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I thought the US was the land of the free.

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posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 06:26 PM
it is really hard to believe some of the comments I read.
Its quite shocking maybe they reached their goals and some of you really deserve what it will come.

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 06:32 PM
If I were a genuine 9/11 protester I'd be embarrassed by this obvious hoax. It gives the whole 9/11 Truth Movement a black eye. Nobody takes Anarchists who thumb their nose at public safety seriously. It's a really dumb way to try and gain credibility. These folks don't even care enough to fill out a form for a permit.
Then they try to pretend it means we can not protest in this country. This is clearly a propaganda tape carefully staged. Guarantees the mainstream press will never take it seriously. If they have to lie to make a point it can't be much of a point.

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 06:37 PM

You are just assuming yet again.

[edit on 14-4-2007 by selfless]

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 06:47 PM
And what the hell is ``getting a permit to do a protest`` thing in AMERICA THE HOME OF THE FREE? Have you lost your mind? A FREAKING permit to PROTEST?

If you think a permit is necessary to protest, you don't deserve to be here, in the western world where it's A FREAKING NON-ALIENABLE RIGHT. Go back in Russia or China.

If you still believe that crap, you deserve what the next years/months will bring here, TOTAL SLAVERY.

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 06:57 PM
regardless of the methods used and what occurred, i got to say the reactions of the security was quite ''retarded''.

It's like they were so brain washed by the medias and the system that the way they reacted to the banner was simply comical at best.

A bomb in his bag? common now.... did he really say that?... wow what an idiot.

When he started to call him a terrorist, i couldn't stop laughing and picturing CNN in the back of his mind hahaha....

The reactions were simply RIDICULOUS....

I mean common, wake up already...

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by selfless

You are just assuming yet again.

[edit on 14-4-2007 by selfless]

I don't know if you have noticed but I've never posted my beliefs about 9/11. That is because I'm still studying the issue. So, who's assuming?

I mainly read everything and visit all the linked information. It seems the wisest course to me. So I don't get caught up in frenzy and blindly accept what is said on one side or the other. Open minds make the best decisions.

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 07:09 PM

Originally posted by Blaine91555
Open minds make the best decisions.

Open minds don't assume people are protesting for the money when they don't even know the persons personally....


[edit on 14-4-2007 by selfless]

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 07:54 PM
So why did they not get a permit? Do you believe they did not know what would happen? This was all unstaged? Why did they bait people by sticking cameras in their face? Strange way to try and spread the truth. If I'm wrong I apologize, but I don't think so.

I'm not even commenting on the 9/11 issue. I'm commenting on the tactics used to create propaganda. The 9/11 theory might be true but this sort of thing makes me ignore what they have to say. Had they obeyed the law they could have put together a real protest and maybe win over some converts. Most of all it would have been safe, the police would have protected them and they might have got their message out. This method just turns people off. Adolescent to say the least.

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 07:56 PM
What are you talking about? Their freedoms were not infringed. They were walking all over the city, and even the bridges chanting 911 was an inside job and they were left to go about it.

The only dispute there was because a slanderou asshole was calling the cops to tell them they were terrorists. Obviously it was proven false because they simply relocated.

And they were not baiting anyone with cameras, they were recording the statement for the sake o evidence and backup, and everyone walked themselves into the cameras view. If they did not want to be in the camera, all they got to do is walk away.

[edit on 4/14/2007 by DYepes]

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by Blaine91555
These folks don't even care enough to fill out a form for a permit.
Then they try to pretend it means we can not protest in this country.


You think you gotta get a permit to make your voice heard?

You're fuc*in nuts.

Do you think were playing around here?

This isn't a damn game. Our survival is at stake.

You can shove your permit up your as*

[edit on 14-4-2007 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 08:30 PM
I bet you people would have really freaked out about Kent State...

This was a sad little film about bothering people...Not much more.

What the video doesn't show is what happened to get the Security outside in the first place. ( Not that they don't come out time and time again after complaints about these very same guys)

Why did the police not arrest them? Because the police down there are practically on a first name basis with Luke and company.

These guys are time-wasters...not much more, they waste their own time and anyone elses time that comes in contact with them..hell even this video was a waste of time, exposing in great detail of how they waste their time.

Oh and they stand in the street within earshot of WTC 7's entrance and shout unsubstanciated claims about Silverstein as if they were fact --directed at anyone who enters his building.. IMO this is just wrong, and would probably get old real fast. These doods should take their protest to Washington if they have a beef, it is in exceedingly bad form to do it on top of the graves of fallen countrymen and women.

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 08:33 PM
permit to protest? silly sheeple its a right to be able to protest but then again what are rights anyway with bush constantly defiying them

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 08:36 PM

Originally posted by Blaine91555
There is money at the end of this trail and those protesters are fakes.

You are too carried away by relating this act with money.
And calling those people fakes is quite insulting.

Regardless of their effectiveness. They are "acting" on their beliefs which was harmless. Needless to say they are following the instructions of the police.

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 09:16 PM
I think these videos were interesting showing how both sides are more or less at fault here. It looks to me to be more of an act or a dance as others have said but in a different sense. It is like each side is seeing how far they can push the other without breaking the law.

Believe me, if we no longer lived in a free country, we would not even be watching and discussing these videos. The fact that we can is proof that things have not gone too far yet, but it is where we are headed.

As I described earlier, I think the government is testing the waters to see how far we are willing to let them get away with this. These protesters are serving a purpose whether they get their point across or not. They are showing that no matter what, there will always be someone to raise questions.

I say kudos to these “truthers” even if they might be wrong. They are exercising a right that we have, and anyone knows if you don’t exercise your rights once in a while you will loose them.

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 10:30 PM
Let's summarize several of the opinions here:

i. Several of you feel 'world energies' at work.
ii. Despite being disproved by both government and independent sources, many conspiracy theories are real.
iii. Despite that these men were at ground-zero, in front of the nerve-center of 9/11 emotions, and mocking, and provoking emotional or physical confrontation, they should've been treated with more courtesy than most people in this world receive regularly.
iv. All legal ways, all right, and effective ways for a person to go about protesting something 'don't work'. Because they're 'corrupt'.
v. Some blithering nonsense about a nation born on lies, blood, etc. Overly romantic, intellectualist bull-#. Even if you wade through that wall of empty words, the argument comes to someone thinking a nation never changes, or evolves. That all of the men who've ever run in the myriad of roles which dictate the rules of the American Public were someone involved in the 'sentient debasing of truth and freedom'. Apparently, they think the state an organism, which cannot be proven. Certainly not logistically.

'Deny Ignorance' runs both ways.
Deny false conceptions.
And deny false 'truths'.

We have to be intelligent where we put our faith, and simply because the government says something, and we have our own little intuition, our own little argument, does not mean it is right.

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 10:44 PM

Originally posted by Iblis
Some blithering nonsense about a nation born on lies, blood, etc. Overly romantic, intellectualist bull-#.

You think the American revolution was bullshi@?

posted on Apr, 15 2007 @ 12:03 AM
I do believe that the permit issue is legitimate. It's not a means to prevent people from peaceably protesting but only to serve as a means of ensuring all services (ambulance/police/etc.) are made aware of the protest taking place, just for situations like were depicted on *I think was* the second video where the student became outraged at the protesters.

By no stretch of the means can anyone (nationwide authority) prevent you from protesting, but under the 10th Amendment they are able to request advanced notice to provide protective services to both sides of the argument.

Check the local code/regulation/statutes/etc. before you protest, because I'm also sure you'll find that any gathering for a protest of less than "X" amount of people (of which those in the videos were well under) need to get a permit.

I whole heartedly applaud those that took the time/effort to partake in these protests. The truth about 9/11 desperately needs to be provided to the "sheeple" of America. You (generalized) cannot go about your life without questioning anything/everything (following blindly), because you're bound to be led over a cliff.

This great Nation is still America, no matter how bastardized it (or the thought of it) has become, until the last breath of the last true American (those that know/believe/understand what strict principles America was born/built on/for) has ceased to whisper the callings of which were spoken at the conception of our day to day rights, liberties, and freedoms... The birth of the United States of America.

posted on Apr, 15 2007 @ 12:11 AM

Originally posted by Infoholic
I do believe that the permit issue is legitimate.

OMG we've become too civilized.

The lawyers have done us all in.

posted on Apr, 15 2007 @ 12:18 AM
Don't get me wrong, INWT... I disapprove of the idea of having to get a permit, but as I stated... I believe it is legitimate, I didn't say it (nor I for that matter) was right.

posted on Apr, 15 2007 @ 12:50 AM
The way this was handled was wrong. They did this merely as a publicity stunt and not fro anything else.

I do agree the way they were treated at the WTC site was shocking. They have the right to be there. Again though even though they have the right to be there and the right to videotape does not always mean it’s the best thing to do. Whatever charges were filed we prob. dismissed or thrown out after they were hauled away. It’s sad that they were hauled away but did they have a permit to protest and were they acting unruly. I doubt they had a permit to organize like they did and I bet to the cops they were being unruly. I don’t agree with the cops taking them away but I can see why they did it.

Now onto the part with them walking through the city with a banner saying, "9/11 was an Inside Job". First off let me say I think 9/11 was alil fishy and there are inconstancies in the story. Look at my post this is what I have been saying for years. I don’t necessarily know if it was an "inside job" or what but there are some things that make you wonder. Claiming it was an inside job is the wrong way to approach the subject because you are going in with preset biases. Also people are going to immediately be argumentative and hostile with you. The reason you have groups that say it was an inside job is because the want to invoke emotion and sensation to the majority of people. They would rather scream at people then discuss and this video is evidence.

If you truly wanted to educate "Sheeple" do it in a non-hostile way. Hell even calling people steeple is ridiculous. Why are they sheeple? Because they don’t believe what some crazy CT has to say. They see it on the news which they trust they seen what happen on that day and the government has a good story to explain it if you don’t dig deep. I understand why these people believe. Don’t call them something demeaning if you are trying to make people aware.

The Truth movement is dead. Not because of the government but because of the people who are in it. When real professors and scientist and people of expose talked against it was viable. Loose Change killed 9/11 truth and the zealots who follow it without looking at it reasonably. It has holes and people have found those hole. People that argue just with the loose change facts fail, and when they fail it drags ever 9/11 researcher down with them. Also when you have young anarchist teens and college students running around doing stuff like this it kills the movement. Why? Because people relate the entire movement to these nuts who are yelling and parading around new your making crazy claims. They are focusing on scientific theory and thought by people who know it or have valid cases for it.

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