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[HOAX] 'ET' False Flag Operation to Begin in August [HOAX]

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posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 05:17 AM
Well about that Terrorist cow, its been milked way longer then you are all aware of, in fact its almost out. Terrorism has been around since the creation of the CIA, and now that the CIA is losing its touch, terrorism is slowly falling apart, and the armys of terrorist are now very small. We only have a few more countrys to bomb, and its over!

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 06:03 AM
Hey Ya'll.
Watch the skies here.
I emailed Nick Pope about this, to get a view from someone who really knows about these things, I thought you all might like to see the reply!

I'd seen this on the ATS forum. Frankly, I don't believe a word of it. Ufology is bedeviled by material like this: anonymous testimony from people claiming to be government insiders; dramatic predictions which never come true; deliberately provocative comments seemingly aimed at getting a reaction on forums, etc. However, in the final analysis, the only meaningful comment I can make is to repeat the old adage of intelligence analysts: "interesting if true".

Hope this helps a bit guys!

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 06:29 AM
I, too have been watching this thread
BS or not it is food for thought

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 08:06 AM
I will like to say something that i have noticed resently on television.They now show us things about ET on television more this days is it to prepare our minds towards this agenda of invasion by ET or to scare us.They have failed let them come we are prepared to meet them.
I for one know that religion was used as a tool to control us from time.The bible tells us about encounters with ET by the people in the bible and they were not harm so why should we be harmed by them.
At last we will know truth about ourselves.

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 08:15 AM
I've also noticed a slight increase in UFO related stories, even on CNN. But could this simply be because of the recent launch? That's what most of them revolved around. They easily dismissed them as ice debris, though.

Anyways, any such subliminal (and truly overt) conditioning would work with the op's post to lead up to the august false flag. But at this point we may just be looking too much into it.

I can't wait to read the next post. I'd like this to be true, but, it's probably not.

[edit on 24-6-2007 by Donoso]

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 08:36 AM

Originally posted by deaman88

Originally posted by deaman88

Hey April man himself Manzor, please don't quote the text, the whole text and nothin but the text, when this is all you had to do??

so funny i forgot to laugh

[edit on 23/6/2007 by deaman88]

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 08:37 AM

Originally posted by DimensionalDetective
Apologies if this has already been stated, but Steven Greer alludes to this happening in his book, "Hidden Truth, Forbidden Knowledge". He states that the government will carry out large scale covert-ops with mock saucers to propegate a hostile incursion by ET species, to make everyone fear and have the knee-jerk, "Get em!" response. Hopefully enough people get educated whether this might be reality or not, and we do everything we can to spread the word, even if in theoretic possibility scenarios. Look what these idiots did with the Iraq/WMD propeganda.


the american public is stupid in my eyes they will fall for it again

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 08:37 AM
I understand your position in that you cannot reveal your name, but how are we supposed to believe you when you could be trying to stir up the public while the government goes off and fights these "Aliens" anyway

I know I seem over reactive, but you never know with Bush

Sorry if I in anyway offended you, but the public can't get information these days without the public asking questions

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 08:41 AM

Originally posted by wildone106
Im not gonna even entertain this thread until 'early august' because, I remember well the stupid australian asteroid hoax. So if you wanna get off on fooling a bunch of UFO enthusiasts, its probably the easiest thing in the world to do!
I bet come early August this fellow will dissappear or come up with some excuse as to why nothing happened. Meh...

well about time someone said that i agree nothing will happen and he will just make an excuse if he turns up

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 08:47 AM

Originally posted by GhostRaven
My new job, as was described to me and apparently others, was to convince local governments that the ETs were hostile invaders so as to further the military's agenda regarding ETs. In other words... I was to write up 'spin' and propaganda that would help win the country's leaders over to our new 'war effort'.

OK. Now for the questions that you need to answer. If you can’t or don’t, then all that you’ve said could just be bullsh*t…

1. What war effort? Against whom? Are the governments and the military industrial complex so naive as to believe that they can produce weapons that can overwhelm the ‘visitors’ (as you choose to call them), even with unlimited funding? Do they hope to telescope the millions of years of advanced ET technology into a couple of years to produce ultra high tech weapons to counter the ‘visitors’? Or is this a ruse for getting congress to authorize unlimited defense funding?

2. What is the overall aim and what does the government want to achieve?

3. What is the so called ‘Military Agenda’ you mention?

4. Are other world governments also involved in this ‘conspiracy’?

Around early August, a 'false flag' operation will occur that will make the ETs/Visitors look like they are attacking America.

So? Attack America and then…? With what purpose? How does the Military benefit? How does America benefit? Will the Russians react? The Chinese? The Indians? NATO? Would they be involved in some way in a secret conspiracy? If a country is under threat from ETs then what would be the reaction of other world governments? Or have they been informed of this plan?

Now if you can clearly explain all this in simple terms, it will go a long way to enhance your credibility. As for me, I feel it's nothing but another hoax. But this one borders on the hilarious!

[edit on 24-6-2007 by mikesingh]

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 08:59 AM

Originally posted by redmage
Please, cut the dramatics.
It adds nothing to the thread.

Lighten up dud, I was just adding some entertainment, like the size zero comments? Its called humor, something maybe you lack, judging by your comments.

Furthermore, I would ask you to comment intelligently, rather than simply criticize the written style of a poster's reply.

As for my comments reagrding ATSers, I WAS speaking on behalf of the ATS community, because we have come to expect supporting information from any post, in order for it to gain credibility across this community, that is why we all agree to deny ignorance.

The only thing dramatic in all of this, was YOUR reaction and subsequent post, which made even less of a contribution to this thread than this reply which I am now having to make!

[edit on 24/6/2007 by deaman88]

[edit on 24/6/2007 by deaman88]

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 09:16 AM
why would the us goverment want to make lies and make us go to war with aliens after all the us or who ever could benifit from there technology or if this was to be real how would countries all around the world react like russia,china etc.

in my eyes i need hard evidence to prove something will happen at the moment all it is a guy with a story saying hes from the goverment surely you dont all beleave one man saying something will happen with out any proof??

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 09:50 AM

Originally posted by BlueBoy9
1) There sure is a lot of skeptics around lately.. and may I say that damn, you guys got some fangs.

2) I believe Ghost Rider simply because his posts have a genuine ring to them. The proper grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and lack of internet lingo carry a ton of credibility weight in this age of moronic posters.

3) All the cries for PROOF PROOF PROOF! ......The truth is laid out on a silver platter yet you beg for appetizers and dessert as well....BB

[edit on 24/6/2007 by deaman88]

As I am one of the people stating that the OP is not at this point credible, I would like to respond to your comments...

1) If we were to believe every new thread at face value, as you seem to have done, then we would all be sheeple following blindly the sheeple in front, into the abbatoir of our destinies! I have not read any discerning (or in your eyes skepticle) poster's comments to the OP that is wriitten with 'fangs?' out.

2) SO you believe someone because they have written something well, or it fits into your idea of what a 'disinfo' agent would do? What do you base this knowledge on? I write pretty well, should I say that I am to marry an alien and keep the net lingo out, will you believe it? That I doubt.

3) Can you share that silver platter of yours? does it look a bit like a Youtube video or are you refering to crop circles as glaringly obvious evidence of UFO? Do you yourself have some as yet unannounced evidence the world has not seen? ... No?

We cannot possibly ask for PROOF! as you state, as there would be no need for conspiracys, or related sites now would there?

I am simply asking for supporting information to demonstrte the authenticity of the poster, or some other information that would corroborate his claims, otherwise I will dismiss it, not because I am a skeptic, who wants proof, but all the knowledge readily available on the net, would give rise for me to think that we are not sufficiently 'de-sensitized' to aliens, and that AUGUST is most certainly not a time when the first 'clear and present danger' of aliens will be announced.

As for staying on topic, let's just say that I when I first read the OP's comments, I thought GREAT we'll be able to prove aliens exist (cause I don't have a silver platter)

It would be amazing if the government would declare a fake war against aliens, when they know what mass panic it would create, during summer, no less!!!

Does anyone remember the radioplay form the fourties where mass panic occurred when sheeple thought they were under attack and being invaded by aliens? The world government/Trilateral Union does not want mass panic, and they have learned that controlled disclosure seems to work best, to ensure a more calm response from people towards aliens.

Thats exactly why they won't in two months have the nation subdued to a possible EBE attack! Maybe this might work say in another 20 years, but certainly not today.

Also, IMO this type of story, would probably have been picked up first by intel agents for other government agencies with differing interests eg Russian Intelligence operatives, who always release any threat based intel to the public stage, and I feel that any false flag operation of this type, would also affect countries like Russia China, so this duscussion would be in more internet sites across the world.

It is however, interesting to consider, the motivation behind the urgency to install a missile defense shield being put up across Europe. Perhaps this missile system is used to really protect against UFO's, but concealed as a modern day defense network?

I think that the first stage of announcing the aliens will have to be first (or second) contact. Then, they woul dneed to maintain governmental like protocol between aliens and world. Now introduced, they would need an argument, and then diplomacy, follwed by all out WAR!!

Do you really think this will all have happened by AUGUST???

[edit on 24/6/2007 by deaman88]

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 10:15 AM
I had a feeling it was a hoax the first time Ghost Raven made the posting about the False Flag operation.

However, the more I think about it, the more I Ghost Raven truly:

Bill Ryan and the SERPO folks?

For those who are unfamiliar about the SERPO name, feel free to type it in the search engine of ATSNN's website here.

I will not take any story seriously unless the person proves name, rank and serial number or a form of agent identification along with the Department branch name.

Regardless, I smell a rat.

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 10:16 AM
I would like to believe this was true, because then we could act apon it and do something.
But why would a government agent tell an audience on a forum?
Especially the content he has provided, frankly the government would have killed him off by now in my opinion.
You cannot judge a post by the spelling, structure and use or lack-of shortened words, I wish it was that simple.
If someone really wants to trick the UFO community, then they wouldn't go around using shortened text, because they know it would be blatantly obvious it wasn't genuine.

I'm keeping my mind skeptical at the moment, which is a good thing to do.
I won't believe one word that comes out of this persons mouth until i have some evidence that this isn't a fantasy.

[edit on 24-6-2007 by Watchtheskies]

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by Sanctum1972

I will not take any story seriously unless the person proves name, rank and serial number or a form of agent identification along with the Department branch name.

Regardless, I smell a rat.

Well I don't think that is going to happen didn't he say he was going against government protocol... then again that could just be a ploy so he "can't" reveal such information about himself.

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 10:52 AM
hello, ghostraven.

your story sounds very interesting and unbelievable at the same point.
it does not sound impossible.

but what you concede is that the us government is about to commit a crime which stands against the law of nations.

who issued the order for this operation?

you said that a lot of "workers" were recently drawn to this project.
who selects these workers and what is their specific job?

i suggest that other governments are informed about the matter, too.
what are they going to do about it?

is it connected with dr. greer?

what about the connection between the photo in hal.ibms thread and this operation as he mentioned, do you know?

911 is not over yet, we are still in a state of shock and awareness.
many issues remain unsolved and we are pretty busy and it could be that the governmental background has also been very busy over the last decades.
expect the unexpectable.

does it sound unbelievable or is it a shocking truth when we are talking about this specific subject of a staged attack which originates from the sky above us? the threat from above is a great threat in our imagination. and maybe we should begin to wonder, after all that happened in the world yet.

we cant exclude it and we must pay attention to such a scenario.

i notice media conditioning, too. ghostraven do you acknowledge media conditioning? do you know anything about it in preparation to this operation?
is there a huge campaign like a "NWO - campaign", if so, to what purpose?
is it only us or are there more countires into this?
is it because of extra tresstrial presence which has been discovered in 1947?
is it because there is a need to change current technology?
what do you know about the motivation behind all this?

black american forces cant capture citizens, that is just impossible.
it would be just like the 3rd reich.

what happens if it surfaces?
if they crash with their ARVs?
what if they get shot down entering another country?
what if they capture people from other countries, this would mean war against america.

what will happen to the people they capture? will they kill them?
or will they be brought to detention centers?

this is just insane.

i suggest that the operation is about to happen soon and you have to go to work. please let us know as much as you can.

how can we notice in the media that it is happening?

best regards

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 10:54 AM
for some reason i have the strong feeling, that this thread is going to become huge... right now i'm just asking myself why that's the case... *g*

btw: it would be nice GR to continue posting even though most of the ppl think that your story is a hoax... maybe you can convince them with some more 'written evidence' or at least a drawing of the actual alien spacecraft that was shown to you... haha
- i mean: a drawing of it should not be a problem for you. AND it would not threaten you, your job and your pension if it was discovered by 'your people', because it's simply a drawing that could represent everything and not an original of the photograph that was secretly shown to you. think about it and come back at least(!) with a drawing or so, please.

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 11:04 AM
As interesting as the original post is, I'm afraid I'm skeptical regarding this.
It just seems all too familiar, random government employee "blowing the whistle" on some top secret information, without any strong evidence to back up there claims, and conveniently unable to divulge any personal information because of fears of safety to themselves/there family.

If this person knew about this info 4 months ago, why wait until now to reveal it?

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 11:04 AM
Hmm already 82 flags. Maybe i should open a thread called "If not in August, ET Operation to begin in September, most certainly".

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