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[HOAX] 'ET' False Flag Operation to Begin in August [HOAX]

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posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by manzoor
but some people take it to far come on an alien attack on august does that sound real to you it dont to me and anyway there is no evidence

Does it sound real to me? Let me put it this way: I don't think I have ever seen an "internet prophecy" come true. Just a bunch of bored and imaginative people online...

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 01:07 PM
I've been reading the thread through, and some of the replies are quite amusing, even if the original post was not.

I have a couple of points to make, one is that we have an idea mindset of what aliens and their technology can do through the power of Hollywood. How do we know that this is EXACTLY what the aliens can do? We can't. Ok, there have been people in the know for many years who have released information, but I'm also pretty sure some have been hoaxers, and some whackjobs or disinfo clowns.

If they are planning to 'show' us the aliens, then they'd probably have a starting point of 'greys' or 'draconians', only one of which the general viewing public has any major information on. Although, so long as it looked 'alien' would most people care? We knew the weird things in 'Independance Day' were aliens because they looked, well alien i.e. not like us, so anything strange could pass, and could be mostly made to fit a human. It the aliens are unpleasant little &^$£"£ers then why can't they help us out and let us capture a few of them, and maybe shoot at a few?

The government almost certainly has the technology that allows them to create 3D holographic displays in the air, so why the need to shoot at each other? They could just use that to make impressive looking SFX without the need for angering the aliens or shooting at SpecOps people. The real need will come when it gets down to street level, which by the OP's posts, isn't likely to occur for a while if at all so they have no need for 'aliens' right away.

Also, exactly what proof can he provide? We can all calmly wait a couple of weeks surely, we've waited this long, why the rush now? If it happens, it happens, if it doesn't well, hell its not the first time someone's said something to give themselves an ego boost and a laugh.

My take on it, is that its likely to just be another government ploy to gain more power. Sure they already control the populous, but WE need to know that. If Marshal Law has been in effect in the US, then it also needs to be in effect everwhere else for any NWO to take effect, and I'm pretty sure the UK and places like China, Japan etc would come to the US' aid if such a plan was in effect, even if they didn't know it was fake, just so they could get some of the crashed technology for themselves (if they weren't already in the know about it being false) when we 'shoot it down'.

It pays to be skeptical, but some people will never believe even if an alien was probing them nightly in their own bedroom!

Also, how exactly does giving us his name help us? Sure we could find him, but if he isn't military and he generally works for somewhere that most people wouldn't consider there to be a need to know about Top Secret projects, would that make us any more of a believer than we are? No. Its either:

1. True and will happen, so we can wait a while longer.
2. Disinfo designed to test him, or us about what we will believe, our reactions or mindset (i.e. a PsyOps project to make us more fearful or more skeptical, so when it eventually does happen, it will have been talked about for so long we'll think that its either not happening, or we've becomed to disillusioned to care)
3. He's doing it for the LOLs as they say, which while funny, isn't that amusing, since it could lead to people who could help when it does happen, not being there because they aren't caring anymore.

PS: The Rapture (and I speak as a Christian) isn't in the Bible, it was made up a couple of centuries ago...

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 01:17 PM
so what you think its all real or fake or are you in 2 minds?

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 01:41 PM

Originally posted by manzoor
so what you think its all real or fake or are you in 2 minds?

It's really all opinions until after August. You can't confirm it or debunk it. The only person that can do that is the OP. By either showing proof or by coming clean.

I personally am not going to halt my operations or change my plans for August. If it happens, it happens. Fantastic. We finally got somebody on ATS who was honest about such a tale. If it doesn't happen? I wouldn't even remember at that point. I'd have been too busy living my life.

[edit on 24-6-2007 by Donoso]

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 01:48 PM
Of course these plans exist. The MIC feels it's the only way to convince the international community of the need to advance into space militarily.

Psychologically, they're afraid the people will turn to the extraterrestrials in their obedience to political structure. Which is unnecessary.

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 02:03 PM
what's this? spellchecked noobs shoring up spellchecked noobs? lol

oh yeah and one final point like the whole 'plan' to 'stage' all this and release it PR style to a hungry yet gullible public: takes absolutely no action on the part of the real aliens into consideration. Complicit / Passive little advanced scientist-like buggers ain't they? Bit of a hole in the plan isn't it?

Been off ATS a while and the standard of hoaxer seems to have dropped

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 02:10 PM
With respect to the OP, thanks for the warning. It may be something going down about that time and I'll throw in the summation of reality points.
Aug 11 is the annual Leonid meteor showers, good timing for some electromagnetic problems. Also during the Summer months the N. Hemi sees more magnetic interference anyway with the tilt.

Armageddon folks have been waiting for their sign of mass disappearances, quite the same scenario. False prophets and teachings.

Attacks, sitings, disruptions, they happen periodically, kudos on such a short and close time-frame notice.

NWO, government taking rights, these have been going on and on. I heard the Clinton Admin was going to take over in 2000. Well?

Dude, if you really work for the gvmt, they already know you, RUN!

Now, taking this a little more serious.

Let's go look up operation false flag and see what other meanings is has such as this was leaked as a distraction from a real situation. Look up, what's that! (while we take away another one of your rights or blow up another country).

Human earthly aliens are crossing borders all the time. Is this what the OP missed while picking up info and though it was about little gray dudes in shiny saucers. Being one of the hot topics in the US at this time and no real solution seems to have been put on the table or agreed on then this could be some sort of operation to attempt to create a border patrol surge or country sweep for non-registered peeps!.

I hope to see more down to earth or solid info on the ET subject. I believe other planets are inhabited elsewhere, I see no current data to contact in any solid form. Radio waves are common through out the Universe and no appreciable contact has been made.

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 02:39 PM

1. Author "knows" that "aliens" are just "scientists" - I can only laugh.
2. He is hiding his identity...yet writing with his own words. It would take a few minutes for professionals to figure him out.
3. Why would he even worry about individual reactions here, if we are talking about planetery conspiracy?

Hoax, hoax, hoax, hoax. Nice try, though.

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 02:53 PM
Damn, this is turning into a novel! I've read all 23 pages, though as fast as this is moving, I may be posted on 24 or 25. It's been interesting, and just about every angle has been covered on what this means. I did say "just about", so I will try to add a new one.

Has anyone heard of Tokyo Rose, or Hanoi Hannah?

Now if I were a first wave attacking force of EBEs, that had observed Earth for some period of time, I would know the value of these ladies. Maybe we're looking to the wrong group for disinfo.

Let us for a moment suppose that an overwhelming force could not be generated by the EBEs, yet some biological (or other) factor made it necessary to force a confrontation with Earth. Would it not be in the best interest of the attackers to do exactly what has been done here and elsewhere?

Repeated "hoaxes" and varied events that never occur would give rise to the Boy Who Cried Wolf Syndrome, even among those most likely to believe, namely us. And this would not be too hard to fake by the EBEs, surely they would be aware of the internet.

This would also fit nicely into the higher level of hoaxed pictures that are everywhere. Since we have now been conditioned to see a hoax in every picture, and to use our own cgi talents to replicate it, any accidental pictures would be met the same way, thereby giving an invading force an element of surprise.

And the very enigmatic contact up to this point would seem to show a group that needed to hide from us as well as from someone/something else. The repeated sightings that has (maybe) lead the worlds governments to ignore UFOs would be to the advantage of such a group, because no one would actually be prepared to defend themselves against it.

Likewise the many ideas instilled across the board of the ETs superiority and peaceful intent. These two ideas would be vital to a swift pacification of the masses, and the complete takeover of human resistance.

So we need not think this is some EBE society as a whole that would be attacking. It could be some rogue element on the level of pirates, using info gained through their own kinds centuries long observations of Earth. This could be ETs version of slavers visiting Africa even after slavery was outlawed by most civilized nations. Such things happen in societies.

While I am not saying these ideas are true, or that such a thing will happen, it does seem to me that little regard is paid to this possibility, almost as if we were being steered towards not considering it at all. It seems to be the single blank spot, among all the "what if" ideas that come and go.

Being suspicious by nature, I wonder why that idea never seems to come up?

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 02:55 PM
I can buy aliens being scientists. If the orgin of humanity was one big science exp. then it only makes sense.

What the original post said makes sense. There's going to be a lot of things happening soon. I feel it at night, I see these things on a daily. What will come of this disclosure I'm not sure. They've already done the terrorist attack scenario, Alien disclosure is a good chess play right now. Unify against these alien forces to take the heat off the failure of our societies. Kind of like V


[edit on 6/24/2007 by acegotflows]

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 03:08 PM
I just experienced a "what if" moment. Something has been nagging at me about this, both the OP and the reactions to him.

How do we know what weaponry these "visitors" have? How do we know how many of them there are. People here write off the whole scenario based on their assumption of what constitutes Alien tech, and their level of advancement over us.

Allow me to make a few postulations based on what the OP has written:

These "visitors" are supposedly scientists. Suppose that the equipment they have with them is geared specifically to that end, with only rudimentary weaponry.

Suppose that the distance they have to travel (possibly inter-dimensionally) creates limitations on how many "visitors" can come here and with what equipment. OK, so they may have gotten around gravity, inertia, momentum and friction, from observed Alien craft flight characteristics, but do we KNOW they have "cloaking" devices, or does that seem likely because of Star Trek? Do we KNOW they can travel faster than light?

Suppose that a single group were sent here to observe us, and their mission mirrored a manned mission to Mars but on a grander scale, but still at sub-C speeds. If this was known to the establishment, but not even guessed generally, the false flag operation begins to gain a little more credence.

Poysonally, after watching Zeitgeist - The Movie, I find the whole idea a little more credible.

Just a thought.

(edit to correct illiteracy)

[edit on 24-6-2007 by Karilla]

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 03:13 PM
NOTHINGS going to happen in August. I want it to because I want to know 1 way or another, but get real..NICE STORY THOUGH! I heard Michael Bay is gonna option it for his next movie.

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 03:15 PM

Originally posted by deaman88
I was just adding some entertainment

If it's "entertainment" that you wish to add; we have an entire board devoted to just that. Feel fee to entertain, and express your sense of humor, as much as you'd like to over there.

As for posting on ATS; multiple "flame" emoticons don't convey a sense of "joking"; so I'd suggest that you work on expressing your subtle nuances (ie "humor") a bit more clearly.

Originally posted by deaman88
The only thing dramatic in all of this, was YOUR reaction and subsequent post, which made even less of a contribution to this thread than this reply which I am now having to make!

A) I'd say that your initial post, and the response that I'm now quoting (which contains unnecessary swipes against everything from "the intelligence of my posts", to my "sense of humor") both, thoroughly, add to the drama you've decided to initiate.

B) You didn't "have to" make any reply. No one is forcing you to do anything here, and you're welcome to come & go as you please; so, again, enough with the dramatics already. They add nothing of value to the thread.

Originally posted by deaman88
I WAS speaking on behalf of the ATS community

While that is quite an aspiration to hold; no, you were not. Neither I, nor any other member that I'm aware of, has signed any document granting you the right/privilege to speak on our behalf. The fact of the matter is that, around here, you only speak on one behalf... your own.

If you'd like to continue this discussion further; feel free to use the U2U button at the bottom of this post; however, further discussion of this matter is woefully off topic, and has no further place in the thread at hand.

That said; I do appreciate the fact that you've "stepped up" the quality of your subsequent posts (those relating to the actual topic of the thread).

Originally posted by ejsaunders
1. True and will happen, so we can wait a while longer.
2. Disinfo designed to test him, or us ...

To me, these seem like the two most probable scenerios; however, I think that the August timeline isn't very likely (if it is #1). This doesn't come across like the avarage "hoax" that we usually see on ATS. Also, I'm confident that the staff has been doing their own research, and I believe that the thread would have been "shut down", by now, if they had found any glaring issues regarding the IP, or any other concerns. It's not often that you'll see a hoax reach 20+ pages on this site. If there's any substance to Wernher von Braun's reported "deathbed confessional"; I can't help but wonder what happened to the supposed "asteroid threat", and why it may have been abandoned.

[edit on 6/24/07 by redmage]

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by Karilla
I just experienced a "what if" moment. Something has been nagging at me about this, both the OP and the reactions to him.

How do we know what weaponry these "visitors" have? How do we know how many of them there are. People here write off the whole scenario based on their assumption of what constitutes Alien tech, and their level of advancement over us.

Allow me to make a few postulations based on what the OP has written:

These "visitors" are supposedly scientists. Suppose that the equipment they have with them is geared specifically to that end, with only rudimentary weaponry.

Suppose that the distance they have to travel (possibly inter-dimensionally) creates limitations on how many "visitors" can come here and with what equipment. OK, so they may have gotten around gravity, inertia, momentum and friction, from observed Alien craft flight characteristics, but do we KNOW they have "cloaking" devices, or does that seem likely because of Star Trek? Do we KNOW they can travel faster than light?

Suppose that a single group were sent here to observe us, and their mission mirrored a manned mission to Mars but on a grander scale, but still at sub-C speeds. If this was known to the establishment, but not even guessed generally, the false flag operation begins to gain a little more credence.

Poysonally, after watching Zeitgeist - The Movie, I find the whole idea a little more credible.

Just a thought.

(edit to correct illiteracy)

[edit on 24-6-2007 by Karilla]

if you ever see a ufo they pull of monovers that we cant they are way faster and in iran 1976 or 79 a beam shot out at the f4s also there planes went dead thats some idea

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by acegotflows
I can buy aliens being scientists. If the orgin of humanity was one big science exp. then it only makes sense.

I agree, it would fit in wouldn’t it? I have seen lights in the night sky move in ways i can’t explain. But have never seen an alien, so I can’t make a verifiable conclusion either way. I do believe in Intelligent Life in the Universe. I also believe we as a race were helped by these intelligences along our history. It was to quick a jump in our evolution from early humans to intelligent thinking modern humans. (If you hold to the evolution theory). Seriously, how long did it take to go from single cell organisms to early man? A lot longer then it took to get were we are today.

It took 2.5 billion years to go from Single cell organisms to the start of human recorded history. The link is to an article i was reading so hit the earth timeline interactive.

So, It only took 10,000 years to get were we are now from what our recorded history tells us? If this were so then I would conclude something drastic happened to jump-start our intelligence capability.

I would think this is why Aliens would be interested in us in the first place. Studying their creations is what they do.

Sorry to get off topic but thought id subtopic to the "them" being scientist angle. Benevolent in nature not hostile. Can our government pull something like this op off? I can’t imagine they could, based off what they have done so far. LOL pretty sad the government we have gotten the past what 30, 40 years?


[edit on 24-6-2007 by geemony]

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 03:51 PM
umm and the 'mass disappearance' of folk which is part 3 of the OP's suggested timeline. Now these folk to be 'disappeared' en masse what will the (your words) 'benevolent gov' be doing with them in order to maintain their silence?

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 03:53 PM
whos the guy on youtube who made a video to nick pope he sounded scared to me

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by kickoutthejams
umm and the 'mass disappearance' of folk which is part 3 of the OP's suggested timeline. Now these folk to be 'disappeared' en masse what will the (your words) 'benevolent gov' be doing with them in order to maintain their silence?

The Aliens are scientist and benevolent reread my post, and yes they are my words. I never say my governement is benevolent. The US is capable of some nasty things. I dont know what the Government will do if this is real. Thats why I dont really side with its going to happen yet.

also "them" ussually refers to aliens.

[edit on 24-6-2007 by geemony]

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 04:06 PM
interesting concept also frightening if its true, however it does fit in with the theory that the NWO is so desperate as more people are waking up to the deception that they have to speed things up.

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by kickoutthejams
umm and the 'mass disappearance' of folk which is part 3 of the OP's suggested timeline. Now these folk to be 'disappeared' en masse what will the (your words) 'benevolent gov' be doing with them in order to maintain their silence?

Project Bluebeam?Bluebeam

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