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Our 3 dimensions will become 4 and time goes bye bye

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posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 06:19 PM
reply to post by norman619

i dont think that any physical creature made with flesh and blood could survive the proximity or going into a black hole since the gravitational forces are so strong-scientists say-that even light cannot get out of that force of gravity-------without a doubt our atoms would be either compressed into a pinhead or we would disintergrate as we neared the hole.

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by Copernicus
The Mayan calendar ending 21 december, 2012, may also be since "time no longer exist".

Here is another article about the holographic universe (not sure if it ties into the OP theory or not) about 2012 and the end of time.

Terrance McKenna also came to the same conclusion really.

And the Apocalypse also mean "unveiling". It doesnt have to mean death and destruction.

There are many other things also saying that we are going towards a very exciting time ahead. What im wondering is... what will happen to humans? I do not believe we all die. The crystal/indigo kids being born speak against that. They talk about very exciting times ahead instead.

So... yeah. We'll see. Exciting times indeed.

[edit on 9-10-2007 by Copernicus]

Yeah.....I don't think so....Where's the actual evidence???

And maybe the mayan calander ends just because thats all they figured they needed? We can speculate about that all day with no real answers. FUN

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 08:08 PM
Interesting, I never thought of that in that way. I read plenty of theories about 2012, but this one catches my eye more than others, for various reasons.

Oh, and people get the 3rd and 4th dimensions thing wrong when they say 4 = time, or something in the likes.

In new age philosophy, the fourth dimension is the astral, the dimension of ghosts, and aliens inhabit it, and control it.

For instance, it explains why the reptilians have been working so hard to dumb us down.

If we merge with the 4th dimension, we will appear in a world filled with negative aliens, that will be used to the 4th dimension, and will be able to enslave us easily.

In the 4th dimension, people have different powers than in the 3rd. You can be a skinny person in the 3rd, and be a great warrior with psychic powers in the 4th it depends how old/strong your soul is.

Perhaps dumbing the people here in the physical weakens people in the astral, I don't know.

But this theory catches my eye, it feels a lot more real than some other theories I've read.

The government are obviously working very hard to dumb us down. If they are aliens or not, that depends what you believe. Either way, if they know something in 2012 would happen, and earth would be free and happy, and so on, they wouldn't be working so hard to dumb us down.

Maybe 2012 is actually the beggining a fight in the astral. Without a doubt, if it were to happen, most humans(sheeple) would be taken as slaves very easily, but some enlightened people will be able to resist, and put up a fight.

[edit on 10-10-2007 by Atlantix]

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 08:12 PM
2012, 'The day of reckoning" or mabey, its the day everyone minds there own business and gets on with their life, all this hype of "OH No 2012 is at hand, mayan calender? pfft, i guess people who ran around in loincloths could be considered intelligent for their time, but meh im not sure, the 4th dimension is coming indeed, i can feel it, "lol"

actually, i beleive the fourth will be time, although there is no such thing as time, who knows what will happen in the future, no one, not even our "holy father" or as i like to call it "our false profit" im geting off topic now so ill just end the post at this,

the 4th dimension will come sooner than expected .


posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 08:49 PM
...been reading about these Pleiadians and they seem similiar to us, they say they got JC w/ them in spaceships and are helping the current Earth axis tilt that's been happening since the 90s, they land in 2011 since they're anti-war machine and take people back w/ them since in 2012 is a disaster. I'd go in a sec, yeah, here come the hoax linx, I can still dream. Funny to think about Bush being 'left behind' -- the rotten war criminal.

posted on Oct, 10 2007 @ 10:26 PM
I heard there were 11 dimensions that have been mathematically determined. Just what I heard...never done it myself of course. Therefore, we must carry on as over-achievers and allow our ---consciousness--- to float to the 11th dimension.

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 12:25 AM

Originally posted by laiguana
I heard there were 11 dimensions that have been mathematically determined. Just what I heard..

That rings a bell to me also, I remember an section in mental floss from a few months ago about a woman professor that was working with particle accelerators in an investigation into string theory and quantum mechanics. When they asked her how many dimensions how many dimensions she thought existed, it was something on the order of 11 or 14... eegads!

I tried to pull up a reference link for it, but I am coming up with a blank on google... too bad I dont have a stack of the magazines lying around or I would find a name.

To the OP and the others that have contibuted so far.... excellent find!
I was quite weary about reading this thread... but now I am glad I did. I think it is time that I sit down and have a cool beer myself, after all I'm Irish too.

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 12:43 AM
reply to post by Ziltoid_the_Omniscient

Ya who needs time? but think. with out time people wouldn't nessicarily age at a certain time, things, plants, cycles everything would be a mess. But also might be an interesting thing to experience.

I do belive this will happen, because the universe is constantly working, for example our universe and our neighbor universe are on a collision course, and will one day run into eachother, and there are tons of other universes being created as we speak. It's alomst like a city thats being re-built every few years.

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 12:45 AM
I don't claim to understand any of this, but this book seems quite well know in physics circles: The World in Eleven Dimensions

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 01:15 AM
The more I think about this theory, the probability of it seems much more viable than most of the end scenarios that crop up on here. Plausible deniabilty check, no control to test... check, the lesser half of five years to piss it all away... priceless. I'm digging this outside the box thinking, I may have to call a friend of mine up to go over the mathematics of this implication... it has been a very long time since talked anyway. So in the meantime, some digging has lead me to this.... enjoy:

Harvard professor Lisa Randall:

read it here

Save the best for last though... will we ever know? Is the answer in the atoms? Maybe in 2012 we will know!

A particle accelerator on the French-Swiss border that will switch on in 2007 could have enough energy to produce these particles. In our theory, Kaluza-Klein particles will decay in the detector—you find the decayed product and you can reconstruct what was there. That would provide very strong evidence of extra dimensions. Maybe within five years we'll know the answers.

Funny how we won't have the results until 5 years from now 'eh?

I dunno about you, but I'm ready to flip the switch.

(edit due to enebriation)

[edit on 11-10-2007 by telemetry]

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 01:33 AM
Great interview.
Thanks for posting the link.

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 01:41 AM
Science was and is the dagger in the Spirtual side and that is why many have been distracted and sidetracked because of science i know its a huge debate science this spiritual that but the reason why people have not ascended is because their scienitific views took presidence over their spiritual beliefs. We are not Humans following a spiritual path, we are spiritual beings on a human/physical path to ascension.
When this ascension takes place we will shed our human form and reunite with our loved ones that have passed on, but we must join together as one collective consciousness and look within our spiritual selves to help us and others ascend to.
I have joined this collective here feel free to join to and together as spiritual beings we will evolve into our true selves..
This is what life is about! Life should not be about getting a job and a living money money money!! NO...thats just getting sidetracked from our real purpose..


posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 02:02 AM
Of course, another simple, though perhaps more harder to believe explanation -- would be that it's all to do with perception. In other words stop thinking in the sense that if time will stop, time for all things will also stop. It can be just our perception of time that is stopped or changed, while everything else remains the same as it was before. This logic could imply that the perception of time in some of us will change/stop -- and for some others, it won't.

The catch is, to see any possibility in this logic -- you will need to accept the possibility that there are 'beings' or, 'a being', that is above us all and able to control and manipulate our perceptions. Thinking this way brings to possibility and makes sense of many many ancient texts -- vedic, christianity, buddhism, islam... and of course, just the existence of highly advanced extraterrestrials. An example would be in vedic scriptures, about how only some people see temples and civilizations -- where many others only see plain dry hot deserts and mountains. Having the capability to actually see through different dimensions/frequencies is what allows this.

I won't go into too much detail right now, but in my opinion this mindset makes more sense to me than all others I've seen in regards to the subject. The fact is anything is possible, and thats all we need to understand in order to get to the 'next stage' -- whatever that may be.

[edit on 11/10/07 by Navieko]

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 02:16 AM
this may just be my thinking on this and utterly wrong. seems very technical, but here goes:

space-time, the four dimensions can't exist without one another. Think of it this way, if there is no time, how can one prove there are spacial dimensions? everything would be inert. and vice versa, without space, what would time be? there could be no proof of time passing because there is no way to identify it is there.
The only way we identify time is through things moving, earth rotating, moving round the sun. clock fingers, etc. etc. but if space didn't exist, matter wouldn't exist, therefore time wouldn't matter
. mad stuff no?

this could be completely wrong, but its not a bad thesis really. its the whole, time doesn't matter, no matter, no time! Feel free to rip this to shreds

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 02:28 AM

Originally posted by R-evolve
just out of curiosity but the mayan calander had to end somewhere didnt it, otherwise they would still be working on it now
, it just so happens it ends soon and im confident 2012 will go by without a hitch. I have a calender every year and it ends every year with a hangover what makes the mayan calender so special other than the fact they were very aware of the stars.

I read this same kind of stuff in many of the threads here on the topic of 2012, unfortunately its incorrect. The problem is that not only does the calendar end, but also there are a set of prophecies that went along with their calendar. These prophecies were cyclical the same as the calendar itself. The period of time that the Mayan civilization itself ended happened to fall on the same cycle that existed during WWII, which was a cycle of bad omens.

These prophecies exist in the Paris Codex:

Paris Codex

The Paris Codex (Codex Peresianus) contains prophecies for tuns and katuns (see Maya Calendar), as well as a Maya zodiac, and is thus, in both respects, akin to the Books of Chilam Balam. It was found in a trashcan in a Paris library. As a result, it is in very poor condition. It is currently held in the Bibliothèque Nationale (National Library), Paris, France.

I cannot find this online, but I recall reading that the final prophecy for the end of the calendar was something very bad. If I recall correctly it had something to do with “Black Earth and Black on high".

Edit to add I found a video on the subject that seems pretty good:

[edit on 10/11/2007 by defcon5]

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 02:39 AM

Originally posted by laiguana
I heard there were 11 dimensions that have been mathematically determined. Just what I heard...never done it myself of course. Therefore, we must carry on as over-achievers and allow our ---consciousness--- to float to the 11th dimension.

You are correct. M-theory (The model that is our best guess for the true nature of our universe at the moment) calls for 11 dimensions.

We exist in all 11 of these dimensions, or at least all 11 are present in our universe. We are only aware of three space dimensions and one time though.

The other 7 are all either far too small (i.e. a plank length) or large (i.e. outside of the physical boundaries of our brane-verse) that we can't see or detect them.

The idea of "ascending to them" is silly :/

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 02:47 AM

Originally posted by Navieko
Of course, another simple, though perhaps more harder to believe explanation -- would be that it's all to do with perception.

Yep, and often "the best laid plans of mice and men often go astray" that is the case that history has shown us, not too long ago in a galaxy far away, ancient peoples believed that the sun revolved aroud them, the world was flat... and that free will did not exist. It wasn't until decades, if not centuries later that this fancy was proven wrong by the exploration of a few individuals. In their time, they were probably labled as wackos also, but that is a list far too long to delve into on here, believers, idealists and dreamers will always be pigeonholed when they chose to think there is something more... most people would rather not step outside of their comfort zone unfortunately, take music for example... 50 years ago "jazz" and "rock" were the creation of the devil according to the mainstream, now how many of us have it on our ipods and can easily turn the dial to listen in?

Many times have I been in a dream state, only to wake up and realize that I am still in a dream, thoughts and actions bleed over into everyday life as time passes on... and on thinking about that, I have to ask you.. hypothetically, is the time in your waking life the same as the time in another dimension? Does space not coincide with time in that realm also? It is all just mass and energy right?

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 03:19 AM
reply to post by Tom Bedlam

What are you talking about? Frozen in time? Does that mean you'll be trapped in your body and unable to move or something? Or dead and your physical body just standing there like a statue or something.

This whole discussion is so far fetched and I think I may be in the "fiction" forum instead of the conspiracy one.

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 04:19 AM
To defcon 5,

I cannot find this online, but I recall reading that the final prophecy for the end of the calendar was something very bad. If I recall correctly it had something to do with “Black Water” recovering the Earth, as it had done before creation.

The Mayan prophecy is similar to the biblical account in regard to the world returning to a pre-creation state (without form and void) in Revelation. As for this occurring in 2012, doubtful as the Mayan system is not based on the Gregorian system nor Hebraic. If referenced to their system usage of 10, the date comes to 2039 which just so happens to coincide with a possible asteroid impact (an-1999). However, as for myself, I'll just wait and see.

Werther time dissolves as we know it or changes to something else we will find out, maybe, it may not even matter.

OP, great thread, some very good and lively discussions.

posted on Oct, 11 2007 @ 06:12 AM
reply to post by evanmontegarde

Glad to see there are some other rational people on here... ;-p

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