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9/11 Activist Arrested And Charged With Espionage At Republican Debate

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posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 12:41 AM

Originally posted by hoochymama
The facts are actually in the video.

I can't seem to grasp what is so crazy about them asking these questions. Its not like they asked "You know who blew up the Trade Center Towers, now tell us now". They are very polite for American Journalists.

America has a small attention span. Our celebrities get raked over the coals by Paparazi constantly and there are no arrests made. Clinton was asked WAY CRAZIER questions by the press than these two could ever dream of asking (Im not defending Clinton, I hate him, just making the point about our Reporters in America). Just a couple months ago we were bombarded with Anna Nicole stuff for hours on end and went on for DAYS. There were no arrests.

This is HARASMENT by the Cops as far as I am concerned.

Another thing, quit bringing up whether they had credentials. THEY HAD THEM.

The problem is that they weren't just asking questions. They were harrassing the guy. They weren't just asking questions they were making accusations. Ones that while you and others may find legitimate, to most people are absurd and insulting. So not only is he harassing the guy, but he is outright insulting the guy and attempting to humiliate him.

Then he is asked for his documentation. And regardless of him saying he has it or not, he refused to present it. Therefore you got a guy who is protesting and harassing people and not able to provide any documentation, how exactly can he not get kicked out?

The guy protesting was in no way polite, he was very rude and insulting. While I am sure it makes for a nice conspiracy, it's simply a guy getting kicked out for being really rude and disruptive. he could have been nice, he could have asked politely. he could have acknowledged that the guy didn't want to discuss his question because it wasn't seen as a legitimate question but rather as a protester baiting him.

Some people argue that they should have to answer any questions. But what if people started asking them about what sexual positions they liked and other insulting things like that? Would it not be wrong to kick that person out? Well, while many people here feel the questions were completely legitimate, to most people they are not.

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 12:46 AM
What Muaddib said is very true. If you were mayor of NYC on 9/11/01, your mind was racing, you were probably talking to yourself, thinking out loud, words don't always come out as cogent, planned, congruous statements at a time like that.

To expect someone to remember every detail on that day is unreasonable. To think that some type of inner knowledge or involvement was revealed through a slip of the tongue is reaching for straws.

Just my .02.

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 12:49 AM
I don't know, seems that Wild Bill Clinton's sexual positions were fair game. Or is it that we've matured since then?

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 12:56 AM
I wasn't aware o reporters asking Bill Clinton about his sexual positions and what not. That's not really true is it? I can see during the impeachment him being questioned about something similar in relation to the act between him and Monica. But was he asked by reporters about his favorite sexual positions and made to answer them? I would find that just as wrong, but I am a little skeptical of that being true. I suppose anything is possible though, right?

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 12:56 AM
The video is on the first page. Please point out the harrasment with the "time" in the video. I would love to see where this harrasment happened.

The questions were (paraphrasing): "Did you read the material that Ron Paul suggested you read about our Foreign Policy" and the follow up "Can you answer WHY GULIANI KNEW THE TOWERS WERE GOING TO CALLAPSE"??(I can find those videos if you want, but they are available EVERYWHERE) Arent these legitimate questions to ask one of the so called TOP TIER CANDIDATES????

If you watch the video, as the "Grinch who stole Christmas" asked him for his documentation, he says "Its right here" and SHOWS HIM HIS PRESS PASS.

You mentioned he was protesting and wasnt polite. Please point out the "time" on the video where this alleged no-pliteness happened. I would gladly watch the video again and pay even more attention to where you say this is happening.

He didnt ask him about sexual positions, he asked him about the most historical event in MY LIFETIME and one of the most historical events in anyones lifetime.


[edit on 7-6-2007 by hoochymama]

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 01:03 AM
Most of the interviews he did were WAY after the event. I will find the videos where he says he knew the towers were going down and post them. I have also seen the BBC videos where they mention WTC7 collapsing and it hadn't even happened yet. I will post those too.

This is way bigger than the Trade Towers and is more about the Military Industrial Complex.

In Fresno, CA there are maybe 350,000 people who live withing the City Limits. I heard on the radio they are ready to accept over $100,000 Police budget. I almost s**t my pants. I couldnt believe it. Besides it being only 74 degrees today, this was almost as much as a shock.

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 01:05 AM

Originally posted by jsobecky
To expect someone to remember every detail on that day is unreasonable. To think that some type of inner knowledge or involvement was revealed through a slip of the tongue is reaching for straws.

Hmmmm, not if that slip of the tongue resulted in millions suspecting the guy to be part of the inside job agenda on 911....

That's something an individual would remember all his life, I think...

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 01:08 AM

Originally posted by hoochymama
The video is on the first page. Please point out the harrasment with the "time" in the video. I would love to see where this harrasment happened.

The questions were (paraphrasing): "Did you read the material that Ron Paul suggested you read about our Foreign Policy" and the follow up "Can you answer WHY GULIANI KNEW THE TOWERS WERE GOING TO CALLAPSE"??(I can find those videos if you want, but they are available EVERYWHERE) Arent these legitimate questions to ask one of the so called TOP TIER CANDIDATES????

If you watch the video, as the "Grinch who stole Christmas" asked him for his documentation, he says "Its right here" and SHOWS HIM HIS PRESS PASS.

You mentioned he was protesting and wasnt polite. Please point out the "time" on the video where this alleged no-pliteness happened. I would gladly watch the video again and pay even more attention to where you say this is happening.

He didnt ask him about sexual positions, he asked him about the most historical event in MY LIFETIME and one of the most historical events in anyones lifetime.


[edit on 7-6-2007 by hoochymama]

Is was harassment from the beginning to end. And while the question about Ron paul may be legitimate, the other ones were insulting. Especially in the accusitory way they were asked. That wasn't simply asking questions, it was protesting. Maybe what someone else was right, the "reporter" was paniced at the time and things came out wrong, but the rest of the people there have no way of knowing that.

And again, no, not really legitimate questions, just baiting. The whole pretext is an issue of quote mining and taking things out o context. And an issue that also the accusies are completely unaware of, so even more reason for it to be seen as protesting. For a lot of us on here they may seem legitimate because the consensus is that there is a conspiracy going on. but keep in mind that these guys they are talking to have no idea what infowars are, and have no idea about the 9/11 conspiracy movements other than there are people out there who think 9/11 was an inside job. So from their perspective 9whether it be right or wrong) this is some nut job protesting and harassing people who doesn't hav credentials.

As for the point he was impolite? From the start of the video to the point he was kicked out. And I didn't say he asked about sexual positions, I said that it's seen as the same thing, absurd. Not to most people here absurd, but to most people outside of the conspiracy movements. And my point being a difference in what people here and those people consider appropriate.

But more importantly, had the 'reporter' asked in a proper way, he wouldn't have been kicked out. He would have ended up explaining himself instead of spazing out. He may still not have gotten an answer, but at least it wouldn't have been rude and he wouldn't get kicked out.

how many other reporters did we see badgering people?

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 01:42 AM
My goodness what to say, what to say.

So let me see if I understand this. If there is a group in government that some people believe are responsible for death of own citizens in a sick game of power and money we should always play by there rules and act nice ?

Oh no the 9-11 truther was getting aggressive with a government fat cat that think his money and tittle make him better than the rest of us. how shameful.

If you believe in the N.W.O. and think you can behave like a mild manner citizens and the elite will just stop being bad little boys and girls and start playing nice, you are a fool.

You have to get in there face. You have to bring the fight to them.

Does no one understand that asking a killer to " Pretty please stop you murderous ways. " does not work.

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 02:04 AM

Originally posted by snoopy
Is was harassment from the beginning to end. And while the question about Ron paul may be legitimate, the other ones were insulting. Especially in the accusitory way they were asked. That wasn't simply asking questions, it was protesting.

Now, I know I'm on the other side of the Atlantic, but after being subjected to certain of our friends from the other side of the pond on ATS repeatedly posting paranoid "UK Police State" threads I thought this whole incident was both amusing/disturbing.

My question to you Snoopy however, is this;

Shouldn't a highly paid professional campaign manager/public relations specialist be able to calmly and professionally answer questions put to him by any source - even if that person is slightly excited - without having to resort to requesting that person be removed from the building? Even if its with a "no comment" or a promise (that doesn't have to be fulfilled if you think about it) - to take time out and answer the questions at a less busy time - and thus take the whole heat out of the situation there and then?

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 02:20 AM
pisses me off, everyone who says they were right ot arrest them, are not the most emotive way i can i will tell you to stop being lazy and look harder at the presentation of the truthiness cults. Hail Ron Paul. Thank you Colbert..

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 02:27 AM

Originally posted by DarkMile77

Oh no the 9-11 truther was getting aggressive with a government fat cat that think his money and tittle make him better than the rest of us. how shameful.

See, right here is the problem. They really do think they are better. The spend their lives convincing other people of that as well. It is a self-deluded aristocracy. One that could stand to be knocked down a peg or two, in my opinion. But the real power is not who or what they are or what they think. The real power comes from other people's perceptions. The yes-men that kiss their behinds and spread their glory.

Think I am making that up? I actually have real experience there. You see, I had fame thrust upon me within a circle. As a 17 year old (no vote, underage--you get the idea) I was courted by the GOP locally. So much in fact I was invited often to fund raiser dinners to meet and great. I happened to hear the conversation to one that was told to be very polite and basically kiss my behind because more than money, I had influence and connections. I met GHW Bush during the 88 campaign and had to turn down a dinner with Quayle due to prior scheduled commitments. And the politician that invited me expressed actual disappointment. He did pull me aside one time and offered me a career in politics when I felt ready, because I did understand how things worked. He admittly wished he had the pull for me to meet President Reagan, because he felt that we have a good conversation and that some strings could be pulled to get me in Hollywood as an actor. Not a real big deal, but he handwrote me a letter of congradulations after graduating high school in 1989. So yes, it could be said that I made a good impression on the man, since no one else even recieved a standard form letter.

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 03:51 AM

Originally posted by snoopy

Is was harassment from the beginning to end. And while the question about Ron paul may be legitimate, the other ones were insulting. Especially in the accusitory way they were asked. That wasn't simply asking questions, it was protesting. Maybe what someone else was right, the "reporter" was paniced at the time and things came out wrong, but the rest of the people there have no way of knowing that.

Are we even talking about the same video, you've seen it right? What kind of world do you want to live in where politicians can hide behind their pr machines and police friends when facing 'insulting' questions. That was indeed just asking a question, or do you think all the other reporters on the scene were harrassing this guy too?

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 04:30 AM

Originally posted by theindependentjournal

*Google Video*

Originally posted by 12m8keall2c


With all due respect, and sincere appreciation for your concerns.

This thread IS NOT about America Freedom To Fascism. Period

Does a thread about discussion of this video already exist somewhere? If not, I (or somebody else) should create one, since this video brings up a lot of important information.

[edit on 6/7/2007 by SonicInfinity]


posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 05:26 AM

Originally posted by Leyla
Off topic- He added me too, I'm sure. Sent you a u2u. Is it just me am I wrong for thinking this way? But I feel that this is America's problem. We have to choose. If I offend then I'm sorry. I don't poke my nose into foreign politics because its none of my business. I'm not gonna tell a citizen from France or Germany on who to vote for. Because I don't even live there. I don't mind if someone states their views but someone just spouting off, Then I don't want to hear it.

Back on topic-Anyone here not resistered to vote- please get resistered.
This next election is the biggest one and the most important.

I think it's time to leave you Americans alone with these issues - because you seems to wake up in great numbers now.
Anyway - im perfectly ignored -

And it's good
- I think it's a healty sign to ignore people from outside - Im sure you can take care on these matters from now on..

Just give us a call when hell breaks loose.


Be local

Back on topic-Anyone here not registered to vote- please get registered.
This next election is the biggest one and the most important.

EDIT: I think the American soul is an open scar right now - Please leave them alone now... IMO. They need a Doctor. uhm.. - Call 911

[edit on 7-6-2007 by Ram]

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 07:05 AM

Originally posted by DarkMile77
If you believe in the N.W.O. and think you can behave like a mild manner citizens and the elite will just stop being bad little boys and girls and start playing nice, you are a fool.

You have to get in there face. You have to bring the fight to them.

Does no one understand that asking a killer to " Pretty please stop you murderous ways. " does not work.

The only thing that this will accomplish is to bring some very unpleasant attention upon your head.

The politician/staff member will just stand there smiling patiently while you create a scene. It will be interpreted as disturbing the peace, and the authorities will come and escort you away. You will appear unhinged, and will lose popular support. Your reputation will suffer and you will be relegated to the fringe elements of society.

Is this the way to accomplish your goals?

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 07:38 AM
There was a reply from a witness that stated he saw the incident outside, and how he attempted to re-enter the building after bieng told to leave.

1. He was told to leave by Police who were monitoring the event, not Guiliai staff. He was harrassing Guilianis staff with, to be honest, stupid questions. I am tired of 9/11 as a platform. It was a tradgedy, and the left and center always complain of GOP remembrance of 9/11. It is hypocritical.

2. Once outside, he simply needed to leave. If he attmepted to go back in, he may have malicious intent, I mean, the police do not know. This is stupid on his part. He was arrested and lucky he was not charged with resist/non-violent which can be a felony in some states.

3. He was booked and released in a small town jail, not a prison. He was allowed a call where he was explained he was to be taken to a secret facility. Sorry, but this guy is a bs artist and sounds like the guy you know who tells you he is a black belt before you fight him, ballless. I bet he cried but that won't be on the web cam.

4. The use of the CNN credential is strange, but remember also this was not even the part of the convention where the presidential hopefuls were, this was a side stage holding area for all the other press. THese guys could not even get to Guiliani so they harass someone else.

5. WHere is the proof he was charged with espionage?

[edit on 7-6-2007 by esdad71]

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 08:28 AM
There seems to be this arguement that won't go away. Some are saying the person was removed illegally because he asked a question. Some are saying that being removed in such a way was fascist. While I don't agree with what happened as far as the manor of questioning, the fact is, it would have happened the same way if it were you or I answering questions.

If you worked for Dairy Milk Bottling Corp. and you were giving a press conference and a reporter stepped up and started asking, "Is it true that you use cows infected with Mad Cow disease for producing milk?" And you told them that the question was silly and asked them what publication they were from and they responded with, "John Doe from Mad Cow Liberation Front, will you please answer the question Mr. You, please tell us the truth, have you been using Mad Cows to produce milk? I have proof that you have. If you want to take a moment to sit down and we'll watch the video. Please answer the question. I think you owe America an answer." And this reporter continually badgered you to give an answer that you didn't have an answer to you would have asked for him to be removed from the conference for disrupting it. The person would have been removed and that would have been the end of it. Until he tried to re-enter.

Sorry for such an odd comparison, but I just wanted to get away from all the politics and questioning and get down to what really happened. The reporter made a public disturbance and was told to leave. When he wouldn't he was removed. If the politician had tried to move on to the next question, I don't believe the repoter would have let him. I think he would have continually asked his questions, thus halting the conference all together. It's a shame that he had to conduct himself in such a manner and it's a dishonor to the entire movement.

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by theindependentjournal
Language, interesting notion, yet it is language, my mom used to tell me "sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me" my mom was pretty bright woman eh? If my use of a couple of PG-13 words upset you that much please accept my deepest and sincerest apology. I wanted to get across the Urgency and the angriness of my mood, I felt I choose good words for that mood yet stayed within pg-13 bounds.

Again if a few pg-13 words that show anger and disgust offended some of you I am sorry, but maybe adult forums about emotional topics aint the place for you to hang out. Maybe the forums on Disney or Faux News that are moderated and edited to the point of being jibberish with no subtance is the place for you. If you don't understand the frustration and anger of many Americans and what is happening to us by the military industrial complex, International Bankers, corporations and paid for news then I feel sorry for you. quote][/

[edit on 6/7/07 by cosmo dag]

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 10:00 AM
" Mr." Independent Journal,
Obviously you couldn't accept a respectful bit of constructive advice without lowering yourself to making a personal jab. I won't justify your comments with any response that would appear defensive, I don't owe you any kind of explanation at all. I was only pointing out what has appeared to be a consistent policy here on ATS. Your inabilty to accept a constructive comment for the benefit of the community tells me all I need to know about your psychological perspective. I'm interested in facts, information, and solutions, not tantrums. Good luck with that.

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