posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 06:26 AM
Erm.... I've got a little question, everyone.
Things start looking like #, people start to lose hope for the republic still existing in 2008. Then suddenly, this man comes along! His fans all fawn
over how he's the underdog (okay, they don't ALL do that, but a few do) and how he's for the constitution. Alright. To me, this seems fishy. Maybe
I look into things too far, but what if all the plain-to-see conspiracies are a coverup for the bigger picture? Example, they planned to put some
terrible president in charge, make people sick of the administration, so they'd all vote for the guy who's totally for the constitution. Then, after
he's voted in (after the media purposely ignoring him), he stabs us all in the back and goes dictator on us. I mean, if it weren't for this sneaking
suspicion that Dr. Paul was there to further THEIR plans (and if I was older), I'd definitely vote for him.