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9/11 Activist Arrested And Charged With Espionage At Republican Debate

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posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 07:45 PM

Originally posted by theindependentjournal
The AFTF and Ron Paul, who are linked,

Again? Have you noticed that you're the only person who keeps repeating a connection to this story and RP in this thread? Why are you doing that? Over and over and over. Do you like RP? Do you think he'd appreciate your repeated conjectures in this vein on this public forum?

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 07:46 PM

This is from a guy with the name "eagle 74". I couldn't view his profile, since registration is currently down...

Follow the yellow brick road

Re: THIRD GOP DEBATE (first impression)
« Reply #59 on: Today at 02:00:29 AM »

that video doesnt tell the whole story...once outside he was let go and just told he couldnt go bak inside beccause he wasnt "wanted". matt kept going and insisting on his right to be inside....and basically asked the cop if he tried to go back in the building ignoring the cop would he be this point i got distracted i even thought it was bermas...but for the record...he was arrested for trying to reenter the building..although i couldnt see that the video went you could hear him and te cop and the then the cuffs..initially he was esorted out and told he couldnt go back in..

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 07:47 PM

Originally posted by theindependentjournal
With all due respect those arrested reporters were on AFTF credentials, and they misused them.

While that may prove true [to those concerned with such], what does it have to do with the topic of this discussion? I'm not dismissing your obvious concerns and or interests, I'm just suggesting that you consider starting a thread on such. (?)

The topic of this thread is:
"9/11 Activist Arrested And Charged With Espionage At Republican Debate"


I think your concerns, ['least to me] that this May be an effort to "tie to" or smear Ron Paul's campaign, would find themselves Most welcome in the AbovePolitics forums, though. Just Sayin' ... Intersting thoughts.


Originally posted by jsobecky

I'll dig it out this evening, hopefully, and post it back here.

Thanks. I've been looking around throughout the day and hadn't seen such. Most appreciated. becky
jso, that is.


[edit on 6-6-2007 by 12m8keall2c]


posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 07:51 PM
It's kinda perverted that they smile when they put people in jail
- don't you think?
They smile when taking notes of peoples names... Smile and be happy...I don't understand the meaning of those smiles...

It's like their football coatch told them to KEEP happy..ect.
Throw people in jail BUT keep smiling!!!

It's deeply depressing tendency to see people smile durring such sacrifices - maybe they kinda enjoy see people suffer..Maybe it's a power trip..Must be.
ahh - I finally get it - Somone earlier in this thread was writing about politicans snorting coke...NOW I SEE WHAT THAT MEANT

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 08:28 PM

Originally posted by yuefo

Originally posted by theindependentjournal
The AFTF and Ron Paul, who are linked,

Again? Have you noticed that you're the only person who keeps repeating a connection to this story and RP in this thread? Why are you doing that? Over and over and over. Do you like RP? Do you think he'd appreciate your repeated conjectures in this vein on this public forum?

Sorry folks have to get off topic for just a minute..maybe two.

Hehe I take it you don't know Dr. Ron Paul the Champion of the Constitution. Let me introduce him to you.

Yuefo... Ron Paul
Ron Paul...Yuefo..

He's running for President for 2008.

Congressman Ron Paul is the leading advocate for freedom in our nation’s capital. As a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, Dr. Paul tirelessly works for limited constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, and a return to sound monetary policies. He is known among his congressional colleagues and his constituents for his consistent voting record. Dr. Paul never votes for legislation unless the proposed measure is expressly authorized by the Constitution.

This is the exact reason people here are having this discussion about the reporter being arrested. It was a clear cut violation of the first admendment rights. This is why some people including me are voicing our concerns. And that is why this is our last chance. We are just a step away
from world war or a major disaster and that will change everything for America.

So what are you going to do about it? Continue griping about the little things that does not matter or step up and flood the email boxes of your President, congressmen and congresswomen.

What these grinning apes are doing is wrong and they know it.. Are we gonna let them slip by? We are strong independant Americans and its time to step up.

I would be glad to do this but I can't do it alone. One person cannot be heard but thousands can.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 08:39 PM
this is crazy, police are not suppose to take orders from politicians. police are not suppose to round people up without justification or probable cause. but i guess i am old fashioned.
this is police acting like military, this is the police state.
what will it take for the rest of America to see this fascism ? will giuliani and bush have to wipe their ass with the american constitution on live tv.

Go back to bed, America, your government has figured out how it all transpired. Go back to bed America, your goverment is in control. Here, here's American Gladiators. Watch this, shut up, go back to bed America, here is American Gladiators, here is 56 channels of it! Watch these pituitary retards bang their #ing skulls together and congratulate you on the living in the land of freedom. Here you go America - you are free to do what well tell you! You are free to do what we tell you!
~ Bill Hicks

[edit on 6-6-2007 by 1freelectron]

[edit on 6-6-2007 by 1freelectron]

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by Leyla
Hehe I take it you don't know Dr. Ron Paul the Champion of the Constitution. Let me introduce him to you.

"Hehe," gee thanks for the information but I'm a Ron Paul supporter, and I know he's in the fight of his life to try to get elected. Why don't you pull out a full page ad in the NY Times saying, "Oh btw, even though no one has suggested it, RON PAUL had nothing to do with the Giuliani incident." Why announce your worst fears before they manifest? In politics, you try to keep a zipped lip and don't give the other guy any ideas he hasn't already thought of.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 08:59 PM

Originally posted by theindependentjournal
If you know WHO and WHAT you are you actually can have immediate access to the U.S. Supreme Court. Enough said about this, you wouldn't understand and it would take about 8 years to teach you.

You are very skilled at spin.

My transcripts say my estimated IQ is 158. I don't put much stake into IQ's but it might give you a hint as to what I can "understand". If you would rather not answer a question, I have no problem with that. No need to launch a personal attack. Learning the truth often requires asking and answering questions. It sounded as though you were stating you were superior to other people somehow. Just seeking a clarification to find out where you are coming from.

If I misunderstood one of your posts just say so in a civil manner. I won't be offended. I, like every other human being make mistakes from time to time. Especially when I'm posting from work on a busy day.

Originally posted by 12m8keall2c
Blaine, I think you put forth a valid question.

It just seems really odd to me that CNN would grant credentials to AFTF if that is what happened. I have no reason to doubt what Theindependentjournal said in their first post about it being originally granted to AFTF (I reread to make sure that is what was said). Here is the quote from that post -

I do not know how many of you are aware of Arron Russo and his film America: Freedom to Fascism but he has started a group called AFTF and they finally got press credetials from CNN to be at tonites debate. AFTF, Arron Russo is a huge group of millions that support Ron Paul for president.

Why would CNN get involved with that? Very, very odd indeed. I immediately smelled the proverbial rat. This should be interesting to watch as the facts come out.

I'm still in the dark about the espionage charge?

[edit on 6/6/2007 by Blaine91555]

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 09:04 PM
No.1 - Were ALL the reporters CNN Credentialed?? I would guess press credentials were given to ABC, NBC, ect.

No.2 - I dont think we all watched the same video. Again, the reporter says "SIR", which if anyone is even interested it is the polite way to approach any Male, especially a Male who is older than you. They were not RUDE, BILIGERANT, BULLYING, YELLING, SARCASTIC, ECT. I believe they were acting in the normal decorum of a journalist.



I think of some more.

Anyway, my point is that I think they were very professional and if you watch the video they were surrounded by 20-30 other reporters asking questions like, "So, do you think the abortion issue will hurt Guliani" "Do you think Guliani likes bacon or sausage" "Do you think Guliani would make a good President", you know the TOUGH QUESTIONS.

So, somebody actually asks him a LEGITIMATE question. The reporter asks him if he read the reading material that Ron Paul suggested?? Why is that so bad??? He also asked about Guliani statement that he knew the towers were going to fall.

I just dont see the so called PUNK label you that love to label people make these two out to be. I dont label people but I do see some good reporting when I see it. I think this was SIMPLY GREAT REPORTING.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 09:07 PM

Originally posted by yuefo
"Hehe," gee thanks for the information but I'm a Ron Paul supporter, and I know he's in the fight of his life to try to get elected. Why don't you pull out a full page ad in the NY Times saying, "Oh btw, even though no one has suggested it, RON PAUL had nothing to do with the Giuliani incident."

They are all emotion and no thought.

Shame really. A supposed supporter smearing my favorite candidate.

Hoochy, Layla, IndependentJournal.. get your acts together.

[edit on 6/6/07 by SteveR]

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 09:11 PM
SteveR - Why did you mention me?????

I am waiting for your response SteveR. Not sure what your agenda is with me personally since you called me out but I would love to have a chance to hear your reason.

[edit on 6-6-2007 by hoochymama]

[edit on 6-6-2007 by hoochymama]

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 09:36 PM

Originally posted by SteveR

Originally posted by yuefo
"Hehe," gee thanks for the information but I'm a Ron Paul supporter, and I know he's in the fight of his life to try to get elected. Why don't you pull out a full page ad in the NY Times saying, "Oh btw, even though no one has suggested it, RON PAUL had nothing to do with the Giuliani incident."

They are all emotion and no thought.

Shame really. A supposed supporter smearing my favorite candidate.

Hoochy, Layla, IndependentJournal.. get your acts together.

[edit on 6/6/07 by SteveR]

I got my act together and my name is Leyla, not Layla thats a shame in its self that my name gets mispelled. BTW I was only goofing with Yuefo. I was not smearing anyone.

This post itself is a shame too. And thats another thing nit picking on little things SteveR I mean really.

I happen to be proud of Hoochy, and TIJ at least their speaking up for what they believe in thats more I can say for a few peeps on here.

So from this moment on I guess we're not allowed to say anything anyway. Since we no longer have the right to free speech.

BTW have you or anyone bothered to watch that video that TIJ has posted. Steve of fussing at the three of us perhaps you should watch that instead.

Ganging up on three may not be a good idea. Pick your fights carfully before you choose to attack. You might find yourself an a word fight that equal's a wwf smack down match.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 10:11 PM
Get a clue, I have been supporting the Good Dr. since before his 88 run as a liberatrian. I am also a member of the AFTF and WE GOT HIGHJACKED. CNN gave all the press credentials as it was there debate.

So as to the saying, personal attack and IQ of 185, You attacked me with your emotional crack. And as far as superior to anyone? ABSOLUTELY NOT SUPERIOR, but I have spent over 10 years studying the intricacies of Common Law, Constitutional Law and the like. It was not a crack, it would take 8 years or more to teach you the whole of the matter. If you are truely interested in making yourself what the original constitution wanted you could start with a treatsie called "The Red Amendment" by LB Bork. Be warned it is LEGAL reading and a lot of people won't be able to get it, and no this dont make me superior, hell I cant get electrical diagrams and some can. It is what one is good at or not, it is not about superiority. If you do get the Red Amendment you will need access to Westlaw and a couple of Law Dictionaries at your ready. Let me say in the simplest terms most people ARE U.S. CITIZENS and CITIZENS of the STATE they were born in. Dual Citizenship has some really legal intricacies and implications that the lawyers like to keep secret and babble it up with Law and words that seem to mean one thing and mean another. It all comes down to the Elites taking everything you own, owning everything you do and making you think you are free. YOU ARE NOT FREE and until Americans wake up to those facts and change WHO and WHAT they are in Law they are in fact the property(chattel) of those in the De Facto Governments. I really do not want to get into this it would take 4 pages to explain the very basics. If anyone is truely interested in this stuff email me at [email protected] and I can hook you up with some websites., groups and books that you need. I wish that everyone would claim their rightful status as state national and remove themselves from the jurisdiction of the De Facto government.

Ron Paul is trying to attack the most important part of this De Facto system and "THEY" hate it and are trying to stop him at every turn and to ignore or discredit him, they truely do not know what to do to stop his movement and the growing educating of the American people coming from the internet. They are stumped and have to stoop to a few last resorts, one of which is to link him to the 911 truth movement so that the average joe will call him nuts and disregard him. Another is to infiltrate every group and spread the disinformation and or to make the group look ridiculous to the average soundbyte American.

AFTF is part of this take down of their hold on us the people, and is seeking to motivate and activate the people into action and to educate them and this stuff can quite literally destroy them in their paths and make America FREE again. I am upset as hell that these 911 truthers somehow got the AFTF trust and went into this debate and did what they did. I do not know which ones are responsible, but I tell you now THIS IS A SETUP. The hammer hasn't dropped yet but it will. Dr. Paul is the only chance, in my opinion to take this country back to what it is suppossed to be. And the sabatuers and agents of the bankers/corporations are everywhere. Do you know that a former CIA Director said every major media personality is an agent, he said that to congress. People have to be very careful about whom they are linked to because 9 times out of 10 they aren't who you think, particularly when its a group that starts out to educate the people of their goals plans and game.

Whether it's the scam of Taxes, Global Warming scam, Population control crowd, war machine also known as the military industrial complex, or the De Facto judiciary to the medical field with poisons they pump into us through our food, water and medicine we are being set up for their FINAL SOLUTION. This nation is about to plummet into destruction that no one could have thought possible and the people are paying for their own imprisonment and destruction, all the while smiling and voting for the next American Idol. This whole fiasco in the debate was a setup, with a few goals from what I can see. Destroy the REAL 9/11 truth movement, link Ron Paul and AFTF to the CRAZY 911 truth movement as well as give the average American the soundbytes that will led them to where they want them.

I wish I could put into words what is coming and how soon its coming, I wish I could show you the destruction coming upon us and how most Americans are pawns in their game and are actually acting FOR THEM and the whole time thinking they are acting for truth.

Last night 22 minute before the debate started and out of the blue the Media Director of AFTF made an absurd announcement about us using Loose CHange and WeAreChange in the debate. planning for over a week for this and NEVER ONCE was this ever mentioned. So 15 minutes before the debate started I Sent out warning to everyone including Ron Pauls campaign to distance itself from AFTF and those reporters. I predicted 15 minutes before the debate what was coming, I AM NOT PSYCHIC, I know how they work. I have the emails and the MySpace bulletins to prove this true. How did I know that this debacle was coming? Because it is their SOP, infiltrate and destroy. So that is why for the last 24 hours I have been screaming from the top of my lungs that these people are AGENTS PROVOCATUER. And I have a feeling that it was that media director "Sam" that is the agent that infiltrated AFTF and set this whole thing up. This was not anything but a setup, my God when do they arrest reporters for asking questions and at the Orders of a press secretary for a mobster? This whole situation is nuts and I can't tell which ones are with US THE PEOPLE and which ones are the sabatuers, outside Sam.

I have to go eat, I have been sitting entirely too long and am in pain like you wouldnt believe. I had 2 back surgeries recently and they didnt work so I am in almost constant pain and need to move. I will try to lay out a better and more fluent discertation of the events and how they did it in the next couple of hours. I will start a new thread and call it "The New Hampshire Operation for those that would like to take a look at what I have to say or for those that would like to take me to task over it.


posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 10:31 PM
ooouch TIJ take it easy on your back now. Like I said before the neo's will do anything to twist things around and ruin it for Ron Paul.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 11:03 PM

Originally posted by Leyla
That guy could have said no comment and go on his way Instead he motioned for the police like 4 to 5 officers suddenly appeared.

This is what should have happened. "No Comment", then on his merry way. Most politicians are able to do this. Did someone strike a nerve?

Or was he really out of line.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 11:16 PM

Originally posted by Realtruth

Originally posted by Leyla
That guy could have said no comment and go on his way Instead he motioned for the police like 4 to 5 officers suddenly appeared.

This is what should have happened. "No Comment", then on his merry way. Most politicians are able to do this. Did someone strike a nerve?

Or was he really out of line.

I think that guy was Rudy's Press Sec. And he had that god awful goofy grin. What is up with that? But it was hard to hear everything that was said with the back ground noise. Wonder if anyone here can balance that out. Heard part of that guy saying are you making this up? And a few seconds later that guy telling the reporter to back off.

So I think a major nerve was struck.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 11:26 PM
Last night when I watched the video with no noise in the background, his first question was something on the order of "Did you read the information that Ron Paul gave you". I think he asked it a couple times and since he didn't get a response he followed up with the question about Guliani making his comments about his prior knowledge that the towers were going to fall.

That guy looked like the "Grinch who stole Christmas".

OFF TOPIC: By the way, SteveR, what is your deal with the U2 congratulating me on being on your ignore list????? Is that something I should worry about????? Is that your way of not being able to respond to my questions and having a reasonable discussion on your BS statement about me???? I dont quite understand this because my responses are NEVER directed at ANYONE and I am not DISRESPECTFULL at all.

Whats your problem????

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 11:47 PM
Off topic- He added me too, I'm sure. Sent you a u2u. Is it just me am I wrong for thinking this way? But I feel that this is America's problem. We have to choose. If I offend then I'm sorry. I don't poke my nose into foreign politics because its none of my business. I'm not gonna tell a citizen from France or Germany on who to vote for. Because I don't even live there. I don't mind if someone states their views but someone just spouting off, Then I don't want to hear it.

Back on topic-Anyone here not resistered to vote- please get resistered.
This next election is the biggest one and the most important.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 11:50 PM
Has anyone actually tried to gather all the facts instead of jumping to conclusions?

I have seen some videos of some of these people, like Alex Jones, "just asking questions"...

I can't tell for certain yet since i would have to see exactly what went on, but freedom of speehc doesn't mean "freedom to harass". If these people were "trespassing", then the police will detain them, yes it sounds harsh but it is life.

Another thing some people in here don't seem to realize.... I has been already 6 years since 9/11, but some of you act as if "these people should remember everything that happened that day to the letter, or what was said"... It was a time of conflicting emotions, nobedy was expecting it. When my girlfriend woke me up and told me to watch the tv and i saw one of the towers in flames and another one getting hit i asked her "what movie is that"?... When she said that is not a movie, it took her a minute to take in my question, and I realized what was going on i was speechless, and through the day everything was numb...

Giuliani, and other politicians, or even firefighters who were there will probably not remember everything, there will be images they won't be able to take from their minds, but they have not been discussing this for 6 years.

But i guess some don't really understand this...

As for what is claimed to have happened there, i will actually wait for more information to actually come up, as of now i see too many "claims", and not enough "facts".

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 11:57 PM
The facts are actually in the video.

I can't seem to grasp what is so crazy about them asking these questions. Its not like they asked "You know who blew up the Trade Center Towers, now tell us now". They are very polite for American Journalists.

America has a small attention span. Our celebrities get raked over the coals by Paparazi constantly and there are no arrests made. Clinton was asked WAY CRAZIER questions by the press than these two could ever dream of asking (Im not defending Clinton, I hate him, just making the point about our Reporters in America). Just a couple months ago we were bombarded with Anna Nicole stuff for hours on end and went on for DAYS. There were no arrests.

This is HARASMENT by the Cops as far as I am concerned.

Another thing, quit bringing up whether they had credentials. THEY HAD THEM.

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