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posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 07:51 AM

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: UKTruth

Seumas Milne?

I have zero respect or regard for what that man thinks or says.

Personally I've never suggested that 'The West' did not support the overthrow of Yanukovych. But you've got ask yourself exactly why there was so much opposition to him and why the protests were so widespread.

Putin actively bribed the man to do a U-turn on the policies he was elected on and to take a more pro-Russian stance against the wishes of the Ukrainian people.

No justification to invade a non-threatening nation whose independence, sovereignty and borders his country had sworn to respect and all the subsequent death and destruction.
That's all on Putin.
He ordered the invasion.
He could stop it in an instant yet chooses not to.

Seamus Milne has amongst other things argued that the Falkland islanders don't have any rights to determine their future.

It's little winder he has zero respect for Ukrainian independence and his opinions should be treated as the anti democratic nonsense they are.

Well of course - unless it's 'Putin is the devil' then it must be nonsense.
You have been brainwashed.

The fact remains that the US installed a Govt in Ukraine after they supported a coup against the sitting Govt.
They placed missiles in Ukraine, right on Russia's doorstep.

Someone having a different opinion not mean they are brainwashed

Suggesting such, particularly while posting outright russian propaganda, does not do much for your credibility.

When that opinion is entirely one sided on an issue that has been building for over 20 years, with multiple miss steps and escalations by all parties, then, yes, it can legitimately be called brainwashing. To state such is entirely correct.

Misteps yes

Only one side has actually invaded another country and cased thousands of deaths and billions of damage.

Sorry attempting to justify Putin's invasion on the basis of western actions, when Russia has consistently done far worse is far more brainwashed.

So who invades determines who is to blame for a conflict?
Naive at best.

What when one country launches an unprovoked invasion.

If you are finding that hard to work out maybe too much brainwashing.

posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 07:51 AM

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: PorkChop96
a reply to: BedevereTheWise

How so?

Lots of reasons.

Start with how many Western leaders have been in power for 25 years.

That is not a good arument to support your theory that Western elections are any less corrupted than Eastern ones.

posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 07:53 AM
a reply to: BedevereTheWise

If you want to say people have a "confirmation bias" for voicing their opinion, you might as well go ahead and give us your reasoning instead of just saying "lots of reasons".

Do you believe that Trump had every right to say the election was stolen from him, and to want to look into the results?

posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 07:53 AM

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: PorkChop96
a reply to: BedevereTheWise

How so?

Lots of reasons.

Start with how many Western leaders have been in power for 25 years.

That is not a good arument to support your theory that Western elections are any less corrupted than Eastern ones.

Sorry you have been brainwashed into not seeing it.

If you are bored as I am yet let me know so we can have an adult conversation.

posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 07:54 AM
a reply to: UKTruth

At least voters in the West 's democracies have a real choice between parties/candidates.

Russians don't.

posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 07:54 AM

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: UKTruth

Seumas Milne?

I have zero respect or regard for what that man thinks or says.

Personally I've never suggested that 'The West' did not support the overthrow of Yanukovych. But you've got ask yourself exactly why there was so much opposition to him and why the protests were so widespread.

Putin actively bribed the man to do a U-turn on the policies he was elected on and to take a more pro-Russian stance against the wishes of the Ukrainian people.

No justification to invade a non-threatening nation whose independence, sovereignty and borders his country had sworn to respect and all the subsequent death and destruction.
That's all on Putin.
He ordered the invasion.
He could stop it in an instant yet chooses not to.

Seamus Milne has amongst other things argued that the Falkland islanders don't have any rights to determine their future.

It's little winder he has zero respect for Ukrainian independence and his opinions should be treated as the anti democratic nonsense they are.

Well of course - unless it's 'Putin is the devil' then it must be nonsense.
You have been brainwashed.

The fact remains that the US installed a Govt in Ukraine after they supported a coup against the sitting Govt.
They placed missiles in Ukraine, right on Russia's doorstep.

Someone having a different opinion not mean they are brainwashed

Suggesting such, particularly while posting outright russian propaganda, does not do much for your credibility.

When that opinion is entirely one sided on an issue that has been building for over 20 years, with multiple miss steps and escalations by all parties, then, yes, it can legitimately be called brainwashing. To state such is entirely correct.

Misteps yes

Only one side has actually invaded another country and cased thousands of deaths and billions of damage.

Sorry attempting to justify Putin's invasion on the basis of western actions, when Russia has consistently done far worse is far more brainwashed.

So who invades determines who is to blame for a conflict?
Naive at best.

What when one country launches an unprovoked invasion.

If you are finding that hard to work out maybe too much brainwashing.

It was fully provoked.
The govt of Ukraine was overthrown in a coup and the US installed a puppet govt in it's place.
Russia moved into Crimea as a result, where 70% of the population are Russian.
The US then armed Ukraine.
Crossed a line and triggered the invasion into the Donbass

As it happens the Russians were completely willing to sign a peace deal and withdraw from the Donbass - so were Ukraine willing to sign that peace deal
It was the US and Britain who stepped in to make sure there was no peace and the war continued.
100s thousands more people are dead because of Boris Johnson and his US masters who scuppered peace.

edit on 18/9/2024 by UKTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 07:56 AM

originally posted by: PorkChop96
a reply to: BedevereTheWise

If you want to say people have a "confirmation bias" for voicing their opinion, you might as well go ahead and give us your reasoning instead of just saying "lots of reasons".

Do you believe that Trump had every right to say the election was stolen from him, and to want to look into the results?

It's confirmation bias as his opinion on the legitmacy was based on his own notion of how he thinks the result should go.

Trump has the right to whatever opinion he wants. He doesn't have the right to use illegal means to overturn the results.

posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 07:58 AM
a reply to: UKTruth

Do you think Yanukovych was not a puppet and was well regarded by Ukrainians?

posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 07:59 AM

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: UKTruth

Seumas Milne?

I have zero respect or regard for what that man thinks or says.

Personally I've never suggested that 'The West' did not support the overthrow of Yanukovych. But you've got ask yourself exactly why there was so much opposition to him and why the protests were so widespread.

Putin actively bribed the man to do a U-turn on the policies he was elected on and to take a more pro-Russian stance against the wishes of the Ukrainian people.

No justification to invade a non-threatening nation whose independence, sovereignty and borders his country had sworn to respect and all the subsequent death and destruction.
That's all on Putin.
He ordered the invasion.
He could stop it in an instant yet chooses not to.

Seamus Milne has amongst other things argued that the Falkland islanders don't have any rights to determine their future.

It's little winder he has zero respect for Ukrainian independence and his opinions should be treated as the anti democratic nonsense they are.

Well of course - unless it's 'Putin is the devil' then it must be nonsense.
You have been brainwashed.

The fact remains that the US installed a Govt in Ukraine after they supported a coup against the sitting Govt.
They placed missiles in Ukraine, right on Russia's doorstep.

Someone having a different opinion not mean they are brainwashed

Suggesting such, particularly while posting outright russian propaganda, does not do much for your credibility.

When that opinion is entirely one sided on an issue that has been building for over 20 years, with multiple miss steps and escalations by all parties, then, yes, it can legitimately be called brainwashing. To state such is entirely correct.

Misteps yes

Only one side has actually invaded another country and cased thousands of deaths and billions of damage.

Sorry attempting to justify Putin's invasion on the basis of western actions, when Russia has consistently done far worse is far more brainwashed.

So who invades determines who is to blame for a conflict?
Naive at best.

What when one country launches an unprovoked invasion.

If you are finding that hard to work out maybe too much brainwashing.

It was fully provoked.
The govt of Ukraine was overthrown in a coup and the US installed a puppet govt in it's place.
Russia moved into Crimea as a result, where 70% of the population are Russian.
The US then armed Ukraine.
Crossed a line and triggered the invasion into the Donbass

As it happens the Russians were completely willing to sign a peace deal and withdraw from the Donbass - so were Ukraine willing to sign that peace deal
It was the US and Britain who stepped in to make sure there was no peace and the war continued.
100s thousands more people are dead because of Boris Johnson and his US masters who scuppered peace.

US puppet regime is you opinion(and not backed by facts). There has also been elections since 2014.

Thousands are dead because Putin invaded another country.

posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 08:00 AM

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: PorkChop96
a reply to: BedevereTheWise

If you want to say people have a "confirmation bias" for voicing their opinion, you might as well go ahead and give us your reasoning instead of just saying "lots of reasons".

Do you believe that Trump had every right to say the election was stolen from him, and to want to look into the results?

his opinion.

See this? That right there is how things work, just because you disagree with someone's opinion does not make it a confirmation bias.

Trump has the right to whatever opinion he wants. He doesn't have the right to use illegal means to overturn the results.

What illegal means did Trump take to "overturn" the election?

We know he filed lawsuits to check state voting, he called for people to show up at the capital but not to attack anyone, he questioned TPTB as to why certain things were kept secret or done in a shady way.

If you condemn all of that by Trump, would you condemn the left for doing the same thing?

posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 08:00 AM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: UKTruth

At least voters in the West 's democracies have a real choice between parties/candidates.

Russians don't.

More naivety.
What choice do the Americans have?
Whoever they choose, the people behind the scenes will continue to run things and the war machine will continue to cause havoc around the world.

It's ironic that the current choice is between a Democrat candidate who was not even elected as the nominee and recieved precisly zero delegates when trying to run in the primary - and of course, Trump, a narcissist who is as easy to manipulate as a child.

No country in the world is as corrupt as the US and the people have little choice.

posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 08:02 AM

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: UKTruth

Seumas Milne?

I have zero respect or regard for what that man thinks or says.

Personally I've never suggested that 'The West' did not support the overthrow of Yanukovych. But you've got ask yourself exactly why there was so much opposition to him and why the protests were so widespread.

Putin actively bribed the man to do a U-turn on the policies he was elected on and to take a more pro-Russian stance against the wishes of the Ukrainian people.

No justification to invade a non-threatening nation whose independence, sovereignty and borders his country had sworn to respect and all the subsequent death and destruction.
That's all on Putin.
He ordered the invasion.
He could stop it in an instant yet chooses not to.

Seamus Milne has amongst other things argued that the Falkland islanders don't have any rights to determine their future.

It's little winder he has zero respect for Ukrainian independence and his opinions should be treated as the anti democratic nonsense they are.

Well of course - unless it's 'Putin is the devil' then it must be nonsense.
You have been brainwashed.

The fact remains that the US installed a Govt in Ukraine after they supported a coup against the sitting Govt.
They placed missiles in Ukraine, right on Russia's doorstep.

Someone having a different opinion not mean they are brainwashed

Suggesting such, particularly while posting outright russian propaganda, does not do much for your credibility.

When that opinion is entirely one sided on an issue that has been building for over 20 years, with multiple miss steps and escalations by all parties, then, yes, it can legitimately be called brainwashing. To state such is entirely correct.

Misteps yes

Only one side has actually invaded another country and cased thousands of deaths and billions of damage.

Sorry attempting to justify Putin's invasion on the basis of western actions, when Russia has consistently done far worse is far more brainwashed.

So who invades determines who is to blame for a conflict?
Naive at best.

What when one country launches an unprovoked invasion.

If you are finding that hard to work out maybe too much brainwashing.

It was fully provoked.
The govt of Ukraine was overthrown in a coup and the US installed a puppet govt in it's place.
Russia moved into Crimea as a result, where 70% of the population are Russian.
The US then armed Ukraine.
Crossed a line and triggered the invasion into the Donbass

As it happens the Russians were completely willing to sign a peace deal and withdraw from the Donbass - so were Ukraine willing to sign that peace deal
It was the US and Britain who stepped in to make sure there was no peace and the war continued.
100s thousands more people are dead because of Boris Johnson and his US masters who scuppered peace.

US puppet regime is you opinion(and not backed by facts). There has also been elections since 2014.

Thousands are dead because Putin invaded another country.

No, US puppet regime is actually a fact.
We even saw on video Biden making decisions on who their top prosecutor could be.
They dance to the tune the US want and have done since the US installed their leaders.

posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 08:04 AM
a reply to: UKTruth

That's still more of an actual choice than Russians get.

I was talking about the West.

Other countries are available.

posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 08:04 AM

originally posted by: PorkChop96

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: PorkChop96
a reply to: BedevereTheWise

If you want to say people have a "confirmation bias" for voicing their opinion, you might as well go ahead and give us your reasoning instead of just saying "lots of reasons".

Do you believe that Trump had every right to say the election was stolen from him, and to want to look into the results?

his opinion.

See this? That right there is how things work, just because you disagree with someone's opinion does not make it a confirmation bias.

Trump has the right to whatever opinion he wants. He doesn't have the right to use illegal means to overturn the results.

What illegal means did Trump take to "overturn" the election?

We know he filed lawsuits to check state voting, he called for people to show up at the capital but not to attack anyone, he questioned TPTB as to why certain things were kept secret or done in a shady way.

If you condemn all of that by Trump, would you condemn the left for doing the same thing?

Trump has been covered on dozens of threads and not the topic.

Confirmation bias was based on what he posted. He believes the results are more legitimate because he agreed with the result. That isn't disagreeing with his opinion, it is pointing out the flaw is reasoning.

posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 08:05 AM

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: UKTruth

Seumas Milne?

I have zero respect or regard for what that man thinks or says.

Personally I've never suggested that 'The West' did not support the overthrow of Yanukovych. But you've got ask yourself exactly why there was so much opposition to him and why the protests were so widespread.

Putin actively bribed the man to do a U-turn on the policies he was elected on and to take a more pro-Russian stance against the wishes of the Ukrainian people.

No justification to invade a non-threatening nation whose independence, sovereignty and borders his country had sworn to respect and all the subsequent death and destruction.
That's all on Putin.
He ordered the invasion.
He could stop it in an instant yet chooses not to.

Seamus Milne has amongst other things argued that the Falkland islanders don't have any rights to determine their future.

It's little winder he has zero respect for Ukrainian independence and his opinions should be treated as the anti democratic nonsense they are.

Well of course - unless it's 'Putin is the devil' then it must be nonsense.
You have been brainwashed.

The fact remains that the US installed a Govt in Ukraine after they supported a coup against the sitting Govt.
They placed missiles in Ukraine, right on Russia's doorstep.

Someone having a different opinion not mean they are brainwashed

Suggesting such, particularly while posting outright russian propaganda, does not do much for your credibility.

When that opinion is entirely one sided on an issue that has been building for over 20 years, with multiple miss steps and escalations by all parties, then, yes, it can legitimately be called brainwashing. To state such is entirely correct.

Misteps yes

Only one side has actually invaded another country and cased thousands of deaths and billions of damage.

Sorry attempting to justify Putin's invasion on the basis of western actions, when Russia has consistently done far worse is far more brainwashed.

So who invades determines who is to blame for a conflict?
Naive at best.

What when one country launches an unprovoked invasion.

If you are finding that hard to work out maybe too much brainwashing.

It was fully provoked.
The govt of Ukraine was overthrown in a coup and the US installed a puppet govt in it's place.
Russia moved into Crimea as a result, where 70% of the population are Russian.
The US then armed Ukraine.
Crossed a line and triggered the invasion into the Donbass

As it happens the Russians were completely willing to sign a peace deal and withdraw from the Donbass - so were Ukraine willing to sign that peace deal
It was the US and Britain who stepped in to make sure there was no peace and the war continued.
100s thousands more people are dead because of Boris Johnson and his US masters who scuppered peace.

US puppet regime is you opinion(and not backed by facts). There has also been elections since 2014.

Thousands are dead because Putin invaded another country.

No, US puppet regime is actually a fact.
We even saw on video Biden making decisions on who their top prosecutor could be.
They dance to the tune the US want and have done since the US installed their leaders.

I do not think you understand what fact means.

Spoiler alert it's not your opinion.

posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 08:05 AM
a reply to: BedevereTheWise

Good job avoiding the question bub, you obviously don't want a legitimate conversation.

Good luck

posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 08:11 AM

originally posted by: PorkChop96
a reply to: BedevereTheWise

Good job avoiding the question bub, you obviously don't want a legitimate conversation.

Good luck

Avoided because it's off topic (and frankly boring now,).

posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 08:14 AM

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: UKTruth

Seumas Milne?

I have zero respect or regard for what that man thinks or says.

Personally I've never suggested that 'The West' did not support the overthrow of Yanukovych. But you've got ask yourself exactly why there was so much opposition to him and why the protests were so widespread.

Putin actively bribed the man to do a U-turn on the policies he was elected on and to take a more pro-Russian stance against the wishes of the Ukrainian people.

No justification to invade a non-threatening nation whose independence, sovereignty and borders his country had sworn to respect and all the subsequent death and destruction.
That's all on Putin.
He ordered the invasion.
He could stop it in an instant yet chooses not to.

Seamus Milne has amongst other things argued that the Falkland islanders don't have any rights to determine their future.

It's little winder he has zero respect for Ukrainian independence and his opinions should be treated as the anti democratic nonsense they are.

Well of course - unless it's 'Putin is the devil' then it must be nonsense.
You have been brainwashed.

The fact remains that the US installed a Govt in Ukraine after they supported a coup against the sitting Govt.
They placed missiles in Ukraine, right on Russia's doorstep.

Someone having a different opinion not mean they are brainwashed

Suggesting such, particularly while posting outright russian propaganda, does not do much for your credibility.

When that opinion is entirely one sided on an issue that has been building for over 20 years, with multiple miss steps and escalations by all parties, then, yes, it can legitimately be called brainwashing. To state such is entirely correct.

Misteps yes

Only one side has actually invaded another country and cased thousands of deaths and billions of damage.

Sorry attempting to justify Putin's invasion on the basis of western actions, when Russia has consistently done far worse is far more brainwashed.

So who invades determines who is to blame for a conflict?
Naive at best.

What when one country launches an unprovoked invasion.

If you are finding that hard to work out maybe too much brainwashing.

It was fully provoked.
The govt of Ukraine was overthrown in a coup and the US installed a puppet govt in it's place.
Russia moved into Crimea as a result, where 70% of the population are Russian.
The US then armed Ukraine.
Crossed a line and triggered the invasion into the Donbass

As it happens the Russians were completely willing to sign a peace deal and withdraw from the Donbass - so were Ukraine willing to sign that peace deal
It was the US and Britain who stepped in to make sure there was no peace and the war continued.
100s thousands more people are dead because of Boris Johnson and his US masters who scuppered peace.

US puppet regime is you opinion(and not backed by facts). There has also been elections since 2014.

Thousands are dead because Putin invaded another country.

No, US puppet regime is actually a fact.
We even saw on video Biden making decisions on who their top prosecutor could be.
They dance to the tune the US want and have done since the US installed their leaders.

I do not think you understand what fact means.

Spoiler alert it's not your opinion.

You might want to do some more research.
Poroshenko was chosen and in fact, even how the Klitchkos would be used - down to how often he'd meet them - was also orchestrated by the US.
Straight off the bat the US set up Ukraine's 'anti-corruption' efforts (hilarious as it was actually an organised corruption unit)

posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 08:17 AM

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: UKTruth

Seumas Milne?

I have zero respect or regard for what that man thinks or says.

Personally I've never suggested that 'The West' did not support the overthrow of Yanukovych. But you've got ask yourself exactly why there was so much opposition to him and why the protests were so widespread.

Putin actively bribed the man to do a U-turn on the policies he was elected on and to take a more pro-Russian stance against the wishes of the Ukrainian people.

No justification to invade a non-threatening nation whose independence, sovereignty and borders his country had sworn to respect and all the subsequent death and destruction.
That's all on Putin.
He ordered the invasion.
He could stop it in an instant yet chooses not to.

Seamus Milne has amongst other things argued that the Falkland islanders don't have any rights to determine their future.

It's little winder he has zero respect for Ukrainian independence and his opinions should be treated as the anti democratic nonsense they are.

Well of course - unless it's 'Putin is the devil' then it must be nonsense.
You have been brainwashed.

The fact remains that the US installed a Govt in Ukraine after they supported a coup against the sitting Govt.
They placed missiles in Ukraine, right on Russia's doorstep.

Someone having a different opinion not mean they are brainwashed

Suggesting such, particularly while posting outright russian propaganda, does not do much for your credibility.

When that opinion is entirely one sided on an issue that has been building for over 20 years, with multiple miss steps and escalations by all parties, then, yes, it can legitimately be called brainwashing. To state such is entirely correct.

Misteps yes

Only one side has actually invaded another country and cased thousands of deaths and billions of damage.

Sorry attempting to justify Putin's invasion on the basis of western actions, when Russia has consistently done far worse is far more brainwashed.

So who invades determines who is to blame for a conflict?
Naive at best.

What when one country launches an unprovoked invasion.

If you are finding that hard to work out maybe too much brainwashing.

It was fully provoked.
The govt of Ukraine was overthrown in a coup and the US installed a puppet govt in it's place.
Russia moved into Crimea as a result, where 70% of the population are Russian.
The US then armed Ukraine.
Crossed a line and triggered the invasion into the Donbass

As it happens the Russians were completely willing to sign a peace deal and withdraw from the Donbass - so were Ukraine willing to sign that peace deal
It was the US and Britain who stepped in to make sure there was no peace and the war continued.
100s thousands more people are dead because of Boris Johnson and his US masters who scuppered peace.

US puppet regime is you opinion(and not backed by facts). There has also been elections since 2014.

Thousands are dead because Putin invaded another country.

No, US puppet regime is actually a fact.
We even saw on video Biden making decisions on who their top prosecutor could be.
They dance to the tune the US want and have done since the US installed their leaders.

I do not think you understand what fact means.

Spoiler alert it's not your opinion.

You might want to do some more research.
Poroshenko was chosen and in fact, even how the Klitchkos would be used - down to how often he'd meet them - was also orchestrated by the US.
Straight off the bat the US set up Ukraine's 'anti-corruption' efforts (hilarious as it was actually an organised corruption unit)

By more research you mean believe the same conspiracy theories as you?

Not fact.

posted on Sep, 18 2024 @ 08:18 AM

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: PorkChop96

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: PorkChop96
a reply to: BedevereTheWise

If you want to say people have a "confirmation bias" for voicing their opinion, you might as well go ahead and give us your reasoning instead of just saying "lots of reasons".

Do you believe that Trump had every right to say the election was stolen from him, and to want to look into the results?

his opinion.

See this? That right there is how things work, just because you disagree with someone's opinion does not make it a confirmation bias.

Trump has the right to whatever opinion he wants. He doesn't have the right to use illegal means to overturn the results.

What illegal means did Trump take to "overturn" the election?

We know he filed lawsuits to check state voting, he called for people to show up at the capital but not to attack anyone, he questioned TPTB as to why certain things were kept secret or done in a shady way.

If you condemn all of that by Trump, would you condemn the left for doing the same thing?

Trump has been covered on dozens of threads and not the topic.

Confirmation bias was based on what he posted. He believes the results are more legitimate because he agreed with the result. That isn't disagreeing with his opinion, it is pointing out the flaw is reasoning.

Like I said - you have no idea what confirmation bias is.

What I said was that I have no confidence in either US or Russian elections, BUT because Crimea is a region 70% populated by Russians, I am more likely to believe that they would prefer Russian affiliation.

When you use terms you do not understand and then worse, change what people have said to try and cover for that lack of knowledge, it really is poor form.

What it tells me is that you lack both integrity and intelligence and as such, there is no point in engaging with you.
edit on 18/9/2024 by UKTruth because: (no reason given)

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