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I have a few words about Mr. Paul

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posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 01:33 AM
So why don't you stop talking about freedom and liberty since you're obviously a hypocrite. You can't live up to your rhetoric. You only have to have people in your prescene who you agree with. Calling someone a troll because they don't agree with you is quite funny and sad and pathetic. Oh and I'm not an elitist hun. I'm middle class who attends a community college. I guess that's now an elitist. And you obviously have no idea what socialism is. Why are a lot of poorer Latin American country's are into socialism if it's so elitist? I guess you've never thought to ask yourself that. Maybe you should open your heart and mind to other people's view points instead of your own petty thoughts and maybe you might learn something or see that your way a lone isn't the right way and other forms of government do work. If you want people to be for your libertarian government you're going to have to stop ignoring people who aren't for your ideas. Don't insult me and my intelligence by calling me a "troll" because I happen to be a socialist. Grow up before you try to run a country.

Originally posted by aravoth

Originally posted by SouthernBelle82
But I bet they have better education, health care and their people aren't so sick etc. Oh and do your research on Venezuela before and after Chavez became president. Before Chavez the poor people had no chance at all to improve their lives. Now even adults can get their high school diploma to get a job and there's an ambulance who can take people to the hospital and they don't have to pay a dime. Oh the horror of people taking care of each other and being treated as equals!!

I see, Chavez, they guy who nationalized a private company. The one that looted from his major producer. The one that shut down a news station. The horror indeed. The people will pay for it. They are paying for it. It sounds as if you are in the wrong nation. Clearly you are not able to fend for yourself. Might I suggest a move to a country more to your liking? Cuba is said to have wonderful beaches, and all expanses paid. And a health care system so great that even Micheal Moore had to come back to the United States for his doctor appointment because he was humbled at the sight of the mighty ship of state.

I would enjoy continuing this pointless debate with an elitist like yourself, however Since I have responded to you too many times, and taken the bait you threw in the water, I must now end this discussion. As well intentioned as my comments are, they serve to feed your royal trollness a little more than you can chew, thus guaranteeing you will be around here for some time. And that, is something I do not want. Therefore, good day.

[edit on 18-12-2007 by aravoth]

[edit on 18-12-2007 by aravoth]

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 01:33 AM

Originally posted by SEEWHATUDO
reply to post by SouthernBelle82

No you are wrong!! If you want to debate the medias snubbing of RP or if you want to discuss your communitys involvment with RP and you can do so in a civil manner by all means do so. This thread is not about socialists vs. libertarians or republicans vs. democrats. You have derailed this thread and continue to do so, you have been insulting and crass, we have all had astonishing patience and I am quite proud of my fellow members but enough is enough.

I am afraid this thread will die a slow painful death now, I hope someone takes the OP's thoughts and the rest of the threads input into another thread that will grow more constructively. An ATS "straw" poll would be a great idea!!!

My thoughts exactly. This thread has been practically assassinated.... looking down on everyone and declaring yourself a socialist is the wrong way to approach any debate, but this has not been a debate, it's been alot of one-sided squawking about how Ron Paul is racist -

Could have been an excellent thread.

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 01:35 AM
Once again if Ron Paul was president he wouldn't have that power. Please try reading the Constitution okay? You might want to check that document out to see what powers the president actually has available to him with that whole checks and balance thing the founding fathers put in place.

Originally posted by captainplanet
reply to post by SouthernBelle82

So the people aren't involved with the fed govt? Hmm and here I thought we had a thing called Congressmen and Senators.

That’s not what I said. Giving power to the states allows for flexibility and the right of states to better adhere to their citizens.

Right so # it if I have to have an abortion on the emergency table. I'm supposed to travel to New York for an abortion (I live in the "Bible Belt"). I could be dead by then but I guess you don't care about that.

Under what circumstances would you be having an emergency abortion? And it would be the result of the people in your state.

Right and charities can pay off our debt? New one on me! How are you going to pay for that?

Working Americans like lower taxes. So do I. Lower taxes benefit all of us, creating jobs and allowing us to make more decisions for ourselves about our lives.
Whether a tax cut reduces a single mother’s payroll taxes by $40 a month or allows a business owner to save thousands in capital gains taxes and hire more employees, that tax cut is a good thing. Lower taxes allow more spending, saving, and investing which helps the economy — that means all of us.
Real conservatives have always supported low taxes and low spending.
But today, too many politicians and lobbyists are spending America into ruin. We are nine trillion dollars in debt as a nation. Our mounting government debt endangers the financial future of our children and grandchildren. If we don’t cut spending now, higher taxes and economic disaster will be in their future — and yours.
In addition, the Federal Reserve, our central bank, fosters runaway debt by increasing the money supply — making each dollar in your pocket worth less. The Fed is a private bank run by unelected officials who are not required to be open or accountable to “we the people.”
Worse, our economy and our very independence as a nation is increasingly in the hands of foreign governments such as China and Saudi Arabia, because their central banks also finance our runaway spending.
We cannot continue to allow private banks, wasteful agencies, lobbyists, corporations on welfare, and governments collecting foreign aid to dictate the size of our ballooning budget. We need a new method to prioritize our spending. It’s called the Constitution of the United States.


posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 01:36 AM
reply to post by NewWorldOver

It is amazing how one person can manage to derail it like this. Usually it takes a little teamwork. I see the mods issued a warning, but it seemed to have no affect. The damage has been done.

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 01:36 AM
reply to post by SouthernBelle82

whats funny is i agree with you on most things Belle, but you jump to conclusions about who or what is at fault. i guarantee that the act of privatization isnt the problem, its the company (with contacts on the inside) that is the problem. There are plenty of good companies that would never have done such a thing. you can have privatization and oversight if you have the right people calling the shots, instead of pukes the likes of bush and cheney. You blame the privatization but its really the OVERSIGHT and the fact that the bush adminstration refuses to put contractors working for the US under US laws. thats where the trouble lies.

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 01:37 AM
Oh I see. Because you guys have been so perfect towards me since the beginning...not. Please look in the mirror first. I guess people here are only allowed to post if they share your opinions. Huh I guess that's a new view point of libertarians.

Originally posted by NewWorldOver

Originally posted by SEEWHATUDO
reply to post by SouthernBelle82

No you are wrong!! If you want to debate the medias snubbing of RP or if you want to discuss your communitys involvment with RP and you can do so in a civil manner by all means do so. This thread is not about socialists vs. libertarians or republicans vs. democrats. You have derailed this thread and continue to do so, you have been insulting and crass, we have all had astonishing patience and I am quite proud of my fellow members but enough is enough.

I am afraid this thread will die a slow painful death now, I hope someone takes the OP's thoughts and the rest of the threads input into another thread that will grow more constructively. An ATS "straw" poll would be a great idea!!!

My thoughts exactly. This thread has been practically assassinated.... looking down on everyone and declaring yourself a socialist is the wrong way to approach any debate, but this has not been a debate, it's been alot of one-sided squawking about how Ron Paul is racist -

Could have been an excellent thread.

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 01:38 AM

what have you said,

if anything,

on the topic of Ron Paul's censorship in polls?

Take that amount of relevant information, and present it. Than allow the conversation to evolve, with moderate input on your part.

If you could just do that... maybe we would have a decent thread... 4 pages ago.

Thank you,
the 'I have a few words about Mr. Paul' thread

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 01:39 AM
Guess what? There is a key word in "privitization" and that words is *gasps* "private." If everything is private than nobody has to know anything except the leadership of that company and nobody can do anything. Look for example at the Halliburton/kbr deal with the girl accusing someone who works there of rape and that whole sad situation. Again I don't know about you but I like my government to be open to me and I like to know what the hell is going on. I thought people had enough of this "blind trust" bs with Bush and company but apparently some people haven't had enough.

Originally posted by turbokid
reply to post by SouthernBelle82

whats funny is i agree with you on most things Belle, but you jump to conclusions about who or what is at fault. i guarantee that the act of privatization isnt the problem, its the company (with contacts on the inside) that is the problem. There are plenty of good companies that would never have done such a thing. you can have privatization and oversight if you have the right people calling the shots, instead of pukes the likes of bush and cheney. You blame the privatization but its really the OVERSIGHT and the fact that the bush adminstration refuses to put contractors working for the US under US laws. thats where the trouble lies.

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 01:40 AM
So now a person isn't allowed to have an opinion unless it matches yours. WOW! I didn't know I was on a Ron Paul kiss ass fan club website. I thought this was ATS! Who knew I got lost?

Originally posted by Karlhungis
reply to post by NewWorldOver

It is amazing how one person can manage to derail it like this. Usually it takes a little teamwork. I see the mods issued a warning, but it seemed to have no affect. The damage has been done.

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 01:41 AM
reply to post by NewWorldOver

Yep maybe I will try again next week

I would really enjoy reading everyones views on the media shut out and their political perceptions in their communitys. It could be a great barometer for what is really going on.

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 01:41 AM

Who are YOU calling ignorant?

Socialism...oh theres the future! Look at the wonders it has accomplished in the U.S.S.R ! no wait... Well let's admire the glory of Cuba... no ummm well let's humble ourselves and learn from East Germany! .... no that won't do.. hmmm All hail Venechava !

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 01:42 AM
You can read through the thread just as well as I can. It seems you have the ability to do so. And also hun if you haven't noticed I'm not the only one talking about other issues with Ron Paul. I guess you only warn people who disagree with you. You have yet to provide any proof that any such thing is being done.

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 01:43 AM
reply to post by SouthernBelle82

Once again if Ron Paul was president he wouldn't have that power. Please try reading the Constitution okay? You might want to check that document out to see what powers the president actually has available to him with that whole checks and balance thing the founding fathers put in place.

I’m not sure what power you’re referring too, but you are probably right, the state would have that power. No one is talking about eliminating the federal government, if that’s what you mean, just restoring it.

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 01:43 AM

Originally posted by SouthernBelle82
Don't insult me and my intelligence by calling me a "troll" because I happen to be a socialist. Grow up before you try to run a country.

I don’t believe we have to actually explain this one…

An Internet troll, or simply troll in Internet slang, is someone who intentionally posts controversial messages in an on-line community such as an on-line discussion forum with the intention of baiting other users into an argumentative response.

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 01:44 AM

Originally posted by SouthernBelle82
So now a person isn't allowed to have an opinion unless it matches yours. WOW! I didn't know I was on a Ron Paul kiss ass fan club website. I thought this was ATS! Who knew I got lost?

I don't know how many times you plan on saying that. Being of a different opinion does NOT grant you the right to post a dozen times in a single page on matters that are totally OFF-TOPIC. You have been slandering Ron Paul and arguing with posters for the past 7 pages. How can you hate Ron Paul that much? I would like to present the possibility that you're just here to fight with Ron Paul supporters, and you've been warned accordingly.

Thanks for destroying this thread for the sake of offering a differing opinion... over... and over... and over.

[edit on 18-12-2007 by NewWorldOver]

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 01:44 AM

Originally posted by Karlhungis
reply to post by NewWorldOver

It is amazing how one person can manage to derail it like this. Usually it takes a little teamwork. I see the mods issued a warning, but it seemed to have no affect. The damage has been done.

I guess at this point that ignore button comes in real handy, huh?

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 01:45 AM
Well now I'm calling you ignorant. The last time I checked USSR was Communist. That's not socialism. It's the extreme of socialism but it's not socialism. Socialism believes the people own the government and thus they own everything. Communism believes the government owns everything and not the people. See the difference? That was easy wasn't it? Go to and read through the website and than come back okay? Venechava? Do you mean Venezuela? It might help if you spell it right...I'm just sayin.

Originally posted by LouisXI

Who are YOU calling ignorant?

Socialism...oh theres the future! Look at the wonders it has accomplished in the U.S.S.R ! no wait... Well let's admire the glory of Cuba... no ummm well let's humble ourselves and learn from East Germany! .... no that won't do.. hmmm All hail Venechava !

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 01:46 AM
It's amazing how many people ignore someone just because they disagree with them. Hmm and how are you going to accomplish a libertarian government by ignoring a big part of the population?

Originally posted by SEEWHATUDO

Originally posted by Karlhungis
reply to post by NewWorldOver

It is amazing how one person can manage to derail it like this. Usually it takes a little teamwork. I see the mods issued a warning, but it seemed to have no affect. The damage has been done.

I guess at this point that ignore button comes in real handy, huh?

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 01:46 AM
reply to post by SEEWHATUDO

I must enjoy testing my patience though. I have resisted the urge to ignore. It is kind of like watching a train wreck. I just can't bring myself to look away yet.

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 01:47 AM
Yes, the ignore button works.
Not responding to trollish behavior also works.

Thanks for keeping your cool..

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