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[HOAX] 'ET' False Flag Operation to Begin in August [HOAX]

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posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 12:46 AM

Originally posted by wildone106
It wont happen, because if it did it would expose the hidden technology we have had for 60 years and that alone would de-stabilise the world, let alone the reveleation of Aliens, it far exceeds the control of the U.s. gov to handle such a de-stabilising event. This simply wont happen. The whole story is a hoaxers fiction.

That's exactly what I was saying... why to disclose the fact that the Us Gov. got that technology? I think that with this "plan" they lose much more vs what they can win. And well, later we have this expected battle against real UFOs... too much for me!

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 01:17 AM
Well what if the government was facing too many questions about its conduct during 911, the war in Iraq and was planning to attack Iran in late July. Wouldn’t an ‘attack’ from outer space bring all that criticism to a screeching halt? I mean wouldn’t we all want to ‘pull together’ and help our government fight those dirty little aliens from outer space and forget all about the governments little transgressions on 911, in Iraq and Iran?

I mean there would be no more questions about 911, the wars in Iraq and Iran would still go on but we would forget all about them to fight a far more serious enemy: terrorists from outer space.

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 01:18 AM
Frankly none of this surprises me. I can understand the hesitance it giving too much information, but then again the government can find out just about anything about anyone, if they want.
You are brave indeed, thank you!

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 01:42 AM
Assuming any of this is true then I would like to know the motives of the OP in all of this? Is it to go 'Ah hah! I told you!' after the event? What does this info really do? Are his motives something else? Does he really believe that many people will believe him?

Does he feel that by revealing it, the event might not happen? But then again any hoaxer could use that one and get away with it.

What is the real motivation here because I am not sold at all on any of this.

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 02:28 AM

Originally posted by johnlear
Well what if the government was facing too many questions about its conduct... Wouldn’t an ‘attack’ from outer space bring all that criticism to a screeching halt?

Strange, after the Enron debacle there were the beginings of investigations into major corporate corruption, and shady accounting practices across the board (including investigations into Halliburton during its time under Cheney's watch). In fact; I believe most of the records of all of those various corporate investigations were being housed in Building 7 of the World Trade Center. Did we let 9/11 bring those questions to a screeching halt as we faced a new found "enemy"? If we did, then I think you may very well be onto something there.

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 03:20 AM
If GhostRaven is a hoaxer like a few believe, then his/her job is done and he/she is having a good cackle (s'n-word') at us, 26 page's, not bad, if he/she is genuine then all we have to do is wait a few week's and we'll find out for sure, nothing much we can do about it anyway, but at least we have a head's up for the believer's.

PS. It's not gonna worry me to much anyway, it's supposed to happen in the good ole U.S.A, and according to Sienfeld (did i spell that right), I'm at the arse end of the world.......yes i'm an aussie.

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 03:44 AM
i smell bull#,

[edit on 25-6-2007 by gtirlad2]

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 03:46 AM
it's a lie.. case closed.

ghostraven told me himself

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 04:11 AM

Originally posted by rxghost
it's a lie.. case closed.

ghostraven told me himself

Did you just register a couple of day's ago to tell us this, then you must know him/her personally, please inform us who he/she is, anyway, thank you for that important info, thank god, my eye's are open, i'll wait wait a few week's before i pass judgment, i have'nt got anything special to do anyway.

If it is a hoax, pretty damn good one, it's got the people going here anyway.

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 04:15 AM

It sure got the attention focused for the impending possibility of such an operation.

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 04:18 AM

Originally posted by Globule

Originally posted by rxghost
it's a lie.. case closed.

ghostraven told me himself

Did you just register a couple of day's ago to tell us this, then you must know him/her personally, please inform us who he/she is, anyway, thank you for that important info, thank god, my eye's are open, i'll wait wait a few week's before i pass judgment, i have'nt got anything special to do anyway.

If it is a hoax, pretty damn good one, it's got the people going here anyway.

I think it being a hoax, would work out better for us in the long run since there would be no "false flag op" and nothing would happen, in turn having a happy ending, thank you come again. So really for the OP it was a pointless effort. ha

[edit on 25-6-2007 by gtirlad2]

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 04:41 AM

Originally posted by johnlear
Well what if the government was facing too many questions about its conduct during 911, the war in Iraq and was planning to attack Iran in late July. Wouldn’t an ‘attack’ from outer space bring all that criticism to a screeching halt? I mean wouldn’t we all want to ‘pull together’ and help our government fight those dirty little aliens from outer space and forget all about the governments little transgressions on 911, in Iraq and Iran?

I mean there would be no more questions about 911, the wars in Iraq and Iran would still go on but we would forget all about them to fight a far more serious enemy: terrorists from outer space.

that's exactly what i had in my mind. it would be the perfect solution for the current situation of the U.S. and as you said everyone would probably just follow them in hatred for those faked little green man. honestly... a strange and not very likely solution - but(!) a solution!

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 04:42 AM
ghostraven himself or any other government reader who knows "the truth" shall clear up the hoax accusations.

ghostraven, you said you wont be here for some days.
some days are not a week, so within a week we should have a clear answer and some background information if not - hoax or lets wait until the operation.

hey, john lear, whats up?
how are you doing?

[edit on 25/6/07 by cometa]

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 04:51 AM
So now we have various U.S. Governments that have denied the existance of UFOs and Aliens for all these years and all of a sudden they want disclosure and us to fight the bad, old Aliens in August......ROFL !

Did George W. screw up the deal we had with the Aliens too perhaps ?.

Sounds like someone was reading a movie script similar to ' Independence Day ', maybe another ' Independence Day (They are back) ' movie on the way ?

Anyways, I'm still keeping a lookout till August just in case........

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 04:52 AM

Originally posted by gtirlad2

I think it being a hoax, would work out better for us in the long run since there would be no "false flag op" and nothing would happen, in turn having a happy ending, thank you come again. So really for the OP it was a pointless effort. ha

[edit on 25-6-2007 by gtirlad2]

Work out for the Yank's (sorry, Americans) you mean, we here in dear ole OZ have nothing to worry about as according to GhostRaven it seem's to be only happening in the U.S.A, and as for a happy ending, well, we are going to go the way of the DODO sooner or later, especially if this Nibirus or Planet X Thingy in 2012 happen's (please, can someone tell me what the hell is this Planet X) i've checked all over the net and only find RUBBISH

PS: By the way, to all on ATS, i'm a long time lurker (Being busy reading a lot of post's for the last couple of year's before joining) first (sorry,3rd) time poster

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 06:35 AM

Originally posted by JackHill
That's exactly what I was saying... why to disclose the fact that the Us Gov. got that technology? I think that with this "plan" they lose much more vs what they can win. And well, later we have this expected battle against real UFOs... too much for me!

But, we have no idea just what technology anyone does really have do we? We can surmise and guess because of our general predisposition towards fantasy and imagination and ideas from Hollywood, but when it comes down to it, we have no firm concrete information on who has what. Think of the number of countries that a UFO has allegedly crashed in - if they all reverse-engineered it, they might have weapons, scientific equipment, medical equipment, anti-grav, zero-point or such energy devices, etc.

It's not for me, at least, a stretch to believe that the government would out themselves saying they've been testing and perfecting it (like so many other inventions made by the military) and the people just go along as normal. Think of the things the space race created that we had no idea about but are now integrated into society like, uh, Teflon. The world didn't collapse because of it, so I'm inclined to believe if they let out anti-grav space craft, no one would be really worse off. Also, we assume they'd release everything at once, that's not very military minded - they'd release as much as necessary but nothing more so for all we know, the space ships could be powered by nuclear reactors no better than our current ones.

I suspect that because of a lot of home-brew 'cold fusion' or water for energy projects, that all the big companies that stand to loose should alien technology get out have a backup plan. For example, my thought would be, if someone found a way to make free-energy, the government would take it (or perhaps have created it in the first place from reverse-engineering) and still charge us for it through electricity companies because we know very little about it in general and can't make our own. Very few people have the technical knowledge to create complex machinery, and even if someone did, don't you think they'd sell it before they'd give it away free? I know a few inventors who provide plans online but most people ARE human, and being human means wanting power, fame, money... We are naturally that way, so anything made to benefit mankind would first benefit those who made it.

For all we know, Japan could have the most reverse-engineered technology in the world at present with their transistors, and other computer technology said to be from alien crafts. We have no idea of what government's have done if the aliens are in cahoots, and I doubt the aliens would disclose it to the other governments, they'd probably play them off against each other if they were 'evil', so for me, its very probable that the aliens have provided governments and companies with goodies that would let them retain the edge, and there's no reason why everything has to leak at once. Sure the public would want to know, but when has ANY government actually released the full information when asked?

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 06:49 AM

Originally posted by wildone106
Oh he's gone already? I thought he'd at least wait until August but it was inevitible, he's just sittin back & laughing his ass off at a bunch of geeks foaming over his poorly concieved tale..

Hello....... Wildone!

You seem to have missed some key points here, we cannot as yet verify whether the post was true or not.

What has happened as a result of this post, - even if it is found to be a hoax, is that the OP has presented us with a discussion that has since taken a life of its own.

I have read at least twice, poeple stating that either way, it (thi thread)is certainly 'food for thought' and that's they key point here, the fact that it has opened up a discussion that is obviously within the grasp of many readersand dear toi anyone interested in UFO's and our interaction with them at governmental level.

Some fantastic points have been raised, and we have yet to hear another word form the OP, which if he is genuine, he will provide more information about his credentials or the opinions he has raised.

As for the fact you think that we are a bunch of geeks foaming at the mouth over a few words, think again. ...have you seen the member profile pages? I don't see to much geekery around there, so I can only conclude, and understandably so, that you must have based this assumption after your own image, which, thankfully doesn't apply to the rest.

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 07:38 AM
Such a long thread with very little input by OP ---the obvious reason for this false flag operation i believe is to implement this ---National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive as seen here----

and here-----

he needs a national emergency to enact this protocall...

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 07:38 AM
One other possibility:

With all the talk of a viral marketing campaign surrounding the drone threads;

Isn't there an alien "Invasion" movie coming out in August too - with Nicole Kidman.

It's either that or something along Lear's synopsis. Let's face it, it's not too hard to imagine Bush and Co. sitting around the Rose Garden trying to figure a way out of the current mess. They're already sitting on tons of suppressed alien/UFO info. Just massage/release some of it and spin up a scare to deflect attention from the 'real motive'.

Invasion movie may be more on the mark however...

Of course - we may ACTUALLY have a 'situation' on our hands in a few weeks. I give that a probability of less than 3.14159%.

Have a good week everyone!

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 07:50 AM
So while we wait on GhostRaven, we can have some fun with a potential way this thing could play out. Maybe GhostRaven could point to who's right or sort of on the right track...oh provided this whole thing isn't a hoax...sheeesh.

I'll go first.

Typed to the Terminator 2 soundtrack - if you wish to read it that way...

If we were to consider the OP story as a real false flag event, rather than a hoax, we should explore sort of how they could pull it off. Now for some reason he seems to only be concerned with the US, rather than the world. An error on his part, or maybe a piece of a much larger puzzle. So we should just imagine a scenario involving the US only, especially if they were just staging it as a hoax as a means to an end. This scenario isn't about an invasion, more like the US is trying to control its airspace, which is a very reasonable thing the US should do, especially post 911. Cue eye roll...

So we'll imagine as the weeks pass by, we'll get some sightings, then some EM interference, then reports of abductions. By this time, it should be making primetime news fairly regularly as more reports come in. Fighter jets are constantly being witnessed racing over large cities trying to chase seen and unseen craft. All for drama and show actually. So lets say they hang around buzzing the east coast, and when chased they race to the west coast and head out into the Pacific Ocean to escape. And they might say something to the effect, that when they chase them, they always go in this particular direction. So the military says it will have screens of artillery, interceptor missiles, and particle beam weapons on the ready at strategic locations to fire just prior to the arrival of the craft as they race to the Pacific. The military will surmise that if it can't catch the beasts, they'll drive them into a trap. Much like running a
herd of cattle off a cliff. Sounds reasonable to the sheeple.
They cheer...yippeee!!!

As the jets give chase, they herd the craft down this corridor of death waiting for the UFO's. (Don't say it, the craft could easily race in to space, but this a hoax with a pre-determined outcome remember, so they go down the corridor, like Star Wars, man) CNN and Fox will report it every step of the way. Drama equals ratings.

Anyway, the craft meet stiff resistance all along the way. Citizens can watch it for miles around, maybe even have a few casualties on the
ground from falling debris. At each zone, the craft are hit one by one. This is key. As each one is hit over different parts of the country, it veers off into some pre-determined direction to do its thing.

So for instance, a couple of craft fly off somewhere and detonate over some pre-determined locations. I mean, come on, they have fancy exotic engines that can go NUKE on themselves if their fail-safe systems are badly damaged. In this instance, they could be some real nuke loaded into a flying shell and head to their target. When on target they take out say a medium to large city, no place important, but important enough in the hearts and minds of the people, because you know Fox and CNN will be there milking it for all its worth.

Some other craft could crash elsewhere and create a hot zone of radioactive material in other locations. It doesn't really have to, but the martial law authorities may tell you that in order to get you to move from where you are or to stay put.

Some other craft may break up over other large areas and dump weaponized biological contaminants on the populace below and set off a plague and cause a quarantine situation to come about. Scores of people will die, and all covered by the news in gruesome horrible detail. Come on, alien craft should be full of gooey gunk that probably isn't good to set free in the atmosphere. Right?

The whole scenario in effect is designed to carve the US up into manageable zones with life threatening hazards to keep the populace in check.

Naturally, all commerce both interstate and international will come to an abrupt and complete halt. Then things will descend into total chaos. The police and military will pull back to safe areas and let average joes slug it out for food and resources. When they have worn themselves out, police forces will move in to restore order their way. Anything after that is really irrelevant, you're either dead or a citizen in the capital of the NWO.

And remember to read the '92 edition of the FEMA Firefighter's Guide in case you're in a town where a craft crashes or lands, you may need to know what to do.

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