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I thought the US was the land of the free.

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posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by YIAWETA
"I'M FREE, TO DO AS I WANT ANY OLD TIME"......think again Cubby!

15 minutes of truth from Aaron Russo....

Good stuff

Arron exposes the council on foriegn relations plans to destroy America and control the world's population through warfare and technology.

Google Video Link

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 11:29 AM
swim, dead on!....Between MySpace, Democratic Underground, Slate and Air America all are entrapment for the dissenters. All the sources above were initially established by former Rhodes scholars. The Illuminati Phd. program. Silence is consent, I will not be silenced!

[edit on 14-4-2007 by YIAWETA]

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 11:36 AM
in nothing, Hey thanks for the repost of Russo's comments. The mattter of fact nature of how and what he says is shocking. It's a little daunting to hear in a conscise manner many of the suspicions currently held.

In regards to your signature....have you seen The Good Sheperd yet?...a very scathing and accurate depiction of the workings of the CIA.

[edit on 14-4-2007 by YIAWETA]

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by SKUNK2
If people in the UK were like them US men(MIB lol) they would litteraly have had a one way ticket to hospital. Why didn't them people on camera stick up for them selves. Why did they call them "sir" too

Anyways it's all you Americans fault anyway for being ignorant to the rest of the world and being blind to what your government does

Edit: How many Americans know how many sides a triangle has????

[edit on 14-4-2007 by SKUNK2]

I am puzzled by the intent of your post.

If it is meant as an attack on American intelligence levels then it is very funny… your post is full of misspellings and grammatical mistakes and very hard to understand.

As for we Americans being blind to what our government does... it would seem that the vast majority of Americans disagree with much of what our governmen does, but what can we do about it?

You make it sound as if in the UK if you disagree with your government you have some magical way of making them change their ways.

[edit on 14-4-2007 by craig732]

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 11:56 AM
Could you ttell what WAS THE MUSIC USED IN THE FIRST 3/4 of the video.

i know it was "kashmir" from GodZILLA IN THE LAST 1/4.

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 12:09 PM
craig, talk about deceived? The British Empire is the worlds greatest oppressor past and present. Wake up to the fact that were all in the same boat my friend....Oh and by the way....row a little faster, will ya!

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 03:24 PM

Originally posted by brisa

The government has lied repeatedly to the public in my 51 years on the planet and continues to do so to this day. Why would I trust them to tell the truth about the 911 horror?

[edit on 13-4-2007 by brisa]

I am happy for you, you can think for your self.

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 03:43 PM
I think the guy who thought he had a bomb, is watching too much CNN...

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 03:58 PM
How are you guys actually defending those guards? Amazing. I cant wait to see where we are in a few years. Watching the video was depressing enough, reading the thread makes me ill.

I dont understand how the gestapo men "politely" asked them to turn off their cameras. I would have attempted to shove my camera up that guys a** . Did you guys actually watch this man begin claming these guys had a bomb in their backpack? That they might be terrorist? He should go to prison for a LONG time. What a piece of garbage. Threatening protestors like he did is unexceptable.

Reminds me of the cops screaming "hes got a gun" and emptying their clips.

No one should be defending that guy. I cant stop thinking about what a piece of filth he is.I wish stuff like this made it to the news. I hope he loses his job for this. He wont but theres nothing wrong with wishful thinking.

I guess there is a small glimmer of hope, since even the other gestapo that were with him seemed a wee bit surprised by what he was trying to pull.

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 04:04 PM
The guys who walked over to the protesters were being provocative without question. Whilst the protesters weren't helping, they certainly weren't being rude, and I'd say (judging from the sound of his voice) that they wanted to stand their ground, but diffuse the situation at the same time.

Anyone see the documentary on David Icke a while ago, where he was talking about the suppression of free speech, and was requested to cease filming outside the Houses of Parliament, even though he was stood in a public place making a documentary? He filmed the whole thing - it was ridiculous!!!

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 04:49 PM
Hmm i did not hear him say please.

He simply said:

can you get that camera out of my face cause you're disrespecting me by doing that.

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 05:14 PM
i just have to post again .
first , do you really think anyone with a life will care that " luke and tom
are detained " ? SO WHAT !!?? it infuriates me to watch the lengths you
people go to just to cause trouble and make some money off true heros
from your little website . but in the same breath im so glad that we live in a place where you have the right to do it . i just wonder just what point are you trying to get across ? i cant think of one . not a single one !
but it all comes back to money . video tape yourselfs being fools then post it and make sure everyone sees the banner with the website on it and try to sell a few more poorly made videos .
some things i need to know -
1- are we supposed to care that " luke and tom " were detained ?
2- who in the hell is mark roberts ? and is this piece really just put out to
try to get back at him for some wrong that you feel he's done to you ?
3- do you really think that larry silversteen even knows you exsist ? you
seem to really have it in for him for another wrong you feel he's done to you .
4 - what's with this tactic that truthers do by using a persons personal
imperfection as an arguement in your getting out the truth ? in this one ,
you say that that roberts guy has "gained weight" because the truth has gotten out . what is that all about ?
all this video proves is that you move from place to place , always places that your clearly not wanted , and cause trouble . period !


posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by dariousg

I can understand where most of the people with this view on this confrontation stands. However, you need to also understand the history of this ongoing event. It has been happening for years every single Saturday and every 11th.

Thanks for filling me in. Really important to know the backgrounds of events before judging them.

[So far I have seen a few videos on this and each time they are told something else. They are constantly harrassed.

Frankly, I can't see any provocative language or action by the protestors. (Except the cam.. but I don't know the law about it, I'll pass on that)

Furthermore they were a laughably small group, which clearly is not a threat. The protestors were polite.
The only reason a lot of people get an uncomfortable feeling, or a bad impression about looking at this little event is the subject of it.

I mean who wants to accuse his own government and leaders of plotting an mass killing of it's own people. Which is a madness out of this world.(maybe not)

I have respect for those men who are doing this. It takes great courage.
Better than some mailing business, nobody is going to read

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 05:41 PM
I think you're missing the fundamental point of the video.

I'm under the impression that it isn't about the protests, it is about the way the protests are handled.

The guy was stood in a public area, on public ground, minding his own business, quietly protesting (you can't argue that point as far as the VT footage goes). Obviously no-one can speak for what happened before or after the video, but in pure terms of what is in the VT at least, the reaction to their presence was way out of order. I appreciate that the VT footage could be out of context, but purely on what I see there, there is a serious freedom of speech issue, and that is what we should be concerned about.

If that video is as it seems, then we have a lot to worry about.

[edit on 14-4-2007 by mirageofdeceit]

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf

Real activism? Hound your congress people with letters. Dont take no for an answer or accept their nonsense reasons about the 9/11 commision. Keep hounding them. Spread information to your family and friends. Hound your local news station with letters, send them information. Tell your co-workers about it. And most important, do it in a civilized manner. Remember, you yourself might be the only represenitive of 9/11 truth alot of people ever meet.

Letters to congress people.. LOL if somebody is going to read that. Plus they are doing it in an civilized manner. They're not a mad mob.

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 05:51 PM
Stop BS people here about ``the camera in the face was impolite``... GIVE ME A FREAKING BREAK. Who the hell is planting CCTV all around, with recording device who record what you say and can shout at you?

Give me a break. They can watch us, record us and shout at us but WE can't. You guys are insanes.

And for the record, the majority of families members of 9/11 victims know that it's an INSIDE JOB.

And BTW, in UK, you should do the same thing but with 7/7 WAS AN INSIDE JOB banners.

[edit on 14-4-2007 by Vitchilo]

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 06:02 PM
No permit! Those people knew they needed a permit and did not get one on purpose. They did that so they could show this film and pretend to be innocent protesters who are picked on by the authorities. Phonies!

Permits are easy to get. They are for public safety. Even the KKK is allowed to hold these events. The permits allow the Police to plan for the event and make sure everyone is safe if it is a controversial issue. Talk about intellectual lies and spin
You can hold a protest rally for anything you want in the US. This reminds me of the propaganda the Soviet Government used to use to keep its citizens from knowing about what a free society was like. You remember the hours long lines they had to get toilet paper don't you. Of course many of you are too young to remember. There is money at the end of this trail and those protesters are fakes.

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 06:04 PM
After careful review of the video tapes I have come to my own conclusions. For starters the protestors, doing what they did, and how they did it was not correct in their actions. Before you boo me out, please hear what I have to say. In New York, even after 9/11 tensions ran high, and still do. Fear is commonplace and in New York, 9/11 is still a very touchy subject and topic. Emotions run very high and what they got is probably very watered down fully. Many people are looking and not sure of who to trust, or if the person with a camera is there doing anything illegale. Though it is kind of puzzling that the port authority would own from its property and out wards. I also know that most businesses do not like it when people who bring up very touchy topics are out front as it impedes their business. I would have been more curious if they actually managed to get on camera, a dialogue going, in a civil manor with different people asking them what they believed and if they would believe, when presented with evidence of something to the contrary.
I personally would have asked the person not to film me and to take his camera off of me as well, but I have my own reasons for it.

Just my thoughts.

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 06:15 PM

With all due respect,

Every time someone makes a 911 thread and i see you respond in it, you respond in a way that bashes the people who wants to know the truth of the 911 event.

Okay, I am not telling you to not believe the official story, that is your choice and i won't try to force you to change your mind but please, that goes both ways.

Here is a polite suggestion; Don't come in the 911 forum cause apparently, they annoy you and well there is no need to get annoyed if you don't read the contents is there?

That way, you wouldn't be frustrated by what other people are trying to accomplish and there would be no reasons for you to even bother with the truthers, like you call them...

There is a reason why i stay out of the religious forums and well i think that same reason applies to you in this 911 forum.

PS:This message is also addressed to everyone who fits the description.

Respectfully so,

Take care.

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 06:18 PM

Originally posted by Blaine91555
There is money at the end of this trail and those protesters are fakes.

And what if you were fighting for a cause and in your heart you had every intentions to get to your goal and you don't do it for the money but then people accuse you of doing it only for the money?

That my friend is called, ASSUMING.

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