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9/11 Activist Arrested And Charged With Espionage At Republican Debate

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posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 07:59 AM
The kid at the end of the video is spreading disinfo. I can find nowhere that this guy was arrested, and if he was charged with criminal trespass, it means he cannot return to the same place based on his actions.

He was asked to leave the man alone, he did not, and in this day and age if it was me, I would have had him removed also. This is no facist state, it is police removing someone who is protesting, not reporting. They are going about it the wrong way and will get nowhere the way they are going but will continue to drum support for nothing.

There are real issues that you should confront your candidates about such as healthcare, education and more jobs, not a question about a supposed comment years ago.

They are disruptive and not constructive which will eventually lead to the downfall of their organization. If they used finesse they could get farther and ask the real questions.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 09:22 AM
I think the questions were absolutely fair and should be asked of Gooniani every chance,the only problem i have with the scene is that they got there under AFTF press credentials that are linked to Dr. Paul. This can kill his campiagn when spun by the news, or although it could never happen is fscist America, the people could actually look at Gooniani tapes saying HE WAS WARNED THE TOWERS WERE GOING TO COME DOWN, and then the whole of America would be asking. But as I said it won't happen that way once spun. The only way the truth will ever be known quite frankly is to have revolution and waterboard Cheney, Bush adn Gooniani as well as others. I wonder, I am against all torture of human beings,is Cheney Bush and Gooniani human???

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 09:26 AM
I agree that it was borderline heckling. It could have been handled much better. It's good that it happened because it raises questions among those "out of the know". It's bad that it happened because it make the movement look fanatical.

Regardless, people have to keep this up, in a respective way. They had two journalist there. One could have asked the question and if the guys refused to answer the other journalist could have asked the same question again. Eventually the other press might want to know why this guy won't anwers a simple question. Maybe once we reach more people, like those policemen, they too could have simply said, "Sir, this journalist has done nothing but ask a question. I cannot remove him for that. Answer the question or move on to another reporter."

But instead the journalist was antagonizing and badgering the man he was asking the question to. If anything they could say he was "disturbing the peace." It's a damned shame.

Strength in numbers. Just keep informing America. Spread the word until everyone wants questions answered.

[edit on 6-6-2007 by tyranny22]

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 09:32 AM

We need to be professional and sincere or they will make, they=spinmasters and major media, us out to be nuts, hecklers and the likes. We all know Gooniani did say he was warned, but maybe had these guys not went right to 911 issues and possibly asked. Has Mr. Gooniani read any nof the materail Ron Paul gave them. This the regular media is aware of ad woulda been covered.

not good I don't think overall

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 09:32 AM
Sorry Tyranny no coffe yet, TYRANNY not that other name


[edit on 6/6/2007 by theindependentjournal]

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 09:56 AM
Obviously, the facts of the incident should be researched, ( I.E., was he in fact arrested or detained?). I think that everyone here should be able to hash this out, and connect any dots that are applicable, as long as they are FACTS. Please don't get me wrong folks, I'm NOT a prude, I believe in self-expression, and I myself use plenty of colorful language in my everyday conversations, however, I think it is inappropriate for the use of some of the language on the first page. ATS has in the past been very diligent about language, and I think I can say with confidence that the 3 Amigos want ATS to be accessable to everyone, regardless of age or personal beliefs. ATS should be seen by the world at large as a place where FACTS can be found in referrence to topics that mainstream media outlets ignore or bury. Using curse words in this forum doesn't add legitimacy to your posts, it makes you appear emotional and inarticulate. I'm not criticizing anyone in particular, I'm not saying you don't have a right to be upset. I'm just saying that as long as we keep the content here on a higher intellectual and / or professional level, the better chance we have of being percieved as being a legitimate, reliable source of information. If you are tempted to start flaming me, don't bother. I've been here awhile, and I don't post BS. I feel that I'm correct in pointing this out, and I'd bet ya that folks higher up the food chain here will back me up on this. My question is, WHERE ARE THE MODERATORS ON THIS? Keep on keepin on, folks...

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by theindependentjournal
Sorry Tyranny no coffe yet, TYRANNY not that other name


Thanks for clearing that up, but it's more common than you can imagine. It's my given name so I use it as a handle everywhere, even my freelance work. You can't imagine how many emails I havn't received because someone was trying to send it to trannydesign.

Originally posted by cosmo dag
Using curse words in this forum doesn't add legitimacy to your posts, it makes you appear emotional and inarticulate. I'm not criticizing anyone in particular, I'm not saying you don't have a right to be upset. I'm just saying that as long as we keep the content here on a higher intellectual and / or professional level, the better chance we have of being percieved as being a legitimate, reliable source of information.

I agree. Though, Mike Gravel doesn't use curse words, I feel that he gets a little too emotional when discussing issues, which makes people nervous about voting for him. With his ideas and where he wants to take American I think this man should be president. But, I doubt many will vote for him (kind of like the Green Party) so I'm afraid to waste a vote and would rather put it towards someone in the main stream.

Just wish people were more active in politics. Most people don't care until it's two days from voting day and they say, "Oh, yeah ... who's running?" and we're left with two candidates to vote for (that actually have a chance at winning).

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 10:16 AM
As usual , when asked for " documentation " they can produce NONE !
And how much more mellodramatic can you be - " Freedom trampled "
please !
People need to understand one thing about the truth movement and the
way they conduct themselves , They are looked down upon for the simple fact that they do exactly what the paparazzi do . They have no concept
of asking for a forum where they can ask questions and get answers , instead they chase these people around like stalkers , in situations that
are not appropriate to ask these questions . And they do it on purpose so
they will be asked to leave and they tape it so they can say they were
treated unfairly .Well , i , for one , am NOT buying it . I see through their
veil and call them on it . But ,,,,,,
That's just my opinion , i could be wrong ... But im not .


posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 10:26 AM
I came to think of one thing...the journalist behavoiur - in the background-.

Was it not originally for journalist to be some kinda truth seekers once.

Like the story of Tintin?
It actually reminds me of Tintin a bit.

You know - Sounds like the problem is that people generally thinks that Journalist hands over the truth to the publich - how else would normal-people eat these news for lunch? - If they don't know their is poison in the news they diguest in their brains.
I have meet former journalist who say that all stories are censured - And basically journalist loose their jobs because of restrictions on their stories, because it sucks.

Now these young men and woman who do journalism with their hearts.
They don't have an editor to censor all the un-real questions out. So the question is about - people walking around like tame monkeys working as journalist for the Zoo - in any way you can describe such reality.

Only ask real question my journalist-pet - the boss tells them... And here we have these self proclamed journalist - they work with their hearts and soul on this and they get kick butted out the hall or the zoo..

That is basically what facism is about - You know - some people who lived same time as Hitler - They tell one thing Hitler did to Germany was to make children and adults go in lines...That is how it looks in a Nazi state - People act as parrots.

Ever read quotes from Hitler - This is the way facism works folks.
People are so easy to convince - they just want these naive awnsers - like some people talk about "real questions".

- ? 4000 people sacrificed to start a war against Iraq - to get the oil - seems like a pretty real question to me.

This is brave young people who sacrifice their youth on serious matters for our planets future - perhaps before some worldWar.. So after the war people would say - that these people where extremly brave sons and daughters of America.. Could be i dunno - What ever America is anymore - Does it even exist anymore?

In my view - these candidates could just as well be mafia taking over.

And to think torture is a new trend in USA is disgusting - What about that?!
happy journalism..Cry in detention.. DON'T WRITE ON THE WALL PRISONER!
I have my own country to guard myself against - I just wish you good luck.

The perspective is so huge - the story so deep - and the soul so lost in this day and time - that such things should not be taken for granted as some people would like it to be taken.
It's poetry to wake up and see that we shouldn't be any different than nature and the flappin birds in the skies.
It's so simple - THE TRUTH IS SO SIMPLE

Do we need any more proof that humans have lost their ways?
Do we need more proof of human wickedness?
Or any other kinda proof for humans greed?

Fear of loosing this materialistic power is the ruin of peoples brains.
They use that tool..



It's just like Ron Paul tries to tell the Americans...
It's just like that.

And here we can read that you now have to fear what you say! - cause you will loose Ron Paul for ever...Because of questions...
Then what? What will happend when Ron Paul is gone? Will you start asking questions again because then you have NOTHING TO LOOSE..

logic. I still see a revolution...comming. Or civil war - Now that most Americans have guns...

And when is a question real? - That is a good question!
what about that? What is reality - In what kinda reality does a question like these fit in?when is a question real in that sense?

Listen to your god damn hearts - or whats left of it...
Your dreams of a world in peace..and stuff like that - THINGS that matters!

The truth about everything. like the truth that only 40% tigers are left on this planet..The truth about 911 questions - Why are these questions asked in the first place? Why are they not awsered?

As you can read - my words lack responsebility - I miss the days when my words had this kinda sweetness above it..

sorry..I wont disturb anymore.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by theindependentjournal
I do not know how many of you are aware of Aaron Russo and his film America: Freedom to Fascism but he has started a group called AFTF and they finally got press credetials from CNN to be at tonites debate. AFTF, Aaron Russo is a huge group of millions that support Ron Paul for president. DAMNIT I WARNED THEM ALL!!!


The guys name is Sam Etarro, my memory sucks.

Oh dear.. Calm down tijournal. This staff member sure seemed to be covering something up. *This guy did have credetials he had every right to be there. He was persistant on his question but he never seemed threating. He even offered to sit down with this guy to show him some footage. I may be off there because the tape sound was't very good. This could back fire on Rudy too. This is bad PR for Rudy. These two men did nothing wrong. The second guy was let go but he was about to be arrested too. The guy asking questions was surrounded by four to five cops and they led him away. I would assume he was arrested.
I'm sick of these richy folk throwing their power around.

[edit on 6/6/2007 by Leyla]

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 11:07 AM
I can see how some would think that the method used by this reporter was not ideal. But there are two sides to every coin.

Hard questions must be put out there. If getting thrown out of some meeting will make enough headlines, then people will logically want to know what the question was. And at some point they will want an answer to this question.

Sometimes freedom demands that a person step over the boundary. Rosa Parks did it, and it drew needed attention. The Boston Tea Party people did it, and it drew needed attention.

To say that this was not the time and place for such questions begs for knowing when will be a better one. Should we wait till there are no choices left? It seems fairly reasonable that one should ask when the chance arises.

And to the poster(s) that thought there were no rights being trampled, you are so wrong. When a person becomes a candidate, they and their organization, open themselves up to every question that concerns politics. To attempt to stifle someone who asks a question you don't like is nothing less than trampling on rights.

When you have someone removed, arrested or not, from a situation like this, you are sending the message that only questions you want will be allowed. It was abuse of power to have an officer, in uniform, to remove this person.

While the reporters style was not the best, there were countless other reporters there behaving in the same manner, and shouting out their questions. The only thing that set this reporter apart from the others was the content of his question.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 11:14 AM
Language, interesting notion, yet it is language, my mom used to tell me "sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me" my mom was pretty bright woman eh? If my use of a couple of PG-13 words upset you that much please accept my deepest and sincerest apology. I wanted to get across the Urgency and the angriness of my mood, I felt I choose good words for that mood yet stayed within pg-13 bounds.

I am so torn over this one in so many ways, the credentials they received were AFTF, America freedom to Fascism, and that group is NOT a 911 truth grooup. That group is trying to keep it to the facts of the tax code, the law, the constitution and to not fray into other arenas to keep it in black and white. We have to do this for the fact that so many sheeple think they HAVE to pay taxes and the law says so, this is absolutely not true for 99% of Americans earning a wage for their labor. If we take their income, Govt's income, we can severely cripple them and their goings on. And the fact that trying to teach people on the Federal Reserve and Taxes is hard enough all by itself with the Black and White facts, we do not need to add into the fray 911 truth movement and all that that entails. Which means it entails the good groups like loose change and such but that also includes many nutso groups and nutso conspiracy theories too. So I found them going after rudy campiagn about the 911 truth mvement on AFTF credentials to be absolutely wrong and hurting to both the AFTF tax movement and the 911 truth movement. They coulda handled that so so so much better and possibly made some of that other media look into what they were sayin. Now they are all thinking, Debate Crashers, nuts, crazy, whacko, goofballs, and they are not even thinking about looking into the facts.

As for where we are in America, that press credentialed people can be removed by police for asking questions is a whole nother topic. We are whether you like it or not, in a Police state and we would do well to remember that as well as the fact that the police state controls the major media outlets and outbursts like that one do not serve anyone well when spun by the spinmasters of the major media trying to deiscredit any truth. We must be vigilant and professional as well as accurate and ready to respond. We must not intermingle different groups as then they, spinmasters, can link them all to whichever one they want to spin as nuts. Anyone out there that has not seen some nutso 911 theories aint looking very hard, and they can link good truth movements and legitimate questions and legitimate groups to those nutsos out there and it serves them well as one is apt to throw out everything someone says that they think is crazy.

Bottom line is we have to think like our enemies so that we don't lay ourselves into their claws, we must continually strive to educate the public in all matters in a way that does not give them reason to throw out what we show them as tinfoil hat junk. I am dissappointed in this whole fiasco from the debate on so many levels as it could possibly hurt so many truth movements and also possibly Dr. Ron Paul.The last thing we need to do is give them, the enemy, the ammunition needed to make Dr. Paul look crazy to the mainstream of Americans. This is something the powers that be have been trying to do since day one. They do not know how to combat Dr. paul and his message that is resonating with the people, let's not have us be his downfall shall we.

Again if a few pg-13 words that show anger and disgust offended some of you I am sorry, but maybe adult forums about emotional topics aint the place for you to hang out. Maybe the forums on Disney or Faux News that are moderated and edited to the point of being jibberish with no subtance is the place for you. If you don't understand the frustration and anger of many Americans and what is happening to us by the military industrial complex, International Bankers, corporations and paid for news then I feel sorry for you.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 11:20 AM
Leyla and NGC I couldn't agree more with the FACT of the MATTER. That is not the question here though. The question has to be how will the mass media spinmasters portray it t the sheeple soundbite nation? We currently have to work within their whacked out nuts system. I am with you they had the right ot be there, my AFTF group gave them teir credentials, although kinda seekily done those credentials were valid. And yes they were trampled on for asking GOOD questions and yes they had the Right to be there. You have to think like the enemy and see how they can use it and spin it to the masses. Like this possibly:

"Debate crashers that attacked giuliani campaign with conpiracy theory questions were removed by Police have been found to have links to Dr. Ron Paul."

I know absolute LIES, which sheep watching CNN or FAUX news wouldn't believe that story?

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 11:49 AM
TIJ, you have a very valid point. But if Dr. Paul becomes linked to this, AND enough people want an answer to the questions, then he benefits. Conversely, if this makes him a victim, then he will not be the first patriot to fall for the cause of liberty.

We cannot squash freedom by constraining it to only those times and places and groups we approve, else we are no better than our oppressors. Freedom must be open to all, at all times.

Many tyrants have felt in their tiny little hearts that the freedoms they curtailed were in the interest of the nation they led. In this drama that is life, we all tend to be the hero of our own version of the truth. I would bet that on many levels most politicians feel that their actions are for the good of the nation.

I am asking you, and others, to look outside of your own agenda, and see that what was done was in the effort of freedom. If there are prices to be paid for liberty, then so be it. I too support Ron Paul, and I would be very disappointed if this was spun in a way that led to him not being a viable candidate in the eyes of America.

Still, the question is basically the same one that 'Rude Rudy' sidestepped when Ron Paul asked him about it. Ron Paul went to the point of giving RR some reading material on the matter. So with or without this latest event, Ron Paul is linked to the 9/11 question.

And this incident will be spun to suit the bias of those reporting it. Still, RP was already being labeled by 9/11, so I doubt this will make much difference. But it does bring the question up again. And questioning the whole 9/11 thing needs media attention.

Besides, even bad publicity is better than none at all, and Ron Paul needs all the publicity he can get.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord
Video of the incident (discovered by ATS member "hoochymama")

I'm sorry but this sentence kills me!

On topic: Although I agree with the line of their questioning, they could have been more dignified about it. Those guys from Infowars reminded me of the old Stuttering John interviews on Howard Stern. Besides that, if you have a question for Giuliani, ASK Giuliani. I love watching him squirm.


posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 12:08 PM
Listening to Alex Jones right now...

He has Luke on, who says that he was only filming the questioning without saying a thing. He says that they were pointed out, and that Guiliani's people started grabbing and hitting his camera. He says he tried to keep filiming the guy that was arrested, but they eventually broke his camera.

More as the interview goes on...

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 12:16 PM
Luke says that he was away from Matt when he was confronted.

He says a woman came up to him and starts hitting the camera. He tells her that she's assaulted him, and she then goes and gets some cops. The cops grab him by each arm and drag him out.

He says they somehow recognized him, even though he wasn't right with Matt.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 12:16 PM

Originally posted by esdad71
The kid at the end of the video is spreading disinfo. I can find nowhere that this guy was arrested
This is no facist state, it is police removing someone who is protesting, not reporting.

Jason Bermas, reporting for Infowars and America: Freedom to Fascism, confirmed Lepacek had official CNN press credentials for the Republican debate.
Though CNN staff members tried to persuade police not to arrest the accredited reporter-- in violation of the First Amendment, Lepacek was taken to jail. The police station told that Lepacek is being charged with felony criminal trespass. Multiple witnesses on the scene reported that the state police were also heard discussing charges of espionage.


We're seeing what we've been predicting. This is happening. Denial doesn't make it go away.

911 Blogger

Lepacek did receive one phone call in jail which he used to contact reporter Luke Rudkowski. According to Rudkowski, Lepacek was scared because he had been told he may be transferred to a secret detention facility because state police were also considering charges of espionage against him-- due to a webcam Lepacek was using to broadcast live at the event. State police considered it to be a hidden camera, which led to discussion of "espionage."

Wearing a webcam at a press event is not an act of espionage.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 12:16 PM

Originally posted by Disenfranchised
Ok after looking at the video footage that was posted of the questioning and "answering" you cannot just assume that the man was arrested. If he had the press pass as claimed by his comrade in the video there is no legal way he could be arrested even by backwards New Hampshire law.

"Backwards New Hampshire law"? Would you care to give us some examples, or are you going to let your obvious ignorance speak for itself?

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 12:17 PM
He was asked to leave and he did not. Any respectable journalist knows his limits. Also, this was a post party and I believe I read they were using CNN credentials. If this is the case they should be charged with something other than a trespass. A trespass warrant is the same thing that they give shoplifters or unruly bar patrons when they cause a scene and are not wanted to return. It is not a violation of civil liberties.

He was pointed out because they were the only ones acting that way. If not careful, they will be charged next time with some type of stalking ordinance or someone will research federal law and put their asses in jail.

THis is similar to the other video where they disrupted a convention with a speaker in NY and he ran out after people were telling him to leave and shut up.

THey were not thrown in jail and you cannot process someone in the back of a police car, but you can be issued a trespassing warrant. This is not a big deal . I mean, if he can be on infowars, obviously he was not sent to a secret detention facility.


[edit on 6-6-2007 by esdad71]

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