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Rioting in Britain

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posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 07:30 AM
I think this is the plan of our establishment or atleast a consequence of it. If you take all joy away force ideas on people they get pretty grumpy.

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 07:32 AM
Also I think it's mostly the illigal aliens fault even in the UK people are mad about it.

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 07:33 AM

originally posted by: DISRAELI2
We've already seen the signs that Putin's strategy includes efforts to hamper the Western war effort by striking back at the West in other ways.

I would have thought that the HAMAS attack on Israel was the first obvious sign, given the timing. More recently, the suspiciously well-organised arson attacks in France.

So I can't help wondering whether Russia was also prompting the original attack on the Southport children, deliberately and very successfully dropping another lighted match into another existing powder-keg.

In that case, the crisis in England would have to be considered as just one aspect of an interrelated network of conflict surrounding the original Russia-Ukraine war.

P.S. On a different kind of conspiracy note, I wonder how much Sunak saw this coming, thanks to intelligence advice, and called a pre-summer election to give Starmer the chance to pick up the hot potato instead.

Demented "theory"

Like saying the pakistani sex grooming gangs in the UK are caused by Russia.

No, the UK riots are caused by native Britons tired of being treated as second class citizens in their own country by their own police and judiciary

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 07:43 AM
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

Banks is a really posh area on the outskirts of Sowwie though which is why I'm so suprised the evil bastard who killed the kids came from there - 99% of Southport is white (british, irish, east european) with a small Chinese/Vietnamese population and black/south east asian people are pretty much unheard of.

All surrounding towns and cities have a reasonably large Jamaican and Indian/Pakistani/Bangladeshi population from the cotton trade as the climate is so damp and wet here it was the perfect location for cotton mills and windrush generation (my mate reggie was the youngest kid in Musical Youth - Pass the Kutchie (often wrongly named pass the Dutchie when it's about a cookie jar not a spliff being passed from the left).

The north west is one of the most deprived areas of the UK and Europe but Southport (in paticular Banks and Birkdale) has a suprising ammount of mansions when everywhere else is mouldy red brick.

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 08:14 AM
When is a demonstration a riot? The demonstrations' I've seen have masses of peaceful people and a very small minority of "rioters", may be 10 or 12 people. But how far has this got to go before the government uses it's brain and try and see what is actually causing these demonstrations ie. the cause not demonising the people.
The biggest problem is if it's not happening in your area (ie. you will not know the real reason for the outbursts) you tend to believe the MSM and the government that it's all violent activity.

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 08:48 AM
Musical Youth totally awesome mate and still got the 7" to this day though well worn as is the sleeve. Being honest never been to Southport yet on the cards for one day. Know where you're coming from on the textiles over there so much reason for being in the north west just due to them. never looked at the population growrh back in the day yet I guess it was pretty desolate before the industrial revolution like so much of the areas. Pretty much most people rioters EDL types will be descended from people who moved there from UK's southern counties looking for work away from the farms, Ireland's channelling in labour by the milion also many from Europe escaping anti Protestant persecution and settling in the new towns like Lancashire.

originally posted by: bastion
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

Banks is a really posh area on the outskirts of Sowwie though which is why I'm so suprised the evil bastard who killed the kids came from there - 99% of Southport is white (british, irish, east european) with a small Chinese/Vietnamese population and black/south east asian people are pretty much unheard of.

All surrounding towns and cities have a reasonably large Jamaican and Indian/Pakistani/Bangladeshi population from the cotton trade as the climate is so damp and wet here it was the perfect location for cotton mills and windrush generation (my mate reggie was the youngest kid in Musical Youth - Pass the Kutchie (often wrongly named pass the Dutchie when it's about a cookie jar not a spliff being passed from the left).

The north west is one of the most deprived areas of the UK and Europe but Southport (in paticular Banks and Birkdale) has a suprising ammount of mansions when everywhere else is mouldy red brick.

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 08:50 AM
a reply to: Tolkien
No, it's like saying the Germans sent Sir Roger Casement into Ireland in 1916 to exploit existing Anglo-Irish tensions. Leavening the politics with a little conspiracy theory with historical precedents.

The Russians did not cause the situation in Palestine either, but they still found ways to make use of it.

edit on 7-8-2024 by DISRAELI2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 09:06 AM
Sky reporting that police are expecting over 100 demonstrations around the UK tonight , hope your happy Kier you got what you wanted by labelling Brits as Far Right thugs , time to shut your mouth and open your ears.

Police sources have told Sky News they're aware of more than 100 far-right protests and 30 counter events planned this evening.

Out of the 43 police forces in England and Wales, 41 are expecting events.

More than 6,000 specialist police officers have been mobilised ahead of expected violence and disorder tonight.

In more than a week of riots since the killings of three girls in Southport last month, 423 people have been arrested.

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 09:41 AM

originally posted by: gortex
Sky reporting that police are expecting over 100 demonstrations around the UK tonight , hope your happy Kier you got what you wanted by labelling Brits as Far Right thugs , time to shut your mouth and open your ears.

Police sources have told Sky News they're aware of more than 100 far-right protests and 30 counter events planned this evening.

Out of the 43 police forces in England and Wales, 41 are expecting events.

More than 6,000 specialist police officers have been mobilised ahead of expected violence and disorder tonight.

In more than a week of riots since the killings of three girls in Southport last month, 423 people have been arrested.

Why wouldn't he call them what they are?

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 09:45 AM

originally posted by: worldstarcountry
well that is how pretty much most of the corrupted ones arrived to putrify your society. They showed up pretending to be desperate refugees displaced by war or disasters.

That may be the case in a very small minority but, in the vast majority of cases, their need is real.

originally posted by: worldstarcountry
In reality, many were agents of chaos sent there, sent here, sent many other places as a way to overburden our social systems and interrupt the stable stream of commerce and national management.

I don't think the reality that you describe exists outside your mind and the minds of those who promote, and are drawn into, those kind of conspiracy theories and narratives. There is zero possibility of immigration destabilising any of those things, not in the UK certainly. Any instability that exists in those system is largely home-grown and exacerbated by successive governments ignoring the developing social deprivation, particularly in what was the former industrial and manufacturing centre in the North of England. The fear that has been generated by the use of directed misinformation such as that, used to whip up emotions and targeting those who feel disenfranchised by the system, that has it's own dangers, not least to those drawn into it.

Immigration really isn't the problem in the UK, the reasons why immigration is increasing is an issue that can only be addressed on an international level but over the past fourteen years, the government and media has helped to nurture an environment and a syntax that directs blame towards the weakest and most vulnerable amongst us.

And sadly, for eveyone concerned, those useful idiots fell for it big this time.

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 10:12 AM
a reply to: BedevereTheWise

Why wouldn't he call them what they are?

Todays "Far Right" is yesterday's Conservatism , Thatcher would be classed Far Right by today's Liberal Left standards.

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 10:18 AM

originally posted by: gortex
a reply to: BedevereTheWise

Why wouldn't he call them what they are?

Todays "Far Right" is yesterday's Conservatism , Thatcher would be classed Far Right by today's Liberal Left standards.

Not Mrs Thatchers biggest fan but I can't say I ever recall her being in favour of arson attacks on migrants.

I think more likely she would be in favour of hard line policing against the far right rioters.

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 10:23 AM
a reply to: gortex

They are not saying where, which is perhaps understandable.

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 10:32 AM
a reply to: BedevereTheWise

Not Mrs Thatchers biggest fan but I can't say I ever recall her being in favour of arson attacks on migrants.

That's because had a control of our borders , although I don't think many think setting light to a building with people in it is a good thing.

I think more likely she would be in favour of hard line policing against the far right rioters.

Yeah she was , didn't do her any good though and PC Keith Blakelock paid with his life.

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 10:32 AM

originally posted by: Freeborn
Because lots, if not most, are illegal immigrants.

Many asylum seekers and refugees have been forced to enter the UK by illegal means because the last government shut down the safe routes.

originally posted by: Freeborn
There is a legal process to follow that they have not followed.
Travelling across thousands of miles crossing many borders then paying traffickers and gangsters thousands of pounds to gain entry illegally is not the legal process - hence ILLEGAL immigrants.

See comment above.

originally posted by: Freeborn
The fact that many then choose to engage in illegal activities, have no intention of contributing and integrating into our society and even seek to impose their beliefs and lifestyles on the British people only inflames the situation.

The problem with illegal status is that it disables you from contributing to society and everything that you do, in order to survive, is by derivation of that fact, illegal. No one is imposing their beliefs on me or their lifestyles, and on the odd occasion someone does, a polite, no thank you generally does the trick.

How are they imposing their beliefs and lifestyles on you?

originally posted by: Freeborn
We have offered so many of these people a home and refuge and they in turn are turning on their foster nation and offer nothing of merit or worth and do nothing but denigrate and criticise.

You should listen more carefully, often the criticism is quite constructive. That's a general rule though, because I am not sure who it is you're really referring to. That's certainly not been my experience of immigrants or of Muslims either.

originally posted by: Freeborn
All at a time when large sections of British society have been increasingly marginalised and abandoned by politicians and a political system that has no regard or interest in their well being. They see their cares and concerns completely ignored whilst the interests of these 'special interest groups' are prioritised over their's.

These folks you're talking about sound kind of whiny and leaning a little too heavily on victimhood. These sections desperately need inward investment. They need a # tonne of resources and government grants thrown at them. That's what they should be demanding but also demonstrating their ability to follow through and be inclusive. There isn't some quick fix and demanding instant gratification is only adding to the gulf they are creating between themselves and the rest of the country. The interest of other, what you call "special interests" groups is because those groups have put the work in. Anyone who tells these long-term disenfranchised communities that they can't do that too are leading them astray. They can join in but nothing gets handed to any of us on a plate.

originally posted by: Freeborn
I agree there need's to be a coordinated international effort to reduce immigration including addressing core issues in the countries from where most of these people are coming from.
But that does exclude the UK putting its own house in order as well.

Yeah, and immigration is by far the least of our troubles.

originally posted by: Freeborn
First of all we need to stem the flow: STOP THE BOATS.
The we can go about sifting through those that are already here.
Yes, there will be genuine cases that deserve our protection and a chance of a new and better life - but they have to be told that any transgression will see the revocation of those privileges and rights.

Unless we reopen the safe routes for asylum seekers we are not going to stop the boats.

originally posted by: Freeborn
I don't profess to have all the answers, I'm just a simple getting old far too quickly man from a council estate in a town in North East England.
But I believe in addressing issues now and not abdicating responsibility for future generations and for dealing with things head on and with total and absolute honesty and transparency......things far too many, including the vast majority of our politicians, are totally incapable of doing.

I was in London last month for a long weekend and I don't think the capital has ever looked so beautiful. What they have done on the docksides is just stunning. And the Barbican, a former council estate, has a water garden and balconies dripping with plants and flowers.

I walked the Regents canal, and it is such a stunning space, but there are people living in tents in places. I took the bus everywhere, and there were tents up by Hyde Park corner even, on the central reservation. Pop-up communities.

There is vast wealth in this country, often gained at the expense of countries that people are fleeing here and seeking asylum from.

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 10:38 AM

originally posted by: gortex
a reply to: BedevereTheWise

Not Mrs Thatchers biggest fan but I can't say I ever recall her being in favour of arson attacks on migrants.

That's because had a control of our borders , although I don't think many think setting light to a building with people in it is a good thing.

I think more likely she would be in favour of hard line policing against the far right rioters.

Yeah she was , didn't do her any good though and PC Keith Blakelock paid with his life.

It's because she supported law and order and would be horrified by the actions of the far right groups.
edit on 7-8-2024 by BedevereTheWise because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 10:43 AM
a reply to: BedevereTheWise

I tend to agree. She was big on law and order.

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 11:00 AM

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise
It's because she supported law and order and would be horrified by the actions of the far right groups.

I'll give her credit for her handling of the Falklands War, but wars against an external "enemy" are gravy for leadership if you come out as the winning side. Everyone is a hero.

The riots under her leadership, strikes and poll tax, were totally down to her policies.

Brixton was something, in retrospect, that was going to happen sooner or later because things needed to change. And it did, for the better, but that didn't happen overnight. The riots evolved from a misunderstanding and a learnt mistrust and expectation, and because tension were at literal snapping point and while agitators, left wing this time, attempted to organise and direct the riot, it had it's own legs and didn't need carrying.

This, what is happening right now, isn't as organic as that, the grievances more imagined, the stoking, online at safe distance from the action, denotes exactly what this is and how manufactured.
edit on 7-8-2024 by BrucellaOrchitis because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 11:15 AM
a reply to: BrucellaOrchitis

You think making it easier and more safe to come to Europe is going to reduce the amount of migrants? How does that add up exactly? This whole migrant wave of the last 10 years now started after the Arab spring and then exploded when Merkle started announced that "Wir Schaffen Das" on television. Its pretty well known all these migrants communicate with their homes and villages and for every small succes others are willing to make the jump. So making it easier will logically not help reduce the migrant stream and all the problems that come along with it. The boats, the drownings, the horrible situations in camps etc.

And then there is the issue of who are coming here and what their contribution is. The illegal status is there for a reason, and for the ones that become legal still most wont ever get a job and are in wellfare programs their whole life. This is what recent research has shown in the Netherlands for migrants from Africa. And the ones that find a job mostly will have low income. Net sum is that the ones in wellfare cost a lot more tax than what the ones that get a job pay in taxes.

So aside from if people even deserve to come here and have all the opportunities of legal status, if you keep the doors open the whole of Africa will come and it is just not sustainable.

This all creates poverty and in turn crime and then we havent even spoken about the compatibility of Islam and Western values and the problems those create.

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 11:19 AM
a reply to: BrucellaOrchitis
The reason that asylum seekers and refugees have been stopped from entering the UK legally is because they are neither asylum seekers or refugees. The UN definition is they apply for asylum or refugee status in the first safe country they enter, Greece/Italy/France/Spain etc, but they dont because they are neither. They are economic migrants and they want to get to the UK for one and only one reason OUR BENEFIT SYSTEM. Not to work either.

No one is imposing their beliefs or lifestyles on me??? Then you are one of the very few that are not affected. I could take you to a number of places, but, quite a few on ATS do not and will not believe these places exist.

The large section of British society that Freeborn is writing about is the vast majority of British people who have been extremely tolerant and peaceful in trying to accept peoples of different religions and cultures, but the problem arises when these people do not or will not integrate.

And by far Legal and illegal immigration IS THE BASIS OF ALL OUR PRESENT PROBLEMS.

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