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Billy Meier UFO Contact Hoax: Discussion

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posted on May, 19 2007 @ 04:39 PM
Who are you?
what you say is disrespectful and offensive.
Can he get away with this mods??
1000th post in this thread.
Meier must of hurt.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by Fowl Play
1000th post in this thread.
Meier must of hurt.

The problem is that this goes on and on, the non believers say no, the believers say yes. Somebody allways find some excuse to keep it up and running.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 04:49 PM
The reason is not that simple.
Many a thread gets buried that has people believing two different sides of a story.
Damn nearly every conspiracy theory is like that.
The difference with meier is his "evidence"
Theres a lot of Disinformation gone on with Meier, there are some ridiculous photos out there that have been planted and debunked to discredit him.
The fact that that has happened means to me he is worth more study. obviously to others too.
Thats why he hasnt gone away.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by Fowl Play
Theres a lot of Disinformation gone on with Meier, there are some ridiculous photos out there that have been planted and debunked to discredit him.
The fact that that has happened means to me he is worth more study. obviously to others too.

What picture, EXACTLY has been planted? EVERY picture I have seen was presented by Meier as the "real deal" until the hoax was discovered, THEN he claimed it had been switched, altered or whatever even though it was THE SAME picture he touted as "real" earlier, before the hoax was discovered.

If you have evidence to the contrary PLEASE present it.


[edit on 5-19-2007 by Springer]

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 06:24 PM
Originally posted by Springer

What picture, EXACTLY has been planted? EVERY picture I have seen was presented by Meier as the "real deal" until the hoax was discovered, THEN he claimed it had been switched, altered or whatever even though it was THE SAME picture he touted as "real" earlier, before the hoax was discovered.

I would recommend reading the book before you say too much more. As a part owner here you have a responsibility to keep yourself as informed as possible.

You will probably have a different opinion after you read it.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 06:50 PM
You got it right Springer, thats exactly whats goes on, and has gone on for years with this tripe. Kinder's book is largely a one-way wash but tries desperately to look objective. It's interesting that it mentions Steven's imprisonment towards the end of the book so I'll give it that much, although if it hadnt it would have been clear what sort of book it was.

Btw, John, you might wanna read it again yourself as you mention "Lou Zinssta" in the other thread. It's Lou Zinsstag. Might want to work on retention.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 06:59 PM
Originally posted by jritzmann

Btw, John, you might wanna read it again yourself as you mention "Lou Zinssta" in the other thread. It's Lou Zinsstag. Might want to work on retention.

You are correct. I have to be more carefull with my proof reading. That carpal tunnel has my little finger immobile and when I think I am typing a Z I am actually typing an S. Will be more careful. Thanks for the reminder.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 08:08 PM
When I think about it: It would be such a nightmare for humanity, if humans would believe in such photos or statements like "these are real deal, because...". Humanity would extinguish in a couple of years. Although I am criticising some natural-scientific, positivistic methods in my researches, I am very thankful to the sceptic-cool minded, scientific people who are searching for the real deal, not "for the real deal".
On the other hand, I am getting paranoid that all these conversations are a trap to eat the time and effort of those cool-minded people. It is a pity, and a huge waste of time that some people are believing in this tragicomedy and it should proven that all this is an actual comedy.

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 09:08 PM

Originally posted by johnlear
Originally posted by Springer

What picture, EXACTLY has been planted? EVERY picture I have seen was presented by Meier as the "real deal" until the hoax was discovered, THEN he claimed it had been switched, altered or whatever even though it was THE SAME picture he touted as "real" earlier, before the hoax was discovered.

I would recommend reading the book before you say too much more. As a part owner here you have a responsibility to keep yourself as informed as possible.

You will probably have a different opinion after you read it.

Once agiain, typical Meier supporter behavior . Don't answer the question, just direct us to something else.

"Ignore that, look over here."

I too am curious, what pictures were planted by the MIB?

The dinosaurs?

Nope, he claimed those were real...

Pictures of Asket and her friend Nera?

Nope , he said those were real too. He actually had to change his story twice on those. When it was discovered that some lines that should be straight were slightly curved, he changed his story and said he took the photos off a monitor on an alien ship. When it was discovered they were just pictures of The Dean Martin show dancers, he said the MIB must have switched them.

Pictures of other planets?

Nope, he touted those as real too until someone found they were pictures out of a magazine.. than , guess what? they must have been switched by the MIB again.

So what photos were planted?

Please understand That I don't "get off" on trying to debunk this case. In fact, I desperately wanted it to be true. I really did want to believe it was true, but Meier makes it so darn hard.

[edit on 19-5-2007 by Tiloke]

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 11:02 PM

Originally posted by johnlear

I would recommend reading the book before you say too much more. As a part owner here you have a responsibility to keep yourself as informed as possible.

You will probably have a different opinion after you read it.

Hi John...

There is nothing in any book that can overcome the facts that B. Meier presented photos as real that were later proven to be obvious fakes in my opinion.

That being said, I am going to buy and read Kinder's book none the less, even though NOTHING can change the facts of history.


If, after reading Kinder's book, I some how can LOGICALLY rationalize the FACT that Meier presented photos as real then after having them proven to be hoaxes claims they were tampered with, I will change the homepage of ATS to reflect my error and blatant stupidity and promote the Meier case to millions of people!

Fair enough?


[edit on 5-19-2007 by Springer]

posted on May, 19 2007 @ 11:31 PM

Originally posted by TerraX

Notice the wicked shimmy along the horizontal central line of the 'craft'? The photograph itself seems to be an improved reproduction, it doesn't have the colouring of other pictures.

Hah, I see what you mean now! Maybe it had a dent in it.

Thanks for pointing that out.

Originally posted by TerraX
And supposedly these Grays joined the 'Plejaren Federation'. Oh, there's plenty of stuff to theorise about and combine that with Lazar's claim that he saw a Meier 'beamship' at S-4 / Area 51 than you got the stuff of ultimate conspiracies.

Interesting, sounds like at the very least maybe some "comparing of notes" was going on and their stories were "adjusted" accordingly.

Originally posted by TerraX
Semjase, Meier's alleged female alien contact, was displayed as very humanoid except for black slanted - walnut shaped eyes. Nowdays she's depicted as a babe so the magazine might have been wrong or the story changed which also happend a few times.

Please tell me he didn't claim to have umm "known her" in a biblical way.

posted on May, 20 2007 @ 03:56 AM
I may be somewhat slow off the mark here and this may have been pointed out before...

I have always thought that the beamships are named so because they travel on a beam of energy or light, or whatever propulsion method Meier may have us believe. But I've only just realised that beam is an acronym for Billy Eduard Albert Meier.

In other words a beamship is actually a Billy Eduard Albert Meier-ship ie one derived from his own manufacturing. I suspect he named them in this manner as a subtle and indirect confession of his hoax.

Go on, someone tell me this is old, redundant news

posted on May, 20 2007 @ 05:54 AM

Originally posted by torsion
In other words a beamship is actually a Billy Eduard Albert Meier-ship ie one derived from his own manufacturing. I suspect he named them in this manner as a subtle and indirect confession of his hoax.

And on that note, I propose that we rename Meier's society FIGU into FUBAR.

posted on May, 20 2007 @ 07:03 AM

Originally posted by hangerateteen

Originally posted by TerraX
Semjase, Meier's alleged female alien contact, was displayed as very humanoid except for black slanted - walnut shaped eyes. Nowdays she's depicted as a babe so the magazine might have been wrong or the story changed which also happend a few times.

Please tell me he didn't claim to have umm "known her" in a biblical way.

Not to my knowledge although it is claimed they had 'history' together. (Reincarnation stuff.)

Reading the new pro-Meier site I came across this article which I haven't seen in a while. It deals with the "explanation" regarding the Asket&Nera (hoax) pictures.
The manner in which it is written reminds me of a few other contributors on various discussion forums. The tone and handling of the issue is very reminiscent of some people.

Of course, the fact that Asket/Nera photos which, until now, were considered genuine, appear to be forgeries instead, has provided the perfect opportunity for Billy's adversaries to pounce upon this information like vultures who intend accordingly to exploit the situation to the last drop. Finally, they believe, they have found something that exposes Billy as a fraud and which can be used to "blow the case out of the water." It is their bad luck, however, that they did not take into account the truth, which, in reality, differs completely from what the self-proclaimed "debunkers" of the "forged Billy Meier photos" could have ever imagined or dreamed.

I mean, look at this stuff. 'Oh yeah, the pics are forgeries and point that out to much and you're a lousy debunker'. Yeah, the explanation holds water.

The circumstances under which the manipulation of these photographs came about are truly outrageous. Yet, they provide clear evidence of Billy's importance as a genuine contactee for the truly honest, searching, investigating, impartial people who are willing to learn. Likewise---because of his contacts with the extraterrestrial Pleiadians/Plejarans---his pictures demonstrate the danger he represents to certain scheming and cunning people, UFO debunkers, UFO terrorists, forgers of UFO material, and Billy Meier adversaries.

Another example of reverse psychology using empty content. Has it been proven in the slightest MiB were responsible? I think not. Even characters in this story are not named entirely, just with one letter. Guess that they don't want a follow-up investigation. What's outrageous here is the lame attempt at shifting blame while simultaniously create an atmosphere of authenticity regarding Meier. Articles such as these show the foul mentality behind some people.

posted on May, 20 2007 @ 07:10 AM

Originally posted by torsion
But I've only just realised that beam is an acronym for Billy Eduard Albert Meier.

In other words a beamship is actually a Billy Eduard Albert Meier-ship ie one derived from his own manufacturing. I suspect he named them in this manner as a subtle and indirect confession of his hoax.

Go on, someone tell me this is old, redundant news

'Beam'ship is the English translated word for Strahlschiff so any correlation with his name is a coincindence

Edit: translated from German that is.. The better word would have been "Jet" i.e Jet-engine.

[edit on 20/5/2007 by Cygnific]

posted on May, 20 2007 @ 08:02 AM

Originally posted by hangerateteen

Originally posted by TerraX

Notice the wicked shimmy along the horizontal central line of the 'craft'? The photograph itself seems to be an improved reproduction, it doesn't have the colouring of other pictures.

Hah, I see what you mean now! Maybe it had a dent in it.

Thanks for pointing that out.

It takes some enlarging but the 'craft' in the pic above is similar to this one;
Not exactly what I expect of alien enginering.

posted on May, 20 2007 @ 08:14 AM
Edit: I removed my post because whatever is posted here as 'proof' will still be waved away as fake, planted by the CIA/MIB/FBI. This is just an absolute waste of time. If you believe it is all real fine, if not fine by me to. I could care less to be honest.

[edit on 20/5/2007 by Cygnific]

posted on May, 20 2007 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by Dr Love

Originally posted by kronos11
could this be a CIA discredit?

CIA or whoever.........I believe discrediting evidence was fabricated and planted. Some of those pictures are so ridiculous looking I don't think anyone with an IQ of ten would even try to pass them off.


Before i lose the rest of my mind reading this Meier stuff. Explain to me, do i have a languagge issue or i understand that this joke:

Can do this:

Aiming accomplished through optical enlargement system
Pinpoint accuracy up to 37.2 kilometers
Can totally dissolve an object leaving no ash
The two round boxes on top of the gun contained two separate elements
When combined generate a laser beam said to be unknown on earth at the time
Certain type of radiation would destroy film if present when laser used
More advanced, newer versions were 1/3 the size. activated mentally, tuned to the owner

And another issue:

21 (yes, 21...) attempts of assesination on Meier and every one of them failed? ? Well, i guess that those "assasins" were the worst trained in the history of all mankind. How hard it to kill a one armed man living almost alone in the switzerland country?

I cant believe the kind of things that you can read.

posted on May, 20 2007 @ 01:32 PM
The above pictures show how fake the pics are.

Notice the barrel in the middle pic is "square" to the body of the gun.

In the other pic taken outside, the barrel looks to be pointed "up". You can also see that meier didnt wrap the foil real well either on the transition area between the barrel and the gun body.

It was probably windy, or he bumped the gun into the door jam as he was walking outside.

I cant believe anyone with a sound mind believes this meier ufo hoax

posted on May, 20 2007 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by Orion437
21 (yes, 21...) attempts of assesination on Meier and every one of them failed? ? Well, i guess that those "assasins" were the worst trained in the history of all mankind. How hard it to kill a one armed man living almost alone in the switzerland country?

Claiming that their lives are in danger because of the information they have is a common factor in many the ufo exaggerators/ fakers/ fraudsters/ hoaxers etc. It's all part of the circus show.

People other than Meier who have used it include:

William Cooper, who supposedly lost a leg in a failed attempt on his life by government agents (but in the end he was shot dead by police long after he dropped out of the ufo lecture circuit)

Steven Greer who supposedly survived attempts on his life from cancer-inducing weapons!

'Branton' (Bruce Walton) The book you are about to read was compiled by the mysterious Branton, who, because of the potentially damaging information that he has uncovered, chooses to remain anonymous. At least that's what 'Commander X' states in the forward(sic) to Branton's The Dulce Wars. And speaking of 'Commander X' any guesses why he chooses anonymity?

And what of this:

He later appeared at UFO conventions with a hired cordon of burly bodyguards to emphasize that what he was revealing could get him killed.
Project Beta p109/110 Greg Bishop 2005

Well, that's none other that our good friend, John Lear

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