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[HOAX] 'ET' False Flag Operation to Begin in August [HOAX]

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posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 07:51 PM
I can't believe this! I had a dream like that too.

I dreamed that I looked up to the sky and there were hundreds of ufo's. The dream was so real and in color. They were disk shaped and a dark color. There were black helecopters in my dream too.

I had this dream 3-4 months ago.

This is spooky!
I wonder if anyone else had this dream also.

I've had quite a few dreams come true in my life of major happenings in the world so this could be one of them.

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 07:55 PM
what I don't get, my skeptic beliefs aside, is why even tell us, with so little information, if we can't do nothing about it anyhow?

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 07:56 PM
One of the big things we must concern ourselves with is perhaps; what if this IS true?

Do we just take it as fact and stock up on things that we might need in the event of civil unrest, such as water, purification tablets, petrol (gas), unperishable foodstuffs, medical supplies and tablets, etc or do we 'wait and see' and then worry when our neighbours become our enemies because they have no food and there is none to get since people are rampaging at the supermarket and there are nutters patrolling your neighbourhood taking your TV as spoils?

If we're wrong, we have spent a lot of money on unnecessary items, if we're (i.e. the OP) right, then as many have said, civil unrest is fairly easy to achieve for most of the public (think of what happened during the Katrina crisis).

If we are right then, there is also the problem that after the event occurs and all hell breaks loose, the EMP trouble will mean that the Internet may become unavailable and therefore we can't get the message out to the public. If on the other hand that is the main goal (to create panic or to 'warn' the public by getting the new on TV) then we're sort of ^%$"ed either way.

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 08:01 PM

Originally posted by ejsaunders
Do we just take it as fact and stock up on things that we might need in the event of civil unrest, such as water, purification tablets, petrol (gas), unperishable foodstuffs, medical supplies and tablets, etc or do we 'wait and see' and then worry when our neighbours become our enemies because they have no food and there is none to get since people are rampaging at the supermarket and there are nutters patrolling your neighbourhood taking your TV as spoils?

Prepare now, before it is too late. is where I get my stuff.

[edit on 24-6-2007 by 11 11]

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 08:06 PM
RxGhost... thank for those nice articles. Like I said, I have now forwarded the adress to half a dozen papers in Denmark, including some 30 journalists.
I just hope they will be interested in looking further into that kind of political turmoil. I for one think that the removal of Pace shows that something has been put in place and will be carried out, wether it's like GR described or a "simple" nuclear war.

I will sit back and read. I will post if I come across anything interesting.

Take care

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 08:12 PM
so, either me stocking up on canned food and bullets, is pretty pointless...I don't think I have 3 grand to spend on trail mix and green beans. so, if this we're to happen..I'm in the fray with probably alot of urban type folk. so, this aside...why would this information be of use to anyone? if it we're true. at least tell us...that we should write to our congressional representatives, or suggest we high-jack a wal-mart for supplies...or "borrow" a bulldozer. sorry, to be so cynical, but, come many punches does it take before, everyone finds there grey alien love interest, and a tamed big-foot in the family dog-pen? it would be different..if the guy produced some kind of paper work briefings on the matter..because right now, this is exactly what people talk about during a long graveyard shift, with nothing but, 50 cent bags of doritos and all you can drink coffee spouting "I read it on the internet"

[edit on 24-6-2007 by waffleprime]

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 08:21 PM

Originally posted by flice
I tried to start a thread on the following link some time ago. Mostly because I have a curious nature and wanted to learn more about the "darker" sides of the american government.
In the light this thread... and ofcourse a mix of other threads, which concerns themselves with prophecies and alien conspiracies, I would like to once again adress this link.

For anyone knowledgeable in this area, is this considered a "normal" amount of money spent on Psy-ops? Cause to me it sounds like a lot of money. And is the psy-ops simply a branch concerned with things like war on terror and so on?

Hrm - well, that goes a lot of places, as far as I know. First off, you have to consider the group. That's Tampa - they dish out the bucks (say hallelujah!) for special engineering jobs. And how. Not to mention being fun to work for.

The other hint is that it is IIS's psy ops and not SOCOM's psy ops in general. Now, SOCOM runs the Army's Special Forces Psy op/CA group which ALSO plows through the bucks. But this isn't the general Psyops group, it's the psyop program office of IIS. That is a difference you have to pay attention to in order to understand where the bucks are going.

IIS - intelligence and information systems. Well, what sort of psychological operations would involve computers, psychology/behavior and intelligence gathering? Especially, what sorts of things would run you a big chunk of 260M over five years and require staffing?

You spell that "data mining", and there's three centers for it that USSOCOM runs in the US. That I know of. I think there's a couple more going in. Remember Able Danger? Well, Able Providence ain't cheap.

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 08:41 PM
I am to keep my opinion,the OP had me reading his post twice esp after reading SonOfMan's response .so if the OP is telling the truth SonOfMan's post makes me scared as i have always seen ET's as not something i wanna meet face to face.

I don't get why to call out a flag saying they are our enemy as to all abductions/probe stories/mutilations don't really make me comfy around "them" that are to be held responsible for such eg: abductions/implants/mutilations ..just the whole ugly side of things are they human or visitors i know certain people/the human race do this on a daily basis as we are inhuman ..who will shoot @ a big space craft..maybe the military have some secret weapons they stole in their "dealings" with the visitors but us as civilians..yea i am gonna shoot at a alien craft with a gun/rifle.

I cannot be a conspiracy theorist as really that is why i am here to read what some with knowledge they claim to have has to say on out there theories but wow i have read some post in 24 pages that really p'd me off & those who at least made sense & a few that made me really think ..

If this is true that 2012 could very well be true esp if you read SonOfMan's post and i am not one who ever believed 2012,if a person read all links supplied you cannot really say anything about the OP until end of July even though i still doubt with quite a hardened heart towards his post i will wait & if this is a hoax he still never caught me as i found links which others provided that really made me think.

As to mods not replying maybe its something they do not have info on & are reading just as we are,i am just keeping an open mind as way too many things has happened & still is on earth that brings us extremely close to what the bible said..even though i rely more on faith tbh..i am thinking those who tried to change the Word did not surpass God's message even though they tried to deceive us by taking out or leaving books out of the Bible ..

"For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book; and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the Holy City, and from the things which are written in this book." (Revelations 22:18-19 NKJV)

Not thumping here just after reading some provided links i got to this via other link & it got me..esp that it comes from the Book Of Revelations ..all about the end.


posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 08:42 PM

Originally posted by redmage

Originally posted by deaman88
made even less of a contribution to this thread than this reply which I am now having to make!

making such outrageuos claims by the OP leaves one entertained, and I will not refrain from humoros content within a thread, for I am not compromising my inimetable style for your grumy draconian ways of correspondence.

Please stop picking lines form my text now, let's end this and focus our resources on the matter at hand? What say you?

[edit on 24/6/2007 by deaman88]

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 08:54 PM
Hi redmage:

I am not privy to enough inside info to know what may have happened to the asteroid threat, but about ten years ago, the asteroid threat DID get played up. In 1997, there was a TV series about that EXACT theme.

and in 1998, Deep Impact

and Armageddon

were released.

That is VERY consistent with the “trial balloon” stuff that they do, such as War of the Worlds, John Glenn’s “confession” on Fraser, etc.

It seems like they were beginning to gear up for the “asteroid threat” in the late 1990s, and abandoned it for reasons unknown. The “terrorist” threat followed closely behind it. If I may speculate a little, the timeframes for their plans may have become compromised and they had to jump to the next phase before they intended to. Those best laid plans, even by the world controllers, often do not pan out as hoped. There are powers far higher than them in the mix.

I have never been a big fan of von Braun, even though my dad worked in the Mission Control Room.

Werner von Braun had a lot to answer for during his SS, V-2 days:

but he was one of those “valuable” Nazis. However, David Adair’s testimony that von Braun warned him against Arthur Rudolf rings true. Werner was probably one of the least bad of a very bad bunch that the U.S. brought over after WWII, and I think what Rosin reports von Braun said has cred.



[edit on 25-6-2007 by wadefrazier3]

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 09:04 PM

Originally posted by ejsaunders

I agree with your point, that we are doing the same as the aliens to us, so why not, but I also feel that as we have intelligence over the animals, we have the ability to question our own demise through an external race of aliens.

I'm sure animals would do the same, but so many animals attck and kill their prey, we are just doing the same, or for our own race's progresion.

The aliens have already progressed they managed to fly here, and so it's ok they are scientists? No way!

This point as I mentioned earlier, is a crime against humankind, and they should be put on trial for it and promptly extradited to their planet of origin, as these acts are not helping intergalactic diplomacy I'm sure, cause if their are aliens, there must be good and bad, and the good must have been observing whats going on down here and below!!!!

If they wanna scrap, we wont win easily if at all, especially if the visitors take to a 'scorched-earth' policy!

Come to think of it, how DO you beat the aliens? maybe we should focus on that rather then a False Flag scenario, (I think the real false flag has already happened - when I first read this thread and clicked on the flag.)

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 09:50 PM
I dont know if I can believe any of this from the OP....

I for one believe there is alien life out there in the universe and maybe some drifting around here. There is also alot of media hype of Aliens and UFO on the net and TV, so I dont know whats going on maybe something or they are just trying to slowly keep Aliens/UFOs in mind to the public.

I think the OP need to return to this post if he hasent yet moved on and fill in the rest of the story, he has seemed to catch some interest. So explain whats going to happen in this attack. Where, When, How, explain it all your already invested, so sit and start typing.

HAHAHA everyone remember Dark Knight hahahaahahaha and the very last Time Traveler that I was having fun questioning before they banned him. This might be a banning moment.

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 10:58 PM
i have often thought of this. i feel that an event of this magnitude, would allow "them" to further take away our rights and progress rapidly forward to a One World Government. the only thing is, what can we do besides inform others???

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 11:09 PM
well, ALL we know for sure at this point is the O.P. is NOT posting from a known "dark4knight" IP and (s)he IS posting from a library.

Beyond that we don't know anything... I have contacted the poster offering assistance through "contacts" I have personally, let's see what, if anything comes from that.


[edit on 6-24-2007 by Springer]

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 11:40 PM

Originally posted by ejsaunders
One of the big things we must concern ourselves with is perhaps; what if this IS true?

Well, a lot of things MIGHT be true. If I acted on everything that might be true, I'd go to church. But just like with that whole God thing, I'd rather not start praying my day away on such vague, unverifiable information. August isn't too long for me to wait for nothing to happen. And if something incredible does happen, I don't think anybody will have time to remember what a scoffer I was.

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 11:48 PM
GhostRaven, please come back! it only took 15% of the population to start the American Revolution, the other 85% were loyal to the King.

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 11:48 PM
A startling tidbit from a "conspiracy theory" old-timer...

Many of our ATS members and visitors have become aficionados of or interested in "government conspiracies" after 9/11, and may not be fully aware of the complex history of conspiracy speculation and information.

One startling aspect that is rarely discussed any more is the low buzz of "conspiracy theorist" speculation beginning in late 2000 and extending to mid-2001... rumors from the "inside" of a coming false flag operation, that was likely terrorism-based (mostly at Rumor Mill News and Conspiracy.Net).

Back then, conspiracy discussion sites were few and traffic was low. While this information may seem fantastic, I can't stop thinking of the low-level buzz leading up to 9/11, which many ATS members feel was also a false-flag operation.

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 12:22 AM
It wont happen, because if it did it would expose the hidden technology we have had for 60 years and that alone would de-stabilise the world, let alone the reveleation of Aliens, it far exceeds the control of the U.s. gov to handle such a de-stabilising event. This simply wont happen. The whole story is a hoaxers fiction.

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 12:25 AM
Oh he's gone already? I thought he'd at least wait until August but it was inevitible, he's just sittin back & laughing his ass off at a bunch of geeks foaming over his poorly concieved tale..

Originally posted by LooseLipsSinkShips
GhostRaven, please come back! it only took 15% of the population to start the American Revolution, the other 85% were loyal to the King.

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 12:37 AM
he said he would be back in a few days.

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