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Billy Meier UFO Contact Hoax: Discussion

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posted on May, 23 2007 @ 02:04 PM
whos billy meir

posted on May, 23 2007 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by johnlear There have been continuous and weak efforts to discredit them but the debunkers are using the photos they are attempting to debunk as their evidence. Say what?

Mono en seda, mono queda.


[edit on 23-5-2007 by davidbiedny]

posted on May, 23 2007 @ 02:26 PM
Originally posted by PwN3d

whos billy meir

Billy Meier is a one-armed Swiss Farmer who went for some rides in a flying saucer with people from outer space. He took pictures in outer space and pictures of the flying saucer, both stills and video.

Most on this thread are trying to prove that Billy Meier, his photos both stills and videos are a fraud.

I am of the opinion that Billy Meier did in fact go for rides in a space ship from outer space and that the stills and video of the space ships were real.

Want to choose a side?

posted on May, 23 2007 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by johnlear
Originally posted by PwN3d

whos billy meir

Want to choose a side?

It would be unwise to choose a side until you have reviewed the evidence. Although this is a long thread, start at the beginning and read just a couple of the pages. You'll soon get a sense of what the fuss is about.

I am of the opinion that the person posting as John Lear is not really John Lear. He has been hired by John Lear to respond to every post in this thread saying, "I believe in Billy Meier. I believe the garbage can lid is a UFO in disguise." It doesn't matter what the subject was. The REAL John Lear spends days at a time at his gold mine in the Nevada desert or playing with his grandkids, a noble pursuit. The fake John Lear has appropriated his visage as an avatar, sits in front of the computer screen literally all day long, and devotes his days to defending Meier and his minions.

You cannot prove I'm wrong about this, because I will respond to every post you dare to type, therefore I must be right.

posted on May, 23 2007 @ 02:40 PM
Thanks John for the reply. I will try to get hold of Kinder's book and maybe this will clear up some.

posted on May, 23 2007 @ 02:47 PM
I've gotta get on that "in my opinion" bandwagon......

"No dear, I haven't been out drinking all my opinion."

"I'm not drunk my opinion, I'm perfectly capable of driving."

"On the contrary my opinion, I performed that job perfectly."

posted on May, 23 2007 @ 03:00 PM

Billy Meier is a one-armed Swiss Farmer [which isn't to say that a person with one-arm is somehow excluded from being able to hoax anyone] who [allegedly] went for some rides in a flying saucer with people from outer space. He took pictures in outer space and pictures of the flying saucer, both stills [some of which have been proven to be from an old tv talk show, and some of which have been proven to be from magazine illustrations, revealed in this thread] and video [which some optical experts (and common sense) have shown to be swinging from a fixed point].

Words in brackets are my own, but had to point these points out....

posted on May, 23 2007 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by PwN3d
whos billy meir

Billy Meier is a one-armed Swiss Farmer who pretended to go for some rides in a flying saucer with people from outer space. He made model saucers with a garbage can lid and bits and pieces out of his barn. He cut pictures out of a dinosaur book and pretended they were photos he took when he'd gone back in time. He pulled apart a toy raygun and stuck it back together with more bits and pieces out of his barn and pretended it was real. He has now built a pseudo religion around the scam and makes a lot of money.

Some on this thread are trying to convince others that Billy Meier, his photos, both stills and videos are real.

I am of the opinion that Billy Meier is a faker and didn't in fact go for rides in a spaceship from outer space and that the stills and video of the space ships are fake.

Still want to choose a side?

posted on May, 23 2007 @ 03:29 PM

Originally posted by schuyler

I am of the opinion that the person posting as John Lear is not really John Lear. He has been hired by John Lear to respond to every post in this thread saying, "I believe in Billy Meier. I believe the garbage can lid is a UFO in disguise." It doesn't matter what the subject was. The REAL John Lear spends days at a time at his gold mine in the Nevada desert or playing with his grandkids, a noble pursuit. The fake John Lear has appropriated his visage as an avatar, sits in front of the computer screen literally all day long, and devotes his days to defending Meier and his minions.

He is the real OLD John Lear. He used to have good buddies telling him lies during air force service. He believed his buddies.
And now he has passed the point of no turning back, he has to believe in Billy Meier for the rest of his life.

Give him a break, he is lonely.

BTW, I am willing to provide best cameras for Billy Meier for his next trip on UFO so he can record it properly, sign his name on it and post it on internet. So he won't have an accuse about someone faking his pics and vids.

posted on May, 23 2007 @ 03:38 PM
Originally posted by torsion

I am of the opinion that Billy Meier is a faker and didn't in fact go for rides in a spaceship from outer space and that the stills and video of the space ships are fake.

Still want to choose a side?

There is absolutely no way for you to determine whether or not Billy Meier went for a ride in a space ship Torsion. And that is a fact. But I respect your opinion even though I believe it to be wrong. Thanks.

posted on May, 23 2007 @ 03:48 PM
I think John's made it very clear that the photos which are under scrutiny here at ATS have either been manipulated or are not Billy's, regardless of what's stated to be fact. Billy's a one-armed Swiss farmer, yes, and if he's smart enough and able enough to pull off a hoax of this magnitude as most of you seem to think then he's also smart enough to know that the beast, which is all his tainted and/or falsely attributed, fabricated evidence, has grown too large to try and fight anymore.

I'm with you John, but I don't have your willingness to keep reiterating the same thing over and over. This is a losing battle!!


[edit on 23-5-2007 by Dr Love]

posted on May, 23 2007 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by torsion

There is absolutely no way for you to determine whether or not Billy Meier went for a ride in a space ship Torsion. And that is a fact. But I respect your opinion even though I believe it to be wrong. Thanks.

That's what I say, too! There is absolutely no way for you to prove I've never been to Mars, therefore it logically follows that I have because every time you tell me I haven't I'll tell you you are wrong!

And Torsion, that was an absolutely beautiful word for word parody of John's statement. Clap. Clap. Clap.

posted on May, 23 2007 @ 04:13 PM
Originally posted by schuyler

I am of the opinion that the person posting as John Lear is not really John Lear. He has been hired by John Lear to respond to every post in this thread saying, "I believe in Billy Meier. The fake John Lear has appropriated his visage as an avatar, sits in front of the computer screen literally all day long, and devotes his days to defending Meier and his minions.”

You cannot prove I'm wrong about this, because I will respond to every post you dare to type, therefore I must be right.

OK. You got me Schuyler. I am the fake John Lear. I was hired to respond to questions for John Lear on the Billy Meier thread.

The REAL John Lear stands tall, a man among men. Handsome, close cropped white hair, a lady killer he is, slim and trim even at 64. Well read, well spoken. A diplomats diplomat. World traveler, comfortable sipping tea in a caravanserai in Kandahar as sipping coffee (masbut, sukran) downtown Sana'a. Only if you look carefully in the left lapel of his dinner jacket can you see the International Order of the Knights Grand Cross of the Star of Asia. His tanned face would blush if you brought it to his attention.

He can expound on the trials and tribulations of Omega navigation, simplify the mechanics of celestial navigation and detail GPS to the unwashed. An inveterate storyteller he will have you rolling in the aisles with his irreverent stories of flying for the CIA in Laos, his cattle run flying cows from Khartoum to feed the army in South Yemen. Running guns from Greece to South Africa, and his part in the 'October Surprise'.

He would have you believe that he is the only pilot to have flown as captain, on the same day, in the same Boeing 707, a revenue flight for both El Al (Israel’s national airline) and Air Sinai (One of Egypts passenger airlines); and that he was close friends with Salim bin Ladin, Osama’s half brother when he lived in Cairo.

He held more Federal Aviation Administration issued airman certificates than any other airman. He was type rated in 23 aircraft and has flown over 100 different aircraft in over 50 different countries.

Retired for 6 years now I am sure the REAL John Lear would not be posting on the Billy Meier UFO Contact Hoax(?) Discussion (was raygun pics) thread. I would doubt he even had a computer. I would imagine John Lear sipping an expensive Sauvignon Blanc in the afternoon sun while waiting for his 5 year old grandson to finish kindergarten and come to his grampa to read "McElligots's Pool" (by Dr. Seuss) for the thousandth time.

I would imagine John Lear to be susceptible to bribes of Cohiba Esplendidos and Courvoisier XO if only he would reveal the secrets of the universe.

No Schuyler. I am not John Lear. I am a cheap fraud who wishes he could shine John Lear's shoes. If ever I could find him.

[edit on 23-5-2007 by johnlear]

posted on May, 23 2007 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by johnlear
There is absolutely no way for you to determine whether or not Billy Meier went for a ride in a space ship Torsion. And that is a fact. But I respect your opinion even though I believe it to be wrong. Thanks.

But I have determined that Billy if a faker. My conclusion is based on the evidence that Billy presents and the evidence his detractors present.

You John, may be convinced by Billy's Ptaah from the Pleiades but I'd put more trust in the Pfaart from Uranus!

posted on May, 23 2007 @ 04:38 PM

Originally posted by Dr Love
I think John's made it very clear that the photos which are under scrutiny here at ATS have either been manipulated or are not Billy's, regardless of what's stated to be fact. Billy's a one-armed Swiss farmer, yes, and if he's smart enough and able enough to pull off a hoax of this magnitude as most of you seem to think then he's also smart enough to know that the beast, which is all his tainted and/or falsely attributed, fabricated evidence, has grown too large to try and fight anymore.

I'm with you John, but I don't have your willingness to keep reiterating the same thing over and over. This is a losing battle!!


[edit on 23-5-2007 by Dr Love]

Billy claimed he is the Jesus, Muhammad, the Buddha he is so powerful. His Alien friend is the only Alien who visited earth and no other alien visited earth beyond his knowledge.

And he can't handle those MIBs who fake his pics?

Does Billy or his superior aliens know how many times I fart today?
Answer me, it is simple isn't it?

Billy is old, John is old. And you never grow up.

[edit on 23-5-2007 by kontol]

posted on May, 23 2007 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by kontol

Billy is old, John is old. And you never grow up.

You know, kontol, not that I'm attempting to ursurp the roll of moderator or anything, and not to put too fine a point on it, but there's a reason you have negative points, isn't there? I know your little red flag is gone now, but I have a sneaking suspicion it wouldn't take much to put it back up. You can disagree with John, and even be strident in your disagreement, without calling him names. That's unnecessary. It's just a whole lot easier to discuss a topic if we at least try to maintain some civility. Not every post here is full of meaningful content, but few are devoid of any.

[edit on 23-5-2007 by schuyler]

posted on May, 23 2007 @ 10:15 PM

Originally posted by johnlear
Most on this thread are trying to prove that Billy Meier, his photos both stills and videos are a fraud.I am of the opinion that Billy Meier did in fact go for rides in a space ship from outer space and that the stills and video of the space ships were real.

Want to choose a side?

John, I think I warned you in the beginning of this thread. Probably you didn't pay much attention to it and that's ok. Sometimes people need to find things out for themselves. The warning, generally, was that while support is of course welcomed by the Meier camp and Meier himself, stray to far off the partyline and you get expelled. (You working for the CIA in the past should be fully aware of how this works.)
In the past people such as Randolph Winters, George Green and Lee Elders supported the case in public. The thing is these same people were trashed by Meier at one point in time. It might have been business disagreements or what I find more likely they took the liberty of forming their own opinion of the case based on the information. I'm sure defending every word Meier uttered would get you a lot of support from figures like Michael Horn but the past has shown there's a straight and narrow path these people want to 'perform their mission'. Even Wendelle Stevens was asked to drop other material and exclusively support the Meier case. This should tell you something. Right now you're useful to some people but don't take my word for it. Read a lot about the case, the people involved and what happend to them.

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 10:19 AM
Posted by John Lear

There is absolutely no way for you to determine whether or not Billy Meier went for a ride in a space ship Torsion. And that is a fact. But I respect your opinion even though I believe it to be wrong. Thanks.

Actually John he could have been regressed, but I suppose he would not agree to that!

[edit on 24-5-2007 by smartie]

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 10:25 AM
Posted by John Lear

Incidentally in the past 25 or 30 years no models of the type filmed or photo lab were ever found. Nobobdy has ever duplicated the video. Nobody has ever duplicated the photos. They talk about how easy it is to duplicate but in 30 years nobody has ever done it.

Why bother to fake a fake that is so obvious.

posted on May, 24 2007 @ 08:32 PM
Oh, c'mon, people! We can't let this thread just die! We all have such a vested interest in keeping the same old arguments going over and over again. What will it be like not to have John come on here and say, "I believe in the Billy Meier story."? What will it be like not to have jritzmann and mr old school come on here and say, "If I've said it once, I've said a thousand times and here it is AGAIN!"? What will it be like not to have any random ATS'er come on here and say, "That Ray Gun is so fake!"? I just don't know what I'm going to do without my daily hit. This place is so darned addictive! Please help! Contribute today!

And tomorrow. Let's get to 2,000, okay? We gotta beat sleeper.

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