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9/11 Activist Arrested And Charged With Espionage At Republican Debate

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posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by Leyla
I don't mind if someone states their views but someone just spouting off, Then I don't want to hear it.

Ram did you not read my post.. I had no arguement with you at all.
Some people simply states their views and we get attacked. So please continue to post here. If I offended you I'm sorry your were not the target.
Sent you a u2u.

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 10:49 AM

Originally posted by tyranny22

If you worked for Dairy Milk Bottling Corp. and you were giving a press conference and a reporter stepped up and started asking, "Is it true that you use cows infected with Mad Cow disease for producing milk?" And you told them that the question was silly and asked them what publication they were from and they responded with, "John Doe from Mad Cow Liberation Front, will you please answer the question Mr. You, please tell us the truth, have you been using Mad Cows to produce milk? I have proof that you have. If you want to take a moment to sit down and we'll watch the video. Please answer the question. I think you owe America an answer." And this reporter continually badgered you to give an answer that you didn't have an answer to you would have asked for him to be removed from the conference for disrupting it. The person would have been removed and that would have been the end of it. Until he tried to re-enter.

This is a yes or no question. There is a one word answer for it.

if yo said no and they had proof, it's just a matter of looking at their proof and proving it wrong. That shouldn't be that complicted.

[edit on 7-6-2007 by ThaDewd]

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 11:00 AM

Originally posted by esdad71
There was a reply from a witness that stated he saw the incident outside, and how he attempted to re-enter the building after bieng told to leave.

And how reliable is this witness, I mean the place must've been swarming with Guiliani's staff, friends and police who are sympathetic to him.

1. He was told to leave by Police who were monitoring the event, not Guiliai staff. He was harrassing Guilianis staff with, to be honest, stupid questions. I am tired of 9/11 as a platform. It was a tradgedy, and the left and center always complain of GOP remembrance of 9/11. It is hypocritical.

The press has every right to ask any stupid question that they come up with. It doesn't matter what you think about the topic, they have the right and duty to do so.

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 11:04 AM

Originally posted by ThaDewd

This is a yes or no question. There is a one word answer for it.

if yo said no and they had proof, it's just a matter of looking at their proof and proving it wrong. That shouldn't be that complicted.

[edit on 7-6-2007 by ThaDewd]

Exactly, a good politician would've seen the evidence and made his comments but what if the press has evidence that incriminates someone? That's when it gets complicated and they do stupid stuff like get the press member arrested.
Personally I would've tried to lie my way out of it. That would be better than just making sure everyone thinks you're guilty by getting the cops involved. But I'm not in politics so what do I know...

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 12:13 PM
Bottom line is....get used to this. People are beginning to awaken to the 'agenda' and it will get much worse before it gets better. Some people apparently have to have all the pieces set in the puzzle for any clarity. Those posters that have been on this site now for years and continue to diffuse, distort and deny that which now is obvious think they've insulated themselves from the agenda. The reality is unless you're in the Big Club....the Gulfsteam 5, three estates worldwide, and at least a $500 million portfolio you'll be on the outside looking in. Who here qualifies???....perhaps a show of hands.

"Oh foolish man, what can you not be made to believe"?-Weishaupt

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 12:19 PM
You can ask any question you want, but ask the right person the right way. This is not middle school. THis is the real world where there are reprecussions.

Also, you have your witness, and now we have another side to the story. HAve an open mind. I mean, that is the agenda here right, have an open mind. Why can you discredit my witness yet I cannot dissect the young man with the web cam.

[edit on 7-6-2007 by esdad71]

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 01:22 PM

Originally posted by ThaDewd
This is a yes or no question. There is a one word answer for it.

if yo said no and they had proof, it's just a matter of looking at their proof and proving it wrong. That shouldn't be that complicted.
[edit on 7-6-2007 by ThaDewd]

Correct. But, there is no "easy" answer for it.

Like you say, if he says no and they have proof – he's just lied to everyone and must disprove the evidence, which could lead to even more tideous disputes. If he says yes then he's incriminated the whole conspiracy behind the event.

The best thing to do, if your in that situation, is to ignore it and hope it goes away. But, thankfully, 6 years later we have not gone away.

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 01:46 PM
Can anyone here decipher what it was that the Giuliani staffer said to the police officer? It has been alleged that he ordered the officer to arrest the reporter.

I can't make out what was said, but it was a very short exchange, and didn't seem long enough to give an order.

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 01:58 PM
How long of an exchange do you need? "Arrest/remove that man." would have done it.


posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by Leyla

Ram did you not read my post.. I had no arguement with you at all.
Some people simply states their views and we get attacked. So please continue to post here. If I offended you I'm sorry your were not the target.

I mentioned a Doctor - Call 911...
A sad joke in these times - but a joke no matter who thinks otherwise.

Ron Paul - A Doctor for the scar in USA.. Every Country have a living soul and so does America. Like any living plant animal ect.

It's like a Doctor operating on that scar - that the earth has. injecting he's needle of anti-infection into the system.

What we call such medicine?

He's not only your (next) president - he's also your Doctor - And to take it even further - You know that medicine expression?

Find the cause of the disease - Don't just put a plaster on it - Or remove it with a laser.

These new people who will rise after Ron Paul is elected are kinda medicine men and womans. It's also part of the American soul - The indians and their spirits ect... This is proberly bigger than we can think of. O.o

When I hear Alex Jones speak about your countrys past - The history of your country - He goes far back in time - And that guy makes tears come towards my eye sockets - so he's not kidding - Your founding fathers and their souls and their ideas - Goes through your nation right now - and every living American...

It's a very sensitive period of time for the American soul - And I mean it.

It's a good idea for the rest of the world to understand this - To be good towards Americans - and their society - Cuz it's been highjacked.

Children going to school with barbed wire around - and children going nuts with guns...We need a grand healing on this planet. A huge effort.

And that includes - new leaders - and we need to use all the knowlegde that our families has gathered through the aprox 2000 years of human evolution - everybody is invited to this - and everybody did their part to fill out the expressions and lust for world peace.

All the poetry - So to speak like - Nobody lived without a reason - nobody commited suicide without affecting the whole of humanity. And nobody suffered and died for no reason.

One thing is for sure - it didn't help with weapons and bullets...Thats money talk.

In that hall - where these journalist made history a couple of days ago - they left a mark for future generations.
The camcorder - Even Hitler was very interrested in cameras - It's a very powerful tool....
Check out this video - about Hitler - and you know he knew that was a powerful tool..

Google Video Link

Hitler speaks.

They are using the media - it's information war.

I also posted a video about a journalist who tells us how George Bush's grandfather aided Hitler and the Third Reich come into power, and also compares propoganda techniques used by the Bush Administration of today with the techniques used by Adolf Hitler.
Everything that is happending now has a history behind it - and it does go back to your founding fathers and what it emplies of information. Of ancient culture and everything - Every human killed in wars and every Animal wiped out by human hand - It all fits together..

That is also one reason I often run of topic - cause it's all tied together. And I love things that fits...
It's about media basically.
im not offended Leyla.

And make sure you registre for voting this time - because it's a big one..

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 03:48 PM
Can anyone tell me what was the question that was asked?

I have not seen the video.

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by selfless
Can anyone tell me what was the question that was asked?

I have not seen the video.

....Selfless you jest... Go back to the first page and watch the video.

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by Leyla

Originally posted by selfless
Can anyone tell me what was the question that was asked?

I have not seen the video.

....Selfless you jest... Go back to the first page and watch the video.

When I tell people I don't have high speed i get told that i shouldn't keep reminding people I have 56k.

When I don't tell people I don't have high speed i get the same treatment.

What a dilemma.

So what was the question that was asked? Can anyone tell me the question here?

[edit on 7-6-2007 by selfless]

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 04:37 PM
There is lots of back ground noise so it is hard to hear everything. But it was Who told Rudy that the buildings were going to collapse. Then the guy said are you making this up. Either show your Press ID or back off. Thats the bit of it. The guy refused to answer his (Matt's) question. Then 4 to 5 cops got him and escorted him away.

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 05:12 PM
I went looking to see if there had been any updates, or if there was possibly other footage of this incident.

Here are three additional videos. The first two show how things played out from different angles, perspectives, and camcorders.

The third appears to have been recorded after he had been released.

Google Video Link

Google Video Link

Personally, I think the Main cause for his being removed is the Manner in which he conducts himself. Even some of the other reporters commented that his Approach was a bit out of line, excessive.

As for his ultimately being arrested, I would say is quite obvious Why.
He asks the officer(s) if they intend to arrest him if he walks past them, back into the building. They assure him that if he does he Will be arrested. That part he brought upon himself, plain and simple.

? thoughts ?

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by selfless
So what was the question that was asked? Can anyone tell me the question here?

The question asked of Giuliani's spokesperson was this (paraphrased):

On ABC, Giuliani said he had foreknowledge of the WTC collapse. When asked who told him and who he told, he recanted his original statement and said that he never made it. Would you comment on that?

Originally posted by Leyla
Either show your Press ID or back off.

I don't believe that's accurate. The reporter did show his press credentials. What the spokesman asked for was documentation for his question. In other words, he wanted documentation to show Giuliani's statement and recantation thereof, to which the reporter offered to show the video of it. But the spokesman squirmed out of that, too.

Originally posted by 12m8keall2c
Personally, I think the Main cause for his being removed is the Manner in which he conducts himself. Even some of the other reporters commented that his Approach was a bit out of line, excessive.

There were other reporters being just as pushy. Reporters are pushy. That may have been why he was removed, but he wouldn't have gotten his question answered any other way either. The guy before him asked a difficult question and the spokesman said, "Next question."

The problem with politicians is that they don't answer the difficult questions. If Matt had asked politely (he was very polite at first) because the question was difficult, it still wouldn't have been answered.

He asks the officer(s) if they intend to arrest him if he walks past them, back into the building. They assure him that if he does he Will be arrested. That part he brought upon himself, plain and simple.

True. But he had a right to be in the building. Can police just tell everyone what to do? ?Do we have to obey police without question? There was NO REASON for Matt to be barred from the building other than Giuliani's people didn't want him there. And that's not good enough, legally, to arrest a person.

If you were walking home after work and a cop told you you can't walk any further, even though there was NO reason for doing so, would he have the right to arrest you if you walked further? Are the cops there to do the bidding f the politicians?

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 06:03 PM
These other video's was much better to hear then the first one. If I was a little off then I am sorry.

Wow the police did escort him out but when he did try to go back in he was arrested.

That Ed guy was a jerk-don't ask 9-11 questions to Rudy's team. He might have gotten a bit pushy but that guy refused to answer his question. That shows me Rudy has something to hide.

But I had no idea that Rudy was directly involved in that deal with the super highway corridor in Texas and he wants to be our next President?
He's not getting my vote.
That grinning ape is selling us out.

[edit on 6/7/2007 by Leyla]

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 06:05 PM
That is the point. "Are the cops there to do the bidding of the politicians." I gave you points on that one, because that is the salient point here. The person who DIRECTED the cops to remove that person did not have the right to tell them what to do.

Giving a candidate and his/her workers the power to direct police in matters of police business is unlawful. The arrest is unlawful because it was performed as a service to a private individual, and not as a public service.

Thank you for bringing up a point that I thought of earlier but failed to post.

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 06:05 PM
The people running the event have EVERY right to ask anyone to leave that they chose. And once you're asked to leave, you do NOT have the right to just walk back in. You have had your press pass revoked, and are no longer allowed to be in the venue. The police were right to arrest him for trespassing once he as told to leave the premises.

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by Zaphod58
The people running the event have EVERY right to ask anyone to leave that they chose. And once you're asked to leave, you do NOT have the right to just walk back in. You have had your press pass revoked, and are no longer allowed to be in the venue. The police were right to arrest him for trespassing once he as told to leave the premises.

Except that it wasn't the people who were running the event who got him arrested. They actually wanted him to stay. It was a CNN event, not Guiliani's.

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