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NASA Scientist Fired - Promises Disclosure

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posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 12:36 AM
You continue to amaze me, SpaceMax. You almost make me wish I'd liked going to school!

So, when are we going to Mars, already? I can't wait to introduce my alleged talents to them crazy, dry-canal Martian wimmin.

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 12:36 AM

Originally posted by Aelita
You can add the following to your list -- never mind the absense of weather patterns, how come there are no dust storms? Dust just wouldn't settle fast in the atmosphere, as opposed to vacuum.

Clear Day 1946... all craters clearly visible...

Taken a few days later... craters obscured completely by dust clouds...

Smart 1 impact... the area covered is 2-3 kilometers...



ESA Caption...

This mosaic was built with infrared images taken by the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT) 3 September 2006, and shows the flash and the dust cloud that followed the SMART-1 impact. The 15 exposures that make up the mosaic start with the one taken at the time of the flash. Courtesy of ESA/CFHT. ID number: SEM3353VRRE

What causes the dust to 'blow' away as it does?

What about the craters? A lot of meteorites won't survive a reentry. Yet the surface is very damaged.

So what? Meteorites would only be stopped by a DENSE atmosphere... I have pictures of over 200 impact craters on Earth that made it through our atmosphere... your argument is irrelevant...

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 12:38 AM

Can you answer why those papers of his are posted at the NASA tech server? or are they perhaps a different Ken Johnston and there is confusion?

Different Ken Johnston?

[edit on 4-11-2007 by SpaceMax]

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 12:51 AM

And can you slip us a couple of those old Apollo pics? I have a couple of numbers I would really like to find...

I assume you've exhausted this site?

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 01:15 AM

Taken a few days later... craters obscured completely by dust clouds...

Looks more like a filter storm, or maybe a mass pixel migration...?

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 01:28 AM

Originally posted by SpaceMax
Looks more like a filter storm, or maybe a mass pixel migration...?

Looks like a blurry photo to me.

Hey, Zorgon! You gonna come on back, my new favorite sparring partner friend? The night is Young, let's go!

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 01:16 AM
SpaceMax, you rule!

Are you an engineer? Pysicist? Geologist?

What exactly is it that you do?

And, Welcome to ATS!!! ---...lest I be remiss.

(Edited for html)

[edit on 4-11-2007 by Tuning Spork]

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 01:32 AM

Originally posted by Tuning Spork
SpaceMax, you rule!
What exactly is it that you do?

He works for NASA... did you not catch that?

LOL Maybe that's why you see only "a blurry photo"

I have a coupon for glasses

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 01:38 AM

Originally posted by SpaceMax
I assume you've exhausted this site?

Nope thats one I didn't have
though I did not see Apollo listed... but I may have missed it... I will look it over tomorrow

here is my list of NASA image sources... I am sure I don't have them all yet... but hey this isn't my day job

NASA sources

The photo I would like to find a high res copy of is AS15-88-12013, preferably .tiff. It is actually relevant to this thread...

Any help would be appreciated.

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 01:43 AM
Now of course there is the possibility that this guy is about to reveal the truth about all those cities up on the Moon complete with their breatheable atmosphere.

On the other hand, and I'm really stretching here, he could just be a problem employee that has a history of conflict with management.

[edit on 4-11-2007 by Retseh]

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 01:47 AM

Originally posted by zorgon
He works for NASA... did you not catch that?

LOL Maybe that's why you see only "a blurry photo"

I have a coupon for glasses

Zorgon, you slay me.

Of course I know that he works for NASA. Sheesh!

I was interested -- as you should be -- in what capacity. We wouldn't want yet another Ken Johnston on our hands, now would we?

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 01:49 AM

Originally posted by Tuning Spork
I was interested -- as you should be -- in what capacity. We wouldn't want yet another Ken Johnston on our hands, now would we?

My 'guess' would be at JSC ISS imaging department and he may know David

Just a guess... LOL I may be 'way out there'

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 01:54 AM
David Who?

What is this cryptic nonsense of which ye speak?

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 01:56 AM

Originally posted by Retseh
Now of course there is the possibility that this guy is about to reveal the truth about all those cities up on the Moon complete with their breatheable atmosphere.

If you mean Ken... not likely they are on the "glass Dome" side

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 02:00 AM

Originally posted by Tuning Spork
David Who?

What is this cryptic nonsense of which ye speak?

If I am correct... Spacemax will know...

If not it is not relevant

Goodnight... I have an early day tomorrow

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 02:53 AM

Originally posted by Tuning Spork
David Who?

What is this cryptic nonsense of which ye speak?

David Gilmour! Why would this even be a question?

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 05:21 AM
Thanks for the welcome, and the kind words.
Job specifics? In the same thread where the phrase "Ken Johnston Treatment" was coined?
You'll have to wait for my Book, DVD and lecture tour. (It'll be waaay better, in 3D AND Sensurround, and maybe even partial nudity) And yeah, it'll cost more than $150 too, production values like that aren't cheap.
And when I breathlessly tell you the REAL truth about the 2 dimensional "thing" that Air Force Brigadier General Pete Worden kept in his underground office at assured you WILL diaperdrive across the continent to give me your credit card and pin numbers.

But today, I'm happily employed. (though not at JSC)
So back to the moon...

All this beauty and you want a light-leaky, hair-ridden pic?
No problem.
Couldn't find a tiff, jpeg only, but 4400x4600 ain't too shabby.

The UI at JSC seems a little wonky at first, so I'll walk you through.
Then you can call in sick for work, as there's much to see.
Cinch up your moonrocks, and go here:

Double-naught link
Click "find photos"


left window-select mission
(in this case-AS15)

(Note this part)
Choose which kind of records to list

select "All digital images including those which have not yet been cataloged"
(or whatever you want to look for, try to resist "mystery photos" for the moment, they'll be here later)

(bottom of page hit-)
Run Query

This brings up 1194 photos, some with thumbs
Find the image you want, click number to bring up browser version

scroll to "Large Images to Request for Downloading"
click "Request". wait 5 min for server to return image. Follow instructions for browser or FTP

Make a fresh coffee, or tall glass of Tang
Enjoy! And let us know what you find.

Should anyone ask you why you're requesting the high res version, just tell them you're an Israeli art student, then lie down quietly with your hands behind your head, and wait.

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 05:58 AM
reply to post by SpaceMax

Nice link i wonder if you can see this image, just have looked at it and what is interesting is why there is no footprints of the wheels of the moonlander vehicle, but fotstep of the astronaust i clearly visible, like that the vehicle vas just put there. I wonder how they even put that big vehicle updere, why didnt firt smaller robot befor the dog and the man and why didnt put a permanent camera upthere is this so much to ask?

We all know, that something sucks, spent more bilion dollar without even put a permanent camera or robot upthere.

here are the others pictures.

Realy good site, thx.

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by zorgon

The Ken Johnston on those papers is Kenneth J. Johnston, that I suppose is the same that SpaceMax posted, the one from the U.S. Naval Observatory.

"Our" Ken Johnston is Ken Johnston Sr.

Edit: his taste in movies and/or books is as relevant as the taste in books and/or movies of anybody else, it helps to understand the type of person he is.

[edit on 4/11/2007 by ArMaP]

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 10:32 AM
reply to post by spikedmilk

My mind is open. I believe there is other life out there some where.

My problem is with people who continue to contradict themselves or refuse to answer solid questions by people who catch them in their own bs. One day it's there is a breathable atmoshphere then they flip the question to how much atmosphere. Or we are mining the moon but oh oh yeah, its really a spaceship.

If one of Lear or Zorgon would stick to an idea and not waver from what they say, have it make sense, it would be much easier pill to swallow.

Our society has lost all common sense even when trying to concoct a conspiracy theory. The stories don't add up and this is why people will continue to dispute them.

Thanks for the post, it is greatly appreciated

[edit on 4-11-2007 by sr71b]

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