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Let's speculate about what happened to the passengers of flight 93?

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posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 07:22 PM
I am still waiting for the facts of flight 93. Thats why i did a FOIA request with the FBI and NTSB.

I am still wating for someone who can give a good explanation of the 2 distinct debris fields so far away from the crash site and why we still have no photos.

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 09:10 PM
But you were basing your theory that the plane was doing wild maneuvering based on what was said in the cockpit.

Again their was not that much said that would indicate they did that much to the plane.

The FDR (Flight Data Recorder) was recovered from the scene - the FDR
gives common flight parameters - airspeed, altitude, engine power setting
and control inputs from the cockpit (rudder movements, turn/bank &
nose up/down).

It shows the hijackers making violent movements of the aircraft to throw
the passengers off their feet to prevent them rushing the cockpit. Also
shows final dive hijackers put plane into when realized passengers would
break into cockpit and gain control again.

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by ULTIMA1
I am still waiting for the facts of flight 93. Thats why i did a FOIA request with the FBI and NTSB.

I am still wating for someone who can give a good explanation of the 2 distinct debris fields so far away from the crash site and why we still have no photos.

Your right. No explanation has been given as to the reason why there is 2 distinctive debris. If the plane "crashed" at high speed to the ground it should of left a heap of debris within the impact area.

Also, there are scores of eyewitnesses whose testimonies contradict the government’s claim that courageous passengers fought hijackers, forcing the jetliner to crash rather than be flown into a building.

Viola Saylor saw Flight 93 pass very low over her house in Lambertsville, which is a mile north of the official crash site. She was in her backyard when she heard a very loud noise and looked up to find herself “nose to nose” with Flight 93, which she says was flying “upside down” as it passed overhead. It was blue and silver, she said, and glistened in the sunlight. It was so low that it rustled the leaves of her 100-foot maple tree in her yard.

It flew southeastward for about three more seconds and even gained elevation before it crashed over the hill with a “thud,” she said.

“It was really still for a second,” she said. “Then all of a sudden” she saw a “very quiet” and low-flying white “military” plane coming from the area of the crash site, flying toward the northwest.

“It was flying very fast, like it was trying to get out of here,” she said. “A second or two” behind the “military” plane were two other planes, which Saylor described as “normal” planes.

Shown a photograph of a Fairchild A-10 Thunderbolt II, a low-flying combat aircraft commonly referred to as a “Warthog,” Saylor identified it as the military plane she had seen. She said she recognized the two engines on the rear and the distinctive shape of the cockpit and nose of the plane.



posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 12:52 AM
anyone ever try to get cell service in a jet a 26,000 feet? i did . on my way from chicago to philly and back again. i didnt get a 1 second flash of service, until i was about 1000 ft on approach. that was in sept 2006. the technology has gotten better since 9-11. i read the percentage of connecting at the altitude they (flight 93)were at was 0.006%. i find it amazing that these people were making calls at the rate they were at that height. stil we all miss the point..its not what happened,we all know the outcome. it's WHO BENEFITED. AFTER 9-11 WE COULD DO ANYTHING WE LIKED, GO ANYWHERE WE WANTED AND COULD ATTACK ANYONE WE WANTED WITH IMPUNITY. we were the only ones that benefited. you all need to google "petrodollar". then you'll know who the new madmen are. the ones changing to the eurodollar. read about hussien,and how he was changing to the euro, research the IRAN OIL BOURSE. C'MON FIGURE IT OUT...DID YOU SEE ANYONE IN THE MIDDLE EAST DANCING IN THE STREETS SCREAMING"WE STRUCK A BLOW AGAINST AMERICA"? no you didnt i got stuck on what happened too then i researched and researched and researched some more i found 3 things i need to know about extensivly 1. the federal reserve 2.the eurodollar 3.the iran oil bourse. find out what your dollar is, follow it from 9-11. get past the main event,and watch the rest of the show STOP DALLYING AT THE SMOKE AND MIRROWS. its only there to keep you occupied

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 02:37 AM

Originally posted by jim3888
anyone ever try to get cell service in a jet a 26,000 feet? i did . on my way from chicago to philly and back again. i didnt get a 1 second flash of service, until i was about 1000 ft on approach. that was in sept 2006. the technology has gotten better since 9-11. i read the percentage of connecting at the altitude they (flight 93)were at was 0.006%. i find it amazing that these people were making calls at the rate they were at that height. stil we all miss the point..its not what happened,we all know the outcome. it's WHO BENEFITED. AFTER 9-11 WE COULD DO ANYTHING WE LIKED, GO ANYWHERE WE WANTED AND COULD ATTACK ANYONE WE WANTED WITH IMPUNITY. we were the only ones that benefited. you all need to google "petrodollar". then you'll know who the new madmen are. the ones changing to the eurodollar. read about hussien,and how he was changing to the euro, research the IRAN OIL BOURSE. C'MON FIGURE IT OUT...DID YOU SEE ANYONE IN THE MIDDLE EAST DANCING IN THE STREETS SCREAMING"WE STRUCK A BLOW AGAINST AMERICA"? no you didnt i got stuck on what happened too then i researched and researched and researched some more i found 3 things i need to know about extensivly 1. the federal reserve 2.the eurodollar 3.the iran oil bourse. find out what your dollar is, follow it from 9-11. get past the main event,and watch the rest of the show STOP DALLYING AT THE SMOKE AND MIRROWS. its only there to keep you occupied

Quote For Truth

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 12:15 PM
BTW, did anyone watch the bull o'rielly factor the night 93 crashed? i did. there was a female reporter who interupted his show with breaking news about the multiple crash sites being worked by the FIB,i mean FBI. sorry freudian slip,indicating the flight had been shot down. she was immediatly chastized by big bill and was told that noone was gonna take away the hero status of the brave people who took it upon themselves to fight back and the abruptly ended the news flash. he then heaily debunked these facts. NO SPIN? UH HUH

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 01:52 PM
Although the evidence does not prove it, there is a possibility IMO that 93 could have been shot down. I doubt it ...but its open for specualtion.

That beign said...why do people question the calls? Does anyone know how many of the calls were made by cell phones or the airphones?

I looked at the evidence that was used in the Moussari trail. From what I see is that only 2 people of the 30 + calls that were places were NOT from the airphones. The airlines have records of all calls that are made from the seat phones obviously for bill purposes.

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 07:49 PM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
Although the evidence does not prove it, there is a possibility IMO that 93 could have been shot down. I doubt it ...but its open for specualtion.

That beign said...why do people question the calls? Does anyone know how many of the calls were made by cell phones or the airphones?

I looked at the evidence that was used in the Moussari trail. From what I see is that only 2 people of the 30 + calls that were places were NOT from the airphones. The airlines have records of all calls that are made from the seat phones obviously for bill purposes.

As stated in a few post backs there are scores of eyewitnesses whose testimonies contradict the government’s claim that courageous passengers fought the hijackers forcing the the plane to descent at high speeds into a empty field.

Viola Saylor saw Flight 93 pass very low over her house in Lambertsville, which is a mile north of the official crash site. She was in her backyard when she heard a very loud noise and looked up to find herself “nose to nose” with Flight 93, which she says was flying “upside down” as it passed overhead. It was blue and silver, she said, and glistened in the sunlight. It was so low that it rustled the leaves of her 100-foot maple tree in her yard.

It flew southeastward for about three more seconds and even gained elevation before it crashed over the hill with a “thud,” she said.

“It was really still for a second,” she said. “Then all of a sudden” she saw a “very quiet” and low-flying white “military” plane coming from the area of the crash site, flying toward the northwest.

“It was flying very fast, like it was trying to get out of here,” she said. “A second or two” behind the “military” plane were two other planes, which Saylor described as “normal” planes.

In reference to the calls i believe they were faked some how. Voice morphing technology is available and has been tested - Source

A Boeing 757, having a metal skin and fuselage, acts like a Faraday cage (is an enclosure formed by conducting material, or by a mesh of such material. Such an enclosure blocks out external static electrical fields). One can make a cellphone call from inside an aircraft whilst on the ground because the weakened signal is still close enough to the nearest relay tower to get picked up. Once above 10,000 feet calls rarely get through, if ever.

Here is the statement of an experienced airline pilot: “The idea of being able to use a cellphone while flying is completely impractical. Once through about 10,000 feet, the thing is useless, since you are too high and moving too fast (and thus changing cells too rapidly) for the phone to provide a signal.” (AVWeb, 1999)

What happened to the people on Board?

Well in my opinion there was no one on the flight at all, it was remotely controlled. The people on board were most probably killed in another way or form. Obviously i have no proof of this but it does make sense as to the reason why the Coroner on site has not seen one drop of blood from the site.

Wally Miller, a Somerset County coroner, told the Houston Chronicle:

"It looked like somebody just dropped a bunch of metal out of the sky."

In the Washington Post..."It looked like someone took a scrap truck, dug a 10-foot ditch and dumped trash into it."

And as for the passengers..."I stopped being coroner after about 20 minutes, because there were no bodies there."

In the Pittsburg Review..."I have not, to this day, seen a single drop of blood. Not a drop."


posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 09:15 PM
Dont you guys know that people from this flight called their families while they were being hijacked? if thats not proof that the plain was really hijacked by terrorists then what is?

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 09:16 PM

Originally posted by xstealth
Dont you guys know that people from this flight called their families while they were being hijacked? if thats not proof that the plain was really hijacked by terrorists then what is?

Did you even peruse what i wrote in the above post


posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 04:55 PM
2 debri fields. Yes a shoot down could have been done. Blowing off a wing and an engine. I dought the government wants us to know that after finding out about the passengers fighting back. The second debri file could also been a wing and engine falling off the airplane after the manuvers the plane went through. Passenger airlines are not made to do high g manuvers. As to no bodies......bodies tend to come apart even in traffic speeds when impacted by a solid object. Think what condition the bodies would be in a high speed plane crash.

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 05:26 PM
The real question here is... why was an A-10 used to shoot down a speeding airliner? ESPECIALLY something like a 757-200? Boeing 757's have an unusual heavy weight for the class of aircraft so it receives it's own class when doing separation. I doubt being behind a 757 is where an A-10 wants to be.

I want to see corroborating evidence to this "A-10" claim because this is the first I've ever heard of it and I don't seem to see anyone else claiming it as well.

The theory that the plane was remotely controlled and the passengers and crew were killed in some other fashion is completely absurd to me because it not only shows a distinct lack of care for life, but also wouldn't it have just been cheaper to keep the crew and passengers in the airplane and remotely control it into the ground or shoot it down?

All of this seems very far fetched to me.

Shattered OUT...

[edit on 27-6-2007 by ShatteredSkies]

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 07:29 PM

Originally posted by ShatteredSkies
The real question here is... why was an A-10 used to shoot down a speeding airliner? ESPECIALLY something like a 757-200? Boeing 757's have an unusual heavy weight for the class of aircraft so it receives it's own class when doing separation. I doubt being behind a 757 is where an A-10 wants to be.
I want to see corroborating evidence to this "A-10" claim because this is the first I've ever heard of it and I don't seem to see anyone else claiming it as well.
The theory that the plane was remotely controlled and the passengers and crew were killed in some other fashion is completely absurd to me because it not only shows a distinct lack of care for life, but also wouldn't it have just been cheaper to keep the crew and passengers in the airplane and remotely control it into the ground or shoot it down?
All of this seems very far fetched to me.
Shattered OUT...
[edit on 27-6-2007 by ShatteredSkies]

Why does it seem far fetched to show distinct lack of care for life?

What about the thousands of innocent lives lost in Iraq, is that not a distinct lack of care for life?

Killing hundreds and hundreds of its own citizens in New York and Pentagon, you think there going to worry about the safety of the remaining 60+?

Please refer to my post above about Voice Morphing Technology. The voice calls could have been Morphed or Faked. It really is not that hard to believe when the software is readily available for the Government to use.

Who knows maybe they were on the plane, and a gas substance was emitted moments before the plane was shot down. Still does not explain how the coroner has not seen one drop of blood till this day from that site.


posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 08:18 PM
Does blood survive in a liquid state from a crash that severe? What about the blood from people in the Everglades crash... did the coroner see their blood?

That's a totally legit question I simply don't know, but it's the very first crash similar to this in a few respects that I could pick off from the top of my head.

Also I made no reference to the voice over technology, only to the idea that an extra effort was made to kill about 50 or so people when simply they could have just been killed in the plane crash and saved the extra man hours.

However, I see a fine line between domestic terrorism and war.

Shattered OUT...

[edit on 27-6-2007 by ShatteredSkies]

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 09:16 PM

Originally posted by ShatteredSkies
Does blood survive in a liquid state from a crash that severe? What about the blood from people in the Everglades crash... did the coroner see their blood?

That's a totally legit question I simply don't know, but it's the very first crash similar to this in a few respects that I could pick off from the top of my head.

Also I made no reference to the voice over technology, only to the idea that an extra effort was made to kill about 50 or so people when simply they could have just been killed in the plane crash and saved the extra man hours.

However, I see a fine line between domestic terrorism and war.

Shattered OUT...

[edit on 27-6-2007 by ShatteredSkies]

I am not sure about your question, but using a bit of logic one can conclude that if the FBI can find a passport which is made from paper, or find Identification and other fragile elements, then im pretty sure they should have found at least a few remains of the passengers on board.

This is often the case with plane crashes there are always some remains of passengers.


posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 09:26 PM

Does blood survive in a liquid state from a crash that severe? What about the blood from people in the Everglades crash... did the coroner see their blood?

As someone who actually walked a jet crash site to flag remains for the
coroner - no there was no blood at our scene. Body parts consisted of
half of chest, hand minus finger, several amputated fingers and rest
can be called "human hamburger" - scraps scattered around scene

As for "mythical" A-10 Warthog, plane seen near crash site was Falcon
business jet owned by VF Corp (which makes Wrangler Jeans). Plane
was coming into Johnstown airport when FAA asked them to make pass
and confirm crash scene. Falcon jets have twin rear mounted engines
near the tail. Looks similar to A-10 which also have 2 rear mounted
engines at tail. For someone not familar with aircraft identification is
very likely to mistake the two aircraft.

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 09:34 PM
Falcon 20

A 10

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 09:36 PM
Try this again

Falcon 20

posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by thedman

Does blood survive in a liquid state from a crash that severe? What about the blood from people in the Everglades crash... did the coroner see their blood?

As someone who actually walked a jet crash site to flag remains for the
coroner - no there was no blood at our scene. Body parts consisted of
half of chest, hand minus finger, several amputated fingers and rest
can be called "human hamburger" - scraps scattered around scene

As for "mythical" A-10 Warthog, plane seen near crash site was Falcon
business jet owned by VF Corp (which makes Wrangler Jeans). Plane
was coming into Johnstown airport when FAA asked them to make pass
and confirm crash scene. Falcon jets have twin rear mounted engines
near the tail. Looks similar to A-10 which also have 2 rear mounted
engines at tail. For someone not familar with aircraft identification is
very likely to mistake the two aircraft.

Do you have any proof that this was a VF Corp, and evidence to suggest that the FAA asked them to make a pass and confirm crash scene?

This is the first I have heard about this in response to many witness reporting a military plane straight after the crash.


posted on Jun, 27 2007 @ 10:11 PM

A second plane, described “as a small, white jet with rear engines and no discernible markings,” is seen by at least nine witnesses flying low and in erratic patterns, not much above treetop level, over the crash site within minutes of the United flight crashing. [Independent, 8/13/2002]

Tom Spinelli: “I saw the white plane. It was flying around all over the place like it was looking for something. I saw it before and after the crash.” [Mirror, 9/12/2002] The FBI later says this was a Fairchild Falcon 20 business jet, directed after the crash to fly from 37,000 feet to 5,000 feet and obtain the coordinates for the crash site to help rescuers. [Pittsburgh Channel, 9/15/2001; Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 9/16/2001]

Above quotes from Cooperative Research

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