Originally posted by abelievingskeptic
can u name some of these "undesigned coincidences?"
It would take quite a bit of time that I don't have to go over it all but here is a brief example and my favorite: We know the Bible was written by
dozens of men over a span of centuries. Numbers are used repeatedly in the Bible and have underlying spiritual significance. Even though I can see how
one author could have been smart enough to have written the Bible using this system, I have a hard time believing they all purposely did this-
especially while having the numbers represent the same spiritual meanings.
Also the symbolism of the Old Testament laws, temple rituals, and feasts compared to New Testament symbolism with Jesus’ life, death, and
resurrection. The foreshadowed symbolism is amazing compounded by the fact of multiple authors and centuries.
What came before 'God'?
Absolutely nothing. I know it hurts the human brain to think about it but He always existed. Out of curiosity, how do you think the universe, earth,
and life came into being? Something had to exist to get us all here. What are the three main beliefs about our origins? A supreme being, aliens, and
the theory of evolution.
Evolution makes too many false conclusions and someone had to create the aliens. This leaves an infinite being beyond our comprehension that would
have the ability to create matter out of nothing and also explains the intricate design and order of the universe and and the miracle of life. If you
want to know why I think this is an impossibility for everything to "just happen," read my signature. And even the junkyard would have at least
supplied the original matter and not even the tornado could have given the aircraft intelligent life.
Why are we made in 'Gods' image?
Because we were the pinnacle of His creation designed for fellowship with Him. Even the angels were to fulfill "servant" roles why humans were for
How did 6 billion people stem from only 2?
Six billion people stemming from two is a lot easier to believe that six billion people stemming from inorganic matter floating around the universe.
But don't forget it was actually more than two. All people alive today are believed to be descendants of Noah and his descendants (eight people
Why would a small baby who has not been baptised that dies because of some deisease go to "hell?"
This is completely unscriptual and is false Catholic dogma. I can think of two specific examples off the top of my head that explicitly state children
who die before the age of accountability go to Heaven. One is David's son and the other is Paul alluding to "default childhood salvation." So we
have at least one example refuting their false doctrine from each testament.
Why does the "holy land" belong to the Jews (which in itself is a paradox)?
First of all, why is this a paradox? Second, this goes back to a promise God made to Abraham and his descendants. It shows God looking upon the earth
and seeing sinful men but Abraham and his people caught His eye as one of the only communities still faithful to God. Because of this, God blessed the
Jews with the land of Israel (and the Bible gives us clues as to why the land is sacred and set apart).
Why are Jews the chosen ones?
Because God made a covenant with Abraham and He never breaks covenant. But it is not that they get special treatment. They are actually in a judgement
period currently called "the age of the Gentiles." But this is coming to a close precisely as God promised in the prophecies concerning the return
of Jews to Israel as a sovereign united state and Jerusalem in the end times.
These are ridiculous claims that can not be answered by the Pope himself.
Just for the record, I'm not Catholic and have very serious issues with their structure, doctrine, and perversion of God's Word.
And actually the Catholic Church addressed my second question saying (not in these exact words) "Babies don't go to hell, but now go to limbo" or
something along those lines. I don't remember the exact quote.
You're referring to purgatory- another concept I don't agree with as it is unscriptual.
POLYtheistic and eventually monotheistic man tried to explain.
I actually have a sneaking hunch that all religions started out as monotheistic. Being that if we all are truly descended from Adam, who knew the one
true God, then we all started out as monotheistic and later strayed by adding in other gods into our beliefs.
And who knows what was going on 6,000 years ago during the Epic of Gilgamesh or "Noah's Arc."
Again, to me this points to a common origin as taught by the Bible. Although critics like to use the Epic of Gilgamesh to cast doubt on the Genesis
account, the existence of flood stories are told in almost all cultures all over the globe. To me it sounds like the truth later became distorted
I can tell you that not a soul on this earth knows what exactly went on during those times.
Exactly. None of us were there. So, I take the Genesis account by faith because the Bible has uncanny accuracy in other things that were later proven
correct through science and archeology. Then there is the field of study known as flood geology but it is controversial and I don't have enough
knowledge of it to be honest!
That means the "star of David" in the plagiarized story of the birth of Jesus could have easily been a UFO (not that that's what i believe).
Im sorry but your explanation by scientist is absolutely irrelevant, even if it is true.
1) It was not plagiarized.
2) I think you're referring to the Star of Bethlehem.
and I don't know much at all to be honest. My education is very, very limited, but I do look at things objectively and try to learn as much
as possible).
That's the only way to do it.
We can't enter this subject with presupposed ideas. It only works when you weigh the evidence collectively.
[edit on 1/2/2008 by AshleyD]