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Billy Meier UFO Contact Hoax: Discussion

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posted on May, 8 2007 @ 07:44 PM

Originally posted by Michael12
Uh, hello (knock, knock) is this thing on?

Now Jeffie, do save me the trouble of pointing out how lacking in knowledge you are, i.e.

Originally posted by davidbiedny
When he says an image is bogus, I back him up 120%. I consider him a peer, and anyone who thinks he's less capable than me would be absolutely wrong.

Im sorry Micheal but when the Photoshop Pioneer David Biedny makes a statement like that about Jeff Ritzmann it talks volumes. Could you please point me in the direction where Pioneer's and respected experts in the related fields to the Billy Meier case are holding your professional opinion's such high regards ?.

Like i though....

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 07:44 PM
Dr.Vogel is dead, hard to ask him about why he faked the Thulium analysis. My opinion is, he faked it to give his 'magical crystal' sales a boost. Do you really want people to believe the 'thulium' sample just vanished? Well it vanished yes, but somewhere in the garbage bin without lid, so nobody could restest the sample. Your "evidence" will mean doodoo in court. Nobody can proof that sample is fake, because there is no sample.

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 07:44 PM
Examine the following:
Horn's new dvd
There is a reason he is more than happy to keep coming in here and spouting his dogma.
There imo is also an ulterior motive as to why he wants everyone's real name.
Examine the use of this:

The results of the skeptical challenges of the last six years, how debunkers like Kal Korff, Jeff Ritzmann, David Biedney, Royce Myers, etc. met with stunning defeat!

Noone ever got the chance to see with their own eyes the "raygun" being fired into/at the tree(s). This is very convenient, it is the "Alien's came and took the gun away before i could prove this routine" that is common throughout every aspect of this case.

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 07:57 PM
WW wrote: "Dallas:
Noone ever got the chance to see with their own eyes the "raygun" being fired into/at the tree(s). This is very convenient, it is the "Alien's came and took the gun away before i could prove this routine" that is common throughout every aspect of this case".

Billy did. The witness to the tree-pothole admits not seeing it made. But the witness is someone who confirms more serious matters on other events which happened in the USA and **NOrth Korea. Event's I'd suppose makes Billy's experiences superficial in nature re EBE reality.


Edit: ** = Vietnam

[edit on 8-5-2007 by Dallas]

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 08:15 PM

Originally posted by WhiteWash
Examine the following:
Horn's new dvd
There is a reason he is more than happy to keep coming in here and spouting his dogma.
There imo is also an ulterior motive as to why he wants everyone's real name.
Examine the use of this:

The results of the skeptical challenges of the last six years, how debunkers like Kal Korff, Jeff Ritzmann, David Biedney, Royce Myers, etc. met with stunning defeat!

Maybe Micheal Horn should contact James Randi

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 08:40 PM

Originally posted by helium3
Maybe Micheal Horn should contact James Randi

They have apparently communicated, and if the contents of an email that James Randi has posted on his site are legitimate.....Mikey treated Mr. Randi far worse than has been witnessed on this board.

I personally have seen nothing that casts James Randi's integrity in a negative light.

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 08:55 PM
Randi?, a dogmatic nightmare to phonies. Not so abundent is he to EBE reality until there's clear case of dogmatic trickery -- then there's the magician popping out of the bag--Randi.
Other than that, I respect his magical non-magical exposure. He has little to no exposure in UFO/EBE reality. Trickery yes, reality no.


posted on May, 8 2007 @ 08:59 PM

I don't need to point out to you the frustration,frenzy, and vitriol released by this man, who finds his favorite delusion threatened. But he's a smooth talker, I'm sure you'll agree. Here's what he wrote to me

This from James Randi, i guess this sums up why Micky was banned from ATS the first time. Either way check that link out its a great read.

[edit on 8-5-2007 by helium3]

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 09:12 PM
Damn I swear, we're talking about pictures and he mentions the analysis report. I make the point that said "analysis" was done by a guy who claims to be able to do spectral analysis on video tape, which is provably impossible. I post an article where this is fully exposed.

Now he pulls the metal sample out the air in regard to spectral analysis. This man cant keep a targeted conversation...he's all over the place! For the last time Horn, spectral analysis on video is impossible. Physically impossible. I dont give a rats butt about the metal, we're not talking about metal here, we're talking about pictures.

Meier wont submit the metal for testing that you claimed all along he *didnt* have. You said this yourself on the air. So drop it, you wont back it up, neither will Meier, so drop it. You got squat.

Youre flopping like a wet fish man, pull yourself together.

And while youre at it, submit the *original* negatives to a third party analyst like I challenged you to do a year or more ago. IIG and I are STILL waiting.

Looks like I'm a better fake prophet then Meier, as I predicted you wouldnt submit them a year ago....better yet, mine's date stamped and has been in public view the whole time! Wow!

Now all I need is a venomous, noxious, and vilifying media representative.

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 09:21 PM

Originally posted by WhiteWash
Examine the following:
Horn's new dvd
There is a reason he is more than happy to keep coming in here and spouting his dogma.
There imo is also an ulterior motive as to why he wants everyone's real name.
Examine the use of this:

The results of the skeptical challenges of the last six years, how debunkers like Kal Korff, Jeff Ritzmann, David Biedney, Royce Myers, etc. met with stunning defeat!

LMAO!!! Yeah thats definitely why he wants everyone's real name. He's doing essentially what he done before, using our names to sell a product or lecture.

The part he doesnt get is that if I'm along side Royce Myers and David Biedny in that list I'll wear that as a badge of honor. No biggie, people know what a kook is and why they target people that dont agree with them. You eventually gotta realize no one listens to Horn anyway, and those who do got bigger issues then belief in Michael Horn and the Meier case.

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 09:42 PM
Well, in that name is Hornis Fullofit. Its Armenian.

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 10:24 PM
Dallas and Whitewash:

I have removed your last posts out of an interest to keep this on TOPIC and NOT on the various personalities of our Members.

Please stay on topic.


posted on May, 8 2007 @ 10:26 PM

Oh yeah, I couldn't find your name anywhere. Are you simply another debunker who hides anonymously, without the courage to to present himself truthfully?

Its almost like Horn is hunting for debunkers to use there heads to boost book and DVD sales, only problem is he is shooting blanks.

I did a Google search for "Micheal+Horn" BOY could i not believe the amount of websites with nasty horror stories/encounters with Horn. I could totally understand that not everyone likes you, its only natural. BUT when 99.9% of people have negative things to say there has to be some truth to the matter.

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 10:38 PM
Helium3, So? why bring that here?, I can't see that as relevant on an Above Top Secret thread. You may find my handle somewhere too and ..


posted on May, 8 2007 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by helium3

Oh yeah, I couldn't find your name anywhere. Are you simply another debunker who hides anonymously, without the courage to to present himself truthfully?

Its almost like Horn is hunting for debunkers to use there heads to boost book and DVD sales, only problem is he is shooting blanks.

I did a Google search for "Micheal+Horn" BOY could i not believe the amount of websites with nasty horror stories/encounters with Horn. I could totally understand that not everyone likes you, its only natural. BUT when 99.9% of people have negative things to say there has to be some truth to the matter.

I believe we should stay on topic and not try to bring up interactions Mr.Horn has made with other people regarding the Billy Meier case. I perused the page you linked to and I think your over reaching for anything to disclaim Horn as nut or whatever.

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 10:41 PM
That's right. I mean, he's friendly and all when you agree with him but give him some feedback that aint useful and he's all over you. Take a look at the ray gun pics. Witnesses (basicly Wendelle Stevens) are welcome who support the positive angle but when you point out the similarity between the alleged alien laser gun and a toy from the 70s than it's "similar isn't equal" and you can take a hike because you're using an alias.

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 10:47 PM

Originally posted by helium3
Its almost like Horn is hunting for debunkers to use there heads to boost book and DVD sales, only problem is he is shooting blanks.

In my opinion, he's looking for people to convert to Meierism. Sales is one thing but in the end he believes in all of this stuff just like he believes in Meier's bible and he isn't reluctant to do it the hard way. Watch out for him, there's an agenda.

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 10:52 PM

Originally posted by Dallas
Helium3, So? why bring that here?, I can't see that as relevant

Its totally relevant to this thread cause it proves that Horn is totally unreasonable and at times insane NOT to mention rude, that is unless you back his trifle.

[edit on 8-5-2007 by helium3]

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 11:04 PM
H3, quote it all: Dallas: "Helium3, So? why bring that here?, I can't see that as relevant on an Above Top Secret thread. You may find my handle somewhere too and .. "

This thread started with rayguns, all kinds of views based at the start on toy-looking pics. Then it went on and on and Michael13 came on to support Billy's stuff. Maybe being paid maybe not (who knows?).

But we (some of us) have been involved with this deal long ago and spoke our thoughts as it came up from time to time.
But now it seems to me, it's taking on a different Ora; where people are the problem and not the point they make or the support they give.


edit: missed words and terrible grammar

[edit on 8-5-2007 by Dallas]

posted on May, 8 2007 @ 11:23 PM

Originally posted by Dallas

But we (some of us) have been involved with this deal long ago

Then could you tell me more about the crazy story where the "Evil aliens" planeted a bomb underneath San Francisco, BUT because the Plejaren cannot get involved according to Meier, Billy had to recover the bomb himself. To cut a long story short, Billy and the Plejaren capture and then fly the evil aliens of to another planet in the Plejaren craft.

Yeah, the contact notes are more reliable

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