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Biden will announce Supreme Court reform plans next week

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posted on Jul, 28 2024 @ 06:57 AM

originally posted by: frogs453
a reply to: Vermilion

I miss ATS. See what used to happen was: when researching a topic, such as this one, it sometimes leads to other related things. If as in this case, along with additional info that is current as I mentioned in my post Leonard Leo/ Kevin Roberts/ Vance/ Trump/Thomas and things being openly discussed. You post it, phrase it as something to think about. Then, people actually read the information. They may not agree, they then themselves, present posts with links, or a post that states their opinion of what they think and why.

Now, people just screech something in opposition, without ever reading it and thinking about it. Name call, etc.

Personally I would be happy if it's dissected and determined as no way plausible because if it is, it's frightening. I am happy to always read links and consider the points made.

But whatever,it's a reactionary site now, strictly partisan with devotion to particular political figures.

but when you come to your conclusion, make damn sure it benefits your side, and makes the other side look bad, or keep quiet. Amrite.

posted on Jul, 28 2024 @ 07:05 AM
a reply to: network dude

Feel free to dissect it. And I don't think these gentlemen represent average conservatives either, so it's not really either side. Most people would not be happy with a Theocracy which is why even here people keep saying, "no, no Vance and Trump don't mean they want Project 2025. "

And if you notice I agreed with your other post.
edit on 28-7-2024 by frogs453 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2024 @ 07:14 AM
"well, you say you want to change the constitution... Well, we'd all love to change our head.". - the Beatles

Talk about destroying democracy.... It is dark times for the Empire people.


posted on Jul, 28 2024 @ 07:32 AM

originally posted by: frogs453
a reply to: network dude

I'm definitely for clear reporting,a cap on gifts, and recusing themselves from cases brought forth from the donors interests. That seems fair right? And heck in this case, do what you suggested and clean house, then implement it.

I think it would be super, but replacing another democrat on the SCOTUS might upset folks on your side.

posted on Jul, 28 2024 @ 07:36 AM
a reply to: frogs453

it's obvious the "project 2025" thing is just a dog whistle for the left. It's what you were programmed to be concerned about. But when you use logic, you realize that the really nutty stiff can't be done by Trump, anymore than the left can remove the filibuster, pack the supreme court, or enact the green new deal and force everyone to tear their houses down and rebuild them more green. But it makes for great doom porn to get lemmings to follow other lemmings.

posted on Jul, 28 2024 @ 07:36 AM
a reply to: network dude

I would imagine replacing a Republican would also. As long as according to my link, one person is not responsible for bringing forth every suggested Judge, I'm fine with it.

posted on Jul, 28 2024 @ 07:41 AM
a reply to: network dude

I did not say it would be done by Trump, could it be? Well sure, could by done by Biden too. What my link talks about, along with the other people involved in Project 2025 is how it plausibly could be implemented without anyone running with that specific platform. Project 2025 isn't some whackadoodles agenda. These are people involved with access, money and a plan 20 years in the making. And unless you are a fan of it, you should be concerned also. Most common folk would be. The investigative article by the independent journalists was done not about the project, but happens to be the guy involved in over 60 of the 80 articles in it.
edit on 28-7-2024 by frogs453 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2024 @ 07:44 AM
a reply to: frogs453

did they give a name to the project Biden is currently implimenting where he opens the border and floods cities with illegals, then gives them benefits American's don't get? I also want to know what the project was called that brought the idea to pull Troops out of Afganistan before getting anything else out. that was brilliant.

Or was that just organic ideas?

posted on Jul, 28 2024 @ 08:51 AM

originally posted by: frogs453
a reply to: network dude

I would imagine replacing a Republican would also. As long as according to my link, one person is not responsible for bringing forth every suggested Judge, I'm fine with it.

Who cares who "suggests" a nomination to the SCOTUS.

A SCOTUS is chosen by a President and confirmed by the Senate. If you don't like how they get their suggestions vote then out of office. It's called Representative Democracy.

None of the 9 SCOTUS justices would be my choice. The President (nor the two major candidates) would be my choice. Most of the people in congress would not be my choice ... and I don't know much about the others.

Project 2025 would not be my choice and the green new deal would not be my choice.

But I do live in a society with 300+ million people; I don't expect to get my choice.

What I do have control over is whether or not to be afraid over how the 300+ million people collectively decide to shape the society.

posted on Jul, 28 2024 @ 09:11 AM
a reply to: Dandandat3

I've never expressed fear. I've not spent the last 8 years for either side stating our "country is destroyed" "we will be a communist nation" "Civil War!".

Concerned about possibilities? Sure. Normal people are. I'm not hiding in fear, nor do I babble incessantly to family/ friends, start arguments in real life over this stuff. This is a conspiracy site, or was before it became an echo chamber.

I mean I do as most do. Work, family, friends,hobbies, travel. The usual stuff in real life. Enjoy it. Not spend time in fear. I don't even watch the news. Just read about it when I have time and occasionally fall down a rabbit hole.

posted on Jul, 28 2024 @ 09:15 AM
a reply to: frogs453

It's pretty funny that people view this place as an echo chamber one minute are parroting the latest talking point from the "news" the next.

Humility and self awareness apparently is what has changed here.....

posted on Jul, 28 2024 @ 09:16 AM
a reply to: wAnchorofCarp

My post that has lead to this discussion was not about anything from the news at all as a matter of fact. It peripherally may be discussed, but what I posted is nothing about what is being reported but is a current subject and relevant to this thread.

You do realize by now, that the majority of your "gotcha" posts, have not ever really done so, right? But keep at it, if it makes you feel good! I don't take it seriously. Even NetworkDude and I agreed today. And we go back and forth all the time.
edit on 28-7-2024 by frogs453 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2024 @ 09:24 AM
a reply to: frogs453

Oh, they've done their intended purpose.

Im not here to change your mind or alter your perspective.

I'm here to show how ignorant and hollow your positions are to "inquisitive" folks.

But do go on with the 2025 thing and the feeble attempts to justify all the actions you were screeching about as soon as a few weeks ago

posted on Jul, 28 2024 @ 09:30 AM
a reply to: wAnchorofCarp

Hmm.. hollow, yet, everyone just screeches instead of presenting any information dissecting the information in the link. Doesn't seem very "inquisitive" to me.

I believe you were the one telling me Presbyterian is not Christian. And had no clue that children's history books are actually being changed. With nothing to back that up. And had to be provided information/links that those claims were both incorrect.

Again, I'm more than happy to read any outside information if provided. However it rarely is. Just a lot of feelz posts.
edit on 28-7-2024 by frogs453 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2024 @ 09:35 AM
a reply to: frogs453

That's nice Frogs.

I was under the notion that the reason for words being differential was because their corresponding definitions deemed them so.

But hey, by your logic, you being on the left, and leftist being under communism, calling you a communist is completely in bounds


posted on Jul, 28 2024 @ 09:35 AM
This president is pure evil! This initiative smacks of absolute dictatorship and corruption of this country and the Constitution by the left!

If this move to stack the SCOTUS doesn't illustrate just how far OFF the DEEP END the deep state of the left has truly gone, then I don't know what does!!

Biden needs to be impeached under the 25th, and cast out from office. He is a direct and immediate threat to this country. We'll deal with Harris for 6 months, but maybe she should be impeached also.

posted on Jul, 28 2024 @ 09:47 AM
a reply to: frogs453

My apologies if you felt my post was accusatory toward you in particular. That was not my intention. I don't know how you conduct your life ... but the hysteria behind boogeymen and boogeythings like "Project 2025" is palpable in the real world and not just on conspiracy websites. They are just distractions.

This website is not an echo chamber. The reason I come here is that I enjoy reading people's opinions from all sidea of the issues of the day. Including yours. I am never disappointed.

posted on Jul, 28 2024 @ 10:03 AM

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk
This president is pure evil! This initiative smacks of absolute dictatorship and corruption of this country and the Constitution by the left!

If this move to stack the SCOTUS doesn't illustrate just how far OFF the DEEP END the deep state of the left has truly gone, then I don't know what does!!

Biden needs to be impeached under the 25th, and cast out from office. He is a direct and immediate threat to this country. We'll deal with Harris for 6 months, but maybe she should be impeached also.

A constitutional amendment is a big deal, and not something Joey can do with his pen. There is a process and he doesn't have time on his side. The only thing this would do is make it already and ongoing process if Harris wins. But it's not likely to make it in my opinon.

posted on Jul, 28 2024 @ 10:16 AM
a reply to: network dude

Understood. My point was, the fact he's even trying it speaks to "intent", and it's his intent which is consistent with the complete desire to destroy this republic which is so disturbing.

posted on Jul, 28 2024 @ 10:26 AM
a reply to: Dandandat3

About time too. Aren't unelected officials hanging on to high government posts for a lifetime an exact definition of The Swamp?

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