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Florida REFUSING to hand Trump shooting suspect Ryan Routh over to the Feds

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posted on Sep, 16 2024 @ 07:27 PM
I would just stop arguing American politics with these foreigners, especially with the anti-Trump ones.

Their lives are not worse off because of these useless Democrats in power here, like our lives are.

They don't have a F'ing clue.

posted on Sep, 16 2024 @ 07:27 PM
a reply to: chr0naut


The UK, EU, Australia, and NZ are putting people in cages because they posted thing online that hurt someone's feelings.

Because they are unarmed cucks.

The first thing Tyrants like Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot did was disarm their citizens.

So go ahead and get f!cked

posted on Sep, 16 2024 @ 07:32 PM

originally posted by: Boomer1947
a reply to: pianopraze


DeSantis has resumed sucking up to the MAGA crowd the same way he was doing back when he was actively campaigning for the nomination.

He must think there's some possibility Trump could be forced out of the nomination the way Biden was forced out.

DeSantis is positioning himself to become the nominee, if that should happen.

It would be interesting to hear what conversations are going on in the Republican smoke-filled rooms behind Trump's back that would cause DeSantis to think this.

Thanks for sharing. But this is sheer projection.

The federal gov't has demonstrated its inability to carry out the law, keep track of evidence and even keep people alive.

I do enjoy your commentary however, you provide a very valuable service.

posted on Sep, 16 2024 @ 07:33 PM

originally posted by: DAVID64
a reply to: chr0naut

Genuine question... why do you care how we vote ? Not your country, not your problem and it wouldn't affect you, so.....why ?

To expand on that, I don't know and don't care how you run your government. Your country, your decision. Nor am I interested in the UK, Australia, Japan, etc for the same reasons.

YOU on the other hand seem extremely interested in American politics and very critical of the Right. So why are you so interested in a country's politics that don't effect you ?

Ever heard of Ivory Towers?

His is on a hill.....

posted on Sep, 16 2024 @ 07:37 PM

originally posted by: worldstarcountry
a reply to: pianopraze

Good lord Andrew Gillum?? The entire nation may have already been flying a Chinese flag if it werent for Florida showing the world the horse manure they were trying to peddle was nonsense as we were just living it up trying to be normal. America could have already been over and under some horrific new Globalist Medical dictatorship as part of a depraved New World Order. I think Governor DeSantis and us rebellious Floridians may have literally saved the world from a terrifying dystopia that the NAZI's and Stalin would have been proud of were it not for our stubborness, and maybe just a pinch of insanity, and readiness to die fighting any mother #er coming at me with that poison!

We know where they work after all, they take our jobs we torch theirs. That was the deal. We had to make sure that was known.

a reply to: chr0naut

I spent majority of Covid years in Fl.

Was nice living normal life without a mask while rest of world went to hell.

KY Dominion elected Democrat went full authoritarian dictator, even outlawing church services.


posted on Sep, 16 2024 @ 07:41 PM
a reply to: Boomer1947

Wrong again boomer, Ron is a stand up guy and is genuinely concerned with the current state of events. We already know the lengths the FBI has gone to falsely incriminate Trump, he's smart to hold on to this guy.

posted on Sep, 16 2024 @ 08:06 PM

originally posted by: pianopraze

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: pianopraze

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: pianopraze

I've seen this on just about every cop show or movie where the local officers doubt the corrupt fed officers who are there at the behest of some General or politician.

Not very original.


This is real life. Not some movie.

People are trying to kill our presidential candidate.

Your country has an overriding legal directive for people to be armed specifically to defend against tyranny in government.

It seems to me that such froot-loops are being entirely compliant with your Constitution.

What did you expect would happen?

We have the right to say and do what we want as we were never disarmed. Yes, Democrats are trying to take that away.

Nations that are disarmed soon loose those rights. History is repleat with examples.

I will take dangerous freedom over "safe" tyranny.

A government that enforces one particular 'normal' and legislates against diversity among its populace, is a tyranny.

Citizens of the USA have fewer rights than most of the rest of the world. In terms of rights and freedoms, the USA is not within the top 10, and has not been for as long as there have been freedom indexes.

Civil liberties score

Freedom Index by Country 2024

posted on Sep, 16 2024 @ 08:07 PM

originally posted by: burntheships

originally posted by: chr0naut

It couldn't be Trump's fault that people want to shoot him, could it?

What are you on about?
One flew over the cuckoo's nest?

I mean, he has quite intentionally been extremely divisive, rather than being conciliatory and accepting. That makes enemies of people who only have minor and resolvable complaints.

I'm letting your words stand alone, as dangerous and
inflammatory as they are.

This is why I find average IQ people so frustrating! They'll only look at and accept information that agrees with the conclusion their dead minds have drawn as final and unchangeable.

I mean, he has quite intentionally been extremely divisive, rather than being conciliatory and accepting. That makes enemies of people who only have minor and resolvable complaints.

Yes Trump is devisive, but to overlook the fact that Biden and Harris are also devise takes willful ignorance, for which there seems to be no antidote.

All I can figure is such low-level thinkers believe they already know it all, are of superior intellegence to any who don't share their beliefs and are never open to reassesing their positions as new informtion comes forth.

Throw in mind-numbing propaganda assualts 24/7 from the MSM and you have budding communists without them even knowing what they are supporting and becoming.

posted on Sep, 16 2024 @ 08:08 PM
Good. Feds will kill him to prevent him talking. Needs to be able to tell his side of the story and find out why he did such a thing.

posted on Sep, 16 2024 @ 08:10 PM
a reply to: nugget1

As an astoundingly average IQ person, I'm hurt, stung, injured....OFFENDED by your definition of average IQ individuals.

posted on Sep, 16 2024 @ 08:11 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: pianopraze

I've seen this on just about every cop show or movie where the local officers doubt the corrupt fed officers who are there at the behest of some General or politician.

Not very original.


The reason it isn't very original is because it happens too much.

You are not qualified to be in this conversation when the rubber hits the road.

posted on Sep, 16 2024 @ 08:14 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: burntheships

originally posted by: chr0naut

Nah mate, it's a cumulation of conspiracy sites and conspiracy social media posts and organized propaganda, on the 'net.

Speaking of social media posts ....
Trump drops full list on Democrat rhetoric that 'inspired another attempt' on his life

Complete with links to each quote, the campaign put together 39 different statements made by prominent Democratic politicians in recent years such as Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, saying that the GOP nominee is "a threat to our democracy and fundamental freedoms" as well as that he is an "existential threat."

One of Biden's quotes was, "It's time to put Trump in a bullseye." The list also included a quote when Harris joked about killing Trump when he was president in 2018. When Ellen DeGeneres asked her if she would want to get stuck in an elevator with Trump or other Republicans, Harris responded, "Does one of us have to come out alive?” and then laughed hysterically.

Yeah, I'd say that needs some sunshine alright.

It couldn't be Trump's fault that people want to shoot him, could it?

I mean, he has quite intentionally been extremely divisive, rather than being conciliatory and accepting. That makes enemies of people who only have minor and resolvable complaints.

Sure it is/s.


When people open their mouth we are supposed to just beat hell out of them, shoot them and threaten to rape their women????

posted on Sep, 16 2024 @ 08:14 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
a reply to: chr0naut

How can Nazi/Fascist be extreme right wing when right wing wants less government and no wars and actually no extremism???


A government under a dictator that does not represent its constituents/citizens is necessarily a smaller government.

Both the Nazi and Italian Fascist governments (extreme right-wing governments) attacked countries around them and started and fought wars.

The Rise of Far-Right Extremism in the United States

Pretending that there is no extremism, while arming and training insurgents for violent insurrection, is not an absence of extremism.

+1 more 
posted on Sep, 16 2024 @ 08:17 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

Yea....our dude has been inches away from two months.

But do go on and try to tell the class how it's "mUh rIgHt wInG eXtrEmiSM!1!11ZoMG!"

Sit down moron.

posted on Sep, 16 2024 @ 08:18 PM

originally posted by: wAnchorofCarp
a reply to: nugget1

As an astoundingly average IQ person, I'm hurt, stung, injured....OFFENDED by your definition of average IQ individuals.

You can make it personal if you like. I've not known you to be soclose-mided and set in your beliefs that you refuse to examine new information, but it's your choice if you wish to put yourself in that catagory.

posted on Sep, 16 2024 @ 08:20 PM
a reply to: nugget1

It's not personal, its all in good fun.

Yet I really am of astoundingly average intelligence.

posted on Sep, 16 2024 @ 08:22 PM

originally posted by: wAnchorofCarp
a reply to: nugget1

As an astoundingly average IQ person, I'm hurt, stung, injured....OFFENDED by your definition of average IQ individuals.

Well, it is my observation you are not as low an IQ as you might feel you were, or past any IQ testing. You have the sense enough to use your own brain to see what is and what isn't.
edit on 16000000213020249America/Chicago09pm9 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 16 2024 @ 08:22 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

The disunited states.

So, when states pushed back from Trump wanting to send in feds to protect federal courthouses during the riots, and the left called him a Nazi to even suggest was so much better in your view?

States have the power within their borders, I know it is hard for a country like yours to understand.

edit on x30Mon, 16 Sep 2024 20:23:31 -05002024259America/ChicagoMon, 16 Sep 2024 20:23:31 -05002024 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 16 2024 @ 08:22 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
a reply to: chr0naut

How many hours per day/week are you allowed to be on the internet? 💥

Well, there are only 24 hours in any day, so I suppose that would be an upper limit.

You seem to respond to my posts pretty snappily. So I'd suspect that you also don't have some arbitrary limit set (unless you are being very naughty).

posted on Sep, 16 2024 @ 08:24 PM
a reply to: Justoneman

I've been told that borrowing other peoples brains is a no-no.

(Appreciate your compliment.)

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