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For all you who hate the USA

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posted on May, 9 2007 @ 01:06 PM
redseal, showing what % of the gdp is spent is a legit way of showing how much a country gives. the USA has the most money, even if it gives more money than all but 4 other countries, it could afford to pay out a lot more than it does.

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 01:14 PM

I have these views because of what I have seen in my own country, England, it's fairly obvious by your naive stance you've never been to England or UK.

As for Muslims escaping problems in their own countries, what Piffle..!! Muslims have been invading the UK for nearly 40 years, building Mosques and Spreading their Vile religion of hatred on these Shores.

You must be on Drugs or Medication if you really believe they will all just go home when the middle east is sorted out... Wake up!!! the middle east won't be sorted out at all and most of these Muslims already have homes in their own countries with extensive families.
They come to Britain to Sponge money from our welfare system, Muslims and other foreigners are Sucking our benefits system dry.

This is a FACT.

Most Muslims are unemployed because they choose to be, that alone is enough to dislike them... they remind me of leeches.

Sorry if the TRUTH hurts your diluded mind.

Come to Great Britain, learn the ways of Allah.

Where on earth did you get this view, it seems quite silly and anti-islamic. There are many problems going on in the muslims home countrys that mean they need to escape from the problems of there own countrys, some of these problems are even caused by America.
I think If and when peace and justice will be restored in the middle east most muslims will want to go back to there home country and follow their religion where it originated.
I think there has been a large problem of people disliking Muslims for various reasons, none of which seem to have any truthful backing.

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 01:34 PM
Well timeslice if you could use your time to read my profile you would see I live in England.

I also have eyes with which I use to see many views.

I wonder how your view would change if you ever had any bad experiences like they have had with their own war racked country.

Maybe a some Muslims are sponging off the government but so are many english people, your gross generilisations remind me of Hitler (personally I'd rather be like a leech)

you seem to listen to much to the uneducated racist views of others. You have not denied ignorance so much as embraced it. Please think about your views and evidence before you spread your vile tounge.

If still your views stay the same at least calm your toungue as their is no need for such strong Hyperbole.

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 01:42 PM
Red, first off a whole bunch of Americans are fighting right now for their religeous beliefs, has not Bush said so and mentioned the C word.

You seem to think that people losing their lives and homes is OK when the real reason is corporate greed and none of the money made will benefit you.

Liberal news, are you joking your news reports are so controlled and your decieved that much its astounding.

You state that we the rest of the World do not know whats going on in the US or anywhere else. Fact 85% of Americans dont have passports. Fact education levels In the US are the lowest in the Western World. Do you understand the concept that travelling abroad broadens ones horizon and educates oneself.

Immigrants move to any country that is safe and propserous, America is nothing special in this equation. Immigrants were coming to the UK a thousand years before the white man set foot in North America.

Irrespective of what your friends are telling you about Iraq the simple fact of the matter is that hundreds of thousands of men, women and children have been murdered in an illegal war. A war prosecuted by the real axis of evil, the UK, America and Israel.

If you wish to believe in the lies your Goverment told you about 9/11 and WMD's thats your choice but us here outside of the buble know different. We know Iraq did not have any WMD's, that Iraqis did not attack America on 9/11, that Iran does not have home made nuke weapons.

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 01:55 PM
Slightly off topic, but TIMESLICE you know nothing of Muslims, you spew the tongue of a rascist. The majority of people who come to the Uk come here for a better life and to work, maybe you have not noticed in that cave you dwell in but Hospitals, Schools, LA's, private businesses just to name a few employ the full spectrum of those who have made the UK their home.

Every Muslim I know works or has his/her own business are doctors, surgeons, solicitors etc. the same goes for people of many different backgrounds. When you move out of your cave and educate yourself you will see that the situation is not as how you see it or think it is. Are you willing to work 14 hours a day 7 days a week in a Take-Away or corner shop and put up with ignorant rascist white people.

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 02:33 PM
I love what America stands for.

I dislike lathargic, copmlacent people of any nation.

I believe people need to take a bigger part in their political process and question their governments. We would not be America now if our fore-fathers had not done this very thing. We would still be part of the United Kingdom.

I dislike the actions of our current administration because they're disregarding the laws that our founders set forth to protect the people of America. I do not believe that the rights revoked by the Patriot Act are to protect Americans, but to track and control Americans. For years the government has tracked and processed information on groups from all over the globe with no problems whatsoever. I don't believe that the "Bin Laden Determined To Attack Inside United States" report to Condoleza Rice was disregarded by accident. They needed these attacks to push forth their plans to tighten their grip on the power throughout the world.

First if was Afganistan, then it was Iraq. When does it stop? We received support from no one before the invasion of Iraq. Granted several people gave us help after the invasion, but the U.N. specifially denied support for invasion. By all international laws, this is illegal. By all constitutional laws the Patriot is illegal.

The current administration is nothing but criminals and murders that should be held accountable for their actions. Justice should be administered for the hundreds of thousands of Iraqi, Afgahn and American civilians and soldiers that have died because of this administrations actions and non-actions.

oh, and I also dislike the government because it has been controled more by corporations than by it's people since the unconstitutional enactment of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 03:10 PM
From a American.. I see why we are hated so much around the world. we are the BULLY. we think our way is the only way. and it is true our way is the only way we can really manage to get the richer rich and the poorer dead. I am currently 34 years old. when i was growing up I was a true American kid i loved the flag and what it stood for. and the way i always thought was united states of America really stood together and had the right values. now those values have changed. it is all about money now. America has lost its base on what has been built from. you take away the base and the structure will fall. another note is when i was about 14-20 years old. the way i always looked at the president was basically like a union rep. you voted on who was elected based on who was going to help look to YOUR NEEDS. now i know some places don't have some of the things we have. and i am grateful that we have some of the freedoms we do have but i almost don't want to quote this person but i figured this out when i was about 25 years old. that people here in America is living a illusion that we are free. and to a extent we are. your free if you can pay for it. we get a lot of bad rap just for having bush in office. most Americans are really ignorant and just don't see what is going on. and YES i do want to move out of this place. and yes i am free to do so. but no i don't have the cash to start all over. there is so much more i could go on.
btw the year 2000 i stopped voting for president. our system showed EVERY AMERICAN that your vote does NOT count on that election. that it only takes 7 bribes to win America. also should have shown people a lot more about what is going on. man i can keep going on but i will stop.

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 03:22 PM
For all those anti..Tho too late now i wish that the german and russian armies got to know your moms,grandmas well.too bad those nasty americans fended them off,eh?ingrateful,self rightous windbags...Like penis envy i think non americans suffer SUPERPOWER ENVY!IF YOUR WEAK LIL pissant countries could stand up for themselves and have some balls and NOT call us when you need us i would die happy!Your neville chambelain was another idiot which you exemplify like it or not.

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by Xfile
For all those anti..Tho too late now i wish that the german and russian armies got to know your moms,grandmas well.too bad those nasty americans fended them off,eh?ingrateful,self rightous windbags...Like penis envy i think non americans suffer SUPERPOWER ENVY!IF YOUR WEAK LIL pissant countries could stand up for themselves and have some balls and NOT call us when you need us i would die happy!Your neville chambelain was another idiot which you exemplify like it or not.

This is why America is in such a downward spiral.
"Proud to be an 'merican and screw those of you who don't agree with me 'cause I ain't see'n any other point of view. We're the strongest and richest country in the world and nobody can ever beat 'merica."

WWII was 60 years ago. We still stood for something other than money and power back then. It doesn't matter how much money we throw at Iraq. We WILL NOT win ... just like Vietnam. All we're doing are sending the great men and women of our country, most of which signed up because of 9/11 (which I'm not even going to touch on this thread), into a land where death and destruction is an afterthought to religious domination.

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by redseal
Please tell me why you hate the USA

Because some (not all) Americans are full of crap, and don't even realise it.

Prime example:

Originally posted by redsealis it because we are ridding the world of terrorists, or is it because we give to much money in forien aid, do you just hate all of our technological/medical breakthroughs, or are you all just in envy of our way of life?

Complete and utter nonsense - every word of what you said.

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by Timeslice
Most Muslims are unemployed because they choose to be, that alone is enough to dislike them... they remind me of leeches.

citation? do you have any source for your diatribe against the entire population of the world's second largest religion?

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 07:14 PM
first of all before i answer this let me state for the record that i dont hate america and i would be very disapointed in my-self if i found in my self feelings of ill will towards a foreign "nation".

We are all human and presumably are of the one spirit.....
A nation is really only a word, a line on a peice of paper, a barbwire fence and a few social institutions and language and philisopical differences ect... all of these things are arbitrary and pale into insignificance when compared to the very life and conciousness we all share .
In short all these differences are imaginary.....temporary and 100% of them will be gone forever in 1 or 2 hundred years if not much sooner.

To hate a nation because of this ignorance shows ignorance and stupidity on a grand scale......
When someone says they "hate america" they (even if they do not realize it) are not saying they hate you.....
What they probably mean is that they hate something undenyably negative that has occured to them directly or indirectly by "virtue" of the action of American foreign policy.....
And lets face it making war is impossible to justify to anyone but a weak minded and ignorant bafoon.
MOst of us unfortunately are quite content to look the other way while some poor sap is hacked to death in some foreign backwater so long as we can deny any responsibility through well established mental constructs that we adhere to with out so much as a thought.

Fact is that every one of us is responsible for those evils which we are able to effect (even in our own small way) but that we do not opose with every fibre of our being... simply because of convienience........

That is why i do not condone nationalism....... for all its advantages it has become to much a liability to humanity as a whole and a crutch for the all the ignorant airbags out there.....

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 07:24 PM
The USA is hated because it is the world's biggest hypocrite.

It advocates human rights but created Gitmo in order to deny them.
It advocates free enterprise but maintains huge subsidies to prevent fair competition.
It advocates free speech but permits censorship of its news services.
It advocates human equality but tolerates the murder and torture of Afghanis and Iraqis by ITS soldiers without demur.
It says it is against drugs but then trades drugs for arms.
It says it is for peace but maintains an arsenal large enough to kill the world 250 times over.
It promotes itself as the pinnacle of law and order but has 1% of its population in prison.
It puts itself forward as the protector of the world, as the biggest source of gee-gaws and life-enhancers but then ensures that rip-off inflows of wealth occur from its actions.
It attacks Iraq because Iraq allegedly has weapons of mass destruction - weapons that were supplied by the USA.
It says that it is against weapons of mass destruction but is the only country to have used such weapons (Nagasaki, Hiroshima).
It says it is against chemical and biological weapons but maintains huge research facilities and stockpiles of such weapons.
It will not permit american military personnel to be subjected to honourable international courts of justice but commits other nationals to its own kangaroo courts.
It puts itself forward as a Christian nation but universally ignores the example of the Prince of Light.

Do not blame your government, americans! The american people still make the choice of who rules them and these rulers carry out the policies which will get them elected. Your government carries out the will of the PEOPLE!
You had the opportunity to get rid of Bush a couple of years ago. Despite your censorship, you knew what was going on in Iraq and Afghanistan and yet you RE-ELECTED Bush. You re-elected Bush because you enjoy it when your military kills for you. It makes you feel big and tough by association. You live vicariously through your embedded journalists.

You are a nation of soft-bellied, yellow-backed, racists and facists who lives fat and wide at the expense of the rest of the world.

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by whaaa
Sorry, but I have a real hard time giving any credence to someone that doesn't know the difference between "their" and "there" and "they're."

Grammar in a post can make the difference between making a point and not making a point.

I'm sure you can see my point.

I agree also! So here is a little grammar lesson for you wawa.

Sorry, but I have a real hard time giving any credence to someone that doesn't know the difference between "their" , "there" and "they're."

You had one too many ands in there buddy!

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 08:16 PM
I'm an Aussie and I have a lot of very good Seppo mates. I don't hate American's at all. All my Seppo mates and very passionate, loyal and lovely people.

The only criticism I have is that they are very insular. They don't travel much and they don't really want to know about much else other than America. Most American's don't even own a passport. Some don't even know where Australia is. Some even think that we ride around on Kangaroo's.

Being the only remaining superpower and being insular is a pretty scary mix. Most of your pollies don't seem to care about what's going on with the world, unless it affects America. That's why people hate you. That's why you have terrorists knocking at your door.

I know this is only one small point, but it's an important one.

By the way, for you American's that don't know what Seppo means. It's Aussie slag. Septic Tank - Yank - American.

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 09:12 PM

Originally posted by redseal

You had one too many ands in there buddy!

No I didn't.

Why don't you address some of the other post, rather than my trivial
lesson in grammar?

[edit on 9-5-2007 by whaaa]

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 09:19 PM
You just spelt grammar wrong too.

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 12:34 AM

Originally posted by redseal you just hate all of our technological/medical breakthroughs...

I think you need to re-evaluate what you may have expected as a response to your comment regarding your technological breakthroughs.

Granted the US has had tech breakthroughs but I guess, too, most of the scientists and techheads are not american that have made these break throughs. Also, look at the 1337 radar system and the famous Apache helicopter - this helicopter is based on the SOUTH AFRICAN Rooivalk!
and then have a look here
ALSO:- Regarding the Rooivalk (on which the Apache is modeled)

It was the first helicopter from 1996 to use a digital, night and day operational "glass cockpit" (computer screen format). The flight controls and the weapon systems are displayed on the visor of the pilot's helmet, providing all mission critical information. SA has in effect pioneered this helmet sight, and it has become the helmet of choice, including in the US.

So before you start blowing stuff out of different orifices be sure you state what technology you are referring too. The US can, no doubt, BUY any technology it wishes and claim it its their own.

I won't go into any other points you have made except to say that I do NOT hate America - I have a lot of American friends BUT I do believe the arrogance portrayed by many is a negative and promotes hate. IMHO that is.

[edit on 10/5/2007 by shearder]

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 12:51 AM

Originally posted by dingleberry77
The only criticism I have is that they are very insular. They don't travel much and they don't really want to know about much else other than America. Most American's don't even own a passport. Some don't even know where Australia is. Some even think that we ride around on Kangaroo's.

I have to add my 2c here:
I have to agree with you dingleberry77 because when I was in the US for a year a LOT of the people I met thought that lions still walked around the streets in South Africa and also thought we didn't have telephones. I even met a "well to do" guy that seemed pretty well educated in his field which was something financial - HOWEVER, he didn't even know much about his OWN country of America. This got me more alert in terms of noticing what people in the US actually knew about their own country. I have to say, in summary, how can we non-US people expect them to know about anything outside the boarders of the US of A when they know, and I generalize (which is bad I know) nothing about what is outside of their own state or county for that matter.

posted on May, 10 2007 @ 02:41 AM
The US betrayed Britain and destroyed the British Empire. Directly after the second world war when Britain was bankrupt from fighting against Hitler (a war the US joined late) it was expecting to be able to begin to rebuild, instead the US demanded payment for all the equipment sent to the British which the UK understood to be a gift which would not have to be repaid. We then had to go begging for a loan which the US gave us but with enough conditions so that the British Empire collapsed to be spread by American neo-colonialism. Whatever you may say of the British Empire it directly resulted in the creation of the world’s largest democracy (India) and numerous other democracies (Canada, Australia, Jamaica) how well did the US do in spreading democracy? (Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam). This is just one reason there are loads more: such as the sheer arrogance of the US in believing that its form of democracy is the perfect model for the rest of the world, the two faced approach trying to be the policemen of the world, while pursuing solely American interests. Don’t get me wrong America has done numerous good things and certainly it’s a better form of government then Communism but it’s not perfect and its incredibly irritating when in films, news, politics Americans constantly try to portray themselves as the saviour of the world and the “best” democracy in the world.

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