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55-year-old Woman Arrested for Posting Inaccurate Information

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posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 01:49 PM
a reply to: SprocketUK

And you're perfectly within your right to disagree mate.

But inciting others to commit violence is indeed a crime.

Especially via the spread of false information.

People would not say half the things they do online in real life.

Down to things like consequences as you very well know.

Hypothetical situation since I'm not allowed to dox people.

Once upon a time in a housing scheme in Scotland in the 90s.

Wee man getting on a bit, his wife has died, kids moved out, lives himself.

Young weans hanging about his close drinking, doing buckets, and making noise, shouting abuse.

He goes out and tells them no chance, out the close, go away, do one.

One the weans takes the huff, goes home and tells the mother she was flung out the close, mother's a proper ned.

Decides to go to his door and start kicking it in, gets no response, not very happy, methadone not quite kicking it that evening.

So she stands outside his tenement screaming the likes of pedophile and beast, wrong'yin, you name it.

All because he told drunken weans to get out his close.

A few days later the man is out walking his dog, and passes the young team, who proceed to kick the living # out of him and his dog based on absolute fecking tripe they heard from a daft sad junkie c@w.

Are you trying to tell me the junkie mother should not be held to account for her part in the act?

Freedom of speech and all that jazz even though its lies?

See there are limits, and words have power, even when they come from silly people, with an axe to grind.
edit on 9-8-2024 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 02:20 PM
a reply to: Athetos
He has always been like this.
Glad people seeing through his facade.

That one probably has zero friends IRL.

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 02:34 PM

originally posted by: SprocketUK

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: SprocketUK

Free speech is one thing but hate speech a different matter, the same with inciting hatred i suppose.

That's got to be against the law.

I disagree. If someone says something nasty, dry your eyes princess.

Too many people have gone soft. Another sign our culture is being turned inside out and is rapidly becoming unrecognisable.

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 02:35 PM
a reply to: Maya2705

About 3 or 4 good ones left ta very much.

Most of them are all dead, to be honest with you.

Midlife will do that to you if you are lucky enough to ever get there.

More things like family that are important to me at this time in life.

And did you really just join in 2023 for your first-ever ATS post to be griping about me?

I guess i should be touched really.

If you are one of those crazies please dont send the shadow people after me again.

The last time they got some poor man's service garage in Ayr.

Anyhoo thread is not about me you might wanna go read the TnC.
edit on 9-8-2024 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 02:55 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: Moon68

No. Inciting hatred, rioting and criminal behaviour.

So, if I posted your address and called for some nutjobs to go and firebomb you you'd say, "hey, that's ok, free speech and all that"?

Oops. May have replied to wrong poster?

Incitement isn't covered by free speech. Do people here even read basic law anymore?

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 03:32 PM
a reply to: gortex

It seems to me that your speech laws in the UK are there to protect the government and their narrative.

Any true justice brought about, if any, that protects the innocent is just an added “bonus”.

posted on Aug, 9 2024 @ 08:08 PM
a reply to: Kurokage

i assure you that the attacker was NOT a Christian. He may have come from a Christian family background, but I swear to you inn the mighty name of Jesus, this young man was a brutal, abusive, non-Christian weirdo sick #er, perhaps an atheist or a Satanist. Many children from Christian families rebel against God & their parents, in order to abuse & assault the will of the Father in Heaven, to cause upset & anger. The Lord's people NEVER attack young children in this way. A true Christian would honour & love little children - he clearly had terrible mental health issues, but also a literally evil personality, perhaps propped up by psychotic delusions. Apparently he stabbed up to ten children in the face & neck repeatedly, truly horrible indeed. Brutalising children in this way, innocent, blessed children, this man is a disgusting, demonic disgrace, who was clearly possessed by a literal demon in order to enable him to break the natural order of Reality, to murder & attack the innocent children in such a diabolical way. No true Christian would EVER behave like that towards children. God I pray that justice would descend on the evil bastard who has done this truly evil act. He deserves to die, no questions asked.

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 03:03 AM

originally posted by: gortex
a reply to: Greazel

Maybe Karen should not jump the gun on facebook and name and shame individuals who have nothing to do with the stabbing.

There was no individual to shame the name and story that went with it were made up.

This time yes.

If this has no consequences then next time this piece of work decides to send the lynch mobs after who ever she pleases.

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 03:43 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

Sure thats an awful story and one I have no doubt gets mirrored up and down this septic isle.

I really don't think that it should be enough to get her in court though, else every time someone calls Jeremy Vine a bike nonce then he wouldnt have to go through the hassle of suing them.

What about all the people you have labelled scum lately, if any of them get done over are you going to feel morally responsible?

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 04:18 AM

originally posted by: NorthOS
It seems to me that your speech laws in the UK are there to protect the government and their narrative.

Only in the sense that the government has been elected by a majority vote, so yes, there are laws to protect against those who would use violence to overturn democratic rights. Just as there are in the US and elsewhere. The difference between the US and elsewhere though is that our laws have been established from a zero point. We once lived as lords and peasants, we peasants have had to fight every step of the way to achieve political autonomy so those laws are robust and resilient.

As George Bernard Shaw pointed out, and I paraphrase, the real threat to our freedom of speech is the inability of some to first engage their much greater freedom of thought.

originally posted by: NorthOS
Any true justice brought about, if any, that protects the innocent is just an added “bonus”.

The difficulty is with legal representation. Legal expertise is incredibly expensive which makes getting justice something accessible to only the most persistent and "eloquent peasants" unless you are one of the fortunate few who qualify for legal aid.

Justice may be blind but only if you can first cross her palm with silver. The UK is far from unique in that though.

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 04:50 AM
a reply to: SprocketUK

I'm not 100% given the recent Online Safety Act but prior to that people can/could say whatever they want providing they use a qualifier like 'I think/I believe/It is my opinion...' wheras making the exact same statement without that preface is an offence under the public order act.

i.e if you wear a t-shirt saying 'I hate Muslims' police can't do anything other than advise you not to wear it for your own safety or do a quick check to make sure you're not carrying weapons or in need of sectioning - if you wear one saying 'hate Muslims' then it's an arrestable offence and hard to defend in court.

Starmer could potentially be done for slander with his 'far right thugs' claims and similar as the majority of protestors were peaceful and from across the political spectrum while rioters were a minority and many had no idea about politics but were using it as an excuse for violence and looting.

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 05:20 AM

originally posted by: bastion
a reply to: SprocketUK

I'm not 100% given the recent Online Safety Act but prior to that people can/could say whatever they want providing they use a qualifier like 'I think/I believe/It is my opinion...' wheras making the exact same statement without that preface is an offence under the public order act.

i.e if you wear a t-shirt saying 'I hate Muslims' police can't do anything other than advise you not to wear it for your own safety or do a quick check to make sure you're not carrying weapons or in need of sectioning - if you wear one saying 'hate Muslims' then it's an arrestable offence and hard to defend in court.

Starmer could potentially be done for slander with his 'far right thugs' claims and similar as the majority of protestors were peaceful and from across the political spectrum while rioters were a minority and many had no idea about politics but were using it as an excuse for violence and looting.

Not sure that was ever true anymore than saying allegedly means it's not slander/libel.

The context and intent is generally more important than the actual words.

You would have to show that Starmer refering to peaceful protesters rather than the actual far right thugs committing the violence.

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 05:32 AM
a reply to: Greazel

If this has no consequences then next time this piece of work decides to send the lynch mobs after who ever she pleases.

This piece of work ?

She posted information that was being circulated that turned out to be false the same happens here all the time , are we also pieces of work ?

You seem to be falling for the government line that says this is all about Far Right thugs stirring up trouble online for racist intent rather than Patriotic people concerned for the future of their Country , this has been coming for a while due to uncontrolled migration and the troubles caused by it , it is no surprise it kicked off after the murder of the children and even less surprise it was believed to have been a migrant who did it given prior events , the draconian measures taken by the government to protect the problem over the welfare of the indigenous people who are paying for them added fuel to the fire.

No one should be arrested for using words that don't incite violence , no one should be sentenced to over 2 years in prison for shouting at police and "getting in their face" yet here we are.

Before you criticise try living a week in our shoes , this green and pleasant land isn't as pleasant as it used to be and this governments building plans will ensure it won't be as green as it was either.

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 05:42 AM

originally posted by: gortex
a reply to: xWorldxGonexMadx

These riots had been brewing since the Manchester Arena bombing... just needed a match to light the fuse and that's what happened with this latest stabbing and murder incident!

That and all of the other incidents that have happened since , the changing face of our communities , illegal undocumented migrants walking our streets causing trouble , the stabbing of the Army officer not long before and the murder of the female dog walker on the 24th of last month who police are yet to release the names and status of those arrested have all contributed.

We've been lied to by politicians for years it's no surprise some people have had enough , sadly this new government have shown early they have no intension of listening to the concerns of the population and intend to welcome the detritus other countries don't want and rule by diktat over those who don't agree with their plan but will have to pay for it both through Tax and falling living standards.

Kier Starmer's Labour party will destroy this country and the life we once knew and there's bugger all we can do about it , I think that is what is fuelling the anger not the simplistic narrative being pushed by the MSM.

You're right of course... and I don't mean far right

The Media are only pushing what the Government are saying... the Media will never come out and say ''it's the Governments fault' .

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 05:53 AM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: quintessentone

They don't have to prove that it was her post(s) specifically that actually caused the riots.

We don't yet know the details of any charges.

As for being made an example of, I wouldn't know?

Shouldn't be allowed to arrest someone for posting something online in the virtual reality World unless it's a post about specifically going out to injure or murder someone.. or to incite racial hatred of a specific culture, although I would allow posts that say 'there are Islamic terrorists out there to kill you' or 'there are far far right thugs out there to kill you'.. both of which are true.

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 07:46 AM

originally posted by: gortex

... this green and pleasant land isn't as pleasant as it used to be and this governments building plans will ensure it won't be as green as it was either.

Last week, I landed myself an earworm with the hymn, Jerusalem (poem by William Blake, music by Hubert Parry), England's unofficial National Anthem.

A hymn of hope, for peace and to preserve all our people were fighting for @ WWI.

We should never allow any influence to alter our culture, alienate us to ourselves.

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 08:24 AM
Elon Musk , today.

Freedom of speech is the bedrock of democracy. If the truth is suppressed, it is impossible to make an informed voting decision.

The degree to which freedom of speech is being undermined around the world is extremely alarming.

I think he's talking to you , Sir Kier.
Curiously Chinese war ships are in the Channel , perhaps here as a sign of support.

The British warship monitored China's Jiaozuo, a 7,500-tonne destroyer, and Honghu, a 23,400-tonne supply ship, as they made their journey back and forth through the North Sea and into the Channel.

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 08:38 AM
The lady at the centre of this thread is Business woman Bernadette Spofforth who is also being accused of starting the rumour .... which we know isn't true.

She tweeted: “Ali Al-Shakati was the suspect. He was an asylum seeker who came to the UK by boat last year and was on an MI6 watch list.”

She added: “If this is true, then all hell is about to break loose.”

Before she was unmasked, Mrs Spofforth told The Times: “It was a spur-of-the-moment ridiculous thing to do, which has literally destroyed me. It was just a mistake.

“I did a really stupid, stupid thing, I copied and pasted it from what I saw, and I added the line ‘if this is true’.”

She has since released a statement saying that she is “mortified” that she has been accused of being the source of the misinformation.

“Such a claim is absurd,” she said in a statement to The Sun. “In reality I actually fell into the trap of sharing misinformation – like thousands of others did across social media in the aftermath of the attack

She said she would like to “apologise for failing to check the source material and posting in the heat of the moment” but that it was “wholly incorrect to suggest my post was somehow a catalyst for riots”.

If somebody can explain to me how this is the right thing to do in a functioning Democracy I'd be glad to hear it.

edit on 10-8-2024 by gortex because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 09:32 AM
Couple of minutes from Joe Rogan on Soviet Communist Britain.

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 11:42 AM
Reform UK MP Lee Anderson outraged at ‘scandalous’ police wasting time on ‘Twitter crime’.
Investigating people for writing things that may upset other people is diverting officers from investing actual crime.

During a meeting of the Home Affairs Select Committee, Lee Anderson MP expresses displeasure at police officers spending their time investigating ‘social media crime’ instead of ‘hard-core crime.’

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