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I thought the US was the land of the free.

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posted on Apr, 13 2007 @ 10:19 PM
There can never be true justice or freedom on stolen land. The soil that this country was built on is polluted with the blood of the innocent and the lies of murderers. From it's inception, there has been nothing but a game in which the few try to keep control over the masses. They will tell you that you have rights unless you cross them. They will tell you that you are free until you try to be. It is a lie used to give people false sense of hope and pride in this country when in actuality, we are no better off than anyone else. Just don't attract too much attention to yourself and you will die a normal death as millions before you have. Unless we mobilize the majority to take back what is rightfully ours and live without fear. The roots of a movement armed with knowledge starts here and anywhere else one can freely express a opinion and ask questions. When enough people have opened their eyes and hearts to the truth, when enough people are disgusted and appalled with the lies and deciet, you will see the change. You will truely feel free. I hope I am still around to see that day.

posted on Apr, 13 2007 @ 10:20 PM
Infra, what are you talking about, exactly?

posted on Apr, 13 2007 @ 10:27 PM

Originally posted by Johnmike
Infra, what are you talking about, exactly?

He's talking about revolution John.

Love the signiture line Infra

[edit on 13-4-2007 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Apr, 13 2007 @ 11:38 PM
Sidewalks are privately owned now....someone's free.

After 911, the Canadian government canceled a program for foster children through which they were given two free years of university. Even though it takes three or four years to get a degree.

Their generous gift to the underprivileged and neglected children of the land was donated to the victims of 911.

I have nothing against donating money to the victims of 911, or any other family suddenly bereft of its breadwinner.

But the choice of funds they decided to pilfer, speaks volumes.

[edit on 13-4-2007 by clearwater]

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 01:06 AM
Nothing wrong was done on either side, however, there are many places in NY that you are not allowed to film for specific reasons. You also have to have a permit to do what they were doing and recording it.

They were asked nicely to
1. leave
2. turn off the cameras
3. very politely

You folks do realize that most NY's are pretty pissed about 9/11? They are lucky that they did not get their legs broken. That is not freedom of speech, that is entrapment on the part of the banner holders.

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 03:44 AM
In the first video, the man who continuously heckled the camera crew could have easily been charged with terrorism himself. When he shouted to the people around him that "there are wires in the bag," "there is a bomb in the bag," it was equivalent to someone shouting "fire" in a theater. His intention was to create panic and fear, and with that video, I would have shown the officers what that man was trying to do.

I also found it humorous when he said, "To me you look like a terrorist. I don't know what a terrorist looks like."

Good videos though.

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 04:47 AM
the only thing those videos show is the tactics used by the " truthers ".
that guy ask if they would mind not having their camera in his face and what do they do ? continue to do it . nice , real nice .

that entire act is nothing about truth and everything about money .
promoting that so called web site . thats it . money . advertising dollars .

[edit on 14-4-2007 by gen.disaray]

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 05:09 AM
I tend to agree with you on that one gen.disray.

The "truthers" seemed very provocative IMO. Almost like they wanted something to happen. Perhaps so they can post it on their site and scream NWO?

I lean on the tendency to believe the 9/11 conspiracies, but these people just seemed... I don't know, fake?

But two things that come to mind.

Those are,

1. I doubt they'd risk imprisonment and being labeled a terrorist for their website and...
2. They should be allowed to host their little demonstration, as America is supposed to be the land of the free. (Granted, they were allowed to continue their demonstration, just not without being uber heckled.)

But there are alot out there I suppose who wants to earn a buck off the horror that was 9/11.

However, this looks interesting.

Not sure what to make of it?

[edit on 14-4-2007 by Frontkjemper]

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 05:14 AM
To me, "Get that camera out of my face please" is not polite.

Yes, in this country we are used to the expression, "get out of my face", but it is never, and to my knowledge has never been used as a *polite* expression. It is a confrontational one.

"Could you please turn the camera off" is polite. "Get out of my face" is not, regardless of the "pleases" you add after it.

There are many ways that those attempting to get the protesters to move could have used. Resorting to intimidation, police threats, and insinuations of a bomb and terrorism? Not a good way.


Approach calmly. "Hi guys, what's going on?" Listen calmly "Look, I understand what you're trying to do, however in this particular area, as I'm sure you can understand this is a very personal and emotional issue, can I ask you really politely to consider moving on, I think you're upsetting some of the employees here, and I'd hate for you guys to go through some nasty scenes"

With appropriate and above all calm and non threatening words, I'm sure most reasonable people would have been persuaded to move.

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 05:18 AM
That's true Inann... There were other ways of going about it. But I still feel it was over blown on the "truthers" part. But I wasn't there so I really don't know.

BTW, saw this off of one of their sites. A bit off topic, but don't know really where to post it.

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 05:22 AM

Originally posted by In nothing we trust

Originally posted by Johnmike
Maybe you should ask someone who actually makes these policies?

Last I saw on the matter some jew was handing out money to the survivors.

[edit on 13-4-2007 by In nothing we trust]

Why does it have to be some Jew? Maybe I should start referring to all the Christians who irritate me as some Christian, like that Christian Barak Obama. Or even some Catholic, Protestant, Muslim, Buddhist, Scientologist etc. What relevance does it have?


posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 06:32 AM

Originally posted by Johnmike
Most don't think the "conspiracy theories" hold much ground at all.

Some does. Many does...
You don't have to look far around to find video's of people screaming for an investigation.

It's just when the gate to this perception of 911 opens - hell breaks loose. (you will go - insane)

I wrote in a conversation here on ATS 1 or 2 years ago when 7 people was arrested in Miami - "this will divide your people and your country"

That was the begining.
you remember that thing with the masonic member?... Julian Calender was set on date 666 ect. What a weird bunch of days that was.

Some of you just don't keep up with the information - your still sitting in that sofa thinking of Osama Bin Laden. When former CIA and pilots and firefighters - what have you - Want the truth!! evidence and steel colomus shipped away - evindence destroyed..

What you spend your life on is looking for safety...

You know so many people have crossed that line years ago! - Crossing the line from going insane. Getting outside the box and what have you?

it's to late to create stability now - It's to got damn late!!

If the truth about 911 comes out - If it is allowed to come out -
It will touch the network - the web of lies...And infect so many people in governments around the world in all countries - It will break our idea of reality - that has been build up for about 2007 years.

911 is not just about 911... It's about the entire structure of the global system. It will destroy the planet as it is now.

People are sick of the system - What the heck has happend to nature during this human experience? Nature is freakin dying because of the same system that made 911 happend and all the other wars.

To expose the entire 911 lies - is to expose Dracula in he's coffin to the sunlight of hawai!!

even the issue of paying taxes is corrupt... Everything must end - this is against nature - and whatever intelligent-force in universe is apparently present in the universe.

Those guys in the suits dont give a flying ass about human life - or nature for that sake - It's just a thing I can see!
Right now everything is so far off balance that it has infected the human mind - and split the world completly in people who think about it, and people who don't ever started to think about anything!

I sense a war - I sense the energy is going sliding and touching eachother - all the energies and electrical charges that goes between words and emotion though and action - is about to explode globally -


[edit on 14-4-2007 by Ram]

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 06:34 AM
If people in the UK were like them US men(MIB lol) they would litteraly have had a one way ticket to hospital. Why didn't them people on camera stick up for them selves. Why did they call them "sir" too

Anyways it's all you Americans fault anyway for being ignorant to the rest of the world and being blind to what your government does

Edit: How many Americans know how many sides a triangle has????

[edit on 14-4-2007 by SKUNK2]

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 08:04 AM

Originally posted by Inannamute
To me, "Get that camera out of my face please" is not polite.

Yes, in this country we are used to the expression, "get out of my face", but it is never, and to my knowledge has never been used as a *polite* expression. It is a confrontational one.

Yeah. So is shoving a camera in someones face and heckiling them. Thats pretty confrontatinal. Provocative.

I would have punched those twats in the face too. And I believe in 9/11 conspiracies. As far as Im concerned, these "truthers" or whatever label they apply to themselves could care less about the truth behind 9/11. They simply want to provoke people for whatever little agenda they have hidden behind their search for the "truth".

The protesters were far from polite, so I don't see why they should be treated with politeness in turn. Free speech goes both ways. Provoke people, and they provoke back. Getting cameras up in peoples faces and hurling insults and innuendos? If thats you free speech, good for you. My free speech will be my boot on your kneecap. Thats my free speech. See? Everyone is free!

If you really care about getting to the bottom of the government involvement in 9/11 and re-opening a real investigation, you certianly arent doing it any favors by standing around screaming and making an ass of yourself and harrassing people. When people see a bunch of folks waving around banners and shouting, they think "look at those idiots, screaming their fool heads off". It certainly does not cast a fine light on the whole movement, and when I see a bunch of morons standing about like this, I shudder. No one will take us seriously.

Real activism? Hound your congress people with letters. Dont take no for an answer or accept their nonsense reasons about the 9/11 commision. Keep hounding them. Spread information to your family and friends. Hound your local news station with letters, send them information. Tell your co-workers about it. And most important, do it in a civilized manner. Remember, you yourself might be the only represenitive of 9/11 truth alot of people ever meet.

You get alot more flies with honey than vinegar.

[edit on 14-4-2007 by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf]


posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 09:59 AM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf

Real activism? Hound your congress people with letters. Dont take no for an answer or accept their nonsense reasons about the 9/11 commision. Keep hounding them. Spread information to your family and friends. Hound your local news station with letters, send them information. Tell your co-workers about it. And most important, do it in a civilized manner. Remember, you yourself might be the only represenitive of 9/11 truth alot of people ever meet.

You get alot more flies with honey than vinegar.

Congress is corrupt...they also have 911 censur on the daily "to do list".
Im sure they use that very often when it comes to 911.

Do it in a civilized manner?!?! wtf does that mean`!?

Wear a suit and the civilized proffesional outlook.. TO BE civilized means starting a war - Blow up skyscrapers? Lie to your people?

oh great..
That is a fundemental thing that screws everything up.. Be civilized... And spend another 40 years of lies unsaid words..`? Civilized means - O B E Y! obeyness - obey don't think..bleh bleh bleh..

sending mail to congress - they wont ever read that mail!! - Im sure they send mail to congress.. I dont think you get anything out of sending mail to your congress - the sceme is - that it's freaking corrupt.
your congress is in on it! -

They wont read anything about 911 because it is forbidden-. - or becomming forbidden. JUNK-MAIL JUNK-MAIL JUNK-MAIL.

There seems to be no other way than demostrations - And eventually become uncivilized...

Which eventually leads to martial law - and the FEMA camps... Yea.. You got it there - go insane is the only way in the end.

911 truthers can go NOWHERE to inform people.. It will end with Martial law - because it is corrupt mafia that controls this planet - Destroying nature and making money..killing people enjoying wars...

I DONT CARE. We are all F-ed.

It's a loooong story about freedom - It is the story of a lifetime - it is the story of a human race on a planet with a stupid system that has nothing to do with humanity -
If you send a mail to a congress man/woman - They will throw it over their right shoulder into the trashcan. Isn't that what they have done in the past 5 or 6 years?

America is on the road to INSANITY! taking all the rest of the globe with it - into the abyss - unless offcourse the impossible happends--

[edit on 14-4-2007 by Ram]
the next step will be insanity.

[edit on 14-4-2007 by Ram]

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by Johnmike
If I lost family in that attack, I would've punched the guy in the nose, honestly.

Not that it has anything to do with being against free speech. People can find stuff like that offensive.

If I get you right here you are saying you would have punched the guy that was presenting the sign? Or the people that were getting in their faces?

If you are saying this about the first then I have to ask why? If I had lost family in those towers I would WANT to know the truth. The fact that you can no longer question the government without getting smeared or belittled or intimidated should tell you something. If the truth is what the government has presented then they should release everything they have on it. There should be no classified documents and people should be FORCED to testify under oath.

This national security BS excuse to be exempt from testifying under oath is garbage. Especially about the events of that day.

It's kind of funny how our great leader has also stated that he won't let any of his staff testify under oath on this attorney firing issue. At first I even gave them the benefit of the doubt. You should be able to fire anyone you want. However, the screams of scandal seem to be closer to the truth now as more information is shed.

5 million or more 'missing' emails from this administration? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? And this is supposed to be the most secure country in the world and yet our government is breaking it's own communication laws by using outside email service providers and non-government computers to communicate sensitive information. And these emails just 'happen' to disappear when things get tough.

Yeah right. The reason these people get treated like this for 'questioning' the government is because the 'government' has quite a bit to hide. I wonder how many of these 'missing' emails discussed September 11th?

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 10:27 AM
"I'M FREE, TO DO AS I WANT ANY OLD TIME"......think again Cubby!

15 minutes of truth from Aaron Russo....

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by Frontkjemper
I tend to agree with you on that one gen.disray.

The "truthers" seemed very provocative IMO. Almost like they wanted something to happen. Perhaps so they can post it on their site and scream NWO?

I lean on the tendency to believe the 9/11 conspiracies, but these people just seemed... I don't know, fake?

But two things that come to mind.

Those are,

1. I doubt they'd risk imprisonment and being labeled a terrorist for their website and...
2. They should be allowed to host their little demonstration, as America is supposed to be the land of the free. (Granted, they were allowed to continue their demonstration, just not without being uber heckled.)

But there are alot out there I suppose who wants to earn a buck off the horror that was 9/11.

However, this looks interesting.

Not sure what to make of it?

[edit on 14-4-2007 by Frontkjemper]

I can understand where most of the people with this view on this confrontation stands. However, you need to also understand the history of this ongoing event. It has been happening for years every single Saturday and every 11th. These people display their signs and hand out videos. They go OUT of their way to be polite and I did see the video where they were told exactly where they COULD stand and hold their signs. It was where they were in this video which was obviously about a month later.

So far I have seen a few videos on this and each time they are told something else. They are constantly harrassed. At one point I watched where a NYPD officer dressed in full military gear told them they had to move over to a certain spot. The next week another officer comes along and says they have to move somewhere else. They explain exactly what they explain here but that officer says something to the point of "that was another officer. This is me. I perceive you as a threat so you have to go somewhere else." He also forced them to remove their cardboard tube that they had their sign rolled up on. He said it could be used as a weapon. A carboard tube.

Anyways, you have to understand the history before you assume that this is a one time event and that they just decided on this spot to provoke anyone.

The kid Dan that they refer to at the end lost his father in the towers. He was NYFD. September 11th was his first day back. He didn't believe the official story so he started to show up with signs every Saturday and 11th for years now. He passed away in his sleep at 23 in January from 'natural causes' yet no autopsy. I thought it would be required to have one if there was any suspicious circumstances.

Either way, it's always easy to say I would punch those guys in the face because they tried to provoke but you have to understand more about the history first. They are always attacked with anger.

Here is my question on the 'provoking' stance.

How is stating your rights, which they are right about, and calling these guys sir, being provocative? Provocative? What about the idiot jerk that started saying he thinks they have a bomb and that they are terrorists? That's provokative.

So, what other rights do you people think we should sacrifice? When you wake up in a few years living under a police state you can thank only yourselves.

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 10:46 AM

Originally posted by esdad71
Nothing wrong was done on either side, however, there are many places in NY that you are not allowed to film for specific reasons. You also have to have a permit to do what they were doing and recording it.

They were asked nicely to
1. leave
2. turn off the cameras
3. very politely

You folks do realize that most NY's are pretty pissed about 9/11? They are lucky that they did not get their legs broken. That is not freedom of speech, that is entrapment on the part of the banner holders.

Your first statement was dead on. However, the second one about permits is a little off. If they were demonstrating then they need a permit. However, since they were not demonstrating (blocking pedestrian traffic) they have EVERY right under what is LEFT of our Constitution to do what they were doing.

Asked nicely? LOL Man, I love how certain perceptions can vary so greatly over so many people. Especially when it comes to the jerk with the bomb comment. He was rude form the getgo and was responded to politely and correctly within their rights.

posted on Apr, 14 2007 @ 10:51 AM
Welcome to the real world. This is only a begining.
I don't want to scare you, but, if there is a world war, governments will have rights to arrest people who they think are a threat to "national security". People like these from "" will be the ones on the list...and all of people who post the truth here on ATS...don't think that I am a paranoic.
That is how the world works. Always has been the same, everywhere. Yes, including US, only you were trained to think differently...and now you are starting to see the reality.

[edit on 14-4-2007 by swimmer]

[edit on 14-4-2007 by swimmer]

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