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[HOAX] 'ET' False Flag Operation to Begin in August [HOAX]

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posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 08:06 AM
Well strip me down and call me old farmer Yokel.

I've heard about this false flag ET thing for ages now. lol. I always thought it could definately happen. But really didn't think it would. I'd like to see the archetecture of teh plot though and how it all unfolds.

We are in exciting times ;-P Technological advancement is going pretty fast ;-P

When August comes we'll see i guess.

I wouldn't mind a bit of excitement in August. It's my birthday that month and well the middle of last couple weeks of winter are always cold and boring. very rainy.

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 09:04 AM

Originally posted by Outrageo
One other possibility:

With all the talk of a viral marketing campaign surrounding the drone threads;

Isn't there an alien "Invasion" movie coming out in August too - with Nicole Kidman.

It's either that or something along Lear's synopsis. Let's face it, it's not too hard to imagine Bush and Co. sitting around the Rose Garden trying to figure a way out of the current mess. They're already sitting on tons of suppressed alien/UFO info. Just massage/release some of it and spin up a scare to deflect attention from the 'real motive'.

Invasion movie may be more on the mark however...

Of course - we may ACTUALLY have a 'situation' on our hands in a few weeks. I give that a probability of less than 3.14159%.

Have a good week everyone!

I think you're closest to the truth here. The first thought I had from the moment I read the original OP was "viral campaign." I just couldn't pinpoint the movie. Now...alas.

That being said, this reeks nonetheless of another pure hogwash post of someone trying to promote something, whether a movie or just furthering fame and fortune for him/herself.

And this follows the typical formula: "Hello, I'm an insider, well, more a cog in the wheel, who's privy to the entire nefarious plan, and by the way, be on the lookout for something extraordinary and terrible to happen in the next [insert timeframe here]. I offer no proof, no documents, pictures, any shred of evidence whatsoever albiet except my duty to [fellow men/country/underground resisitence/anti-illuminati gangbangers]. I also cannot, due to threats against [life/limb/family/money/libido], offer you my identity except some vauge clues.
Believe me if you want, but I now leave this board to let the imaginations of ATSers run wild with my scifi tale."

My God world, we're about to embark upon a real third world war and we spend 20-plus pages worried about some no-name guy spreading a viral campaign about an ET threat?

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 09:13 AM
Nah Im just sick of these hoaxers, they are not even good at it! Chad had me laughing in my chair he's so blatant, and this clown does'nt even offer any proof let alone the holes in the story I dont mind a good hoax like the ozzy guy one a few years back, but these are just poor...

Originally posted by deaman88

Originally posted by wildone106
Oh he's gone already? I thought he'd at least wait until August but it was inevitible, he's just sittin back & laughing his ass off at a bunch of geeks foaming over his poorly concieved tale..

Hello....... Wildone!

You seem to have missed some key points here, we cannot as yet verify whether the post was true or not.

What has happened as a result of this post, - even if it is found to be a hoax, is that the OP has presented us with a discussion that has since taken a life of its own.

I have read at least twice, poeple stating that either way, it (thi thread)is certainly 'food for thought' and that's they key point here, the fact that it has opened up a discussion that is obviously within the grasp of many readersand dear toi anyone interested in UFO's and our interaction with them at governmental level.

Some fantastic points have been raised, and we have yet to hear another word form the OP, which if he is genuine, he will provide more information about his credentials or the opinions he has raised.

As for the fact you think that we are a bunch of geeks foaming at the mouth over a few words, think again. ...have you seen the member profile pages? I don't see to much geekery around there, so I can only conclude, and understandably so, that you must have based this assumption after your own image, which, thankfully doesn't apply to the rest.

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 09:23 AM

Originally posted by rxghost
it's a lie.. case closed.

ghostraven told me himself

Please elaborate rx. That's silly that you just say that with no explanation. I don't know what to think about all of this but if he really told you it's a hoax then spill the beans and show some proof.

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 09:36 AM
coincidence I noticed.

classic art bell moment...when a caller from area 51 called in

I, I don't have a whole lot of time. Um, OK, I'm a former employee of Area 51. I, I was let go on a medical discharge about a week ago and, and... [chokes] I've kind of been running across the country. Damn, I don't know where to start, they're, they're gonna, um, they'll triangulate on this position really soon.

"OK, um, um, OK, what we're thinking of as, as aliens, they're extradimensional beings, that, an earlier precursor of the, um, space program they made contact with. They are not what they claim to be. Uh, they've infiltrated a, a lot of aspects of, of, of the military establishment, particularly the Area 51.

The disasters that are coming, they, the military, I'm sorry, the government knows about them. And there's a lot of safe areas in this world that they could begin moving the population to now. They are not! They want those major population centers wiped out so that the few that are left will be more easily controllable."

basic exerpt....sound alot like this story. thought I'd share, I'd retrace exactly what I found coincidential..but, time flys, and my wings are flapping...seeyas

[edit on 25-6-2007 by waffleprime]

[edit on 25-6-2007 by waffleprime]

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 09:44 AM
Don't worry , ATS people. This guy has been ratted out a long time ago, and he's sleeping with the fish right now...His family has been brainwashed, or threatened, and that's it.
I'll sleep with a gun under my pillow, just in case the aliens got hit with a few cruise missiles and decide to retaliate...

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 10:07 AM
The important question, it seems to me, is what can be productively done about information (or disinformation) like this? If GhostRaven is for real, he is far down the food chain, and cannot do much besides what he has already done. All we can do is file it away under: “I’ll keep my eyes and ears open this summer, and if something does go down, I will not stampede with the herd and huddle under the government’s ‘protection,’ and maybe try to reach some of my pals as well.” If it turns out to be one of the many dire predictions that did not come to pass, most of what we can learn from the experience is how we reacted in the first place, and can file it away as another hoax, disinformation effort or thwarted elite plan.

Turning this into a circus of speculation and hyperbole does not seem very productive. As I discovered the hard way:

the world’s governments do not control situations like this, although they will be the “face” that most of us see, when events like this transpire. George W. Bush is an errand boy.

ET craft are very real, and anybody can go see them appear on request:

The “alien invasion “ false flag plans have been well known for many years. Long ago, the CIA’s Victor Marchetti summed up what the global elite’s motivation regarding this situation likely is:

The “enemy” of all elites has always been the subjects they rule over, not ETs.

Most ETs that are here are of benevolent motivation, but not all. The global elite does not want humans to openly interact with ETs, because it would quickly become a “game over” situation for their global domination. About all we can do is cease being so easily manipulated. It does not take many people to bring technologies like free energy and anti-gravity to the public, but since personal integrity is earth’s scarcest commodity:

these games continue. The question each one of us faces is, “what do I do with today, and with my life?” The truth is out there to be discovered, if people make the effort, but all people can encounter on the Internet are directions that they might follow if they pursue the truth, and there are many false trails, dead ends and pits of quicksand awaiting the unwary and inexperienced. Pursuing the real stuff is dangerous business.

Be well,


[edit on 25-6-2007 by wadefrazier3]

[edit on 25-6-2007 by wadefrazier3]

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 10:21 AM
after reading some comments further back its funny how people are so scared because one guy says of an invasion you got people saying stack up food supplies, ok to end this why dont you all wait till august but i bet nothing happens

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by manzoor
...ok to end this why dont you all wait till august but i bet nothing happens

Well, that's my way of thinking as well. Unfortunately there are many members here who blindly believe such claims, and almost make a religion out of it.

They want to believe in it so badly, that they are deluding themselves in believing it, no matter what anyone says to the contrary.

Even if August passes, and nothing happens, someone will claim to know the reason why. (But will fail to see the real reason; that it wasn't true, in the first place)


You can only do so much...

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 10:35 AM
yea i agree but this is my like third time on this and i see people who fall for something like this come on we are not that dumb just open your eyes.
people go to far and i bet your right when august passes someone will make something up

when will it ever end

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 11:05 AM
I wrote the following information last night. I haven't had the time to go through all of the 300 posts that have come up since I last logged on. Expect more:

It’s obvious that it’s impossible to satisfy everyone in an online community during a limited log on session. For this reason I have written out – in my hotel room the night before this log-on is to occur – as much as I can about the situation. Hopefully this will be both informative and thought provoking.

My association with this issue began during my college years. As a student of both history and pop culture at a prestigious university I often studied events that involved the public’s reaction to unusual events. The papers I produced during this time often revolved around things like the Orson Welles broadcast of War of the Worlds, the 1897 Mystery Airship phenomena, and the so-called Gulf Breeze sightings. At this time I was not interested in whether or not any of these events were real or partly real. I was not even interested in the artistic merits of the events that I knew to be fiction (the WOTW broadcast, for instance, and the Gulf Breeze sightings, which by that time had been proven to be a hoax). What I was interested in, however, was the way the public reacted to strange or unexpected events. In particular, I was interested in the ways in which people from different regions of the country, with perhaps different religious, economic, or cultural backgrounds, reacted to the same event. As time progressed I began to study how (the then beginning) internet communities reacted to odd or unexpected news. This, in a nutshell, is my intellectual background. I am essentially no different than the Hollywood execs who monitor how movies play in different towns.

During my senior year I befriended a young lady who had serious government connections. No, I did not join any secret society (sorry to all those out there who want every conspiracy to fit under one nutshell), but I did forge friendships with several people who were soon to become major players in politics or who were related to those who were already playing. I fell deeply in love with this woman and, after completing a few years of service with the Peace Corps, married her. Though I was qualified for the government position I applied for after returning to the US, she pulled some strings and had me pushed up ahead of the rest of the pack. I soon found myself studying the same topics I was fascinated in during college for a civilian government agency. These years, though short, were very happy for both of us. This bliss began to crumble, though, when I, having become arrogant and self-centered, started to have an affair with a junior colleague who thought of me as some sort of misunderstood genius. She was young, beautiful, and intelligent. I, however, was stupid. My ego was being stroked and, having expensive cars and nice suits for the first time in my life, I felt like I was a more important man than I actually was. I felt that I was above the rules that normal men played by. This, obviously, was wrong-headed. When this affair was discovered I was, as I call it, ‘laterally demoted’ to a branch that deals with monitoring ‘nonsense’ things like ATS. My wife was never told what happened with me and this other woman… but she did realize that I had done something that had consigned me to watching, as she called you guys, a “bunch of nutjobs”.

So – to make a long story somewhat shorter – I spent about five years monitoring this and other sites. All the while I was studying the ways in which internet rumors affected public opinion (and yes, I know all about the various fake meteorite crisis and time traveler tales that have crisscrossed this site). I even, and this sounds funny, conducted statistical studies that looked into how many responses any individual ‘crazy’ topic got, how soon such material made it to the mainstream press, and the ways in which mods reacted to such stories/events. During this time, and I don’t remember the exact date, I was told that the whole UFO thing was made up by the US to scare countries like Russia into thinking that we had access to awesome alien technology. I was told this, supposedly, because certain people wanted to see how well their disinformation spread across the internet. As a patriot, albeit a flawed one, I went along with this and regularly reported my findings regarding the ‘merchandise’ and the ‘market’ to my superiors.

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 11:06 AM
This all changed a few months ago. One day, and there was no preparation for this, a military officer in civilian clothes appeared in my office and stated that I was being reassigned (with a few other members of my branch, I was to learn). A week later, after reporting to a new location, he gave me a briefing that included a summary of interactions with the ‘Visitors’. They were, I learned, regularly penetrating US airspace. The military saw them as a threat and needed a casus beli to initiate a war. However, because they had hidden the existence of the Visitors for so long, they needed an immediate cause that would draw the public into the military’s past behavior. In other words… they felt that they needed to fight but that the ‘go ahead’ moment for such fighting had passed decades ago. My job and that of others was to help arrange several crisis moments that, they hoped, would draw the American public into a war.

I’ve already summarized this briefing (and the demonstrations that came afterwards) as well as what I am currently doing. Let me repeat a few things, though: There will be, at the end of July going into August, several extremely odd events, culminating in dramatic displays, that are designed to convince the public into supporting a war against the Visitors. As I said before, this will involve things like weird transmissions/jamming and arranged situations involving missing persons and false close encounter events. This is intended to culminate in spectacular sky displays that, as intended at this point, will occur at times and regions where people should be out at night.

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 11:07 AM
I'll be shootin at these mofos with my water gun like Will Smiths son in Independence Day.

Who says our Military could even touch one of these ships with our weapons in the first place?

Not to bring up the same movie again but you all saw how hard it was to take down the alien ships in that movie. Damn Forcefield

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by GhostRaven

I wrote the following information last night. I haven't had the time to go through all of the 300 posts that have come up since I last logged on. Expect more:

It’s obvious that it’s impossible to satisfy everyone in an online community during a limited log on session. For this reason I have written out – in my hotel room the night before this log-on is to occur – as much as I can about the situation. Hopefully this will be both informative and thought provoking.

My association with this issue began during my college years. As a student of both history and pop culture at a prestigious university I often studied events that involved the public’s reaction to unusual events. The papers I produced during this time often revolved around things like the Orson Welles broadcast of War of the Worlds, the 1897 Mystery Airship phenomena, and the so-called Gulf Breeze sightings. At this time I was not interested in whether or not any of these events were real or partly real. I was not even interested in the artistic merits of the events that I knew to be fiction (the WOTW broadcast, for instance, and the Gulf Breeze sightings, which by that time had been proven to be a hoax). What I was interested in, however, was the way the public reacted to strange or unexpected events. In particular, I was interested in the ways in which people from different regions of the country, with perhaps different religious, economic, or cultural backgrounds, reacted to the same event. As time progressed I began to study how (the then beginning) internet communities reacted to odd or unexpected news. This, in a nutshell, is my intellectual background. I am essentially no different than the Hollywood execs who monitor how movies play in different towns.

Looks like you're still working on your paper, if you ask me.

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 11:14 AM
ghost you finaly reply so give us some proof evidence to supprot this because me and many others sure dont beleave this, whatever you are doing you have fooled many people but there is people like me who wont fall for this, well tell us more about the event on august

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 11:15 AM
So if you can't provide any proof on this current issue. Why not scan and post some documents from the years of your research about monitoring ATS and other sites?

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by behindthescenes
Looks like you're still working on your paper, if you ask me.

What I don't get is how a re-hashing his original posts is supposed to equal further illumination of the subject. Or why, if this IS for real, and he IS pressed for time, he spent said valuable time typing up a long post that adds very little to what he said before.

Or what exactly we're supposed to do about it.

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by porschedrifter
So if you can't provide any proof on this current issue. Why not scan and post some documents from the years of your research about monitoring ATS and other sites?

yup exactly and tell us more about what will happen on august and about this attack

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 11:22 AM
Hello Raven,

I'm trying to take your general statements and boil them down a bit to the applications level in an attempt to figure out this scenario you have shared.

1. You state your former job (and to some extent your new one) has to do with figuring out public reaction to certain topics such as UFOs/ETs, etc. I assume this means you are a psychologist, sociologists or psychiatrist, correct? Does this also mean you are in the PsyOps sector of the government?

2. You state you have been tasked with preparing local and state governments for disclosure and the coming events. Can you go into more detail on what you are doing with these local government to prepare them?

3. You also state that part of what you are doing to ascertaining the reaction of local governments in different locations. Is this to make sure that you only perform step 2 with local authorities who will be more likely to cooperate and as a follow up, does that mean regions that are deemed to be potentially uncooperative will not have sightings/invasions?

4. Will rural areas with high contents of firearms be excluded from the activity? Bein's it would be hard to stop Bubba from shooting at any and/or every thing?

As a side note to you, did anything in particular cross your mind from an ATS standpoint (since we were chosen as your audience to disclosure) when you heard that these events would happen in August?

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 11:26 AM
If you are who you say you are ,and do what you say you do --then do you really think we will be willing to be part of your obvious TEST .

"So – to make a long story somewhat shorter – I spent about five years monitoring this and other sites. All the while I was studying the ways in which internet rumors affected public opinion (and yes, I know all about the various fake meteorite crisis and time traveler tales that have crisscrossed this site). I even, and this sounds funny, conducted statistical studies that looked into how many responses any individual ‘crazy’ topic got, how soon such material made it to the mainstream press, and the ways in which mods reacted to such stories/events. During this time, and I don’t remember the exact date, I was told that the whole UFO thing was made up by the US to scare countries like Russia into thinking that we had access to awesome alien technology. I was told this, supposedly, because certain people wanted to see how well their disinformation spread across the internet. As a patriot, albeit a flawed one, I went along with this and regularly reported my findings regarding the ‘merchandise’ and the ‘market’ to my superiors."

Give us a little credit ---we are not 5th grade students--

SHOW US SOME EVIDENCE of your fantastic claims or we will trash this thread

thanks ---have a great day

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