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Geneticist Says: Genetically, blacks aren't as intelligent. (Update: Now Denies It)

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posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 08:42 AM

Originally posted by RedDragon
2) Slaves from Africa would be pretty much bagged at random then genetic discrimination would only take place once they arrived and were sold in the states.

Not true. White slave traders would actually go to AFRICAN slave markets to buy their "products". As a result, the biggest and strongest were selected. Women to were selected despite being physically weaker so that they could breed their "products", without having to go all the way back to Africa for more.

Anthopologists support the fact that Africa's genetic best were stripped from the continent.

Also, I just want to add here that it wasn't the "evil" white man who started the slave trade or did the capturing.

It was the Africans themselves who did the capturing and Africans themselves who did the selling. All "whitey" did was turn and buy a product which was on sale and in good supply.

You do know that up until the 18th century, Europe from the Med to the South coast of England were plagued by AFRICAN slavers too? Hundreds of thousands of Europeans were taken into slavery themselves.

It's hardly a one way street or the fault of the white man, as we are led to believe.

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 08:52 AM
Would you bother to read the article all the way through, you'd find the true problem here...academia is so afraid of PC, they won't allow Dr. Watson to lecture, IE, the basis of the evidence is not presented to either rebuke or support. I know plenty of people from every race that are highly intelligent, and others that are as dumb as rocks. Why not simply let Dr. Watson present his studies and findings, so science can pass judgement on it's scientific method, instead of imposing touchy-feely political correctness (true prejudice) before the basis for argument is even present? BTW...his study is the African continent vs. the European continent, and has nothing to do with the dreaded hyphonated-Americans (the very thing that furthers racism in this country).

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 09:02 AM

Originally posted by Elijio
LOL if your genes were responsible for your intelligence then identical twins should be be exactly the same in terms of intelligence. However they are not despite sharing the same genes. I have two pairs of twins in my family, so I know. How do you explain this? Grow up guys, what if you die in your sleep? Let go of hate & bigotry, don't throw your soul away.

look up "epigenome" or "epigenetic changes". DNA is just the beginning; twins can develop differently because whether the gene is active or not is also regulated differently by methylation depending on the environment or even the environment of your parents or grandparents...

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 10:09 AM
prolonged intergenerational exposure to a poor environment is going to damage your the code of your off spring.

This theory can easily be demonstrated by growing zinnia flowers or any other quick to reproduce species.

I do not understand why it has to be a dirty, taboo thing.

I also do not understand why the first solution that comes to mind is to put "them" on the back of the bus.

Why not provide an organic fresh fruit and vegetable lunch to inner city black schools in the rural south? Why not speech classes for those commonly mispelling english words due to their pronounced "ebonics"? Why not accept the fact, and improve the environment? Have faith that 3 or 4 gererations out... with proper planning and a proactive approach to environmental control this "intelligence" that we consider normal, can become pervasive through our species.

In what I do, I have hired several innercity, southern, slave-decendent male laborers. I cannot say that in my first task for them was to reorganize my D: drive, though it could certainly use organization. I will say I am impressed with their strength. I will say I am impressed with their ability to work without much water or food. I will say I am impressed with their hands on ability to repair vehicles, to engage in difficult and dangerous work without getting hurt. To work hand tools with Kinesthetic intelligence, that I would not expect from my white, nerdy, computer repairman, who comes from 3 generations of pencil pushers. I will also say that while the innercity, southern, slave-decendent male laborers worked for me, they had organic rice, beans, and greens for lunch, available spring water, and they listened to classical music and jazz while they worked.

Originally posted by j_kalin
As a physician, I suggest that humans are as different in their abilities as different breeds of dogs. As an aggregate, some breeds are smarter than others; others are more muscular, others can live in cold dark climates, others can routinely win marathons in hot what? That is the beauty of humanity.


Some things that can induce this are pesticides and other environmental toxins that are thought to cause autism. This explains why identical twins can develop differently. Skin color really has nothing to do with it.

Skin color does have something to do with it. Slavery segregated the south by skin color. Slave decendent blacks now live "down the hill"; "9th ward", clustered in valueless or rented homes, in POOR ENVIRONMENT... The soil is toxic, the lead painted houses are close together. The high tension lines are zoned through their community. The corner stores sells blue juice, not apple juice, to the children. Being born into a drug addicted or... its 9 am, crack open the old milwalkee, alcoholic family is common.

Mamma says, "I tow you getchor azz in hea ri nah, 'fo a whoop you."

Woman in street, strutting in her high heels and mini skirt in the street, "this is washington street nigga... you shouldn't a paid for p**** you hadn't got yet".

Man screams in the street, "nigga betta gimme back my g-d money. 'be whoopin on mf-ing nigga ass. betta gimme my g-d money"

And the dark skinned child sits inside his urban apartment and hears it all... while he drowns out the hum of the high tension lines above.

There is a culture and environment that persists; the prolonged toxic nature of which, could quite easily have caused, and continue to cause, genetic damage (or at least variation). Or at the very least failed to encourage positive changes to the code that others in better environment had attained.

We often refuse to accept an idea merely because the tone of voice in which it has been expressed is unsympathetic to us.
There are horrible people who, instead of solving a problem, tangle it up and make it harder to solve for anyone who wants to deal with it. Whoever does not know how to hit the nail on the head should be asked not to hit it at all.

Friedrich Nietzsche

I am,

Sri Oracle

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 10:29 AM
Will everybody give the slavery quote, a rest, slavery only lasted a few hundred years, so it should not be highlighted again and again, but it is, because you have been thought that blacks used to be slaves, yes blacks were slaves, but it did not last very long, why dont you look through history a little deeper, and it shows that blacks actually had many civilizations, living in a more developed state, than many European country's, and suppose I had a iq of 200+, what would I think like, and should I dislike others because they have a lesser intelligence, would I be a superior being, sometimes I think there is a god, because the devil is plain to see, the truth is, if you seen two white men on a bus they will have just as many differences, as if it were a black man and a white man.

[edit on 19-10-2007 by MESSYSC]

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 10:44 AM

Famed Scientist Apologizes for Quoted Racial Remarks
“I cannot understand how I could have said what I am quoted as having said,” Dr. Watson said in a statement given to The Associated Press. “There is no scientific basis for such a belief.”

Bandit795, the black mod who scored an IQ of over 130 numerous times.

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 11:00 AM
This thread is truly appalling. These issues should be beyond discussion in this day and age. We all share the same planet. We are human, earthlings, terrans, whatever word you want to use.

Arguing ad nauseum about minor differences between racial groups is petty. People here need to grow up and move on.

Humanity should be focusing on alternative energy forms and preserving our planetary habitat, not sniping back and forth over who is smarter or has a bigger penis.

This thread is strictly sixth grade. Aspire to something more noble than than your prejudices.

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 11:11 AM
reply to post by TheBandit795

You know Bandit you'd think that would kind of end this now. He's actually confirming what most in this thread have been saying all along. How can you still argue his alleged "theory" correct when he himself said:

"More importantly from my point of view, there is no scientific basis for such a belief."

- Dr. Watson

Originally posted by Sharpie
The guy is a Nobel Winning Geneticist for crying out loud.


Take his word that you misunderstood him, and that there is no scientific basis for the "theory". There never was. Even when they claimed he meant what he said it was still simply a "THEORY".

There you have it.

- Lee

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 11:31 AM
Case closed... let's move on. Can't wait to see the other nonsense racist thread that is going to be posted after this one. Sad, we are living in a new approaching age and there are still slimballs walking around.

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 12:11 PM

Originally posted by j_kalin
First of all, original poster, please correct your grammar to "Geneticist says..." Good grammar is a sign of intelligence LOL.

Not necessarily. I'm sure you work with people, most likely Asians, that came to this country and didn't know how to speak your language.

Good grammar only means you know how to follow rules, that's all

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 12:15 PM
"White guys can't jump." It was a movie. It speaks the truth. Different races have different attributes. This is not racism. It should not lead to stereotyping. If we only use 10% of our brain then this theory is moot.

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 01:39 PM
BTW i scored 200 on an IQ test a few years ago so...
u r all PWNED! I am teh moor evolved 0ne I RULZ all. LOL
(true about the test btw...)

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 02:01 PM

Originally posted by Knightshadowz
Genetically, some people think they are superior to others.

Cache 22, Mr. Racist.

[edit on 18-10-2007 by Knightshadowz]

howso? as i stated negrozoids are more atheltic, if caucazoids are smarter its a tradeoff.

this is good news. it means to make 'the best human' according to genetic code you need to mix races.

Im willing to start RIGHT NOW...

(im not joking)

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by docklands
The names Watson and Crick, it has been said, have “joined Darwin and Copernicus among the immortals”. The pair’s discovery of the structure of DNA, in 1953, has been hailed by fellow Nobel laureates as the greatest single scientific achievement of the 20th century. Today the only one remaining of the two, Dr James Watson, 79, stands alone as “the godfather of DNA”.

He says that he is “inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa” because “all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours – whereas all the testing says not really”, and I know that this “hot potato” is going to be difficult to address. His hope is that everyone is equal, but he counters that “people who have to deal with black employees find this not true”.

Susan Greenfield, director of the Royal Institution, said that “nothing should stop you ascertaining the scientific truth; science must be free of concerns about gender and race”.

Link to article

I told ya.

[Mod Edit: Title changed from "It's Official" to "Study Says"

Terms & Conditions 1). Posting: You will not post any material that is knowingly false, misleading, or inaccurate
I checked the links and sources and cannot see anything that makes this official therefore I find the title to be misleading and/or inaccurate and have edited to a more unbiased interpretation of the article and thread.
[edit on 10-17-2007 by worldwatcher]


UPDATE:Thanks to Goosedawg's post, with the link to the NYT Article in which this very geneticist Dr Watson denies saying what he said.

Famed Scientist Apologizes for Quoted Racial Remarks
“I cannot understand how I could have said what I am quoted as having said,” Dr. Watson said in a statement given to The Associated Press. “There is no scientific basis for such a belief.”

[edit on 10-19-2007 by worldwatcher]


I feel somewhat exasperated by your post, not because I am particularly politically correct, but your description of the science is sloppy.

There are no 'blacks' or 'whites' in genetics. You CAN distinguish between people of African descent (highly varied skin pigmentation) and Europeans/Caucasians. Both are genetically human, not different species, each race having adapted to different climates/environments.

This separate development predicts differences in many heritable traits, each race inheriting whatever helped them to survive unique, dangerous surroundings. Intelligence may well be used differently by the races! But to the best of my knowledge it is an axiom of Genetics that on average all human races have similar intelligence.

But even if one race on average is a little smarter, a possibility in terms of pure science, it wouldn't matter. Civilized societies have already decided, for ethical reasons, that differences in physical or mental ability shouldn't be misused to discriminate or insult its participants. Decent people all over the world treat human beings as equals, regardless of race, gender, handicap, sexual orientation or intelligence. Looking down at a person over being 'different' is considered racist, bigotry and discriminatory.

On a lighter note, all human races contribute a few exceptional scientists, philosophers and great leaders to the world. And there are nerds of every colour.


posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 02:27 PM
Dr James Watson is a 70 year old man slightly senile/excentric scientist who is not a racist. His work with Crick is going to pave the way to ending most of our suffering through illness and disease, sometimes he hypothesizes too openly.

Watson's world is not Black and White it's about statistics, evolving concepts and methods in his field of study. Intelligent, old and niave to the modern world he might be, however a racist he is not he's a scientist and he's an exponent of the truth. Sometimes he gets it wrong.

The rabid sensationalism and the speed that people embrace it without understanding is a poor attitude too have.

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
The fact that many afro-americans fail to submit to the 9-to-5-job-system as a corporate slave and time-controlled-robot shows me that they still have some intelligence left. Albeit a different kind of intelligence than that established by the establishment.

Sure there's a lot of us in that department of not wanting to a be a slave to society...
Yeah, but doesn't that mean they are going for other sources of income such as welfare or drug dealing(as shown)? That's further promoting the 'glorify the ghetto' mentality, keeping them down, if so. Happens even with White people who don't work, are poor that can't put money towards having their own business, etc.


Whereas I'm for equality and such, doesn't he have the most credibility to determine this?

[edit on 19-10-2007 by dreamingawake]

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by aspectwarrior

Dr James Watson is a 70 year old man slightly senile/excentric scientist who is not a racist. His work with Crick is going to pave the way to ending most of our suffering through illness and disease, sometimes he hypothesizes too openly.

Watson's world is not Black and White it's about statistics, evolving concepts and methods in his field of study. Intelligent, old and niave to the modern world he might be, however a racist he is not he's a scientist and he's an exponent of the truth. Sometimes he gets it wrong.

The rabid sensationalism and the speed that people embrace it without understanding is a poor attitude too have.


Interesting username you've got there! I never called Dr. Watson a racist. I wouldn't even dare to call him "slightly senile". I took issue with dockland's sloppy description of genetic theory.

Scientists often get into trouble just opening their mouth. Because most people aren't scientists, confusing 'none', 'some', 'most' and 'all' when it comes to measuring racial qualities. (I'm no scientist myself, but I can read.)


posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 06:14 PM
reply to post by MESSYSC

I don't have that many African american friend because they're all doing that chingchongching # to me. Now... how can i know them?

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 11:28 PM
You guys are not getting it. You are the ignorant ones, not these so called racists.
This guy more than anyone would know what races are inherently more inteligent, just because you've met some people of African heritage who don't fit this mold dosent mean it is not true.

The second quote is the truth, a scientific fact should not be overlooked just because it's not what you guys want to hear.

This is not to say that i want to agree with this statement but just like the evolution vs. Creationism debate, an educated person cannot look over facts.

And Skyfloating please stop disrespecting the white and black race by your racial profiling, your ludicrious assumptions about why African Americans in your eyes dont fit into society just put them into a bad light.

[edit on 19-10-2007 by Zenskeptical]

posted on Oct, 20 2007 @ 01:21 AM

Originally posted by bizone
I appreciate your reply... But you mostly cited the demeanor of drunken white Americans acting like idiots. So what is your experience with blacks? Can you honestly tell me that more often than not they were respectable, intelligent people?

i will take a stab at this, I think you need to travel more. What makes you think that being black has anything to do with being respectable and/or intelligent? Those items have a heck of a lot more to with upbringing. Do you think professional blacks go around holding themselves talking jive?

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