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9/11 Activist Arrested And Charged With Espionage At Republican Debate

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posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 05:11 PM
jsobecky, I would wish for a level of civility in any social realm, but it may well be a thing of the past. These are very young and couragous Americans 'doing' exactly what we all sit on our duffs and bit*h about routinely. I admire them greatly and their manner is just a reflection of young wild horses who have yet to have been saddled and broken. It's a beautiful thing!

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 05:12 PM
Omg, espionage. That's just ridiculous. Would any other reporter for example ABC or CNN be charged with that if they'd do the same? This just seems like 21st century witch hunt to me. Imho the message they're sending is that they have so much to hide that they'll come up with any charge they can to cover their tracks.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 05:12 PM
Update on Lepacek: He was no longer in custody as of 2PM this afternoon when I called and spoke with the Statey in Goffstown.

Edit: The only place I heard of espionage was supposedly in the phone call that Lepacek made from the jail to his buddy. So before we start making wild assumptions here, let's get our facts straight.

Maybe he thought it was time to jack up the drama level a notch or two? Absent any formal charges, I have to wonder about that "charge" of espionage.

[edit on 6-6-2007 by jsobecky]

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 05:14 PM

Originally posted by jsobecky
Update on Lepacek: He was no longer in custody as of 2PM this afternoon when I called and spoke with the Statey in Goffstown.

If they'd really suspect him of espionage then they probably wouldn't let him walk. Maybe they started to see their mistake and are now backing out of this mess.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by PsykoOps
If they'd really suspect him of espionage then they probably wouldn't let him walk. Maybe they started to see their mistake and are now backing out of this mess.

I don't know if the charges were dropped or if he was arraigned and posted bail.

Arraignments from the previous night's misdeeds are often done after lunch and after the morning's business is concluded.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 05:26 PM
The D.A. WILL NOT, repeat NOT charge him with this. The effectively removed him form the debate and made it look like yu can be arrested and jailed for asking questions, this serves to scare reporters that would think of doing the same. Its an old tactic, very old. This will probably end up witha federal case of false arrest and civil liberties tort claim with the state firing the officer and paying off the claimant. This wll all be done with a hush hush clause so they can not admit to ay wrong doing and no press coverage of the settlement. And the claimant will be barred from talking about it publicly.

If it were me I would NOT settle I would make them go to a Jury and make this very public, I would go after the State Governor as the top law enforcement officer, the State Plice Chief as well as the town and city police. I would only settle for PUBLIC ADMISSION OF GUILT, PUBLIC APOLOGY, and the firing of the officer and criminal charges against him with a mandatory 6mobths in jail if convicted. This is the only way I would settle, this way the next time some gooniani goon says arrest that credentialed reporter and remove him, the cop would say, I AM NOT GOING TO PRISON FOR YOU, SCREW YOU GOONIANI.

Just my opinion and what I would do in this case, but I am a little different than most and would claim a different status/standing in the courts which they couldn't fight. They would fire the cop and jail him to stop the case, they have no problem sacrificing others for their actions.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by esdad71
I come from an old world where if someone approached me the way the man did in the video, I would feel threatened and hit him.

Wow, you come from a pretty insecure world don't you. Please illustrate the "way" in which he was approached, and help me understand how it was threatening to the point that you believe physical violence was justifiable.

Never mind, you can't. I just realized the "way" in which he was approached, was caught on video. If it were you on the video, being questioned in the exact same manner, and you felt "threatened" enough to hit the guy, that video would land you in jail, and it'd take a jury about 14 seconds to reach a verdict.

I've appreciated your posts in the past, found them thought provoking and informative. Please keep it up.

The only threat was that he was asking a question they didn't want to answer.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 06:04 PM
Theres an article up about this at

(RawStory)-A reporter advancing 9/11 conspiracy theories in a heated exchange with advisers to Rudy Giuliani was arrested following Tuesday night's Republican debate.

Full story here

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 06:15 PM

Originally posted by jsobecky
My understanding was that Lepacek was arrested after he tried to re-enter the building after being escorted out by the police. He had been pre-warned that he would be arrested for criminal trespass if he tried to re-enter.

Source? jso ... as I've neither seen, read, nor heard Anything that would support such claims.

Thanks in advance.


posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 06:26 PM

Originally posted by theindependentjournal

I am a little different than most and would claim a different status/standing in the courts which they couldn't fight. They would fire the cop and jail him to stop the case, they have no problem sacrificing others for their actions.

You seem to have an issue with controlling your emotions. Law abiding people are not "Sheeple" and calling people you want interviewed names like "Gooniani" will not help you deliver a message. In fact it guarantees that most people will never listen.

How are you different and what do you mean by "a different status/standing in the courts?

From your earlier post you mention that AFTF has "millions" of followers. I can not find anything to corroborate that; even on their own site? How many "volunteers" does AFTF have? Is it possible to get a financial disclosure sent to me? Is AFTF a 501(C)[5] or similar Organization or a for profit group? If they are for profit why are donations and volunteers being asked for?

Forgive me if I've misinterpreted your relationship with AFTF? I find it unclear from your posts.

Back on topic -

The person who was escorted out of the debate venue did everything he could to guarantee he would be asked to leave. That sort of behavior may fool some but not many. All he ever wanted was that tape to beef up sales at the organization sites he is involved with. The AFTF site is all about money. Very little information other than the sales pitches beefed up by tapes of rants. Everything about that site is designed to get the visitor to cough up a credit card.

My second thought is about CNN. I think it is possible this whole thing was a set up by them and they knew what would happen. Controversy means viewers. Viewers means ratings. Ratings means money. Follow the money. CNN was not being helpful. They were looking for just what they got. You can see the real media cameras all around and I'll bet most were from CNN. CNN could care less about anyones truth movement.

I can't find any evidence the person was charged with espionage? Any links to a news source or a copy of the arrest report? I apologize in advance if I've missed it somewhere?

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 06:26 PM

Originally posted by esdad71

The only possible disinfo that took place was the stopping of the question that was not suitable for the agenda of the Neocons.


posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 06:46 PM
I wonder what will be the last straw as I read this thread. Earlier, he was charged with trespassing. Espionage? For asking two questions? Harassment maybe, but espionage? It will interesting to see if the charges are dropped. Espionage?

What has America become?

The less peaceful part of me is kicking in.

Are you willing to die for freedom in the revolution?

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 06:49 PM

Originally posted by Blaine91555
You seem to have an issue with controlling your emotions.

was that supposed to hurt? and is that your professional medical evaluation?

Originally posted by Blaine91555
Law abiding people are not "Sheeple"

Sheeple are those that can't think for themselves and follow some false paradigm of right and left

Originally posted by Blaine91555
and calling people you want interviewed names like "Gooniani" will not help you deliver a message. In fact it guarantees that most people will never listen.

Gooniani is a play on the fact that giuliani is italian who's family has mob ties and goon is a mob term and it rhymes with giuliani, HENCE GOONIANI.

Originally posted by Blaine91555
How are you different and what do you mean by "a different status/standing in the courts?

Ths one I won't even go into other than, courts have Jurisdiction based on ones standing/status. Things like U.S. CItizens, State Ciizens, State Nationals, Natural Born Native-Americans. Sui Juris, Parentis and lots of other such legal things. If you know WHO and WHAT you are you actually can have immediate access to the U.S. Supreme Court. Enough said about this, you wouldn't understand and it would take about 8 years to teach you.

Originally posted by Blaine91555
All he ever wanted was that tape to beef up sales at the organization sites he is involved with. The AFTF site is all about money.

Again he wasn't working for AFTF, but a simple reading of this thread from the begginning would tell you that, but hey I am sure you don't need to do that. No reason to let the faacts get in the way of your rant now is there. And secondly you obviously don't care about the dead firefighters who were not WARNED about the towers coming down like Gooniani was and has admitted to Peter Jennings on the air, hey but then again why bother getting the basic facts, its so much easier to slander and call names and make fun.

Originally posted by Blaine91555
Everything about that site is designed to get the visitor to cough up a credit card.

Opininions are great, everyone has one...

interesting how you can't seem to grasp some of the realities. Aftf was not the ones that sent them there to do that, AFTF is not about 911 in any way form or manner. they said in the video and in most of the links of the arrest that they were loose change, and, we are change, and, infowars. but again why bother reading it all, when it's easier to post. I am not here to explain who or what AFTF is, if you don't know maybe you could ask someone instead of giving some halfbaked opinion of credit card greed and end means. Then when you know whom and what they are you won't be so lost when talking about them.

[edit on 6/6/2007 by theindependentjournal]

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 07:02 PM
You know what, just for the purposes of education and getting the "TRUTH" out I will post the main message of Aaron Russo and America: Freedom to Fascism here. I hope that you would all take the time to watch it, although it is nearly2 hours long. This documentary was made by Aaron and in case you don't know who Aaron is he brought Led Zepplin to America, he produced movies like, "The Rose', "Trading places", and Another 48 hours". He is a well respected person all over the world and ran for Governor of Nevada on the Libertarian ticket a few years back. He currently has cancer and is in Germany getting treatment. Aaron and Ron Paul have been friends for many years. I know most of you won't watch this documentary but to those that do, God Bless you and prepare yourself to be jolted into reality of where we are in America and where we are headed if we don't get off our duffs and take this nation back from the Bankers and politicians. The scam perpetrated by the bankers, politicians and media on the people to ROB THEM of their labor and to keep them in slavery has got to be stopped and we must take this nation back and regain our Liberty. Dr. Ron Paul speaks very loudly very often about the Tax system, IRS and the Federal REserve Bank. Now watch this and hear from the mouths of those peoples about who and what they are. But be warned this will ANGER YOU TO NO END, to see the arrogance of these criminalsand tyrants. NOTICE NO MONEY IS REQUIRED, IMAGINE THAT

Google Video Link

[edit on 6/6/2007 by theindependentjournal]

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by theindependentjournal
and the the fact that this situation could be used to discredit _______ which is wat the major media and thosein power want to do, SHUT ______ UP.

Would you please, please, stop repeating that throughout this thread. You're not operating in a vacuum, do you understand? Thank you.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 07:05 PM
Blaine, I think you put forth a valid question.

Were the "credentials" afforded with the hope and or support of a public "hanging". Hmmm ... something to think about. It's not as if those issuing such Wouldn't be "in the know" as to Who was being given said CNN Press credentials. Hmmm ... interesting thought. (?)

Set 'em up and Watch 'em fall.

Please understand that I am Not a proponent of their Specific efforts or approach to such, but the possiblity that this was "orchestrated" to denounce,silence is one that may prove to have merit. Wouldn't be the first time ... huh?

Interesting ... though, I'm still waiting on jsobecky's response regarding the source for their claim(s).

? hmmm ?


posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 07:09 PM

With all due respect, and sincere appreciation for your concerns.

This thread IS NOT about America Freedom To Fascism. Period

This IS about:
9/11 Activist Arrested And Charged With Espionage At Republican Debate » Post Reply

Please keep your responses focused On-Topic.

Thank you.


posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 07:11 PM

Originally posted by 12m8keall2c

Originally posted by jsobecky
My understanding was that Lepacek was arrested after he tried to re-enter the building after being escorted out by the police. He had been pre-warned that he would be arrested for criminal trespass if he tried to re-enter.

Source? jso ... as I've neither seen, read, nor heard Anything that would support such claims.

Thanks in advance.


I believe it was on the Alex Jones website this afternoon. Can't remember exactly, but that seems to be it. It was more or less implied that Lepacek challenged the officer by asking him what would happen if he tried to re-enter the building.

I'll dig it out this evening, hopefully, and post it back here.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 07:18 PM
With all due respect those arrested reporters were on AFTF credentials, and they misused them. Do you really think CNN gave a 911 truth group or Alex Jones press credentials? So why were 911 truth movement individuals who were given press credentials to be at the republican debate for and as representatives of AFTF arrested attacking Gooniani's press sec on the remarks to Jennings on 9/11? So you see it is interlaced with lots of questions. The AFTF and Ron Paul, who are linked, are not 911 truth movement people yet somehow their credentialed press at the debate werent supporting Ron Paul, or asking about the IRS, Federal Reserve, TAX Code or any of the things they were sent to do, then they get arrested and cause a scene. Was it planned to destroy the AFTF or Ron Paul by trying to link them to the 911 movement? Was it set up by CNN as some have suggested? What we do know for a fact is that those credentials were for AFTF and those reporters arrested and causing a scene were sent by AFTF. You tell me how this all happened the way it did, I don't have a clue but I would guess something aint right.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 07:23 PM
I live literally 8 minutes away from St. Anselms College, where these debates took place and I am ashamed that these people got arrested.New Hampshire usually isn't like this.

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