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Walz's Stolen Valor EXPOSED

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posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 02:08 PM
Democrats ALWAYS cosplay their roles.

A black woman thats hardly black. A soldier thats hardly a soldier. Cant they find a genuine....anything?

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 02:44 PM
a reply to: SourGrapes

A president who is hardly a president ...

"Joe Who ?"


posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 04:54 PM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

Is Kamala even fully American? Does she hold dual citizenship?

Were BOTH her parents U.S. citizens?

Or, is she using the same race playbook as Obama; hoping her "blackness" protects her from being vetted?
edit on 10-8-2024 by SourGrapes because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 05:16 PM

originally posted by: Vermilion
a reply to: Irishhaf

They had Walz superior on CNN yesterday and he told them how they knew they were deploying and that Walz went over his head, out of his direct chain of command, and retired.
His superior didn’t even know that Walz retired until he showed up and his replacement was there and broke the news Walz was retired and wouldn’t be deploying.

The national guard chaplain even called Walz a coward. 😬
Chaplain of Tim Walz’s National Guard battalion calls VP pick ‘cowardly’ for abandoning unit

Wow, I hadn’t heard that yet. This moron is the gift that just keeps giving and giving. I have zero respect for this sack o #.

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 05:26 PM

originally posted by: SourGrapes
Democrats ALWAYS cosplay their roles.

A black woman thats hardly black. A soldier thats hardly a soldier. Cant they find a genuine....anything?

As always it’s this dude.

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 05:35 PM
I don't know how to fairly do this, mods please remove this post if it breaks any rules.

This is not my post on X, it is not anyone that I know or follow. I found this person's response to the Tim Walz issue and it resonated with me.

"He is on camera claiming to have carried 'weapons into war' and he was never in combat. He also misrepresented himself by saying that he is a retired Command Sergeant Major but he retired as a Master Seargeant because he did not fulfill the requirements to attain the rank of CSM. He received a conditional promotion to the rank of CSM while he was in the National Guard which means they let him pin the rank in order to fill a CSM role. His own unit members, to include the guy who had to deploy in his place as a CSM, have gone on record since he ran for governor and have criticized his abandoning his unit before deployment. Look it up, it's easy to find the videos. His DD 214 has also been shown. I did several years in the National Guard in Massachusetts and in Florida so I am very well versed in the process by which they receive warning orders. Their state would have told the unit they were being tapped to deploy long before they received actual orders. Tim Walz made multiple statements saying he was planning to deploy to Iraq. I also served for over 20 years as active-duty Army and deployed 5 time to Afghanistan, so I know first-hand how egregious stolen valor is. It's indefensible and disgusting. It's also illegal and punishable by fines and also jail time. Especially when you're embellishing your service record to advance a political career. Instead of being proud of the service he did for 24 years and the rank that he achieved during that time, he chose to lie about being a war veteran and the rank he retired at and THAT is why people are outraged. He is not a veteran of Operation Enduring Freedom. He went to Italy in support of (ISO) Operation Enduring Freedom. He's all over TV and books lying about his service."


Tim Walz is a disgrace to himself and his family. Not only should he step away from VP pick but he should immediately step down from governor of Minnesota.

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 05:43 PM
a reply to: MauiWaui

And thrown in the brig. What he did, and continues doing, is illegal.

Let him sit in the brig for a while. Guaranteed he wont be liked.

posted on Aug, 10 2024 @ 11:33 PM

originally posted by: SourGrapes
Democrats ALWAYS cosplay their roles.

A black woman thats hardly black. A soldier thats hardly a soldier. Cant they find a genuine....anything?

The heads of ABC/CBS/NBC/NYTimes/WaPo will pay dearly for lying to the American people about Joe Biden's health, and for making Kamala Harris something she is not...a woman of great achievements.

posted on Aug, 11 2024 @ 12:06 AM
Here we go, more video of that stolen valor blue falcon Walz…

BREAKING: In newly obtained tape, then-Rep. Tim Walz tells a gold-star family during hearing on PTSD that he was deployed to Afghanistan in 2004 in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, and says he and his troops suffering from mental health issues were “shown the horse whisperer and told to go be nice”

This from a congressional hearing on PTSD.

edit on 11-8-2024 by Vermilion because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2024 @ 08:11 AM

originally posted by: Vermilion
Here we go, more video of that stolen valor blue falcon Walz…

BREAKING: In newly obtained tape, then-Rep. Tim Walz tells a gold-star family during hearing on PTSD that he was deployed to Afghanistan in 2004 in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, and says he and his troops suffering from mental health issues were “shown the horse whisperer and told to go be nice”

This from a congressional hearing on PTSD.

He never actually says he went to Afghanistan there. Let's stick to his real instances of stolen valor, of which there are now two confirmed. Conjuring more where it doesn't exist gives the Democrats a lifeline.

posted on Aug, 11 2024 @ 08:12 AM

originally posted by: WeMustCare

originally posted by: SourGrapes
Democrats ALWAYS cosplay their roles.

A black woman thats hardly black. A soldier thats hardly a soldier. Cant they find a genuine....anything?

The heads of ABC/CBS/NBC/NYTimes/WaPo will pay dearly for lying to the American people about Joe Biden's health, and for making Kamala Harris something she is not...a woman of great achievements.

Pay how? The race is neck and neck. If Harris wins, they'll face no accountability. Even if Trump wins, I doubt they'll face any accountability. Blatantly lying to the people is legal.

posted on Aug, 11 2024 @ 08:16 AM

originally posted by: YourFaceAgain

originally posted by: Vermilion
Here we go, more video of that stolen valor blue falcon Walz…

BREAKING: In newly obtained tape, then-Rep. Tim Walz tells a gold-star family during hearing on PTSD that he was deployed to Afghanistan in 2004 in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, and says he and his troops suffering from mental health issues were “shown the horse whisperer and told to go be nice”

This from a congressional hearing on PTSD.

He never actually says he went to Afghanistan there. Let's stick to his real instances of stolen valor, of which there are now two confirmed. Conjuring more where it doesn't exist gives the Democrats a lifeline.

this is paramount. There are enough real, factual, no way to deny it, things about both Harris and Walz to sink them, and introducing fabrications will only give the left reasons to point to them, and claim "it's all been debunked".

We need to stick to the facts, and hammer them home, and never let it be memory holed.

posted on Aug, 11 2024 @ 12:42 PM

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: YourFaceAgain

originally posted by: Vermilion
Here we go, more video of that stolen valor blue falcon Walz…

BREAKING: In newly obtained tape, then-Rep. Tim Walz tells a gold-star family during hearing on PTSD that he was deployed to Afghanistan in 2004 in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, and says he and his troops suffering from mental health issues were “shown the horse whisperer and told to go be nice”

This from a congressional hearing on PTSD.

He never actually says he went to Afghanistan there. Let's stick to his real instances of stolen valor, of which there are now two confirmed. Conjuring more where it doesn't exist gives the Democrats a lifeline.

this is paramount. There are enough real, factual, no way to deny it, things about both Harris and Walz to sink them, and introducing fabrications will only give the left reasons to point to them, and claim "it's all been debunked".

We need to stick to the facts, and hammer them home, and never let it be memory holed.

While the VP is mostly an inconsequential thing, this issue is a big one for me. Not only because Walz has a documented history of stolen valor, but that it was well-known and there was no way the Harris campaign didn't know about it. They just didn't care. They thought someone who lied about his military service was a good pick. That makes it doubly disgusting to me.

posted on Aug, 11 2024 @ 01:19 PM
He said “having been one of those who came back, we were in support of OEF”
That’s Walz trying to include himself in with veterans that lived and made it home. He was in Italy.
Technically true but totally misleading considering he’s speaking with gold star families.

He said “sitting in there with OEF veterans”.
Walz again trying to lump himself in with veterans who needed ptsd support.
Again he’s trying to create bonafides where he has none.

He was lying about his rank and his combat veteran status for so long he’s even started believing it himself when he talks like this.
He’s used his lies for to enrich himself and his campaign.
Despicable governor and if I were a Minnesotan I’d be embarrassed.

posted on Aug, 11 2024 @ 02:04 PM
a reply to: Vermilion

Its disgusting... I collected hazardous duty pay every deployment and would never think of lumping myself in with the men and women that were actual combat vets. I was USAF/USAFR we had an impact on the battlefield, but we are not combat vets in my mind... he was in italy what a POS.

How anyone can speak well of this clown makes me fear for the future of our country.

posted on Aug, 11 2024 @ 02:17 PM
Morgan Murphy is military thought leader, captain in the U.S. Navy reserve, and former press secretary to the Secretary of Defense and national security advisor in the U.S. Senate

In his own words, Gov. Tim Walz claimed he was “the highest-ranking enlisted service member ever to serve in Congress.” Yet Walz did not retire as a command sergeant major, but as a master sergeant

Stolen Valor without a doubt.

Its approaching psychopathic levels of lying.

posted on Aug, 11 2024 @ 03:19 PM

originally posted by: Irishhaf
a reply to: Vermilion

Its disgusting... I collected hazardous duty pay every deployment and would never think of lumping myself in with the men and women that were actual combat vets. I was USAF/USAFR we had an impact on the battlefield, but we are not combat vets in my mind... he was in italy what a POS.

How anyone can speak well of this clown makes me fear for the future of our country.

Exactly how I feel. I was POL. Closest I ever got to combat was Qatar, where I was fueling planes that were about to go into combat. I was never in any real danger there, aside from the hazards associated with an insanely busy flightline. I won't even take Veterans Parking spots at Lowe's, because I wanna leave it open in case a guy/girl that's missing a leg or something shows up. I can't imagine the # character you've got to have to falsely claim combat veteran status.

The worst part is watching Democrat veterans try to whitewash it because they're so blinded by politics. It's not even a grey area. He is a documented, black and white case of stolen valor. But for some people, their party is more important to them than a deity.
edit on 11-8-2024 by YourFaceAgain because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2024 @ 03:20 PM

originally posted by: burntheships
Morgan Murphy is military thought leader, captain in the U.S. Navy reserve, and former press secretary to the Secretary of Defense and national security advisor in the U.S. Senate

In his own words, Gov. Tim Walz claimed he was “the highest-ranking enlisted service member ever to serve in Congress.” Yet Walz did not retire as a command sergeant major, but as a master sergeant

Stolen Valor without a doubt.

Its approaching psychopathic levels of lying.

All politicians lie of course. Democrats can get 90% of the media to back them up though, so they're extraordinarily brazen with their lying.

posted on Aug, 11 2024 @ 03:23 PM
a reply to: YourFaceAgain

Crew chief/Flight engineer Qatar and Incirlik.

Never a serious risk, im a vet but not a combat vet.

All he had to do was tell the truth and I would shrug and move on, but they keep trying to make excuses.

He could have easily said (Lie but this would have been better) I thought I qualified and once the 214 was corrected stop using the rank.

posted on Aug, 11 2024 @ 03:31 PM

originally posted by: Irishhaf
a reply to: YourFaceAgain

Crew chief/Flight engineer Qatar and Incirlik.

Never a serious risk, im a vet but not a combat vet.

All he had to do was tell the truth and I would shrug and move on, but they keep trying to make excuses.

He could have easily said (Lie but this would have been better) I thought I qualified and once the 214 was corrected stop using the rank.

Yeah at this point even if he apologizes, the damage is done. An apology now that it's causing a problem isn't a real apology. It doesn't change the character (or lack thereof) of the man that did something like that in the first place, not just once but it appears repeatedly for his entire political career.

He is a terrible person.

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