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Have I Disturbed Some One? (Revisited)

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posted on Nov, 30 2005 @ 08:01 AM
Think of it as putting the peanut butter on the mouse trap or leaving cookies for Santa. Someone either had a really bad day up there, or lost something important. I think giving them a place where they feel comfortable, surrounded by things that they would remember adds a calming effect, and they will be compelled to communicate with/through the objects.
Bread and water are kind of a universal symbol of courtesy/welcome to guests or travellers.
The rest of the items are things that, no matter what time period it was, they would have had access to, and are more easily manipulated. While it would be nice for them to write you a letter stating their issues, it's more likely they will interact with the other items. Give them options.
Also, while high tech goodies have their place, sometimes the simple ways work best. You can always put the voice recorder on the table, too.
And, hey, you've really got nothing to lose here. If nothing happens, you've got bread crumbs for the birds and you're down one glass of water.

posted on Dec, 10 2005 @ 10:30 PM
Have two updates. I'll be reporting for Springer this time and let him fill in anything I miss.

We're sitting downstairs in the living room right now and Springer is recording the 2 amigos thingy with SO. I'm sitting here doing some research and all of a sudden one of the stairs creaked real loud. I looked over at Springer to see if he had heard it, but he has his earphones on and he's talking. I looked at Bear's doggie-bed and he was laying there.

So when the 2 amigos took a break I told Springer what I had just heard and he told me that at 2:45 this morning he woke up with his back hurting real bad and he was laying there trying to go back to sleep and all of a sudden he hears something over his head (in the attic). He said Bear started growling and then silenced back down. He said he could hear some one walking around up there and that it sounded like they were moving furniture around, but it was more muted (maybe as if it was something smaller they were moving around).

This goes along with what I heard two years ago up in the attic that one night. I kept hearing some one walking around and then sliding something across the floor and then sitting it down. When it would be sat down it sounded like an empty coffee can. Then there would be foot steps for a while and the dragging and setting down sound would happen again.

I've got to find some little table that some one will let me borrow to put up there so we can do the experiment with the paper, pen and stuff.

[edit on 12-10-2005 by Valhall]

posted on Jan, 11 2006 @ 06:47 PM
Okay, two events today. This morning I got up, came downstairs to the living room, hung out on ATS a bit and then went and took my bath. When I walked back into the living room the TV was on.
I was the only one up. No - I don't watch TV in the morning.

Then, a repeat of the "something scared the poopoo out of Bear" incident that occurred on Thanksgiving Day. Springer met me after work and we arrived home around 6:00 p.m., which means he was gone from the house approximately one hour, 15 minutes. When we got home Bear was no where to be found; didn't meet us at the door; didn't come when we called him. We went upstairs (still calling him); nothing. We walked into the bedroom and I called him and I heard his tags tinkle, and I told Springer - he's under the bed.

Springer walked around and set down on the side of the bed and had to do some major talking to get him out. He was shaking and didn't stop shaking for about 15 minutes. Springer was holding him in his lap and talking to him all that time, and he really didn't calm down for about 15 minutes. He didn't start acting himself until about 5 minutes ago. He was very quite. Springer left on an errand and while he was gone Bear just laid in the floor by the front windows and then when Springer returned he didn't get up and run to the door or anything. He just laid there. He finally perked up a few minutes ago, but he definitely wasn't himself for a while.

EDIT IN: I missed something in this. Springer finally got Bear out from under the bed, and petted him and talked to him for just a minute or two and Bear was shaking. We went down the stairs and were standing in the kitchen at the bottom of the stairs. Bear would NOT come down the stairs. He just stood at the top of the stairs with his little head poking around the ballister at the top floor and staring at us. Springer and I called him several times and he just stood there staring.

So we went on about our business and he finally came down and that's when Springer sat down and got him in his lap and held him for about 10 to 15 minutes. He was still shaking then. I interpret this as whatever was bothering him had to do with the downstairs. Which kind of makes sense when you consider that him not being at the side door all excited and jumping around when Springer comes home is a big weird difference from the "norm".

[edit on 1-11-2006 by Valhall]

posted on Jan, 11 2006 @ 10:01 PM
Sounds like whatever entity's poking around your house doesn't like the dog very much. Poor Bear.


posted on Jan, 12 2006 @ 04:57 PM
Val, do you think bear might be having seizures? What you described sounds an aweful lot like my dog when she has her seizures. She knows when she is fixing to have one so she will go somewhere private, and safe. Her body is shakey and weak for a while after. The time line and descriptions you gave sound just like my Sara's. They worried the heck out of me at first, but it turns out that it is more common in dogs than I thought.

Edit: dont get me wrong, your house is totaly haunted. haha. To the point I bet you could get a darn pretty penny for it on ebay. I just think with bear's situation it is neurological.

[edit on 12-1-2006 by mrsdudara]

posted on Jan, 12 2006 @ 08:49 PM

I don't know! I had never even thought of this. hmmm...Can you give us some symptoms or such to watch for?

poor Bear!

posted on Jan, 13 2006 @ 04:08 AM
Oh geez Val, I think MrsD may be onto something there. I agree poor Bear may be having seizures.

This is not to say that if he is, the activity in the house is not prompting episodes too. He may just deal with these things not as well when you are out making him more vulnerable. The problem being you haven't witnessed it while you are home so this may be difficult to confirm, but I would definately get a call into the vet.

Of course, how to explain the paranormal activity? Maybe just leave it out and discuss the possibility of could a serious scare cause this type of reaction. I really don't think most dogs would have such a physical reaction lasting as long as you describe once you have returned and the scare is over. Especially considering the fact that when you are there he seems to be alert and protective if something is going on.

posted on Jan, 13 2006 @ 07:23 AM
It is a lot like a seizure in a person. With Sara, we know if she is fixing to have one or has had one because her pupils will be quite large. Bear not wanting to go down the stairs is a red flag. If there was something down there that scared him, there is no way he would stay up stairs while his loved ones who he is here to protect goes down there. If he had a seizure, his legs would have been too weak to cary him down. Their bodies are very weak after, sometimes it takes Sara a good 2-3 hours to get better. If your not home, under your bead is probably the safest place bear knows. If you are home he will probably come up to you and try to tell you its happening. Sara's pupils will get big and she will look like she is very dizzy. Then she will slowly fall to the ground and have a seizure. Best thing to do is let bear stay where he is. Bring him a bowl of water and put it beside him, and just sit with him until he can come to you. Talk to him, because he is probably scared. He will be ok. If it starts happening more often the Dr. might put him on some meds for it. Good luck.

posted on Jan, 13 2006 @ 07:26 AM
Okay, we are going to start watching for this, but I have to tell you he has not had a seizure EVER in front of us. Thank you R and mrsd we will definitely start watching more carefully.

posted on Jan, 18 2006 @ 08:28 PM
Ok, this might sound a little silly, but u thought of attatching ur tape recorder to bear (assuming its not too big)?

posted on Jan, 18 2006 @ 08:56 PM

Originally posted by john_bmth
Ok, this might sound a little silly, but u thought of attatching ur tape recorder to bear (assuming its not too big)?

It's too big. But Bear got scared again tonight while Springer was gone to get me from work. We're actually having a hard time with the seizure theory (but not ruling it out) because of the huge amount of time that Springer is in the house with him (and he never has had one). Plus, for instance today, there are times that Springer is gone from the house for longer periods of time than when the "episodes" occur. Today Springer had a doctor's appointment which had him out of the house for about 2 hours, and nothing bad happened then. But when he was gone for no more than about 30-45 minutes later on is when something scared Bear.

And Bear's fear is definitely about something downstairs. He doesn't want to come down the stairs when this happens. This evening, when we got home, he didn't meet us at the door and we started calling him. This time he didn't stay under the bed like before, but he came to the top of the stairs (he was upstairs) and just stared at us. We kept calling him and for a bit he stood there and stared at us and didn't move. Kept calling and eventually he came down about 2 or 3 (at the most) steps, stopped and stared at us and then turned and went all the way to the top of the stairs again. Springer eventually had to go up the stairs and sit down near the top of them to get Bear to come to him. And he was shaking real bad again.

Now, Springer sat on the stairs with Bear for a bit and then carried him down the stairs and set him down. Immediately Bear started sniffing (like he was sniffing a trail) and he followed it into the living room, across to near the west wall, and then he sniffed right to the side exit door. When he got in front of it, he stopped sniffing, turned around, tail started wagging and he began to act normal.

We are going through tough times financially right now trying to get through Springer's medical issues. For that reason I can't pursue cameras and special recorders and such. But once we get through Springer's medical issues and are back to even ground, I'm going to get serious about something that will help us capture something. I would really like to have a motion-activated camera. I would like to use it in the attic some, and I would like to use it downstairs when we are not here to see what spooks Bear.

Right now, I can't even use the voice-activated tape recorder because Springer is here most of the time, so there is no "quiet time" to see if something that shouldn't be making nosie activates the recorder. Maybe things will change soon to where I can do some of these neat things.

Something to keep in mind - during the past few weeks (while this issue of something scaring Bear has been happening). For about 3 to 4 weeks of that time we were waiting to find out if Springer had cancer. (He does not! thank God), but that negative and stressful environment was here. And even after that stress ended, we have been waiting on pins and needles to find out if the neurosurgeon would do the surgery he has been delayed from having since September due to them having to chase the possibility of cancer. All of that stress and fear and worrying has been here. And I just wonder if that has had something to do with this.

[edit on 1-18-2006 by Valhall]

posted on Jan, 18 2006 @ 09:04 PM
Well, first of all I'm sorry to hear times are tough, but its good to know that cancer is not the issue for Springer.
I think we all go through some tough times eventually.

As for the stressful environment, negative energies could have provoked the entity, maybe causing it to lash out at the dog? I've pondered the thought that dog's can see things that people can't, maybe this is why the entity is attacking Bear and not one of the humans of the household. If this is the case, that is.

I hope things get a bit more on solid ground soon
And good luck with whatever's going on there.


posted on Jan, 19 2006 @ 03:01 AM

Originally posted by frayed1
Interesting that "it" chose that particular book.....a paranormal subject, so to speak. Do you have any other Harry Potter books, or others dealing with the paranormal - fiction or non fiction? Does the title bring to mind any of the occurances you have had?

Some religious groups have 'objections' to the subject matter in the Harry Potter series....maybe your 'entity' dislikes it as well? Were any of the past residents extremly religious ?

I am very sorry, but I must chime in on something... The Goblet of Fire is the first book in the Harry Potter series where someone DIES. In fact, one could argue that it is one of the most important parts of the book.

I feel that someone has died and, quite possibly, have effected those who live in the house to misery and possible death.

While you have said time and again that you feel comfortable in the house, it is also quite possible that this is a ploy by whatever inhabits the place, to feed off the fear and raw emotion before yet another victim is added to the morasse.

It is like neurological poison, which numbs before it kills.

Of course, I am merely speculating. I also like the theory of a temporal rip, which would explain a lot... and it seems odd that you guys had traced the age of the house to 1904 and the granddaughter claimed it was older, like 1880's age.

There seems to be a lot of confusion about numbers and when the house was built. Are you sure it was built in the 1880's? Isn't there some evidence you can dig up to it being built then?

posted on Jan, 19 2006 @ 03:43 AM

Originally posted by Valhall
And here are pics of page 21 folded over:

I thought about reading the folded page and the proceeding page together, which doesn't work very well, but it does jump out at me that "Haunting" is on the page directly behind the folded page.

posted on Jan, 29 2006 @ 11:22 AM
i have an extremely disturbing story that started just like yours did. it is extremely disturbing so i will not go into details here but if you want email me for full details. the entity you are encountering is a spirit. they draw stronger off of our fear of them. so that is the last thing you want to do is be afraid. i do not know if you are religous or not but the bible tells us that christ will pour out of his spirit upon all flesh, not just believers. second when christ rose from the grave he broke the gates of hell wide open and many of the dead were seen walking around. the best thing you can do at this point is be sure you know the real christ and not the fake one that they teach you about in church. who preach the wrong name . that is the reason so many people are seeing ghosts, so many psychics. etc. if you want more info on this as i have overcome a much more traumatic event i am sure you can recieve also. i am also convinced that this manifestation will grow stronger until you can not control it. [email protected]

posted on Jan, 30 2006 @ 01:26 AM
wow val, seeems like for the last year, everytime i get on here something new has happen, i wish springer the best of luck at the docters.

posted on Feb, 13 2006 @ 03:02 PM
i have recently been experiencing this very thing. after an in depth religious episode i prayed for the holy ghost. shortly after i saw a blue orb fly in through a closed window fly by my left side and imm. fly back the same path through the window and take a quick upturn only to disappear into the night sky. shortly after this i start to do some really strange drawings that i have subjected to a panel of scientist's to discover thier origin. i start to play a keyboard, i start woodburning some of the most beautiful work you can imagine. as i am playing the keyboard oneday i look up to see a face staring back at me from a closed door. i sanded it three times trying to remove it. still there. shortly after i start to have extremely lucid dreams that are in color. i start to hear things as i start to fall asleep, sometimes voices, sometimes booms, sometimes buzzing. then one day i have an extremely graphic sexual dream. i got really pissed and confronted what i thought was the holy spirit. the very next night i am molested in my sleep. now i am confused and angry. how could the holy spirit be molesting me? then i finally give up and am sitting on the couch extremely discouraged and i feel what i think at the time is fleas. i jump up drop my drawers to check myself. you would not imagine what i saw. my genitals are moving all over the place. i am at this point ready to commit myself to the local psych ward. when i think i should get the video camera. i awake the next day extremely tired, and thinking i have had a nightmare. i get up and go to the bathroom. on the way back through i see the video cam. sitting right where i had left it. it stopped me dead in my tracks, as i thought i had been dreaming. i watched the tape and to my amazement it is real, i see myself being molested. i have hours of video footage with closeups of finger depressions and lip compressions, ripples. etc. i couldn't believe it. i had to try again as it was unbelivable how good it felt. i sat on the couch and closed my eyes and thought o.k. lets see it again. i imm see two lines of light quickly pass through my vision (eyes closed) and i begin to see a kaliediscope of lights and colors. almost imm i feel a finger pressing against my head it starts to go around in a circle. i feel an ice cold hand on my hip. i open my eyes to look, nothing there. the hand slowly moves towards my butt, i feel the icy hand on my butt cheeks when it tries to slip a finger in my butt. i snap out of it and come to my senses. at this point my faith has been shaken. when a thought hits me like a ton of bricks. how is it that this is possible, doesn't christianity teach that this is why god flooded the earth. because spirits slept with people? i had to ask myself at what point would this be o.k. i open my bible looking for guidance when what do i find, the page i opened to was when the holy ghost came upon mary to father christ. at this point i am ready to denounce christ, then i read where 90% of christians experience this to some degree or another. then i become intrigued. ( i love a good mystery) so i set my heart to know the truth. you will not believe the simplicity of the truth on how to control this. i tried to control it in the name of jesus to no avail it was as if it laughed at me. then it hit me, jesus is not the real name of christ, why would an entity be subject to a name that was never heard until 700 years ago. i searched aincient lit to find his real name, to no avail. i searched aincient religion, to no avail. i searched aincient languages to no avail as all paths led to either western or eastern aramaic. after trying them to no avail i was on my knees begging for the truth and a thought comes to my mind. I AM HEBREW. of course you are so i looked under hebrew to find YEH-HO-SHOO-ACH. shortly after calling upon this name. i all of the sudden have a deep desire to keep the ten commandments, shortly after this i hear my new name. so the end result being i now have control over this thing that is referred to as a succubus. if i call it, it comes, if i tell it to go it goes. i learned early that even though it is now subject unto me. it becomes stronger everytime it is called because it grows stronger off of your fears, your lust, your greed. etc. this is the reason that none have been able to exercise this entity none have called upon the son to know the father. to recieve the daughter in whom is power over all even death.

posted on Feb, 13 2006 @ 07:13 PM
Shadow88's quick theory on ghosts! Teeny tiny flash animation

That has to be,although the fastest, the most poorly designed flash animation ive ever done. Sigh the tiredness is eating away my brain! cant talk long sentences any ore

[edit on 13-2-2006 by Shadow88]

posted on Feb, 13 2006 @ 08:38 PM

Thank you! That actually goes along with my own personal theory (which I believe somewhere back there I stated in this thread). And when "we" are in the same place as "they" are, I ask...

who is whose ghost???

LOL - they'd see us too!

posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 12:14 PM
It's been a while since I've had anything to report in this thread, but it JUST NOW HAPPENED. Springer and I are sitting downstairs in the living room and it sounded as though some one came out of the upstairs bathroom and walked across the hall toward our bedroom! We both heard it.

Bear is down here with us, so ???

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