

so well put, i like the comparisons, what would have happened you know

and the end prophets are to have more power than any of the prophets combined

and he is just sitting relaxing

im wanting a press release or interview, you know

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by MurderCityDevil

end prophets are to have more power than any of the prophets combined

Yes, I agree 1000%

As great a prophet and servant as Moses was. The two witnesses will make Moses look like an "amateur" in comparison.

posted on Jun, 8 2008 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by SirPaulMuaddib

Doctorex? how do you feel about this man now?

I am just curious, im not attacking you

how is your understanding is changing on this subject or if at all?

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 12:52 AM

However, it will go without saying that RW and his followers (or maybe fewer of them) will now wait until July 16th. I can predict with certainty that he will not recant as promised earlier in the year...

A quake today in Greece. Not bad, only several thousand miles away from UK but about the closest any them have been to the places prophecied. Still

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 02:09 AM
I just realised. The 16th July is the anniversary of the first nuclear detonation ever, which ocurred in New Mexico USA.
Finally we have a date that could actually mean something. It would be poetic for mankind and the USA wouldn't it?
I'm actually glad no RW supporters are confirming his reports of increasing events in specific countries. This one date and one nuclear event in USA on 16th July will prove for all time how accurate or otherwise he is and we can all get on with our lives for a while until another starts prophecying again.... or will it be twisted to happening anytime after the 16th????

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 11:46 PM
Nearly one-third of Iowa's 99 counties were experiencing flooding....

RW supporters should be rejoicing...1/3 of something in one state (but at least in the USA) is burnt up.... no hang on, wet!

The word '1/3' is the closest thing yet to an genuine accurate prediction.

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 11:48 PM

Originally posted by daggyz
Nearly one-third of Iowa's 99 counties were experiencing flooding....

RW supporters should be rejoicing...1/3 of something in one state (but at least in the USA) is burnt up.... no hang on, wet!

The word '1/3' is the closest thing yet to an genuine accurate prediction.

yeah but the fact is it is after Pentecost and there is not multiple events collapsing the US and parts into canada its prophetic neighbor

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 08:50 AM
The simple facts of the matter...

RW has been untrue to his word. He said he would stop preaching, if the 1st Trumpet sign did not come to pass in a physical way.

By his own admission, it has not come to pass. Therefore he should stop.

These things will come, eventually, but not the way RW describes, nor during the times he has set.

Now he's saying he'll stop if the 2nd Trumpet sign does not come.

I doubt it.

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by SirPaulMuaddib

I stopped believing when April 17 got closer and closer and none of the 7 thunder "labor pains" were increased leading up to that point. Also the way he called out the United Church of God... a church that I'm not a member of but I follow more than any other church due to their apostolic teachings and willful research outside of the bible to prove that history has plagued christianity.

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 09:23 PM
I never believed him!

Still finally the USA has had something RW can cling to as 'proof' of his word being true. We know it isn't but it is still something some can cling to. Hey where's Doctorex lately?

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 12:21 AM
reply to post by daggyz

He's probably at home playing russian roulettes because of the depression that he feels for believing in a false prophet. I hope he's not but kids these days do crazy things when they don't get their way.

posted on Jun, 11 2008 @ 01:02 AM

Originally posted by Locoman8
reply to post by daggyz

He's probably at home playing russian roulettes because of the depression that he feels for believing in a false prophet. I hope he's not but kids these days do crazy things when they don't get their way.

LOL, not likely. I said I wouldn't be posting because I have no intention of putting up with this type of garbage. The signs are there if you have eyes, and don't twist Ron's words. Like I said, you're all giving up prematurely. July 16th.

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