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Rioting in Britain

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posted on Aug, 6 2024 @ 07:23 PM

originally posted by: DISRAELI2
We've already seen the signs that Putin's strategy includes efforts to hamper the Western war effort by striking back at the West in other ways.

I would have thought that the HAMAS attack on Israel was the first obvious sign, given the timing. More recently, the suspiciously well-organised arson attacks in France.

So I can't help wondering whether Russia was also prompting the original attack on the Southport children, deliberately and very successfully dropping another lighted match into another existing powder-keg.

In that case, the crisis in England would have to be considered as just one aspect of an interrelated network of conflict surrounding the original Russia-Ukraine war.

P.S. On a different kind of conspiracy note, I wonder how much Sunak saw this coming, thanks to intelligence advice, and called a pre-summer election to give Starmer the chance to pick up the hot potato instead.

Hahahaha still going off about Russia 😳😂

I dont see gangs of Russian men entering British pubs to beat up Brits but I do see gangs of Muslims doing that

posted on Aug, 6 2024 @ 07:28 PM
a reply to: charlest2

You are mostly correct in the terms of the plan. But the big button issue is the NWO which will defang the major powers as it insidiously worms its way through the world's populations, various organizations and ideologies. The big survivors, winners actually, will be the major economic engines that will reimage themselves as the world's saviors and to which we will all bow as they pass out our bowls.

The whole reason for the world being revamped into a milder place is via the directions from the ETs--done for our own good, as they will say.

If you don't believe in UFOs and ETs, you live in a devine ignorance of reality. If you do accept UFOs and ETs, you must begin to wonder what they have to do with our destiny, which they are causing to be engineered right before our eyes.

posted on Aug, 6 2024 @ 07:28 PM
a reply to: cherokeetroy

the media we consume. media is food for the brain, and most people feed it the most disgusting junk food variant of media. Trash TV, worship of crime, adultery, and deviancy. Seriously, find me some new prime time show that doesn't involve some scandolous love triangle or the bright side of substance abuse/trafficking.

What happened to good wholesome family movies and TV (without drag) like Step by Step, Family matters, Full House, ParentHood, In the House, Moesha, etc .. etc..

Well they had to go bye bye to make way for cross dressing children and flaming homosexuals (and everyone else too) portraying very narcissistic ego as a positive template. Find me the childrens cartoons I grew up on from the eighties and nineties that usually came with a nice valuable life lesson at the end?? Captain planet, Mighty Max, the real Ghostbusters etc.. etc..

kids cartoons now is all about training them to be agitators and upset the system to right some perceived injustice. it went from educational entertainment, to social justice guerilla training.

Seriously, most people do not want to look at the media being consumed by society as a primary driving force for behavior, but that is precisely what it is. And we have given the ultimate device of corruption to the next youngest generations to begin the indoctrination and corruption as early as 1 year old!!! Then these kids because they do not know what they are doing end up on some cross dressing groomers video channel showing them all kinds of strange things they do not understand, but the brain is recording it all.

Brainwashed people have a hard enough time accepting they could even be susceptible to mind control tactics, let alone give up or cut back severely the number one effective device of corruption, internet connected gadgets.

Just because you know right from wrong, doesn't mean 20 million unsupervised children on the portal to all human filth and depravity know any better, or are being told otherwise because mama wants to have her cocktail in peace outside in the hammock. or papa is too busy working on the car rather than bringing the kid in to help him out and do something constructive.

When parents delegate parenting to the world through an internet device for twenty years, this is where we get to. The question is, does anyone have the stomach to start the change?

posted on Aug, 6 2024 @ 08:31 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman
Ok if it is, then we are all brothers and sisters who are living thru this.

We can at least confirm it is happening in our cities and towns. We can talk logically to each other on "what is happening here that may help there" type of things knowing you aren't full of BS for sharing your observations and information to help prove what is happening.

We are a clash of cultures and agendas, walloped by ineptitude and we're being finished off by sycophantic apathy. You can see it when we give weapons to Israel and then provide aid for Palestinians who are essentially deemed as the enemy because Hamas refuses to stop using their civilian population as cover.

Or when we give Ukraine our children's monetary futures, when it's been reported and confirmed that western intelligence agencies run the show over there.

People have it in their minds that "the poor people of Ukraine are fighting for their independence and freedom, so let's send more money" to fight a war they can't possibly win. We are enriching the agencies and BOTH political parties, guaranteed.

No one wants to really shut the border, the kickbacks are too good! Did you know the cartels are approaching a trillion dollars in profits?? Do you realize what kind of power and influence you can wield with that much wealth?? Smh....oh, and the border is still taking in their people for end to end profits!

That's right. They import their own dope and sell it through their people they mixed in with the rest, and they are sending the proceeds back to the cartels. I've heard from several growers in the mountains that have been run off by cartel growers and there are reports of small armies of these individuals hanging out in our public lands!! Nice, right?

We really could be unified, and most certainly, we SHOULD be unified. However, I'm trying to stay grounded these days so in my opinion, whether by their hand or our own doing, we will have to play this out regardless. We're overdue for a major correction and some things need to be finalized.


I'm in the "not so golden" state. Where'd you like to start?? Lol. This state as more issues than the National Geographic! 🤷🏻

edit on 6-8-2024 by VariedcodeSole because: eta

posted on Aug, 6 2024 @ 09:10 PM
I found this to be quite informative. Not good, however.

posted on Aug, 6 2024 @ 09:28 PM
And Russia blew up their own pipeline too.

Geez, this situation is like placing two trains going opposite directions on the same track - a crash is inevitable.

Russia didn't allow all the immigrants and Russia didn't provide them funding while the people already there suffered.

In America we have a brand new Holiday Inn housing immigrants too. It's right near a Chicago airport but it's in a location that very, very poor people pass every day.

I have a feeling the same thing is going to happen there - probably during the Democratic Convention.

posted on Aug, 6 2024 @ 10:19 PM

originally posted by: VariedcodeSole

originally posted by: Freeborn

Crumbling infrastructure.
NHS bursting.
Schools falling apart and National Curriculum not fit for purpose.
Downsized Armed Forces.
Pensioners robbed of millions.
Benefit System over-burdened.
Unfettered immigration with an open-door policy that is changing the very fabric of British society.
The rich getting richer whilst a new round of Austerity looms.
A broken political system.
Pandering to and prioritising Special Interest groups.
Whole swathes of the country and its population disenfranchised and alienated.
Rampant wokism.

I could go on but why bother?
I'm just a 'far-right extremist'.

Gee, why does EVERY BIT of that seem familiar?🤔

There's NOTHING organic or authentic about this coordinated attack on western nations.

Is Russia taking on millions of illegals? Are they being overwhelmed? It's interesting which countries are being invaded versus the ones that ain't having none of it. Says a lot.

I'm seeing it more like this:

Is Russian INVITING millions of illegals? Are they LETTING themselves be overwhelmed? It's interesting which countries are ENCOURAGING ILLEGALS TO INVADE versus the ones that ain't having ANY of it. Says a lot.

posted on Aug, 6 2024 @ 10:37 PM
a reply to: StoutBroux

Well if you must, you must! Lol.

I won't argue with your version either.

posted on Aug, 6 2024 @ 10:38 PM
The assailant of the Southport stabbings was a 17 year old British kid. He even acted for a Dr. Who charity event.

Parents are from Rwanda, a country that is 92% Christian.

All this chaos is based on a lie that the perpetrator was Muslim, an asylum-seeker or both spread through social media via A.I. images.

"Less than three hours after the attack on the girls, AI-generated images were shared on X by an account called Europe invasion, depicting a man in traditional Muslim dress waving a knife outside the U.K.’s houses of Parliament. The post has since been viewed over 900,000 times."

A 17 year old British kid with a knife, whose parents were from a country more Christian than the U.K. was on the payroll for Islam and Russia??

I'm not buying that narrative.

posted on Aug, 6 2024 @ 10:51 PM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

did you know that the original aramaic for adultry meant only sex between a married man and a unmarried woman and vice versa? And paul kinda confuses this by saying all who look at someone with lust has comitted adultry? Problem paul made here is that in the original language it was not adultry for non married people to have sex.

It seems to be "paul" was rewritten a bit by the council of nicea from the original. Why? Because the catholic church wanted more money and power and getting money to "save" their soul and forgive their sins by donations after and sometimes before. So if we go by original aramaic/hebrew normal people are not doing adultry.
but I am not saying this is 100 percent correct either so as to not bemaking stuff up biblically.

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 12:26 AM

originally posted by: TinfoilTophat
The assailant of the Southport stabbings was a 17 year old British kid. He even acted for a Dr. Who charity event.

Parents are from Rwanda, a country that is 92% Christian.

All this chaos is based on a lie that the perpetrator was Muslim, an asylum-seeker or both spread through social media via A.I. images.

"Less than three hours after the attack on the girls, AI-generated images were shared on X by an account called Europe invasion, depicting a man in traditional Muslim dress waving a knife outside the U.K.’s houses of Parliament. The post has since been viewed over 900,000 times."

A 17 year old British kid with a knife, whose parents were from a country more Christian than the U.K. was on the payroll for Islam and Russia??

I'm not buying that narrative.

There seems to have been extreme anger that was primed and ready for a spark to set it off..

If you want to get a great background on what was happening inside the U.K in the lead up to the latest riots, this video from Rebel News interviewing Tommy Robinson is the background to watch. [Direct Rumble Link]

Mr Robinson is the head of the English Defense League, what the British government call a nativist, subversive, right-wing network of racist patriots who are refusing to allow the identity of their country to be removed.

Robinson and his millions of followers refuse to allow Islamic Jihadists to kill, rape and butcher English people.

This is a great soup to nuts explanation of how they got to where they are today. WATCH:
Video Clip at:

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 12:44 AM
The protestors were called far right from the get go. Then it turned into riots and now theyre all far right extremists. And now the narrative is created that actually Russia is behind it.

Its a story to give lefties a stick to beat with and its perfect other then that its a conspiracy theory with 0 proof. It scares people to join any protest that are called far right and it tells people right wing fall for Russian tricks at the same time.

Ofcourse it cant have anything to do with people just being sick with mass migration and the poverty, crime and terror it brings. Its actually another good example of how the left jumps through every media hoop as long as it is anti right, its full on propaganda.

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 04:03 AM
a reply to: BrucellaOrchitis

We do have a lot of problems but our problems are not due to immigration.

Not all of our problems have been caused by immigration, not by any stretch.
In fact I'm firmly of the opinion that past immigration has only enhanced and enriched this country.

But what we have experienced for the last 30 years or so is something entirely different and it is certainly contributing to the general decline.
Of course its compounded by politicians who have continuously chosen to ignore both the problem and people's concerns.

Poor management of the situation.....


...... labelling refugees and asylums seekers as illegal immigrants, has helped to create the current situation though.

Because lots, if not most, are illegal immigrants.
There is a legal process to follow that they have not followed.
Travelling across thousands of miles crossing many borders then paying traffickers and gangsters thousands of pounds to gain entry illegally is not the legal process - hence ILLEGAL immigrants.

The fact that many then choose to engage in illegal activities, have no intention of contributing and integrating into our society and even seek to impose their beliefs and lifestyles on the British people only inflames the situation.
We have offered so many of these people a home and refuge and they in turn are turning on their foster nation and offer nothing of merit or worth and do nothing but denigrate and criticise.

All at a time when large sections of British society have been increasingly marginalised and abandoned by politicians and a political system that has no regard or interest in their well being. They see their cares and concerns completely ignored whilst the interests of these 'special interest groups' are prioritised over their's.

I agree there need's to be a coordinated international effort to reduce immigration including addressing core issues in the countries from where most of these people are coming from.
But that does exclude the UK putting its own house in order as well.

First of all we need to stem the flow: STOP THE BOATS.
The we can go about sifting through those that are already here.
Yes, there will be genuine cases that deserve our protection and a chance of a new and better life - but they have to be told that any transgression will see the revocation of those privileges and rights.

I don't profess to have all the answers, I'm just a simple getting old far too quickly man from a council estate in a town in North East England.
But I believe in addressing issues now and not abdicating responsibility for future generations and for dealing with things head on and with total and absolute honesty and transparency......things far too many, including the vast majority of our politicians, are totally incapable of doing.

Early moring rant over.

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 04:11 AM
a reply to: DISRAELI2
Couldn´t it be that some of the indigenous people on the island are fed up and strike back now instead of playing the wimp who always turns the other cheek as well? Remember the Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal? Remember how police and politics knew everything and did nothing? The jug only goes to the well until it breaks.

I am not saying it is good what is happening there now because both sides are well played pawns and TPTB reach exactly what they want to reach. To Incite the mob against each other so that this mob does not get the idea to think about who is responsible for these conditions and to do something about the real culprits.

Did somebody notice how the MSM acts in that case? The indigenous people are branded as nazis, right wing extremists etc. And nobody tells you about the Muslim Defence League and that muslim thugs run around machete wielding, attacking "white" indigenous people. No, the muslim thugs are painted as the victims by the MSM. It is always the same BS, especially since Corona. If you are not with the globalists agenda you are a Nazi. If you ask too many of the right questions, you are a Nazi. If you are not "saving the climate", Nazi. If you are not for that LGBTQblablabla trans whatever agenda and question the alleged more than 70 genders, Nazi. Anyone who is against the support of the Ukraine because it is a corrupt and fascist sh!thole, Nazi. Anyone who is not in line with the current agenda is always a Nazi, especially since Corona.

I tried hard to find Nazi symbols, Nazi flags, Hitler salutes and all that among the group of the indigenous people who are fed up to the back teeth now. Unsuccessful so far. Isn´t it discrimination of these people by MSM and politics to call and handle them as right wing extremists without any proof that this is actually the case? When you suddenly realize that you are a stranger in your own country and soon, if not already now, inferior to the religiously blinded new citizens who rape and murder indigenous people, are you a Nazi then or are you just realizing what´s going on?

From a german point of view it looks like this: All the turkish, greece, italian, ex-yugoslavian, portuguese, spanish etc people who live here in the third or fourth generation, well integrated and often being more german than bio-german potatoes, all the people with black hairs and beards who live here peacefully since generations now are Nazis because they are suddenly lumped together with those who have moved here since 2015 and have to listen to hostility because they look a bit (black hairs is often enough meanwhile) like the syrians, afghans, nafris (north africans) who came and come here since 2015? These people are now supposed to be nazis because they say that they have to suffer from the people who have arrived since 2015?

When it starts here in Germany, it will look like this: Many bio-german,"white" potatoes together with people from wherever else on earth, who live here peacefully since generations, against those often religiously blinded and very often criminal thugs that came and come since 2015. The long-established(regardless of origin, skin color, religion) against the lawless knife artists (which were presented to us as doctors and engineers and rocket scientists and whatever else BS) added since 2015.

The sad thing is that this is the exact behavior TPTB need from us peasants and we peasants will do exactly what they want. You have to destroy everything first in order to "build back better" later. And that is why TPTB import more and more and more of these thugs instead of the skilled workers we really need.

As it looks right now the agenda pushing PTB reach one goal after another while us peasants do exactly what they want us to do, going for each other's throats instead of going to Berlin or Brussels/Strasbourg.

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 04:42 AM

originally posted by: TinfoilTophat
The assailant of the Southport stabbings was a 17 year old British kid. He even acted for a Dr. Who charity event.

Parents are from Rwanda, a country that is 92% Christian.

All this chaos is based on a lie that the perpetrator was Muslim, an asylum-seeker or both spread through social media via A.I. images.

"Less than three hours after the attack on the girls, AI-generated images were shared on X by an account called Europe invasion, depicting a man in traditional Muslim dress waving a knife outside the U.K.’s houses of Parliament. The post has since been viewed over 900,000 times."

A 17 year old British kid with a knife, whose parents were from a country more Christian than the U.K. was on the payroll for Islam and Russia??

I'm not buying that narrative.

We don't yet know the facts about the attacker's motivations or how he came to behave in so hateful a way as to murder 3 small children.

We have been told he was known to security services. We have been told he was raised in a Christian household and as a child, attended church.

We also know that African fundamentalist Christianity often involves harsh punishment of children deemed miscreant.

There is some (evidence based?) speculation the original tweet pointing the finger at Islam, came from somewhere in India. We do not know who posted that nor what motivated them.

We also know radicalised youth who carry out atrocities are usually Moslem and involved in sleeper operations.

In my view, the killer was raised to accept fundamentalism as a norm, has, as a teen, experienced normal, developmental dissent against childhood conditioning and therefore, prime target for any fundamentalist group seeking recruits and converts.

And being born in Britain does not necessarily make him British, imbued with our values and ethics (yes, we do have them and that is one of the reasons we are a 'preferred' destination for those that want all for nothing).

I do not accept he was not responsible for his actions.

That media, now pushing the far-right trope and completely ignoring how something like the slaughter of the innocent would naturally bring some form of backlash, have a lot to answer for.
edit on 7-8-2024 by covent because: p

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 04:45 AM
a reply to: DerBeobachter2
My suggestion doesn't involve denying all that. I used the image of a lighted match being thrown into an existing powder keg. The French and Germans, historically, did not invent Anglo-Irish tensions, but still found ways of exploiting them in war situations.

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 05:55 AM

originally posted by: DerBeobachter2

I tried hard to find Nazi symbols, Nazi flags, Hitler salutes and all that among the group of the indigenous people who are fed up to the back teeth now. Unsuccessful so far. Isn´t it discrimination of these people by MSM and politics to call and handle them as right wing extremists without any proof that this is actually the case? When you suddenly realize that you are a stranger in your own country and soon, if not already now, inferior to the religiously blinded new citizens who rape and murder indigenous people, are you a Nazi then or are you just realizing what´s going on?

The organisers of the Southport riot were Patriot Action neo-nazi group who posed infront of a swastika when calling for riots - hardly any rioters were from Southport.

One was convicted terrorist, Matthew Hankinson, who was recently released from jail on terrorism offences and glorying the murder of politician Jo Cox. He live streamed the riot and seig heiling by rioters with swastika tatoos. He called for people to murder random police, supported a plot to kill 50+ people in bomb attacks to start a race war.

There was a checkpoint set up in Middelsbrough where drivers were asked if they were white and if they were British and beaten up if they weren't. I really wish I was makiong it up but it's true.

That's not to say all or even the majority of protestors/rioters are nazis or racists but the core organisers (not Tommy) are loud and proud nazis who've been active Blood and Honor/Combat 18/Stormfront and other proscribed terror groups for decades.

edit on 7-8-2024 by bastion because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-8-2024 by bastion because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 06:53 AM
Freeborn's got it absolutely spot on here. Just one more to add though and I guess this is the same in the States. We've had our age old industries pretty much totally wiped out in the space of a generation to keep the company shareholders happy. Whole localities built around the factory or mine have literally had the heart ripped out of them by the closures. Most of the businesses have been shipped off to Asia. The reason for the localities being is gone. With these areas being the less well off regions of the UK they attract the migrants due to cheaper rents and housing. Indeed the government actually sends the migrants to these less afluent regions. Just been a ticking time bomb being honest and realistic about it sending them to regions already feeling the pain.

originally posted by: VariedcodeSole

originally posted by: Freeborn

Crumbling infrastructure.
NHS bursting.
Schools falling apart and National Curriculum not fit for purpose.
Downsized Armed Forces.
Pensioners robbed of millions.
Benefit System over-burdened.
Unfettered immigration with an open-door policy that is changing the very fabric of British society.
The rich getting richer whilst a new round of Austerity looms.
A broken political system.
Pandering to and prioritising Special Interest groups.
Whole swathes of the country and its population disenfranchised and alienated.
Rampant wokism.

I could go on but why bother?
I'm just a 'far-right extremist'.

Gee, why does EVERY BIT of that seem familiar?🤔

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 07:05 AM
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

With these areas being the less well off regions of the UK they attract the migrants due to cheaper rents and housing. Indeed the government actually sends the migrants to these less afluent regions.

Billy Moore showed an example of that in Liverpool a couple of days ago mate.

posted on Aug, 7 2024 @ 07:23 AM
a reply to: gortex

Could be any city in the UK right now. No good can come of any of it

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