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I have a few words about Mr. Paul

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posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 09:46 AM
Ron Paul supporters rely on false data. The 'red dots' are meaningless. What do they represent exactly ? Support posts for Ron Paul that have reported that they are support posts. lol

And the straw polls people always talk about. Straw polls, by definition, are fake. They are held within a group of people where the outcome is known. So Ron Paul rallies have more straw polls. So he wins more. lol

People wasting so much time an money on an illusion. lol

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 10:40 AM
I think the glenn beck show tonite will be really interesting im not a big fan of glenn beck but I am addicted to talk radio and he is somewhat entertaining. I think he is just gonna ask whatever comes to mind. Glenn doesnt seem to really care too much for what is PC. I am sure though he will probably try and stick it to ron paul pretty good but from what i have seen I think ron will be able to handle it.

I have seen some people around dallas with shoe polish on there cars supporting ron paul.

just my 2 cents but i listen to talk radio all the freaking day (and not just ats mix or c2c) and it does seem that recently ron paul has made some news not just on the national talk shows but the local news breaks they do during commercial breaks (on monday each one mentioned ron's recent fund raising)......

this will be a 'interesting' election

i wonder how many write in votes Ru Paul is gonna get

[edit on 18-12-2007 by 911fnord]

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 10:42 AM
First of all I dont think anyone is wasting their money on an illusion, people are donating their money to something they believe in regardless of what the MSM says. I was looking at our newspapers and news sites yesterday, I had to search for anything regarding Ron Paul's 6 million in donations in one day. IMO I would think that would be big news, but instead it was the same old pop tart and fear that graces the pages everyday. I think the media is absolutley burrying Ron Pauls support, and although not fair it makes me happy. As another person stated the more you bash him, the more you outcast his supporters the bigger he is going to get. Maybe that is the plan, maybe he is part of some conspiracy we cant see, but in my opinion I dont think that is the case. I would rather take my chances on someone that has kept the same stances all along. Keep attempting to smear him by association, and people that think for themselves are going to see right through that. This most recent money bomb shows that people are fed up, if Dr. Paul doesnt get elected the fact still remains, people are waking up and we arent letting this country go any further down the crapper. To you elites behind the scenes, your days are numbered, your smearing of ron paul shows your fear, and scared you should be the power is going back to the people.

THis was a great thread that was taken way off course, there is alot of discussion to make up for now, I just hope people still have energy left after defending against a deranged socialist.

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by dirtonwater

Skip the straw polls.. Look around you. Look at the money he raised from the "people" and not huge donors.
Look at the support he garners in a way that people make their OWN banners from paint, stencils, purchasing banners.

With the way politics has been accurately portrayed as a backstabbing, power hungry and just down right nasty place to generally be a part of, Ron Paul is the only person I have ever seen garner the grass roots support as I see now. Whether you want to believe it or not, he is the HONEST choice.

How in the heck can you choose otherwise?

To me, if you vote for anyone else then you are supporting the same ole machinery that is already defunct and will leave us stranded and broken down..

I've looked at all candidates and what they stand for and their history. RP is the real deal. Meaning whether or not you believe in everything he represents, you should agree with the core of his personality, the honesty, the integrity and resolve to do what is right for the population and not government.

the OP is right, he's been shunned by MSM and I hope lik ehell that the average man can prove to beat the machine by gathering together for the first time in many years to vote the man who is right into office.

we'll see.


posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 11:37 AM
Glenn Beck is another one of these conservative jerks. I guess by not being PC than you mean by asking Congressman Ellison (the first Muslim Congressman ever) to prove he's not a terrorist because of his religion. Funny how he never asks that of any other mainstream religion. Just because someone gets air time doesn't mean they're going to win anything. Advertising does not always equal winning. Again look at Howard Dean of 2003 primaries. He was everywhere and raised a lot of money but apparently that didn't help him at primary time. Dean is a conservative/moderate Democrat and he didn't even win Tennessee!

Originally posted by 911fnord
I think the glenn beck show tonite will be really interesting im not a big fan of glenn beck but I am addicted to talk radio and he is somewhat entertaining. I think he is just gonna ask whatever comes to mind. Glenn doesnt seem to really care too much for what is PC. I am sure though he will probably try and stick it to ron paul pretty good but from what i have seen I think ron will be able to handle it.

I have seen some people around dallas with shoe polish on there cars supporting ron paul.

just my 2 cents but i listen to talk radio all the freaking day (and not just ats mix or c2c) and it does seem that recently ron paul has made some news not just on the national talk shows but the local news breaks they do during commercial breaks (on monday each one mentioned ron's recent fund raising)......

this will be a 'interesting' election

i wonder how many write in votes Ru Paul is gonna get

[edit on 18-12-2007 by 911fnord]

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 11:38 AM
But you do see the "lame ducks" going up in the polls. Votes is what matters not money. Our democracy isn't an auction.

Originally posted by Sentinel 1
reply to post by turbokid

I would say the 230k was a typo....Reguardless making 6 million bucks in donations is pretty impressive if ya ask me.....I dont see any of the lame ducks doing that.....

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 11:40 AM
LOL now I've heard everything. If he's like the incredible hulk than why is he still considered a low tier candidate? Why isn't he number one? LOL. If he has all these suppoerts like they claim than why isn't he getting more people to vote in polls? Oh and online polls don't count since they aren't scientific and people can spam them and do spam them all the time for their candidate no matter who it is. Oh and if by pathetic jabs you mean his actual voting record well than you're talking to the wrong person about that....

Originally posted by Trauma
Southernbelle, Ron Paul is like the Incredible Hulk. You can throw your petty, pathetic jabs at him but he only gets bigger, stronger, and more pissed off. RON PAUL SMAAAAASH!!!!!

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 11:42 AM
Again with the petty name calling. If you're so sure of yourselves than surely you can handle an opposing view point. I guess not and all you can do is resort to name calling and you just want people here who post who agree with you. Hun I have a different political view point. Stop with the strawman holier than thou bull#. Grow up.

Originally posted by shortywarn
troll alert

somebody i'll let you guess who has been on this thread for hours bating us.

give it up already-

poor me, poor me, i'm a woman blah blah

yeah we're passionate and it's time we fight for what we believe in.

i just pity you, u can't see the light---you seem blinded by you own frustration--

ron paul gives me hope and somewhat relieves my frustration

ron paul's the man, a southern gent

[edit on 18-12-2007 by shortywarn]

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 11:45 AM
And you want to have this dream libertarian government by ignoring over half of the population who doesn't agree with you and who thinks your nuts? LOL. That'll work! So what are you going to do force all of us who disagree with you to agree with you? Isn't that opposite of what you preach? It seems y'all are the biggest whiners out of everything. You can't handle an opposing view point which I find pretty freakin hilarious for people who claim to be for liberty and freedom and everything else along those lines. Y'all are truly proving yourselves to be hypocrites. You only want polls that agree with you, you only want people who agree with you and everything else is a consperiacy. How pathetic. You all say you feel sorry for me? Well news flash: I feel sorry for you all. At least I can talk and debate with people whom I disagree with. All you all care about is shutting up anyone who thinks other wise. You've got more in common with the neocons than you think.

Originally posted by spacedoubt

Stop stirring the pot guys, please..

All is calm, all is bright..

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 11:49 AM
Right so I guess your solution is to never come across someone who may disagree with you. Oh the horror!

Originally posted by lapi7
Oh for goodness sakes...leave poor SouthernBelle82 alone!!!
Can't you see she's ill?
Can't you see that she's simply eating this up?

Every response flames her joy and ego.

Only one with an insane mind attempts to reason with another insane mind!!!

Leave her alone!!!

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by SouthernBelle82

Belle, dear, how can RP climb in polls when he isn't allowed to be on the poll in the first place? I know that your a wee bit heated against the man, but I'm sure you can see that it makes his followers feel a trifle heated themselves when he is left out of the national polls, and then someone comes along and says he has no chance because he isn't high enough in the polls.

And by the way, are you my dear old Aunt Kathy? You'll know me because I'm the only family member you can't out shout.

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 11:52 AM
Right so please tell me why did we have the civil rights movement in the 60's? Did you fall asleep during that time frame in American history class? Do you not remember the bull that happened to those who were minorities especially African-Americans? I guess you missed the whole KKK thing right? Please keep your pathetic insults to yourself.

Originally posted by Tom_Proctor
SouthernBelle82 is possibly one of the most mentally incapable of even thinking people I know.

The Constitution says nothing about being White, Black, Hispanic, Male, Female, etc.

The 13th and 14th amendment also protect minority cultures against such "Civil Rights Act Removal" which is going to make such a big deal about minority races. The 13th and 14th Amendment are not reversible. If Ron Paul wants to go back to the original Constitution, he has to keep the Amendments because they were decided by all 50 states.

Read the Constitution and Amendments, come back when you have some knowledgeable information that isn't clear idiocy.

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 11:54 AM
But of course they use that same MSM when the polls support their person. Other wise everything else is a consperiacy. Yet I'm the one who is "ill" and has a low IQ.

Originally posted by dirtonwater
Ron Paul is obviously going nowhere because his platform is absurd.
What I find totally amusing is his popularity is consistenly in the low single digits. But most of his supporters attribute this to rigging by the MSN and claim the entire voting process is rigged. Yet they send in all this money to support the whole process.

Who are the sheeple ?

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 11:55 AM
Yet you haven't shown any proof of this so-called censorship. Either prove it or shut it or just keep feeding your own delusions.

Originally posted by Freenrgy2
I've read about 9 pages thus far. Man, you guys are good. Hats off to CaptainPlanet and Aravoth. Great stuff and I feel educated after reading your posts!!!

I could come up with several conclusions about our visitor from the south, but I shall refrain from making public comments on this.

Let me just say that while I vehemetly disagree with all of her positions, I wholeheartedly encourage the dialogue, although a seperate thread might be in order. Even though this thread was started from a loyalist's point of view regarding MSM censorship, it is proving to be a excellent primer in making the case on why Ron Paul should be the next President and why socialism is so very, very wrong. For every opinion that she espouses and presents as fact or reality in her mind, knowledgeable forum members refure this with ACTUAL facts and truth that back up Ron Paul's beliefs. And you'll find no trace of flip-flopping in his positions.

Go Ron Paul!!!!

I just read some more. I'll tell you one thing this thread has done for me is made me feel PROUD to be a supporter of Ron Paul. In fact, this thread has got me jazzed. SB is the embodiment of the establishment's way of thinking. She symbolizes all that Ron Paul is against. What better way to make the case for Ron Paul than to meet this challenge head on and refute every misconcpetion, lie, half-truth and distortion that the establishment tries to present against the good doctor.

I agree that a seperate thread should be established to discuss this.

[edit on 18-12-2007 by Freenrgy2]

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 11:56 AM
Ron Paul has not been shut out of anything and there is no conspircy. I watch Fox News and it was almost the lead story every hour about how much money he raised but it doesn't mean anything and he will never be elected as president. Most people at a time of war don't want a candiate who is talking about bringing all the troups home from around the world. That is stupid and the American people know it and is nothing more than a calculated ploy to appeal to democratic voters. I haven't seen one ad of his. What are his plans on building a fence on the border. What about oil independence, social security, high taxes, food prices, the war on terror, tort reform, partial birth abortions, stem cell research and on and on. And how about all the other candiates that have been shut down like Joe Biden, Bill Richardson, Tancrato, Hunter and the others that aren't front runners.

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 12:00 PM
I don't have to prove anything. He's doing it all for me with his own voting record and his own comments. If you want to ignore that and remain ignorant and in your delusions and thinking that Ron Paul is some fantasic savior than that's your problem. People have been trying to do that with religion for years but as you can see with that people are going to believe what they will no matter what others have to say. I am allowed to have an opinion and if you really believed the rhetoric that you claim you do than you'd respect that. Apparently you're either a good liar and a faker or a hypocrite. So I guess by the truth and facts that means ignoring his own platform and ignoring his own statements and his own voting record. Have you actually seen his voting record? What about his "We the People" act? I guess you haven't seen that either right? He doesn't even believe in the seperation of church and state even though it's clearly in the first amendment. What doesn't he get about that? I guess he too wants us to live in a Christian theocracy. Sorry but I personally like living in a seperation. I've actually learned from history. You still haven't shown any proof though of this so-called media blackout with the polls. Of course you do claim those polls that agree with you. I think that's funny.

Originally posted by DisabledVet
Some of my favorite pastimes are watching folks like Southernbelle try and persuade you to think Ron Paul is anything but honest and a true citizen statesman.

But thats why supporting Ron is so much fun and is so easy, as one can so easily refute each and every slanderous attack against Dr. Paul with truth and facts.

Sure their next tactic is if you cant slander the candidate go after his supporters. This in itself is tragically flawed as it only shows the true nature of the slanderer. Once cant use this tactic as it is NOT the theory of being judged by the company you keep as supporters cant be turned away....your stuck with them.

Just to prove to yourself that Ron is the number 1 candidate all you have to do is look at the meet up group maps...the bes next to Ron is Obama I think with several thousand supporters. Obamas map looks have quite a few of the red dots.

But look at Ron Paul's after you look at the other candidates and you cant even see the map of the united states as it is one giant blob of red

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by Mutantalien1947

Now just go back and look at the polls from the last few months. The candidates you mention were on them, and they fell out by their own lack of merit. But most of those same polls did not have RP on them.

I wonder why?

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 12:06 PM
Ah more name calling. So you too don't really believe the rhetoric you spew out. And just because I believe in a different forum of government than you does not make me deranged. It means I have a mind of my own and can make it up and think for myself. One thing I've found interesting throughout this whole thread is all the Ron Paul supporters are doing nothing more than repeating each other and cheering each other on for attacking someone with their own view point with the government. Oh the horror of someone else having an opposing view! The last time I checked ATS is not a libertarian message board. People with all types of government views are welcome here. If that wasn't the case I would've recieved an Email by now telling me socialists aren't welcome here but I have yet to get that Email. So until I do I'm going to post to my heart's content. If you don't like it there's two things you can do: 1) respect opposing view points 2) if you can't do that put me on ignore. Not going to mean anything to me either way. Where was it a great thread? All it was till other people came a long was y'all feeding each others delusions about this so-called media black out that nobody has yet proven! Prove it. If it was going on y'all would've been able to prove it by now. The fact you resort to personally attacking me means you can't. I wanted to add out of all the people here who say they support Paul only one has shown me any type of respect and shown any type of independent thinking and that's the person who gave citations for their comments and I apologize for forgetting who you were.

Originally posted by gunner36
First of all I dont think anyone is wasting their money on an illusion, people are donating their money to something they believe in regardless of what the MSM says. I was looking at our newspapers and news sites yesterday, I had to search for anything regarding Ron Paul's 6 million in donations in one day. IMO I would think that would be big news, but instead it was the same old pop tart and fear that graces the pages everyday. I think the media is absolutley burrying Ron Pauls support, and although not fair it makes me happy. As another person stated the more you bash him, the more you outcast his supporters the bigger he is going to get. Maybe that is the plan, maybe he is part of some conspiracy we cant see, but in my opinion I dont think that is the case. I would rather take my chances on someone that has kept the same stances all along. Keep attempting to smear him by association, and people that think for themselves are going to see right through that. This most recent money bomb shows that people are fed up, if Dr. Paul doesnt get elected the fact still remains, people are waking up and we arent letting this country go any further down the crapper. To you elites behind the scenes, your days are numbered, your smearing of ron paul shows your fear, and scared you should be the power is going back to the people.

THis was a great thread that was taken way off course, there is alot of discussion to make up for now, I just hope people still have energy left after defending against a deranged socialist.

[edit on 18-12-2007 by SouthernBelle82]

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 12:10 PM
So money now equals democracy. I didn't know our democracy was now an auction.

Originally posted by Bspiracy
reply to post by dirtonwater

Skip the straw polls.. Look around you. Look at the money he raised from the "people" and not huge donors.
Look at the support he garners in a way that people make their OWN banners from paint, stencils, purchasing banners.

With the way politics has been accurately portrayed as a backstabbing, power hungry and just down right nasty place to generally be a part of, Ron Paul is the only person I have ever seen garner the grass roots support as I see now. Whether you want to believe it or not, he is the HONEST choice.

How in the heck can you choose otherwise?

To me, if you vote for anyone else then you are supporting the same ole machinery that is already defunct and will leave us stranded and broken down..

I've looked at all candidates and what they stand for and their history. RP is the real deal. Meaning whether or not you believe in everything he represents, you should agree with the core of his personality, the honesty, the integrity and resolve to do what is right for the population and not government.

the OP is right, he's been shunned by MSM and I hope lik ehell that the average man can prove to beat the machine by gathering together for the first time in many years to vote the man who is right into office.

we'll see.


posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 12:13 PM
So are you going to prove he isn't included? I have yet to see this magical proof. And hun you can't shout me out either. Get used to it.

Originally posted by NGC2736
reply to post by SouthernBelle82

Belle, dear, how can RP climb in polls when he isn't allowed to be on the poll in the first place? I know that your a wee bit heated against the man, but I'm sure you can see that it makes his followers feel a trifle heated themselves when he is left out of the national polls, and then someone comes along and says he has no chance because he isn't high enough in the polls.

And by the way, are you my dear old Aunt Kathy? You'll know me because I'm the only family member you can't out shout.

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