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NASA Scientist Fired - Promises Disclosure

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posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 04:21 PM

what do you think the neutral point between the earth and the moon is. Please give your answer in miles from the moon and please quote your source.

Are you referring to the Barycenter, or a libration point? You're absolutely right about the Mascons, They make for very lumpy gravity field, that's on the list of things to study for Lunar Recon Orbiters' instruments, as it's not well enough known.
Speaking of barycenter.
Interesting little simulator.


posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by SpaceMax

A better plan might be to get a job at NASA.

an ideas how to do that?
im a draftsman. ive sent my resume to every contractor i could think of who did busniess with nasa. i live in the houston area. i got no replys from any of them.

i never could figure out how to apply directly to nasa. or even if they used people like me.

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 04:26 PM

That´s not HD, I´d call this crap lo-res. Heck, it reminds me of the videoquality of my cellphone

Your cellphone gets the Lunar poles...Cool!
(what's the area code for the moon anyway?)

You're right, should have labeled it "from the HD camera" Still....what a view!

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 04:47 PM

an ideas how to do that?
im a draftsman. ive sent my resume to every contractor i could think of who did busniess with nasa. i live in the houston area. i got no replys from any of them.

i never could figure out how to apply directly to nasa. or even if they used people like me.


Update your resume and spellcheck for capitalization, couldn't hurt.
How bad do you want it?
Did you follow up? Don't wait to hear from them, make them tell you no.
It only stings the first couple dozen times.

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by SpaceMax
You REALLY want to fight something that monstrously huge, do it from the inside.

That's why I'm trying very hard to get a job as an NWO lackey, or possibly a jack-booted thug. While I'm biding my time to subvert the system from within, the pay and benefits are good, the work is steady, and they supply you with the jackboots.

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 04:56 PM

Hm..well I can't think of any other imagery that reminds me of other than the stereotypical alien.

You guys are aware of Bob Bigelows interest in ET, right?
Financed NIDS?
Bought Skinwalker Ranch?

I don't think anyone will co-opt his on-orbit cameras.
I hope he succeeds wildly, despite his habit of losing real engineering talent.

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 04:56 PM
Originally posted by buddhasystem

I can't tell you how von Braun arrived to the 43k value, except at about this distance the gravitational pull of the Moon becomes somewhat comparable with the Earth's, so as astronauts commented, that's where you need to start reconing with it.

Thanks for the post and all the work you have put into it. You say:

.....except at about this distance (43,495) the gravitational pull of the Moon becomes somewhat comparable with the Earth's.

Would this mean that the gravity of the earth is:

a. 'almost' or,
b. 'somewhat comparable' or,
c. 'most nearly'

equal to the gravity of the moon at 43, 495 miles?

Thanks for the post.

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 05:01 PM

That's why I'm trying very hard to get a job as an NWO lackey, or possibly a jack-booted thug. While I'm biding my time to subvert the system from within, the pay and benefits are good, the work is steady, and they supply you with the jackboots.

I'd show up with my own jackboots, polished to a mirror shine, might move straight to Deputy Regional Division Thug!

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by metaldemon2000
I totally agree with this. If i were privy to such valuable information i wouldn't be holding it for ransom especially if it were crucial to the development and future of all society. No way.

Really? I started my seeking of info a little over a year ago... now my website is full of pics and documents that are given freely(actually it COSTS me to present it... Cool my choice..

So let me ask you this... If you are so altruistic why don't you start like I did searching for the answers, making the contacts and then share all your hard work for free...

Until you do that... I don't believe a word you say

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 05:08 PM

Originally posted by johnlear
Originally posted by buddhasystem

I can't tell you how von Braun arrived to the 43k value, except at about this distance the gravitational pull of the Moon becomes somewhat comparable with the Earth's, so as astronauts commented, that's where you need to start reconing with it.

Thanks for the post and all the work you have put into it. You say:

.....except at about this distance (43,495) the gravitational pull of the Moon becomes somewhat comparable with the Earth's.

Would this mean that the gravity of the earth is:

a. 'almost' or,
b. 'somewhat comparable' or,
c. 'most nearly'

equal to the gravity of the moon at 43, 495 miles?

John, if you look at the graph we discussed, you will see that in the vicinity of 40k the "g"s due to the earth and the moon become of the same order of magnitude. I hope you are familiar with that concept. It's not equal by any means. Earth's gravity is still larger than that of the Moon at this point in space.

Quoting the number 43,495 miles is actually pointless since the Moon's orbit is not circular at all, so no matter what the assumptions are, there can't be precision down to a mile.

That's why when I'm talking about the position of the neutral point, I like to say "around 23k".

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 05:10 PM

Originally posted by SpaceMax

Another patch for your collection-
More to come-

LOL Thanks I actually had a U2U requesting that I start a patch thread...

I might just do a page or two on the site for interesting patches... Some of them have so much symbolism in it...

Like the Expedition 9 Patch... I particularly like the Star of David and the fact that the Eagle is wearing a collar of the Red Stars..

Yup a thread on patches and their symbolism would be cool....
Matter of fact this is a good one to start it with

[edit on 7-11-2007 by zorgon]

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 05:16 PM

Matter of fact this is a good one to start it with

Coulda had a book deal

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 05:24 PM
Originally posted by SpaceMax

You guys are aware of Bob Bigelows interest in ET, right?
Financed NIDS?
Bought Skinwalker Ranch?

Bob Bigelow and Bob Lazar had a Scientific Research Company called Zeta Reticuli Incorporated. Bigelow came up with the money for the lab that was located in Park 2000 over at McCarran Airport near Sunset and Eastern.

As I recall the company didn't last to long because Bigelow expected Bob to be over at the lab (which Bigelow financed) from 8 to 5.

Bob had other ideas.

I hope he succeeds wildly, despite his habit of losing real engineering talent.

And scientific talent!

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 05:31 PM
Tell Bigelow to hire me, I'll be there 8 to 5 as and give him my antigravity theory, as long as he's footing the bill.

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 05:32 PM
Here it is...

The Patch Thread

"Space Patches and Hidden Symbolism"

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 05:48 PM

Originally posted by SpaceMax
But I digress...and so would you if you'd seen the fuzzball I found in my fries at lunch a while back.

LOL great way to derail my squatting plans
But I doubt I would have even got 10 together....

A much better plan, a much SMARTER plan, with fewer alligators. Unless you get one of those photography jobs at the Cape where they set up high-speed cameras in the swamp. Yes, IN the swamp.

Hmmm only problem I see with that idea is that I am sure they would not let me take copies of the prints home from work...

For those career hunting...


posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 05:54 PM

Originally posted by SpaceMax
I don't think anyone will co-opt his on-orbit cameras.
I hope he succeeds wildly, despite his habit of losing real engineering talent.

LOL He's doing pretty good so far for a hotel owner... but I am not surprised to here negative reviews from a NASA employee... NASA is not on Bigelow's favorite people list... Maybe because they refused to launch his modules? Good thing the Russians now understand capitalism

"NASA means No Access to Space for Americans" - Robert Bigelow

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by ebe51
Tell Bigelow to hire me, I'll be there 8 to 5 as and give him my antigravity theory, as long as he's footing the bill.

How do you feel about being behind razorwire? Mr. B seems to have a penchant for security.

Tried hovering over his building? That should get his attention. IS Vegas....
Maybe paint yourself bright pink or something so you'll stand out.


posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by zorgon

actually, for NASA its:
they only accept resumes from this site.

and i have never had much luck with these "post your resume online" sites. no call back numbers....just email. most of the time, you cant even find the email addresses to the HR dept. its just a "resume dump" address.

they make it real hard to be botherd.

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 06:25 PM

Originally posted by buddhasystem
I can't tell you how von Braun arrived to the 43k value,

You can't? Well if you can't how do you know you are correct? Oh yeah you saw it in Wikipedia...

Why not try looking up the source?

"At a point 43,495 miles from the Moon, lunar gravity exerted a force equal
to the gravity of the Earth, then some 200,000 miles distant." - Wernher von Braun (Time Magazine, July 25, 1969.)

Where did he get that figure from? Why is it a PRECISE NUMBER when we all know that the Lunar distance changes from apogee to perogee? Why did he not say about?

Well very simple really....

Between Dec 21st and Dec 24th 1968 There was a spaceship on its way to the moon... Apollo 8... At precisely 43,495 miles from the Moon an accelerometer on the Apollo Command Module discerned the exact point where the spacecraft went through the neutral point on their journey to the Moon

So Wernher von Braun, being the genius rocket scientist he was... merely took those readings and put them in his report... and that was published in Time Magazine six months later... Now if the skeptics want to tell me Wernher von Braun was a nut case... they better have reams of proof...

Now Part Two of the SAGA

Question from a Student to a NASA Scientist

Subject: What is the Earth Moon neutral point?

Date: Wed Jun 10 16:59:36 1998
Posted by Mike Cottrell-Tribes Grade level: grad (science)
City: Whitehorse State/Province: YT Country: Canada
Area of science: Astronomy
ID: 897515976.As Message:

What is the gravitational neutral point between the Earth and the Moon?

Is there empirical data from Apollo?? I can calculate it with Newton's law of
Gravitation, but I wanted to know if it has been found.


Re: What is the Earth Moon neutral point?
Date: Wed Jul 8 10:41:24 1998
Posted By: David Ellis, Researcher, NASA Lewis Research Center
Area of science: Astronomy
ID: 897515976.As Message:

The neutral point is defined as the point between the Earth and the Moon where the gravitational forces of the Moon exactly equal the gravitational forces of the Earth. Since they are pulling in opposite directions, this point is a point where something with no velocity will stay without falling to either the Earth of the Moon. It is also an important point in flights to the Moon because if the spacecraft reaches the neutral point with any forward velocity, it can then fall to the Moon without expending additional fuel for thrust.

Knowing that the ratio of the masses of the Earth and Moon is approximately 81:1 and the gravitational forces vary inversely with the square of the distance, the approximate neutral point can be calculated. It turns out the neutral point is about nine times further from the Earth than the Moon or approximately 340,000 km (211266.20528)from the Earth. An accelerometer on the Apollo Command Module should have discerned the exact point where each spacecraft went through the neutral point on their journey to the Moon, but no explicit reference could be found to confirm this.


So back in the 60's von Braun talked openly about this figure and even published it...(We have a copy of Time Magazine)

Now even a Researcher from NASA Lewis Research Center answering questions for college kids cannot access the data...

Perhaps our new NASA friend from LaRC can be so kind as to dig up the data from the Apollo spacecraft accelerometers. It should be easy, their were several trips after all. Also you should be able to find us the exact time and date that the accelerometer read ZERO on the Apollo 8 spacecraft...
We would really appreciate that data

PS No this isn't the David I was referring to LOL though the E is the same

except at about this distance the gravitational pull of the Moon becomes somewhat comparable with the Earth's, so as astronauts commented, that's where you need to start reconing with it.

Please provide documentation on which Astronauts made this statement ... which astronauts which flight... a staement like that requires data to back it up... and what do you mean by 'reconing with it'


[edit on 7-11-2007 by zorgon]

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