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NASA Scientist Fired - Promises Disclosure

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posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 05:00 AM
reply to post by sherpa

If those images with that strange “thing” in it are real, then I find a remarkable resembles with this strange “thing” in the footage below.
What do you people think?

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 08:59 AM

Originally posted by Aelita

Originally posted by sputniksteve
You just dug your own grave there my friend.

I'm, like, totally shivering

Please stop, you are not contributing to this thread one bit. If you refuse to read anything rational from the normal people here you will continue to look foolish.

Oh, there is a ways to go before I look 10% as foolish as certain posters on this thread (like those who say there is breathable atmosphere on the Moon and extoll the freshness of lunar air).

Check out these pics, quite on topic. You will see that irregular shaped rocks and artifacts of the pictures are then enhanced and interpreted as some kind of "structures". Quite laughable.

Dont you have tiles in your bathroom that need staring at ?

shoo fly.

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by spacevisitor

I think you are seeing a resemblance between the LPI frame, (second image) and the object in the fuel tank footage.

Since I think the Mendleson frame, (first image) is closer to the original print than I don't think there is such a similarity, but hey, what do I know.

I can't compare these anomalies with anything I have seen before so perhaps they are indeed some new species of lint

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by EBE154
you have 'probably' never been to the moon before and so i would suggest that you personally have no proof that there is 'NOT' or let's say was 'NOT' an (ancient) civilization on moon... of course there is no definite proof yet but what you say is also just a handful of allegations... wanted to make this clear...

Well, does this mean that if you've never been to New Zealand or some remote area in the world where just few went, that it automatically doesn't exist???!!!
Damn man, gimme a break... huh

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 06:50 PM
Book Report: “Dark Mission; the Secret History of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration” by Richard C. Hoagland and Mike Bara. Copyright 2007 Richard C. Hoagland and Mike Bara. ISBN 978-1-932595-26-0.

There are 548 pages in Dark Mission. So, as usual, when I read a book of that length I take it up to my cabin in Nevada's high desert where there are no distractions of any kind. I also take my yellow and orange highlighters and blue and black felt tip pen.

If I plan to discuss the contents of a book, which I usually intend to do, I owe it to the author/authors to read their presentation thoroughly and carefully.

I started Thursday evening and finished Sunday morning. These are my thoughts on “Dark Mission” by Richard C. Hoagland and Mike Bara.

First I would like to thank the authors for the incredible amount of time (4 years) that they put into writing this book. I would also like to thank them for the incredible detail with which this book is written.

Having followed the space program since its inception I was able to immediately remember most twists and turns presented by Hoagland and Bara.

Their conclusion is that the original and continuing core of NASA, who they identify as ‘Freemasons, SS (Nazis) and magicians’, and who they call “ritual elitists”, have ‘literally stolen the entire space program for themselves from the rest of all Mankind’. They go on to say that “Space” is destined to ‘remain the sole possession of only those with (these) proper bloodlines and perspectives’…but not for any of the rest of us.

I believe that their evidence and conclusions are an accurate assessment of what we refer to as the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and its policies and that anyone interested in the future the United States of America, if any, should read this book.

What Hoagland and Bara do not say or imply is that “It is obvious that the DOD, who was certainly responsible for orchestrating the horror/fiasco of 911 and the murder of 3000 Americans simply to further their own selfish and self-serving goals is part of and strongly allied with NASA along with the Military/Industrial Complex to lie, cheat, steal, fabricate and commit fraud against the American people”. In the words of one, “These are some nasty kitties.”

The guise under which all of this is perpetuated is “National Security”. National Security is a term that has nothing to do with the security of our Nation. National Security is a term used to hide information and knowledge at the expense of those who paid for it and to whom it rightfully belongs for the exclusive benefit and wealth of those who have stolen it.

“Dark Mission” presents in great detail exactly how NASA committed this fraud and how they continue to do so.

I have three basic disagreements with Richard.

Hoagland and Bara present what I consider to be conclusive evidence of civilizations on both the Moon and Mars which they call “ancient”, a term with which I disagree. I believe the civilizations are extant.

Hoagland mentions on more than several occasions that there is no air on the moon. I disagree. I believe there is a breathable atmosphere on the moon.

Hoagland proposes (then) Vice-President Johnson was responsible for Kennedy’s assassination. I believe it was a Mossad/CIA operation about which the Vice-President may have known but was not part of.

Hoagland and Bara avoid the issue of the NASA’s secret astronaut corps and the ‘other space program’. And this I can fully understand. There is just so much an average reader can take in at one time or in one book.

I particularly like the last sentence of the book referring to a comment made by one of Hoagland’s’ intelligence sources:

“The lie is different at every level.”

John Lear Nov. 5, 2007

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 07:02 PM
reply to post by johnlear

John a good analysis, I was looking also into getting the book. Is there any other places of interest in the book that you have detailed that might be of interest.

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 07:04 PM
reply to post by johnlear

So, John...without breaking TOC or copyright laws, do you have specifics discussed within the book?

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 07:25 PM
John, what about the USAFSC ??? Their logo is similar to the Star Trek logo. It's almost surreal to me, but they are celebtrating an anniversary this year and have been around for sometime. Are they mentioned in the book?

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 07:38 PM
Originally posted by menguard

John a good analysis, I was looking also into getting the book. Is there any other places of interest in the book that you have detailed that might be of interest.

There are several. I particularly enjoyed the detail of how NAZA fraudulently covered up their research on Cydonia while trying to say they weren't interested. Hoagland doesn't pull any punches and he names names.

Hoaglands story of the Cydonia NAZA Fraud is not a "he said, she said." He tells 'how' they did it in no uncertain terms. I know nothing about the technical aspects of photo spacecraft but Hoagland tells you in exact detail how it works and how NAZA faked it.

I particularly enjoyed the details on the effect of mind control that NAZA used on the Apollo astronauts to make them forget what they saw up there.

I also enjoyed more details on Apollo 17's mission to Nansen, the giant rectangular entrance on the South Massif that Cernan and Schmidt walked up and looked into.

The Egyptian Mythology from which NAZA has planned and executed most of their missions becomes tedious its so redundant.

On page 205 Hoagland is discussing the origination of the Apollo patch with its 3 stars from Orions belt.

"The three belt stars seemed to represent three astronauts "sons of Orion/Osiris"-but, as Osiris was a god of resurrection", it seemed odd that the first attempt by Man to visit the Moon would be associated with a rebirth."

"A rebirth of what?" he asks.

To which I respond, "The Fourth Reich."

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 07:50 PM
on the report. I await my copy now. Thanks for the tidbits.

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 07:56 PM

Originally posted by SpaceMax
You'll have to wait for my Book, DVD and lecture tour. (It'll be waaay better, in 3D AND Sensurround, and maybe even partial nudity) And yeah, it'll cost more than $150 too, production values like that aren't cheap.
And when I breathlessly tell you the REAL truth about the 2 dimensional "thing" that Air Force Brigadier General Pete Worden kept in his underground office at assured you WILL diaperdrive across the continent to give me your credit card and pin numbers.

2 dimensional "thing"

Care to share... that sounds interesting.... I expect a free autographed copy though... you know, for our research library

But thanks for the Worden tip... Not having time to do this full time I never really looked into him much...

I was remiss... so hats off to you for leading me to him...

Here is a thread just for him... Very interesting fellow to be sure... kinda makes the point for the militarization of NASA

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by johnlear

Indeed a book worth owning. There is always an 'Inner Government' working against us, the ego. The head wants to stop the heart from functioning.

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 08:18 PM

Originally posted by StreetCorner Philosopher
John, what about the USAFSC ??? Their logo is similar to the Star Trek logo. It's almost surreal to me, but they are celebtrating an anniversary this year and have been around for sometime. Are they mentioned in the book?

I don't think so but we have bone our homework on them... Been posted a few times.. and there are a few members here that may or may not hold key positions in that organization... who may or may not be supplying us with data

well no... you can't have there names

Space Command Logo (this will need its own thread eventually)

I have two pages of Units, patches, facilities and support units... and this is only whats available on the PUBLIC forums... and of that I have recorded only half what I have gathered so far...

But here are a couple of my favorite units...

In 1977 Congress directed the establishment of Air Force TENCAP with three primary missions: exploiting space systems for tactical applications through rapid prototyping projects; influencing the design of future space systems for tactical applications; and educating warfighters about the capabilities and tactical utility of space systems. The SWC serves as the executive agent of AF TENCAP on behalf of warfighters and is teamed with the Space Applications Project Office to develop and provide support to Air Force agencies and the Combat and Mobility Air Forces. AF TENCAP demonstrates leading edge space technologies with potential to enhance combat capabilities of units in the field and transitions these combat systems to warfighters in a timelier manner than through traditional acquisition processes. AF TENCAP is responsible for keeping abreast of the latest technologies and influencing emerging space systems to make them more supportive of fielded combat forces.

You will notice the word "exploit" Well look at their Mission Statement...


The Space Force Mission is to defend the United States through the control and exploitation of space. Air Force Space Command makes space reliable to the warfighter (i.e. forces personnel) by continuously improving the command's ability to provide and support combat forces — assuring their access to space. In addition, the command's ICBM forces deter any adversary contemplating the use of weapons of mass destruction. AFSPC has four primary mission areas:

* Space forces support involves launching satellites and other high-value payloads into space using a variety of expendable launch vehicles and operating those satellites once in the medium of space.
* Space control ensures friendly use of space through the conduct of counterspace operations encompassing surveillance, negation, and protection.
* Force enhancement provides weather, communications, intelligence, missile warning, and navigation. Force enhancement is support to the warfighter.
* Force application involves maintaining and operating a rapid response, land-based ICBM force as the Air Force's only on-alert strategic deterrent.

Space Warfare Center...

DOD Department of Defense
Kirtland AFB


The Space Test Program (STP) is a part the Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center, Space and Missile Test and Evaluation Directorate located at Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The DoD Space Test Program was created in May 1965 as a multi-user space program whose role is to be the primary provider of spaceflight for the entire Department of Defense space research community (this role was revalidated in a Nov 1995 memo from the Secretary of Defense). The Air Force is the executive agent for this DoD program. The primary objective of STP is to fly the maximum number of DoD space research experiments possible consistent with priority, opportunity and available funding. From the first launch in Jun 1967 to Jun 1997 over 400 experiments have been flown on over 120 missions using dedicated free-flyers, the space shuttle or piggyback payload opportunities.


The STP uses a wide variety of platforms to host space research and development experiments including Small Class Spacecraft, Medium Class Spacecraft, the Space Shuttle, and Piggybacks on other spacecraft.

Space Command Page One

Space Command Page Two

Volunteers Needed..
Anyone that can add anything to these pages... please feel free to send it to us for inclusion or updates...

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by johnlear

John, how can anyone take hoagland seriously after the 3D image of the face on Mars was revealed ? It seems to me like he just moved his tent to the Moon.

I am getting the impression from you that you are trying to "brand" your name as the "waaay out there guy" for some books and a tidy profit.

I think it's actually pretty disgusting all the "researchers" out there preying on the conspiracy community for profit. I see it all the time.

It's ironic, because fooling people for money is just what you pretend to be exposing


posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 09:05 PM
Originally posted by syrinx high priest

John, how can anyone take hoagland seriously after the 3D image of the face on Mars was revealed ? It seems to me like he just moved his tent to the Moon.

Thanks for the post SHP. You are just the type of guy that the book was written for but who probably won't read it. You don't know what you are talking about but you think you do.

Even though you obviously haven't read the book, your uninformed comments on the 3D image from Mars are truly appreciated.

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 09:24 PM
reply to post by syrinx high priest

Well now you have an opinion that greatly differs from mine. I have enjoyed Johns insights for several years and he has been a strong influence in my personal growth. Yes he climbs out on the highest branches at times, but he always speaks his truth. You are just not mature enough or ready to consider more than the mediocrity of existence. Not being mean, just telling you my thoughts.

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by johnlear

the 3D images clearly showed the face to be a naturally formed hill. Only someone with a financial motive would argue otherwise

external link

The famous 'face' - actually a remnant massif - was first observed in a photo taken on 25 July 1976 by the American Viking 1 orbiter. Shortly afterwards, a NASA press release said the formation "resembles a human head." At the time, NASA scientists had already correctly interpreted the image as an optical illusion caused by the illumination angle of the Sun, the formation's surface morphology and the resulting shadows, giving the impression of eyes, nose and mouth

do you really expect anyone to believe the face is a monument created by an ancient culture after seeing this ?

I live in PT barnums home town, and I guess he was right

[edit on 5-11-2007 by syrinx high priest]

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 10:36 PM
reply to post by antar

don't be afraid to speak your mind to me, I know I'm very unpopular around here, I promise I won't be offended

alternative history and conspiracy theories are becoming big business. Just look at the money the davinci code brought in as an example

I've learned a lot on ATS, about central banks, the apollo missions, all I'm saying is don't forget there are people making money on these ideas, and the people who believe them

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 12:33 AM
Hoagland has hit the nail on the head with this one! Usually he is very far out there, but it all ties together. Anyone remember the picture of Neil Armstrong with the Masonic apron on the Apollo 11 mission? BINGO.

posted on Nov, 6 2007 @ 02:18 AM
reply to post by takeastepback

Don't forget Buzz Aldrin...

There is this...

There is also this...

Don't forget about Edgar Mitchell Apollo 14

Don't forget James Irwin Apollo 15

Don't forget about Virgil I. (Gus) Grissom Apollo 1

Donn F. Eisele, Luther B. Turner Lodge No. 732, Ohio, joined Apollo by completing eleven days in Apollo 7 orbiting earth 163 times.

Listed here...

Originally posted by Masonic Light
Neil Armstrong was not a Mason. Buzz Aldrin, however, is a 33rd degree Scottish Rite Mason, a Masonic Knight Templar, and a Shriner.

Buzz flew the Supreme Council's flag on the moon. That flag is now on display in the Masonic Museum of the Supreme Council Scottish Rite Temple in Washington.

From This thread
Neil Armstrong Masonic Flag

Maybe but Neil Armstrongs father was a Mason... 33rd degree Scottish Rites

Here is a clip of the picture of Neil holding the Apron...

a screen capture from this video ...

[edit on 6-11-2007 by zorgon]

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