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Cho got off 170 shots in 9 minutes?? Wow!

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posted on Apr, 27 2007 @ 12:11 PM
The rate of fire is determined by the cycle time between rounds. It is usually determined by measuring the amount of time that it takes for the weapon to chamber a new round after the first is hit by the firing pin.

Contrary to popular belief all a higher firing rate does is waste ammo. I was allowed to try to Rambo a M-60 once. I am considered a big strong man, but I have to tell you, after the 5th round I was an anti-aircraft gunner. I couldn't control the muzzle climb. The Gunny Sgt. later explained that Stallone was firing blanks and had a lighter recoil spring.

posted on Apr, 27 2007 @ 12:18 PM
this might not be worth much but i just went to the range cause i was curious.

this first target is from 25 feet away. i used a taurus 9mm. there were 15 rounds in each clip. i used to clips. i had one in the gun, cocked and ready when i started and the other was laying in the mat in front of me. i fired about 1 round every 1-2 seconds, always fixed on this target.

now, this target is from 20 feet. i used the same taurus 9mm...same way, 1 clip in and one clip ready to go(17 in each this time). i also had a .38 special loaded with 5 on the mat reaedy to go. when i was out with the first clip, i dumped it, then put the 9mm down, picked up the .38 and went off 5, dumped the 5 in the wheel, put 5 more in and shot 5 more. same rate of about 1-2 every second.

in both targets, i was aiming for center chest out to number 7

posted on Apr, 27 2007 @ 12:43 PM
Not bad shooting. Whenever I take a new girlfriend to the range or someone thats never been shooting before, I chamber an empty round (or a snap cap) into the gun between live rounds. What this does is show the new shooter how they react while aiming and firing the gun. Most new shooters brace the gun and influence the aim and jerk the gun as a result, throwing off accuracy.

So the empty round surprises them when they pull the trigger and see themselves jerk the gun, obviously as a reaction to recoil, which is of course not there for that rnd...Its a good way to teach yourself out of bad habits, but someone else has to load the rounds for ya for the surprise factor

posted on Apr, 27 2007 @ 01:17 PM
thanks for the compliment lakes...i'm not a great shot but not terrible...funny thing...on the way to the range something happened that caused me to decide to carry from now on.
i'm on the way there, in the left lane and a huge bread truck just slams the breaks on. i swerve into the right lane as to not hit him. i must have cut someone off when i did this but i did not see them. about 2 seconds later i hear a car reving(like it was redlining)...this dude whips up beside me in his crappy neon and he rolls his window down. i roll mine down and he starts going off. i can only make out some of the words cause we are driving but dude picks up a claw hammer and starts swinging it i'm thinking when this light turns red is he gonna jump out? wonder if a few miles down the road i pull in for gas and this dude whips in behind me?
i mean, what is peoples problems you know? bad.....don't need to break out the hammer. anyway, as of tomorrow, i will always have a piece on me when i leave my house.

as far as the shooting goes, a lot of people take a while to get used to it...i still drop my frint sight down a little but sometimes in the 'anticipation' know....just a natural thing i do..not all the time but sometimes.

funny thing is my wife is not a big gun fan but when we go shoting together, she smokes me....she has a bad wrist so she can't shot as long as i do. i usually go an hour and she does 20 minutes but she always smokes me....don't matter what caliber....she's a helluva shot

posted on Apr, 28 2007 @ 08:58 AM
some nice shooting Boondock78 I miss being able to go shooting here in the uk all thanks to some nutter like cho! killing little kids in a school dam shame we have gun law over here funny enough gun related crime has gone up since it happend go figure.

posted on Apr, 28 2007 @ 07:37 PM
pardon the expression, but this was a cowardly example of shooting fish in a barrel, what can you do when a guy with a gun blocks the only door? there will always be lunatics out there, gun control is knee-jerk, but remember the old man who killed 11 at the farmers market? you can't outlaw being a maniac or senile.

posted on Apr, 28 2007 @ 08:13 PM
Please forgive me if this comes across as callous or disrespectful, It's not intended that way at all. I assure you.

Is there anyone out there that knows what firearms Cho used.

Over here in the UK we are hearing that he used a Glock, a revolver and a Beretta.

To me that amounts to 35/40 rounds without reload. And bearing in mind he would have needed to reload thats a very impressive kill ratio for somebody that ISN'T military minded.

This is probably rubbish. But I would still like to know what weapons were used.

For an angry teenager this hit and kill/hit ratio is remarkable. If still disturbing.

posted on Apr, 28 2007 @ 08:25 PM
Used a 9mm Glock and .22.

He couldn't have been carrying too much before having to reload though that's for sure.

Shattered OUT...

posted on Apr, 28 2007 @ 09:49 PM
Wow, I hear talk now of 17 magazines

I'm sure I read an earlier report that said he bought the guns new and A spare clip, maybe one for each gun.

So where do all these other mags come from?
I have tried to find that report but no luck yet. It was early in the news here on ATS.

Can anyone help, I will keep searching.

Also: how many of the survivors have personaly identified the gunman as who they say it was.

posted on Apr, 28 2007 @ 10:25 PM
Found a report here
and here
about him buying 2 clips on Ebay.

Seperate report here says "several" (which is not 2)

so that still leaves about 15

Any ideas?

posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 01:55 AM
he used a glock 9 as a primary and had a walther .22 as a backup.

i understand the shooting fish in a barrel theory but, from the inpression i got, yes he did chain teh door, but that was the door leading outside....there were hallways, multiple classrooms..i mean, remember the hearo holocaust dude that barracaded the doors and told the students to jump out the window? the kids that put a table in fron of the door of another room but held the doors closed at the sides and cho shot through the middle like there was someone there...

i suppose one would say shooting fish in a bowl but i am picturing more along the lines of walking the halls, entering rooms..thats what he did, people were running and hiding and playing dead and all sorts of stuff.
i can;t help but think if the columbine kids that has full auto's and this one kid had 2 but only really used one save for a few shots and he tore stuff up. i wouldn't call it expert anything but i think it's pretty goos shooting myself.
i find it hard to believe mr no friend introvert that just bought the guns could shoot that well....then again, he could be a natural...he could have been that 'dialed into the job' mentally and/or the media/cops could have any and or all fo the numbers wrong...

it's going to be a long time before we get the truth or what they decide to pass off as the truth

posted on Apr, 29 2007 @ 08:27 PM
How many rounds did he shoot on his first trip to school?

Remember that he left after killing the first two - while police were on campus - he apparently forgot to send his mail first.

Has anyone determined who locked up the building?

The first report said "police locked down the building"

Latter reports said "police had trouble entering the locked building"

posted on May, 2 2007 @ 10:01 PM
How many of you are gun owners, and how many do you have.

posted on May, 3 2007 @ 12:16 AM

Originally posted by skid

Latter reports said "police had trouble entering the locked building"

Well yea, Cho chained the doors shut. Tough to open a door thats chained from the inside.

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 10:21 PM
This to me seems like an excellent arguement against America's seemingly Lax gun laws.

I have always said that America has the wrong stance on hand guns laws. However most peoples response to the idea of banning handguns was that those people who intended to use a gun for the wrong reasons would still be able to get a weapon on the black market.

Perhaps this is true, but I believe that for a seclusive person such as Cho it would not have been a realistic option. Not only this, but it would mean that not only was gettting a weapon much harder but also attaining a large amount of ammo would have been really difficult.

Perhaps on the streets and within gangs guns would still remain rife for 10 years, maybe 30 or 50 years. But I genuinely believe that gun crime would slow. It will take major crack downs of every country in the world before major changes take place. But I dont understand why America as a developed country can't take the sensible route and act responsibly.

Also what I dont understand is that you are allowed a hand gun after a 5 day background check as far as I understand. This is obviously an excellent thing, but I can't help but think that it is severely inadequete step. I have used a shotgun all my life as I enjoy shooting with my dad, but when applying for a License of my own, at age 13 (the earliest age possible) I had to have a letter from my headmaster (principal), saying that I was a responsible and trustworthy student. I also had to have an interview with a police officer who came round to my house. For an adult attaining a license, A letter is asked from the persons employer, doctor or someone else in a position of power or trust who knows the person well. They then have an interview and the place where there gun is to be kept is inspected thoroughly, to be safe and secure.

Surely If similar steps were to be taken in America then Cho would not have been able to get a letter of recomendation, and if he was, then any inspecting police would have seen that he was a student and not allowed him a License due to his accomodation.

Of course there are ways of getting round all these steps, and even in england I am sure that I could go on the black market and find a weapon. But it certainly wouldnt be easy, and i'm positive I wouldn't be able to get more than a handfull of rounds of ammunition and it would be at a massively increased cost, to what would be paid in America.

What I don't understand is why America seems so keen to allow handguns to be so easily attainable. I'm confident that plenty of Americans will want to argue against this trying to justify their hobby, or with notions of self protection. All I will close with is to say that I am in no way vulnerable, and their are plenty more hobbies out there (perhaps do a nice jigsaw puzzle.....or not).

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 10:23 PM
This thread has gone a bit stale, but I think the points are made are still relevant and important, so perhaps I will post this as a new thread.


posted on May, 8 2007 @ 11:01 PM
I don't run with gangs or associate with any people one would consider criminal elements.

I am not legally permitted to own a handgun. I can have as many shotguns and rifles as I want, just no handguns.

If I wanted, within twelve hours I could purchase multiple handguns and enough ammo to... be a problem.

Gun control is useless against he who is determined.

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 11:39 PM
Are you American? if so your entire arguement is redundant.

My point is why make it any easier to get hold of handguns?

Saying that the problem is out of hand so why bother changing things is like a very fat person saying "lets have another piece of cake, because it wont make my problem any worse"

If there is a problem, stop making things so easy and start to crack down, its not a problem that will go away overnight, but the sooner people act, the quicker things will begin to change.

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 11:44 PM
Allright, as far as I can figure the math adds up to make cho look rather unremarkable of a shot if it was 9 minutes and he chained the door. All he had to do was walk into a big classroom with all the students and brandish the gun to scare them into running through a hallway/ "CHOKEPOINT"

a hallway crammed with even 200 people is pretty damn easy to nail 50 of them all he had to do was shoot and reload.

I don't buy into the nine minute thing as time is rarely kept precise in such incidents.
If there is video cameras in the school as there usually are in large schools like this then they know for sure if there is a second shooter.They may either hold back the info of the second shooter in order to lure the second shooter into a feeling of safety and just go to his favourite hideouts. Or there is no second shooter.

Boondocks how long have you been practicing your shot. I know i have very little experiance with a gun but great hand eye coordination, i say this because I hit a target similar to the one you fired at and got similar results from 50 feet and only missed twice from a hundred feet.

This stated i'd like you and the rest of you debating this stories credibility to think about the fact that we are all debating and glorifying a monster who was probably intent on this very thread and hundreds maybe thousands of other people being interested in this very subject or revenge. Either way whether he was good enough to shoot those 3o something people and kill them. I don't here them saying his shooting is remarkable do you?

posted on May, 9 2007 @ 02:14 AM
Another thing occurs to me...

Why is it so easy for people to get such large amounts of ammunition? surely for someone to protect their home a dozen rounds would suffice.

Perhaps people need large amounts of ammunition for their gun club? Surely then though the best thing to do would be to change the law so that suppliers could only sell in large amounts directly to properly licensed gun clubs, who would then sell them to the shooters for use on the premises.

Of course with all the points I have made this is something that a person would be able to get around if determined, even If it just meant going into a gun store once a week for several weeks.

Imagine If he had to keep returning to the same store week after week in order to save up enough ammo to go through with his plan. The Store owner might have had a few suspicians and spoken to the police. Police find he's a college student and he is kicked off campus for owning weapons. Just one of a thousand things that might have happened with different laws, but as far as I can see any hurdle in the road for these people cannot be anything other than a good thing, and really wouldnt have more than a very minor effect to those law abiding gun owners.

The point i'm trying to make is that every little hurdle that is added to make the process less simple, is another thing which slows the progress of people like Cho and just might reduce their impact, or allow them to be caught before they go through with their plans.

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