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NASA Scientist Fired - Promises Disclosure

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posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by SpaceMax
And when I breathlessly tell you the REAL truth about the 2 dimensional "thing" that Air Force Brigadier General Pete Worden kept in his underground office at assured you WILL diaperdrive across the continent to give me your credit card and pin numbers.

ROTFLMAO... will you take a check?

Welcome to ATS SpaceMax... your posts are a sorely needed breath of fresh air.

Be gentle on the natives... most know not of the reality which you speak.

[edit to fix typo]

[edit on 4-11-2007 by Access Denied]

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 10:50 AM
Thanks for the link to the Apollo pics spacemax.

I thought this may be an interesting comparison, below are 3 examples of the same frame, AS08-12-2209, from different sources.

The first one here is from a book scan, unfortunately I do not have the title of the book at the moment.

The second one is a clip from a hi-res image I ordered from NASA, I can't give a source for this one as I have nowhere to host such a large image.

The third one is a clip of the same area from a hi-res jpg from the link spacemax so generously provided.

Here is the source from the full image:


This last one reminds me of a lot of the Clementine dataset as regards quality and resolution.

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 10:50 AM
Just to clear things a little more (or maybe not
), here is a statement from Ken Johnston about his position at the Lunar Receiving Laboratory.

I was working for one of the prime contractors for NASA at the time. That was Brown-Root and Northrop. It was a consortium between the Brown-Root Corporation and the Northrop Corporation at the Lunar Receiving Laboratory.

They had the contract for the processing of the lunar samples and my particular function was a supervisor of the data and photo control department, which handled all of the photographic, as well as written documentation about the lunar samples.


posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by ArMaP
Just to clear things a little more (or maybe not
), here is a statement from Ken Johnston about his position at the Lunar Receiving Laboratory.

I was working for one of the prime contractors for NASA at the time. That was Brown-Root and Northrop. It was a consortium between the Brown-Root Corporation and the Northrop Corporation at the Lunar Receiving Laboratory.

They had the contract for the processing of the lunar samples and my particular function was a supervisor of the data and photo control department, which handled all of the photographic, as well as written documentation about the lunar samples.


Didn't Northrop design and implement the first delta wing plane? That would be some pretty top secret stuff, as it was mistaken as a UFO all throughout the 70's and 80's during top secret test flights.


posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by darkspy
Nice link i wonder if you can see this image, just have looked at it and what is interesting is why there is no footprints of the wheels of the moonlander vehicle, but fotstep of the astronaust i clearly visible, like that the vehicle vas just put there.

When the astronauts walk around the rover at one of their many stops durring the EVA's, their feet kick up lots of dust. So the tire tracks for that wheel were covered up because of that. But, if you look at 11413 which is two frames later, you'll notice that the other wheel still has its tracks. And since these particular photos are part of a large panorama, go back and look at 11403 and you can see the inbound rover tracks.

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by SpaceMax
You need a mobile lunar crane?

Thank for the link...
A crane? No I think not... I would prefer a ship first before I start hauling heavy equipment to the moon...

But I will ask Jack... he has a couple hundred acres up there with mineral rights...

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by SpaceMax
All this beauty and you want a light-leaky, hair-ridden pic?
No problem.
Couldn't find a tiff, jpeg only, but 4400x4600 ain't too shabby.

All that beauty of Earth is pretty but hardly relevant LOL and yes I want that image because it is one of the key images from Ken Johnston/Hoagland and is featured in the book... Looking at other pics would not serve the purpose

So while all the monkeys are gathering with the usual buffoonery I am trying to keep on track and actually try to see if anything these two claim is real...

I though that this is what we were here for

Thanks for the directions... I didn't have time last night to go through it all... You could have just posted the link

As to me 'calling in sick' sorry walking out on a contract for a big show is not my thing... I don't make megas bucks like you and Hoagland selling books (or future books) and still need the day job

I already have a good jpg of the image in question... I am just waiting for John to return today before going into that... As he has our copy of the book so I cannot quote the relevant text...

[edit on 4-11-2007 by zorgon]

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by sherpa
The first one here is from a book scan, unfortunately I do not have the title of the book at the moment.

Donald Menzel (ex MJ12
) "Astronomy" page 112

There is another version again different in NASA publication NASA SP-246 "Lunar Photographs From Apollo 8,10 & 11"

The second one is a clip from a hi-res image I ordered from NASA, I can't give a source for this one as I have nowhere to host such a large image.

Told ya send it via and I will post it for you

The third one is a clip of the same area from a hi-res jpg from the link spacemax so generously provided. This last one reminds me of a lot of the Clementine dataset as regards quality and resolution.

Yes it does indeed... I am disappointed... I have seen higher res on the Apollo Archive page

Hmmm funny though we start a thread about a 'supposed' ex NASA employee about to 'reveal all' and suddenly we are graced with a NASA image person....

LOL Well it may be a coincidence... and Spacemax has already proven himself/herself useful... but it sure is a coincidence

Darn I hope that Japanese ship gets its act together and starts producing... At this rate China will beat them to it even though they got there first...

We had 'live tv' back in the 60's from the moon... why is it taking them so long to release HD TV images?

[edit on 4-11-2007 by zorgon]

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by ArMaP
Just to clear things a little more (or maybe not
), here is a statement from Ken Johnston about his position at the Lunar Receiving Laboratory.

Ah that what I like to see... others doing some 'legwork"

Now that we have established that there are indeed two Dr. Ken Johnston's at NASA, (pretty easy actually) and the fact that the movies you watch establish your character...

LOL I can see why Spacemax wouldn't want to 'come out of the closet' here and face the 'gaunlet'

There is a very important clue on the site you just posted ArMaP

Thursday night - March 21, 1996

So this Saga was already well under way 11 years ago...

So how come all of a sudden NOW does it raise so much interest?

And the book itself... its a big book... I am not familiar with getting a book publisher read and distributed...

But I would guess a couple years from concept to store... And John had a hell of a job finding one... they were all sold out already...

LOL Maybe I should reconsider my FREE work.... I can use a new car

[edit on 4-11-2007 by zorgon]

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by zorgon

Yes, I think that it was already posted by someone (or I saw it during my searches) that Ken Johnston knows Hoagland from one of the public appearances that Hoagland does where Johnston was present some 12 years ago.

And, on that March 21 1996 interview, Johnston says:

About almost a year ago - as a matter of fact, May the second, it will be a year - when Mr. Hoagland was out in the Seattle, Washington area doing a conference; a seminar on the "Mars/Moon Connection"...

Oh, and the movies we watch do not establish our character, our character makes us decide the type of movies we watch.

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by zorgon

[qoute]Told ya send it via and I will post it for you

I emailed a link you can download it from I have just checked it is still active.

It is funny I ordered another batch of pics on the 19/10 and heard nothing, so I emailed the labs to see if they have recieved the negatives but as yet have had no response, I hope the source hasn't dried up.

[edit on 4-11-2007 by sherpa]

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 07:47 PM

Originally posted by sherpa
I emailed a link you can download it from I have just checked it is still active.

That's weird I will check I was sure that link in the email was a different image... I will do that right now and post the link...

As to AS8_12_2209 from the site that Spacemax pointed us to...

Here is the images with a 'test area' marked. I am sure many here will recognize the area

Lets zoom in a little closer....

And a little closer....


This image has been so blurred compared to the published versions in old books that you can't even see craters...

Okay here is the link to your LPI scan of AS8-12-2209 It will d/l in 16 megs but is the full 40 meg tif

Give it till 6 pm pacific to finish uploading... I don't want to strain the server to much tonight

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 09:19 PM
reply to post by zorgon

Thanks for the pics, zorgon, but I don't find them convincing at all. It sure looks like blur but not what I expect "dust clouds" to look like.

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 09:43 PM
I can't read 19 pages of posts, can someone help me out ?

Is this the same richard hoagland who was humiliated when the 3-D images of the face on mars were released ?


did the press conference happen on 10/30 ?

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 10:28 PM

Originally posted by syrinx high priest
Is this the same richard hoagland who was humiliated when the 3-D images of the face on mars were released ?


did the press conference happen on 10/30 ?

Apparantly it did. But not much about it is available except from Russian news sources like Pravda. Also, I haven't found any evidence that Ken Johnston cleared up any questions, as promised, about his credentials and why he is no longer one of the "Solar System Ambassadors".

Take this account for what it's worth:

[edit on 4-11-2007 by Tuning Spork]

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 10:52 PM
reply to post by Tuning Spork

weird. It seems like a book tour promo, but maybe I'm just an old cynic.

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 11:09 PM

Originally posted by Aelita
Thanks for the pics, zorgon, but I don't find them convincing at all. It sure looks like blur but not what I expect "dust clouds" to look like.

Your welcome... but exactly what would you EXPECT dust clouds on the Moon to look like?

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 11:13 PM

Originally posted by syrinx high priest
weird. It seems like a book tour promo, but maybe I'm just an old cynic.

Had you read the pages you would have known that

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 03:54 AM
Thanks for the lunar links!
More moonporn for those with a need-

Spaceflight PDF Warehouse
Things to Come

The oddity in the photo above could be a Whiptail Regolith Spider,
if so it's the largest specimen I've ever seen as it appears to be
at least several kilometers across.

Could also be lint.
(Polyesterous Orcottenus)

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 04:58 AM

Originally posted by SpaceMax
Thanks for the lunar links!
More moonporn for those with a need-

Have those thanks not sure if they got on the list yet I still have about 480 links to catalog

Could also be lint.

Yes considering how many billions NASA sucks up in taxpayers money I suppose it is unreasonable to expect that they buy a dust blower for their scanners...

Talk about 'dirty pictures' I thought NASA had 'clean rooms'... I guess photo care is not important... after all they did lose the Apollo tapes too...

But what is interesting about this particular piece of 'lint' is that its not on the NASA SP-246 publication but is on Mendelson's version... It is not on your linked Apollo fuzzy errrr hi res archive... but it reappears on the LPI ordered print... but if you compare the two 'lints' they are in the same location... but are not quite the same...

That will take a little explaining... care to take a stab at it?

Darn just noticed your point... I suppose you did not recieve that U2U then...

[edit on 5-11-2007 by zorgon]

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