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In four years, you don’t have to vote again.

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posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 04:11 PM
a reply to: wAnchorofCarp

Ah geez. Not ticket. I apologize for the incorrect word. She is the incumbent VP and would have been his running mate. Usually they run with the same VP. Of course Trump’s wouldn't endorse him after Trump threw him under the bus to his rabid followers who wanted him dead.

And no, it's not project anything, it's just unfortunately the same old news out of Florida and Texas who would like to change the school history books. If you need links, of course I'll be happy to provide them.

ETA: figure since you must be a history buff,I would give you a link to start. Ultra RW/Christian Prager U materials were approved for use in Florida schools. Because, this is a good one I had forgotten about. "Slavery was better than death!"

edit on 27-7-2024 by frogs453 because: Added link

posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 04:22 PM

originally posted by: frogs453
Yikes, when the normally super Trump supportive The Villages in Florida is campaigning for Harris, you may need to have some concerns.


They know where the inside of their sliced bagel get's its Social Security Schmeer from!

posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 04:27 PM
a reply to: Threadbarer

Not what he was saying, and though I'm sure you actually know it (maybe not), it would be the best thing if you're a fan of a strong, flourishing country.

posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 04:28 PM

originally posted by: frogs453
I stated Trump counted on the "morons" in the Villages.

…and democrats don’t? mmmkay

posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 04:31 PM

originally posted by: underpass61

originally posted by: Kaiju666

originally posted by: Digital1010

originally posted by: Threadbarer

Get out and vote! Just this time. You won’t have to do it anymore. Four more years. You know what? It’ll be fixed! It’ll be fine!…In four years, you don’t have to vote again.


Those were Trump's words at a Turning Point event last night.

From a man that has promised he'll be a dictator on Day One and has parroted that language of the authoritarian roadmap that is Project 2025, I'd say the implications are quite clear.

Nobody has to vote now, are you saying the Democrats will force voting 🤷‍♂️

Yes, they’ll cast your vote/ballot for you whether you want or whom you may want for or not.

You forgot about whether you're alive or not

Indeed I did! I’m well on my way Joementia

posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 04:33 PM
a reply to: KrustyKrab

Well if they are turning, then yes, the dems would count on The Villages.

posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 04:36 PM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: putnam6

The fact is Trump has already stated he will not block the abortion pill which in itself accounts for 80% of all abortions,

The same Trump who doesn't know nothing about Project 2025? The same Trump who's going to fix it for Christians, so that they'll never have to vote again.

Oh noes what we will we do? I'm wringing my hands with worry and concern.

Did everybody hear that Trump will crown himself king for life when he gets elected?

Then at his coronation, he is going to have Project 2025 bullet points carved in granite and placed to replace the Georgia Guidestones.


Can the President crown himself as King and abolish voting in the US

No, the President of the United States cannot crown himself as King or abolish voting. There are several important reasons for this:

Constitutional limits: The U.S. Constitution establishes a republican form of government and does not allow for a monarchy. It also guarantees the right to vote for citizens.
Separation of powers: The president's powers are limited by the Constitution and balanced by the legislative and judicial branches.
Term limits: Presidents are limited to a maximum of two four-year terms.
Democratic principles: The U.S. is founded on principles of democracy and representative government, which are fundamental to its political system.
Legal and institutional barriers: Any attempt to make such drastic changes would face immense legal challenges and resistance from other government branches, states, and citizens.
Historical precedent: No president has ever attempted or succeeded in such an action, and it goes against the core values of American democracy.

Changing the fundamental structure of the U.S. government would require a constitutional amendment, which is a complex process requiring broad support from Congress and the states. It's designed to prevent radical, unilateral changes to the system of government.

and no not even in the event of a national emergency...

Even in a national emergency, the President cannot unilaterally declare himself king or abolish voting. Here's why:

Limited emergency powers: While the President can declare a national emergency, their powers are still constrained by law and the Constitution.
National Emergencies Act: This 1976 law sets limits on emergency powers and requires Congressional oversight.
Checks and balances: Other branches of government would intervene:

Congress can terminate a state of emergency
The Supreme Court can rule on the constitutionality of actions taken
Military leaders are sworn to uphold the Constitution, not individuals

State governments: States have significant autonomy and would likely resist unconstitutional federal overreach.
Public resistance: Such actions would likely face massive public protests and civil disobedience.
International pressure: The global community would likely condemn and potentially sanction such a move.
Precedent: Past national emergencies (e.g., during wars or economic crises) have not led to the abolition of core democratic institutions.

While emergencies can lead to temporary expansions of executive power, they do not allow for the complete dismantling of the constitutional order. The system is designed with multiple safeguards against authoritarian takeover, even in crisis situations.

posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 04:37 PM
I hope Trump is right. I hope after his term things are fixed so good I don't have to worry about it for the rest of my life.

He really knows how to troll the unhinged doesn't he. 😗

posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 04:38 PM
a reply to: Threadbarer

Yes and only a person with clouded judgement would think he meant that he would turn the US into a dictatorship. The clip I saw on the other TDS posters thread was pretty obvious he was persuading the Christians there to go vote "just this one time" as in even if you don't usually vote. Saying he would fix the problems causing the issues to most voters in 4 if he can actually do that would be debateable...but I think he will try.

posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 04:43 PM
Trump says "Get aout and vote for me! You won't have to vote aagain in four more years!"

Karine Jean-Pierre explaination of what he's really saying:

'Get out and vote for me in 2024; you won't have to vote for me in four years 2028 because I won't be eligible to run again'.

It's worked quite well for Biden, but that's different.

posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 04:58 PM
a reply to: putnam6

Take Trump literally, but not seriously.
Take Trump seriously, but not literally.
We've been through this before.

We know what Trump and his donors/owners have in store for us. They're making no secret in broadcasting it in their 900 page Project 2025 blueprint.

We also know that Trump stands for nothing himself, but ego, greed and grift.
edit on 5720242024k58America/Chicago2024-07-27T16:58:57-05:0004pm2024-07-27T16:58:57-05:00 by Sookiechacha because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 05:06 PM
I listened to what he said about four times...I cannot find anything wrong. He is saying everything will be fixed if he wins so people will basically not need to go out and vote again, he is addressing the Christians who usually don't vote, the ones who do not like to get wrapped up in political deceit..

You have to take everything in context and understand whom he is trying to address...people who put their faith in God and not in politicians. That is my opinion of what is being said, but it seems that a lot of people who are brainwashed by the left can't see the truth. Yes, Trump is saying he will fix things but we all know that the Democrats are going to challenge everything he does just like they did the last time he was in office. Hopefully the Senate and House are also Republican held so he can fix all the stuff Biden messed up.

I do not agree with all Trump did, but He was way better for American citizens than Biden was. I can't understand how so many Democrats couldn't see Biden had cognitive decline even before he was put into office. I guess people only see what they believe and interpret everything they hear or read by their beliefs. It makes me kind of ashamed to be a human when I see so many people doing this.

posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 05:10 PM

originally posted by: nugget1
Trump says "Get aout and vote for me! You won't have to vote aagain in four more years!"

Karine Jean-Pierre explaination of what he's really saying:

'Get out and vote for me in 2024; you won't have to vote for me in four years 2028 because I won't be eligible to run again'.

It's worked quite well for Biden, but that's different.

I totally agree with that. It is more accurate over all than an explanation I gave in a separate post.

posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 05:24 PM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha

We know what Trump and his donors/owners have in store for us. They're making no secret in broadcasting it in their 900 page Project 2025 blueprint.

We also know that Trump stands for nothing himself, but ego, greed and grift.

Wait. So, you're saying project 2025 is 900 pages of how AWESOME Trump is and how greedy he is and how gifty he is?

Good to know. I thought it was something else entirely and that Trump doesn't even endorse it /s


posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 05:35 PM

originally posted by: 5thHead

originally posted by: Sookiechacha

We know what Trump and his donors/owners have in store for us. They're making no secret in broadcasting it in their 900 page Project 2025 blueprint.

We also know that Trump stands for nothing himself, but ego, greed and grift.

Wait. So, you're saying project 2025 is 900 pages of how AWESOME Trump is and how greedy he is and how gifty he is?

Good to know. I thought it was something else entirely and that Trump doesn't even endorse it /s


Please don't point out the obvious and let the left here keep screeching their owner's talking points.

To me it's like being at a flat earther convention and listening to the conversations between the members.

Both entertaining and somewhat pathetic at the same time.

But mostly entertaining.

edit on 100000007America/Chicago7pmSat, 27 Jul 2024 17:38:39 -050038 by Lumenari because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 05:56 PM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: putnam6

Take Trump literally, but not seriously.
Take Trump seriously, but not literally.
We've been through this before.

We know what Trump and his donors/owners have in store for us. They're making no secret in broadcasting it in their 900 page Project 2025 blueprint.

We also know that Trump stands for nothing himself, but ego, greed and grift.

He must be working the long game. In a few years he can invest in some plan he started, and make bank.....oh wait, that the house. Well, I'm sure he will offset his losses with future wealth. I think you cracked the secret wide ass open. You are sooper smart.!

posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 06:10 PM

originally posted by: FlyersFan

originally posted by: Threadbarer
From a man that has promised he'll be a dictator on Day One and has parroted that language of the authoritarian roadmap that is Project 2025, I'd say the implications are quite clear.

He was just bloviating. He was saying that in four years everything will be fixed by him and you won't need to vote to save America because it will already be saved. He doesn't say it very well because he bloviates but listen to the whole speech. That's what he was saying.

You remind me of the left wingers going nuts and saying that Trump said there would be a violent bloodbath if he's not elected. He didn't say that either. He said to auto workers that there would be a bloodbath in the car industry if he wasn't voted in because the car industry would fail.

And just stop with the Project 2025 nonsense. The left wing boogyman. Trump already said he had nothing to do with it and hasn't even read it. It's a right wing think tank. SO WHAT? The left has them as well.

It is obvious that he is trying to negate the electoral process. It goes to more than just his words at one particular time and place.

I also doubt that if he didn't fix anything in the last four years, that he won't be able to fix anything over four more years.

posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 06:11 PM
a reply to: network dude

He must be working the long game.

You know the Heritage Foundation has been playing the long game. Their patience paid off when they saw Trump coming, from a mile away.

posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 06:13 PM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

You are making it obvious that you are so stuck on TDS that nothing matters but TDS. Nothing matters but TDS, Nothing matters but TDS. Nothing matters but TDS.


Take that broken record brain and pack it in because it is over. You lost to the gaslighting leadership you followed who told you Joe was better fit mentally than he ever was and Harris is not an autistic Hyena. You lost your soul for that stuff. I pray for all of you to get well.

posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 06:17 PM
YOU don't know squat but how to be wrong like Sook, and we all know it in spades. You can bloviate all you want. You are wasting your time spreading false narrative like there is no tomorrow.

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: FlyersFan

originally posted by: Threadbarer
From a man that has promised he'll be a dictator on Day One and has parroted that language of the authoritarian roadmap that is Project 2025, I'd say the implications are quite clear.

He was just bloviating. He was saying that in four years everything will be fixed by him and you won't need to vote to save America because it will already be saved. He doesn't say it very well because he bloviates but listen to the whole speech. That's what he was saying.

You remind me of the left wingers going nuts and saying that Trump said there would be a violent bloodbath if he's not elected. He didn't say that either. He said to auto workers that there would be a bloodbath in the car industry if he wasn't voted in because the car industry would fail.

And just stop with the Project 2025 nonsense. The left wing boogyman. Trump already said he had nothing to do with it and hasn't even read it. It's a right wing think tank. SO WHAT? The left has them as well.

It is obvious that he is trying to negate the electoral process. It goes to more than just his words at one particular time and place.

I also doubt that if he didn't fix anything in the last four years, that he won't be able to fix anything over four more years.

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